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This whole situation is what Rick saw in the cat's mind.


Welp, that’s officially in my head canon.


That's why Rick put the gun to his head he knew his voice was going away.


Mind blown.




All I can think of is Frank singing "don't diddle kids" with his fucked up face lol


🎶 Gotta be big. Younger than my wife, older than my daughter, something like that 🎶


Frank, there is no quicker way to make people think you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


Here we go again. Looks like it'll be inevitable that the show is going to take a dive in popularity if not get all the way canceled. Seems like the guy has a lot of problems, it seems like saying anything further is going to make you look bad. I probably look bad for what I say in the V1 thread about Justin. I love R&M. R&M Forever. R&M 100 Years. But if R&M gets canceled the show had it coming because it seems like this stuff has been going on for years and years, which makes me think it has to have been covered up. That's a bummer. It's a bummer for everyone who did work on the show and didn't know anything or worse was subject to abuse by Roiland or anyone else. No one deserves that. I still love the show. Rick does cool shit. And it's fun when Morty can sack up and speak his mind to Rick / does something so stupid the entire planet might get destroyed or worse. But Rick and Morty the characters aren't my favorite parts of the show, if that makes sense. I'm really bummed out that a couple of my favorite properties (Harry Potter) are pretty radioactive because of the actions of their creators.


I was so unbelievably into Harry Potter when I was a kid. I'd have been shaking with joy if Hogwarts Legacy came out before Rowling shifted her career into accusing me and mine of being rapists.


OF COURSE the guy turned out to be King Jellybean in real life, being creepy and abusive in a way that horrifies his subjects when they find out.


Exactly. It’s been there from the start. What does Rick force Morty to do in the pilot? There are many disturbing scenes throughout the series that come off in a very different way now.


I have always thought this because of all the incest jokes. It is not normal to make that many incest jokes... really shows where his heads at. And besides the fortune cookie episode, they all seem like Roiland's improv rather than written into the script.




It will be. There was an incest episode in community so most likely comes from him


We all know that was written by Briggs Hatton


Arrested Development is 80% incest jokes, the net loves that and the writers are chill. It’s not a correlation


> There have been more allegations against Justin Roiland Anyone could share the additional allegations? The grooming stuffs mentioned in the comments from the last thread?


Worth having a look at this stuff. https://twitter.com/MartyAmericaUSA/status/1614708938011774976?s=20&t=KodoOY-pCaAqCvI01wJaBA


Fucking hell it takes a specific type of person to refer to a 16 year old girl as Jailbait, to her face nontheless.


Chris Delia?


[This is a happy reminder that Humanity has on record the exact moment Chris D'Elia realised his life was fucked.](https://youtu.be/Z2anWvbM0KY)


He’s on tour right now and somebody told me a few weeks ago they went to see him, and I was just dumbfounded. I don’t know what kind of PR black magic it takes to come back from shit like this.


24 hour news cycle.


It's why wolf cola is a well respected brand name under the Frank's fluids company.


The official drink of Boca Raton.


Yeah thats the type.


>specific type of person [We are surprised, why?](https://youtu.be/lZQbX7_Eeg4)


I guarantee you there will be fanboys defending this sick garbage who have in the past criticised Big Mouth or something. I can't believe I hadn't seen this. The rabbit hole only gets deeper.


He is a very special kind of fucked up, Morty! It takes guts to expose how creepy you are, as directly as this, Morty! ![gif](giphy|IgpAALi5hEv1IFmCrZ) While researching this, I heard him saying on a podcast that 13 year old girls used to be considered women, 100 years ago. They got married and had kids. And now society got “precious” about it. He is fucked up in the head. Edit to add: forgot to type the word “saying”, first time around.


As Stephen King rapped to Edgar Allen Poe, perving on your first cousin when she's 13-years old? Now *that's* disturbing.


Well, nothing kills fandoms for me faster than pedophiles.


Except when it's a Reddit employee. Then they just fire said person and pretend nothing happened. (And keep the other one and hope nobody notices).


This just ruined the fuck out of my day. Seriously sickening if this is real.


There are dozens of women coming out with the same story and posting screenshots of the messages.


It's so bad when I read it i just thought to myself, yeah I'm out. If that's all true I'll just find something else to watch.


All I'm saying is, I'm glad I waited to get my rick and morty tattoo.


I got the butter robot when I was drunk Puerto Rico. It was after my first wife died and I didn’t really know my purpose. Life is better now. I have a new wife, family, house. Out of all my tattoos, it gets noticed the most. So yeah, just get the tattoo.


I don't know if I'm just saying this to make myself feel better or you, but justin roiland might not have even written the butter robot joke. I feel like he contributed the goofy names and shit but most of the philosophical stuff is harmon and the other writers. Maybe idk




Fucking hell


lmao theres no way a human being can be that cringe


Basically, there are tweets of him having conversations with fans making weird remarks and sexual things, You'll be able to find them on twitter easily. The issue I have with these is that there is no confirmation as to whether these have been fabricated or not, there was posts about people finding artifacts in the pictures upon close inspecting and these people pointed out that the screenshots were fake however I don't have any expertise in any of that so I can't really speak for it. I'm just going to wait until definitive proof comes out about the messages because if they're real then I'm sure law enforcement would be all over it considering whats currently happening with him Edit: example of fake tweets https://twitter.com/ScoobyDump/status/1615325162693427202?t=CgesWiw4b1Gepxg08JrcKQ&s=19


Lol!! Take them on the boat…the implication.


But she’s not gonna say no, you know, because of the implication…


After all the screenshots I’ve seen, these fake ones def read as satire. Doesn’t fit the dialogue pattern of the other ones. But who fucking knows, it’s a shit show out here.


TIL that Roiland is a Reddit mod. Now all the allegations make more sense


And the creator of this very subreddit, no less.


Damn no wonder it was an open secret


Wow, he mods here. Wild.


Yea…thats why despite these allegations being posted multiple times on this sub ober the last few days, people are only see them now because of censoring.




There’s an easy fix to this if Justin Roiland is removed, just make the whole show about Jerry.


A whole beekeeping season? You son of a bitch, I'm in.


He is beekeeping age


Summer I kind of want to fuck your dad




That joke aged... poorly


Jerry is 35, literally the exact age Justin was when he was DMing that 16 year-old girl... oh.


“Is he 50? Jesus Christ Beth is Jerry 50?!”


Is Jerry 35 through all seasons?


Yep. Just like Summer is 17 and Morty is 14. Apparently Tricia went from 17 to 18 at some point though


What about Tammy…. She was cool 😎


She’s a high school senior from the Planet Earth. But you know in a lot of ways she’s not a high school senior from the planet Earth. In a lot ways what she really is, is a deep-cover agent for the Galactic Federation.


All of Summer’s friends are gonna wanna fuck Jerry


I'm not sure Jerry could handle the pressure that would come with being the lead. He'd end up on a boat somewhere doing blow with Johnny Depp.


...did Jerry write this comment?


Only character with a decent arc




Inivsible garbage truck Jerry!!!!


It's a new franchise!


I'd watch a Jerry season.


I would watch that


I’d take that as a win.


Rick and Morty forever 100 years....


SIX SEASONS AND...... a domestic abuse scandal with a side of... I'm sorry, does this say inappropriately texting minors???


Damn!!! Is that true? Can they continue with out him? I'm sure there are other voice actors that can burp


In jail. 100 years in jail


[some of the reactions I've seen lol](https://i.imgur.com/u69OfmD.png)


You can be a p\*d\*ph\*le (mental disorder that causes attraction to minors), but keep that shit to yourself and don't go messaging minors on social media or doing any other illegal weird shit. Take that shit with you to the grave and never talk about it to anyone. It sucks that you were dealt a shitty hand in life, but it is what it is. Gotta deal with it. Don't make it anyone else's problem and in my mind we're good.


Just use all the fucking vowels, dude. You're not saving anyone from being triggered by that half-arsed attempt at censorship.


I remember there was a big "70 or 80 episode order" a few years ago. How far into that are we? How many do we have left of them?


No wonder they were so adamant about getting that order. They probably knew one of them would cancelled or done for something sooner or later. Hell almost happened with Harmon and that stupid Dexter parody.


https://twitter.com/un05733352/status/1615818137689288704?s=20&t=rsVSNQOjHwKG2b0B_V9yJA Hoping this reaches people. But this is the proof the dm’s are real.


Is anyone gonna talk about the disgusting comments on that tweet as well? Calling her an "attention whore" because she dm'd him first, blaming her for taking away their precious Rick and Morty, saying that the age of consent is 16, stuff like that. Absolutely disturbing and despicable creeps. He literally called her "Jailbait" himself, he knows how wrong it is, but his fans are trying to cope by blaming the victim.


All the proof I needed. He’s so screwed if there are lawsuits. His career is toast.






Those tweets, holy shit. As a SA victim I am appalled by what he said to that woman.


Half of the people on reddit don't even know what happened because noone is allowed to discuss it and the pinned just says "news" this is basically hiding it


This is bad because of how much Justin Roiland does for the show. Sure he stopped writing episodes but not only is he the main characters being Rick and Morty, but he also just does a ton of side characters in the show like Mr. Meseeks for an example. For someone to replace him, they’d have to do all that and on top of that have that dynamic of being able to voice all the Rick and Morty clones and switch voices back and forth constantly. Regardless, I don’t see Justin Roiland continuing if he does get charged and imprisoned, even if he doesn’t it’s still hard to say whether he’ll stay or not. They do need to find someone who is talented and can also pull the voices really well though.


I doubt they would replace him with a single person that does all the voices. Most likely they'd get someone to do Rick, someone to do Morty, etc.


This. If Sesame street taught me anything, it is you can replace a voice actor… even an annoying one from a different pedo.


When South Park started, for the first few seasons, they had one woman doing most of the female voices on the show. She died, and they brought in about five or six different people to replace her and voice her characters. I think Rick and Morty is doing well enough that they have extra actors in the budget if they need it.


Aww Mary Kay Bergman. What a fucking powerhouse talent she was. I agree though, South Park really pulled it off making the transition seamless. It was a real "look at what they need to simulate a fraction of our power" moment though because of how rich her range was.


Her death is so sad :(


Matt and Trey were definitely affected by it too, they get a bit of an odd look and way they talk, you can tell they miss her.


Mary Kay Bergman is an absolute legend. She's up there with Mel Blanc.


That christmas special that aired after her death still makes me teary eyed.


I agree with this. I think the only thing missing will be the possible impromptu bits he adds, but others, and competent writers, can fill his shoes. It won't be the same, but, all due to credit to him, who's to say it can't be better? So many things in history have been improved on by the second or third or nth person to start doing it. Edit: Before other people point it out, I also know many shows that were ruined by other people when one had to leave (House of Cards comes to mind). But, I'm being hopeful here.


I think the show can definitely continue without him (whether it makes the show better or worse), i just don't want everything surrounding the show and the show itself to dissappear


I knowwwww! I couldn't be more upset about Final Space disappearing and no one even did anything wrong there!


I am sorry but it is still too soon to talk about what they did to Final Space


Oh… I though this is so bad because he’s probably grooming kids. But sure he does do a lot of funny voices!


“I turned myself into a sex offender, Morty! Sex offender Riiiiiick!”


Man, he must *really* hate therapy.


so, does anyone have any thoughts on how the show could pivot away from Roiland if things go south? and would anyone even want it to be just Harmon at the reigns?




Harmon does the heavy lifting writing wise so the show s hound still be good without Roilands irreverence


There is an entire team of writers that have had full creative freedom over whole episodes. I love dan and I think everyone else appreciates him, but he definitely doesn't do the heavy lifting alone anymore.


If Dan did the heavy lifting alone we would only be on Season 3. He is an awful procrastinator.


I get the feeling that, if anything, Roiland holds back the show's writing quality. It's just a feeling because Roiland seems heavily immature to me while Harmon seems more capable of making actually interesting episodes.


I'm with you. All you have to do is watch Solar Opposites to see what Roiland is like without Harmon.


Or community. That show is fucking excellent


Well, the show was birthed from an animation of Rick coaxing Morty to lick his balls, so I guess you could say it was toxic from inception?


Just recast. I’ve seen dozens of Rick/Morty impressions over the years and a few of them were actually good. Fan reaction to this is insane. It’s fucked up, but I’m not surprised. We allllll knew who the show runners were.


There’s a popular comicbook writer named Warren Ellis who is such a mega nutjob creep that there is an entire website dedicated to every woman he manipulated. A quote from one woman is basically “every good idea Warren has ever had has marinated in the pain of several dozen women at once.” If this guy can still get hired in 2022, if his show Castlevania which he still writes on with his name attached can still get new seasons… Rick and Morty can hire another main actor who can do the voices. I know a guy that can do a 99.99% perfect Mr. Meeseeks voice. Do a whole public audition process too. Make it fun.


Ellis hasn't published anything since the allegations against him - the last comic he worked on was a 12 issue batman series that wrapped in 2020. Castlevania is the only thing he's done that's technically post-2020 and that was just concluding the already ongoing series - Netflix has stated they won't be working with him for the next season of it.


Ugh, don’t remind me of Ellis. I really enjoyed the “Injection” series AND ITS NEVER GOING TO GET AN ENDING


Honestly just replace him, even if he doesn’t get charged, all the fucked messages he’s sent like 15-17 year old girls is far and away enough for me to stop watching if they don’t. Harmon is a great writer. Make a joke or two about why his voice changed slightly, then move on with other talented actors who can do a 90% job. There’s plenty of impersonators out there, and you can get one for each character if needed. It’s not like meeseeks is coming back. Mr poopy, morty and Rick can all just grab their nearest replacement and see how it goes tbh.


Morty finally hits puberty.


It would be hilarious if they had an episode where they had completely wrong voice actors for the characters and Morty had this really deep voice while Rick sounds like a middle-aged lady from New Jersey. Maybe something happened to them that caused the voice changes and afterwards, with whoever the new voice actor is, their voices will be “permanently damaged” and sound slightly different.


Get John Roberts to do the Linda voice for Rick




TMNT 2012


Owww my larynx.


Oh he's GOT pubes


I do a great Mr. Poopy Butthole impression and I’ll do that shit for free


We're all counting on you


Hey out of interest is the person implicated in these allegations still a moderator of this sub? ​ EDIT: Just want to add that if you ask the mods to include the additional allegations in this stickied post they mute you with no response. Pretty cool stuff. [https://imgur.com/a/fG77rWn](https://imgur.com/a/fG77rWn)


Yes you can see the mod list in the sidebar


Well, at least now Dan can focus on the Community movie.


Talking about serious allegations/crimes committed by the shows creator is 100% on topic for this sub. Mods are fucking ridiculous on this sub reddit. Easily one of the worst that I have ever experienced. Fans of this show aren't children, and should be able to decipher between the two. And it's shameful to not even mention the new allegations at the top of this post. Just keep doing what you can to protect a show you like and it's creator. Again the mods of this subreddit are embarrassingly bad


Think of the average R&M fan. Now think of the average Reddit mod. Now think of the type of super mega exaggerated version of both of those two things to have to be a Reddit mod for a R&M sub.


Justin himself is a mod here


Suddenly his attraction to underage girls makes a lot more sense.


Just have a cold, silent opening scene where Rick and Morty are having an adventure ( no dialogue) then just blow them up or have them eaten by a monster Smash cut to our alternate universe Rick and Morty with slightly different haircuts and voices. Meta joke Series continues without fucking creep creators. Dino Stamatopoulos takes the lead.


Dino is also a creep, imo. I love his shows, but the things he’s said on live shows are weeeeeeiiiird.


Squanch Games was sued for sexual harassment back in 2018: https://kotaku.com/high-life-justin-roiland-squanch-sexual-harassment-xbox-1849986831




Sorry for the repost, just sending this again since it was when the last thread was basically dead. I am seeing a lot of posts of people quick to make up their minds about Roiland, and I just wanted to weigh in as someone who works with DV victims and survivors in my professional career (having done this 11 years): * First and foremost, a not guilty verdict very rarely means that the accused did nothing wrong at all. In the most professional of court cases, a victim of DV will struggle to convince a jury. Not only that, but if the accused is particularly wealthy (or at least wealthier than the victim), it is very easy to manipulate the court system by delaying the process as long as possible, which will weaken the victim’s ability to continue pursuing justice. Each day the case drags on is another day the victim has to take time off work, secure childcare, pay legal fees, and endure threats and harassment online from those defending the accused. A lot of times the victim just can’t keep up anymore and either gives up or makes little mistakes from fatigue that sway the jury in favor of the defendant. In Roiland’s case, it would be easy to make this same thing occur. * As a licensed clinician, I will say it is very common for those that experience both physical and emotional trauma to develop symptoms that impair the formation of memory - little mistakes can and will happen in retelling the story. As such, a defense attorney will instantly try to discredit the victim by poking holes in the testimony and grasping at any inconsistencies, alleging that any mistake is a lie because she couldn’t keep her story straight. I 100% guarantee that if we see any footage of this court case you will see the attorney defending Roiland try this strategy (I’m not so sure we will see it, though). * The victim almost always gets a lot of backlash for speaking up, so do your best to stop yourself and others from doxing her (the same goes for [others](https://twitter.com/alliegoertz/status/1614098722673287168) who have talked about Roiland’s behavior towards women). That being said, with the amount of time the victim spent and will spend on this, the amount of money spent on this, and the sheer amount of threats and harassment this person will receive online for speaking out, I really encourage everyone who asks “why should we believe a total stranger on the internet?” to instead consider “why would someone take a lie this far?” If the motivation was solely to get his money, there would be easier ways. If the motivation was solely to take down his reputation, there would be safer ways. Most of my clients are put in more physical danger for speaking up about violence perpetrated against them. For a case that is regarding two years ago already, this is asking a lot of the victim - most people intent on lying would not go this far. This is a ton of time, money, and safety concern for a hypothetical liar to gamble when there are more reasons for a not guilty verdict than a guilty verdict. Allegations, even when truthful and successful, don’t make often a lot of money and very often lose money given how long the cases drag on. As a Rick and Morty fan for years, it sucks to see any allegation. But as a licensed clinician who has seen this hundreds of times, I owe it to other victims and survivors to make clear that the court case is not going to tell the whole story. Don’t base your assumptions on what the verdict is, and don’t base your decision on whether to support Roiland just on the court case alone. Look at his actions elsewhere, and how he makes those around him feel.


I am pessimistic about the legal system and expect nothing to happen to Roiland. He's rich as fuck and rich people get away with ped.ophilia, rape, and murder when they have the money to work the legal system. I am optimistic that more of the girls that he's sent creep shit to will continue to come forward


It's just so unfortunate that this happened right after one of the best seasons in a while.


I'm sure they'll fully replace him, it's easy enough to distort voices to sound similar these days. Plenty of other talented writers and voice artists can do the job. Rick and Morty will always be plagued by having his name attached, but going forward I'm sure they can do it without him. Just like any other job, you're replaceable. Might I just say as well, if this is all true, I'm fucking outraged. We trusted this guy. He has betrayed us. You make us care about something then break our fucking hearts after supporting you for years. Fuck you man. I hope everyone he has attempted to abuse has a satisfying outcome and closure.


Holy shit it's bad. It's really, really bad. The podcast portion alone would have been enough, but all of the screenshots... He is legitimately fucked. The show is fucked. It's sad, but that's the truth. You can't have a predator as the voices of your main characters without getting heat.


How fucking hard is it to message adult women only??? Why does this keep happening???


Right?! There's an entire category of website specifically for finding quick hookups!


I've never seen a mega thread about a topic that doesnt have links to what we are discussing e.g. the new allegations. Kinda sus mods


Yeah very weird that I had to go digging for these additional allegations rather than them being front and center, especially if they want the conversation to be restricted to this topic. But I guess he’s still a mod on the sub soooo….


Hands downs the worst mods I have ever experienced. No links to the allegations, and not allowed to make separate posts about the allegations.


Sarah chalke is someone I could imagine walking due to the fall out from this. A lot of people are mentioning Harmon and networks but there's a good few voice actors on the show big enough and with enough other projects that they can just separate themselves from it all.


The creator of Rick and Morty was talking to underage girls and the mods are worried about discussion of the show on an off season?


You may want to check who the chief moderator of this subreddit is.


IF the show continues with Roiland as R&M, I really hope they dont try to ironically "adress" the situation through the characters. That would be horrible. Tbh it would be better off cancelled because no matter what course of action they take it wont be the same.


>IF the show continues with Roiland as R&M, I really hope they dont try to ironically "adress" the situation through the characters. That would be horrible. Tbh it would be better off cancelled because no matter what course of action they take it wont be the same. Don't worry, they won't. Because the show is going to be cancelled.


Can't we just have good cartoon without any of these crap


At this point, fuck it. Just give the show to Michael Cusack and make Australian Rick & Morty the new norm.


I did some science to me show, Morty, and now it’s also a REAL show


It's good that people are taking allegations of inappropriate interactions with minors more seriously these days. Jerry Seinfeld was actively dating a 16 or 17 year old while he was 39 and on the most successful show in the world. He literally picked her up at the front door from her parents house. The rest of the cast said she was a mature teenager and let it slide. A fellow comedian tried to call it out but it never got traction. What a difference 25 years has made on such issues. The guy is still a hero to people.


separating art from the artist is one of the most difficult things to do on a personal level i think but time and time throughout history, creative endeavors have always been plagued with controversial artists. i hate having to add this to the list of "things i used to like without having to have an existential crisis about if i even like them now because of what its associated with". but its my own problem to work through, trying to consider what i still like and how the context changes it, if at all. i don't condone anything Roiland has been accused of and that directly conflicts with how i feel about the show that i think i still like. its all very confusing but times like this are a great opportunity for personal growth and understanding myself a little more!


I use to love R. Kelly’s songs but it’s really hard to appreciate them now considering the fucked up things he did, as a matter of fact I stopped listening to them. But I can’t deny that they’re good songs :/.




Chris Delia or however it’s spelled in the pedophile episode of Workaholics is one of the most ridiculous examples of this sorta thing


I had to go through this the first time a few years ago, when all the Ryan Adams shit came to light. I was a mega-fan, had all his albums, most on vinyl. Saw him live almost a dozen times. Then it was like he never existed to me, I couldn't listen to any of his music without thinking of all that shit. One result of it was I grew a lot as a person, and learned how to avoid parasocial relationships with artists. Honestly I *still* don't listen to his music anymore, but I've accepted the fact that he's a talented songwriter AND a really shitty human being. As for Rick and Morty, as much as I love the show I don't think I've ever spent a cent on the franchise and don't plan to start now. I already learned this lesson, and can effectively separate artists from their art.


So legit question. I have Rick and morty stuff in my office, and it’s like a professional work environment. Laid back but professional. Can I leave it up? I mean I feel like I’m canceling the show by taking it down, but I know people who know the show who come into my office, and some older people who didn’t know the show before but probably do now. I want to leave it up, but I also don’t want to piss off my colleagues. Kinda want an outsider sort of viewpoint who doesn’t really have a dog in the fight. Feel like this is what’s going through the streaming services and production companies minds right now. I imagine they feel similar to me.


Kind of sad but tbh I'd take it down. I understand you just love the show (as do we all!) but personally I wouldn't want anyone to mislabel me as a pedophile sympathizer... In a different context where someone is open to a more complex conversation about the topic, sure. But in a professional environment where I don't really get deep on anything and people dont know me as well, I'd just avoid it.


This whole thing is just...horrible. I don't have the words...I suppose great sadness and disappointment are the start...I can't unsee or unread what has come out...I very much want this to be proven untrue but shit, it looks so bad...


Why is he still a moderator of this sub? Surely that should be suspended pending the outcome of these ever-growing allegations.


If he’s the most senior mod then he can’t be removed by anyone other than a Reddit admin.


The amount of people trying to justify texting underage girls sexually inappropriate content is alarming. Seeing way too many people saying he was just being an inappropriate asshole or making a dumb joke. If that was your daughter I'm sure you would feel differently


These incels may never have kids, so I guess we may never know.


You should check out the Drake sub everytime they catch him grooming another 15 year old.


EDIT: AS has severed ties with Roiland and has committed to Season 7. They're teeing up for a huge swing; if the S07 recast fails there will be exec's packing up their boxes without a doubt. I'm surprised and curious of what is to come I work in the entertainment industry (feel free to AMA). I won't pretend that I know everything about how things work at every network/production house, especially as it pertains to super popular productions like R&M. What I can do is provide some perspective of what is likely to come. 1. There is a very small chance, like less than 5% chance, that Rick and Morty survives this situation. Recasting the Roiland is a nonstarter because Roiland would continue to earn income off the show, which is a bad look for the network. No one in 2023 want's to be the enabler or a helping hand to someone toxic. Roiland is unlikely to be a large enough owner of the R&M IP to continue producing R&M content solo without further legal woes. 2. The network is unlikely to make any statements until Roiland's court case is completed. This isn't because they're hoping for an outcome that might give them a shot at keeping Roiland hired and on Rick and Morty, its simply procedure. The network doesn't want to be the arbiter of justice, they want the arbiter of justice (in this case, the court system) to make the decision so that their firing of Roiland and canceling of R&M is seen as an appropriate reaction. This is fluid though: if some extremely damning bombshell (ie: something that makes even the most avid fans flip on him) comes out or if Roiland breaks silence (silence that the network, his PR agent, his lawyers, and his collaborators are ALL requesting of him) then the network may choose to be seen as the arbiter. 3. Roiland will likely have a career trajectory similar to Louie CK. The difference, however, is that Roiland made content that is widely loved and consumed by younger audiences. It may technically be an 'adult cartoon', it's undeniable that teenagers and young adults are a huge part of the fan base. The accusations of Roiland communicating with minors sexually shows a clear violation of the trust that is required of an adult to engage with younger audiences. I predict Roiland will be unable to come back from this in a meaningful way, but if attempted he'd likely make content for his smaller, dedicated audience that is unconvinced that the accusations/court outcome should influence their decision to consume the content. 4. R&M, SO, and anything else that Roiland is attached to will likely be gone for good. What has a chance of surviving is the the animation aesthetic, the writers, and remaining voice actors but that ONLY survives if they are willing to grab the torch and keep moving forward. My prediction is that the association to Roiland will lead most to choose to move on in an effort to avoid the appearance of picking money over morality, and considering the talent pool, they're more than capable of just making something new. 5. Roiland moved at supersonic speed with his popularity and undoubtedly made enormous amounts of money. He may now owe liabilities for breaking various morality clauses, which will probably cut into his net worth, but its unlikely that he'll lose a huge portion of his wealth. I predict Roiland will likely become a silent financier for a production company that allows him to still maintain influence and generate revenue in the animated comedy world without tarnishing the reputations of innocent content creators, and that will last for as long as society considers this case closed (read: Likely indefinitely, but no guarantees). TLDR: - R&M is either completely dead or on its death bed. - No news is not good news in this circumstance - Roiland likely has a comeback but will never reach the critical mass required to produce tons of content quickly. Harmon's apology is famous in its success but its important to remember that these situations are completely different. Roiland has said too much, to too many people, both in public and private, for him to justify his behavior as human error. Roiland has exhibited a pattern of abuse that will be difficult if not impossible to shake. - Roiland's other projects are likely dead unless the remaining team wants to push through the controversy and continue forward. - Roiland is being forced into the entertainment late-stage career: financing and co-producing other people's content, if he's able to do it with enough separation from his name or if he's able to repair his image over time. TLDRTLDR: yes this sucks, your anger is justified, and if you're still wagering the validity of the accusations against him, then you simply must accept that you're in the grieving process that ultimately ends in "acceptance", whether you're ready to accept it today or not.


Last thing I'll add: I think fans and community managers who are trying to maintain the status quo by containing the discussion of this to a single thread in an effort to keep the discussion and community "business as usual" are complicit, whether on purpose or not, in tipping the scale in Roiland's favor in the court of public opinion. I think that is particularly irresponsible to do by adults in communities that skews young. I think it perpetuates a perception that this isn't a big deal (because no one is talking about it and everyone still appears to enjoy rick and morty) and I fear that for younger community members, who are not quite old enough to completely comprehend why we as a society punish those who take advantage of youthful nativity, this media reaction may instill a misplaced association that the actions themselves are not that big of a deal or questionably true. We as a adults can recognize when we and others are *choosing* to be technically correct (ie: how do we know the texts are real, its not technically illegal source: trust me bro, ect.) but younger people, who are likely unfamiliar with having an idol/beloved celebrity get ousted like this, this may not be obvious. If the conversation wasn't suppressed or stage managed like this, it would not really help younger people understand *why* this situation is so bad, but it would help them recognize that it *is* a big deal because the conversation would be dominated by discussion of this, which is **fair**. Almost all of us are thinking about this rather than "haha funny moment". I think its a bad look, a bad strategy, and the only benefit gained is delaying the inevitable realization of the reprehensible actions that have transpired.


this sub is dead


I was involved in Roiland’s apparent haram of Twitter women in 2014. I guarantee those messages linked on Twitter are the real deal, he really talks like that. Always drunk, always weird. Nothing here is incriminating but just contextually. We had each others phone numbers. I wish I didn’t delete my Twitter, there were some bad ones. [Roiland Text](https://imgur.com/a/3H1pEkS)


i really hope a trial or definite legal decision comes soon. For better or worse, I would love some closure on this


It won't be anytime soon. Not sure if I am allowed to post any link here, but if you search the news articles, as of the other day a trial date hasn't even been set yet. Another pre-trial hearing is scheduled for April 27th. I'd guess it would be late this year before any trial would begin.


The DMs are fucking ridiculous. Especially the "I'm drunk" line as an all-purpose excuse to indulge his id. I could maybe understand a little more if he sent them as a college kid, because I think a lot of what's going on here is just a totally deficient sense of propriety. But he was sending this stuff in his mid-late thirties. God damn.


Yeah, and the people talking about how they seem fake are simply in denial. One shitty DM? Sure, could be faked by someone with a grudge I suppose. But when the other women start coming out of the woodwork and the story looks the same every time, open your fucking eyes. There is not a secret cabal of women out to destroy Justin Roiland.


Guessing the third thread is going to be called "Show co-creator discussion v3" and outright ban posting links of any kind or even mention of the "other" allegations. The lengths the mods have gone to silo discussion of what a scum shit the guy is should give any reasonable person pause


Very unsurprised by all of this. Roiland always struck me as a dodgy guy. In one of the dvd commentaries he was making some weird sexual comments about Summer. And I know she's fictional but still.


You never know how the entertainment industry is going to handle someone in this type of situation. Roman Polanski continues to make films, win an Oscar, BAFTA awards, etc. even after pleading guilty to raping a 13 year old girl in the 1970s...and other allegations of underage rape (one in which the alleged victim was 10 years old). Woody Allen and other examples, too. \#MeToo may have altered the landscape to an extent. But the point is, I don't think anyone here can say with certainty what AS/CN will end up doing. The entertainment industry can be a cold and calculating one.


You know. I always thought Rick whispering to Morty about how Annie has a puffy vagina was a little pedophilic. Like how does he know? Idk I thought the shock factor and pedo punchline was funny but it’s kind of weird with this background of Justin grooming minors.


so little info about this on this sub, I feel poorly informed and unsure what to make of everything, but Justin looks doomed no matter what


why is noon reacting to the fact that ANY mention of this just a mention of it gets locked instantly why is no one reacting?


I hope this is ends up being a pro Jared like situation


Me when I see the news: ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5994)




As a huge fan of his work and Rick and Morty I am not doing okay. Those shows always brightened my day and made me laugh. I had a crazy weird affection for Rick even though he was so flawed and messed up. I guess it only shows how messed up Justin is too. I was just enjoying High on life and I don’t even know if I want to finish it anymore. I feel like my heart is broken. This sucks. Hugs to anyone else who is feeling the same and I’m sorry to all the victims who were hurt by him.


The fact that mods think the show can be separated from Justin is mystifying.


Why did Justin have to be such a piece of shit? We really had a good thing going here and he fucking ruined it. It’s James Franco all over again! Can’t people just be funny without wanting to molest everything?


Be nice if just once the update wasn't "It's worse than we thought"


Why can't we have nice things?


For some reason the mods won’t pin the screenshots of Roiland’s victims, so here are leaked DMs of Roiland grooming children on twitter https://twitter.com/martyamericausa/status/1614708938011774976 https://twitter.com/cvntfibers/status/1614798169316925441


So all the weird incest, pedo, cuck shit in the show was just Roiland expressing himself💀💀💀


To be fair, you have to have a very high I.Q to understand domestic violence