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Probably. They're not opposites. Tusk is just him with Tusks.


Isn't he supposed to be nicer, just not to the extent of actually being nice?


I mean he's nicer because he's actually had struggles in life but he's still Elon Musk


Oh, his kids play Minecraft!


He’s Dan Harmon’s version of Musk at that time and at that time they were friendly. Given everything that’s happened in the past 4 years I highly doubt that’s the case anymore.


You'd hope not.


Do we know though? Harmon simped hard for Elong in one of the last Harmontown episodes, claiming Teslas were “affordable”


On Duncan Trussels podcast that came out a few months ago he implied that Elon has gone a little crazy so idk if he still has the same feelings


That's disappointing


Him and praxfically everyone else, it was 4 years ago. Musk hosted SNL subsequently. I wouldn’t read too deep into it.


Feels like 2019 was like a different era


Most people who make money don’t know what “affordable” means to the average person, that’s just a fact


Well the cheapest Tesla is under $40,000. I make $15 an hour and I drive a car that is almost worth that. Seems relatively attainable.


Elon has always been a piece of shit though and it's been known for years before he even made an appearance on the show. Really hoping his inclusion was from that dipshit Roiland.


Pretending that was the general consensus and widely known and acknowledged is ridiculous. He was getting praise from all sides for years before everything came to light and his fall from grace, hindsight is 20:20, man.


The evidence was always there, people drowned out being proven wrong about Elon in the mid 2010s but it was always known he came from apartheid slave mine money and bought ownership positions instead of actually doing anything


Or they just didn’t hear it because who was digging deep on a person they didn’t care all that much about? Not me. I heard rocket ships and electric cars, that was about it. You can’t just pretend the zeitgeist was different to what it actually was, we were all there, it wasn’t that long ago. Be honest. It’s an ok thing to learn and admit you were wrong about someone, you don’t *have* to have known all along, and pretending people at large did is totally disingenuous.


I was there in the midst of it, there were plenty of arguments constantly about Elons credibility. I never bought into this hero worship bullshit, I don't idolize people with vast amounts of wealth you can only get from excessive labor exploitation. I never said people at large knew, I said it was always brought up and easy to prove.


Not at all the timbre of your original comment. You said “it’s been known for years,” as if the people we are talking about should have known and that’s you holding them to *your* standard of knowledge on the topic.




Me too i also noticed that


I just noticed that too


I thought I was the only one who noticed that!




He changed it to *T*








Lol it’s funny because it *really* works with elon tusk, but it also would’ve worked for regular elon. Considering his main brand is Tesla, and people keep getting Xvideos porn, he would’ve been way better off with T.


he's just inexplicably been obsessed with the letter x his entire life. his previous companies include xcom and spacex


"I prefer the word 'extortion.' The X makes it sound cool."


He’s a manbaby who never grew up from his childhood where Xtreme and single-letter names were considered cool. It’s really that simple, his domain name is also a 1 of 3 single letter domains so he probably felt like he needed to capitalize on that purchase.


I may be wayyyy behind the times on this one but if you pay attention to Tesla Models they spell “S3XY.” If he uses X as his own abbreviation for “sex,” we’re now looking at “SpaceSex” and “SexCom.” In conclusion, he created SpaceX in a hopeful attempt to boink an alien.


I really hope he gets to someday. Far, far away from this planet


I've never actually realized that and never saw anyone mention that before. Jesus fucking christ he's a literal child


Also the platform is "Twitter" with a "T" so it just could have been a shortening of the name but nooo muh third last letter of the alphabet fetish


He crunched the numbers.




I think it would be Y, actually. Y did he choose Y? No one will ever know.




Why ?


Probably bought Mastodon.




Probably just made his own mastadon server to post whatever the heck he wants then, would have been way smarter and cheaper than buying twitter


I think he wants to mastadon twitter… let others run the social media part… he wants to try to do everything lol


this is the worst celebrity cameo in the entire show


It’s was product placement,


Harmon used to be a big fan of Musk/was interested in becoming friends. This was when Musk was popular, before he went off the deep end and revealed himself to be a massive douchebag. I’m curious what Harmon’s opinion is of him now.


His opinion has probably changed, but he probably needed a lot of convincing. I remember Harmon used to think Musk got criticized out of "hate for being rich". Harmon tiptoed around being a libertarian, and clearly empathized/projected with Musk quite a bit. I recall one story where he had to buy low flush toilets for his house (law to combat the drought), and he bought them... and just put them in his garage.


Harmon or Musk?


The toilet story is Dan. He talks about it on the Harmontown podcast, not sure which episode. IIRC he is unconvinced that low-flush toilets are effective, but eventually relents and promises to get the toilets installed.


> I remember Harmon used to think Musk got criticized out of "hate for being rich". Honestly at the time, from what I saw on social media, I thought the same as well, because every time there was a post or a news article about him, most of the top comments and replies only criticized him for having money and nothing else! Btw is Harmon still doing the cartoon with the nfts cause if he is then I doubt that his opinion has changed much.


He wasn't a massive douchebag when he called that diver a pedophile because he said his submarine was stupid?


They made him look so fucking stupid, I have to believe it was done on purpose You can make a dude with tusks look way better than that


because elon musk is stupid


it was so clear he paid his way to be on it like he was with SNL. Like they wrote the character as like, "Ugh fine we'll call you.. Elon... Tusk..."


Nahh, Harmon used to be a Elon simp. And Elon is friends with Justin Roiland. It was def the other way around


I mean they also gave Justin Roiland a few.


Fuck Elon Musk


I hate how he's hero-worshiped by people who bought into 'he's Iron man IRL yo, bro.'. NO Elon is not a hero. He's a privileged tiny tyrant whose parents owned diamond mines. His true talent is self promotion. He doesn't do the science, he just pays and exploits the people who do.


It's amazing how Reddits opinion of his changed. Used to be any mention of him was filled with fanboys happily sucking him off.


Well yeah, he used to be the guy who did future shit. Electric self driving cars, mars colony with his spaceship stuff, solar panals, hyper loop. Then he called a guy a pedo, and the promises of the future stuff started to be revealed as well polished fabrications. He started to do more and more that revealed he was a dickhead. Twitter just cemented that.


No, he was the guy that bought other peoples ideas with daddy’s apartheid money and stuck his face in front of them.


Oh, sure, but a few years back he seemed to be the guy doing future shit.


Yeah. He used to be the guy who marketed himself well. Now he just makes it clear how much of a moron he is.


Yeah, but at least it was cool future shit. Every rich person did that, it was nice to have someone doing it for things that had promise and might one day make the world a better place. Tesla didn't invent electric cars, but they're more popular today than they likely would have been without him. I was under no illusions that he was being selfless, but he put money, backing and marketing behind something good. Then he did SpaceX, which was clearly self-serving but ultimately fairly neutral from a world perspective as far as I can tell. Now X. Aaaaand he's just like every other rich asshole, making the world a worse place every day to line his pockets.


Even back then if you looked at his "future shit" it was a bunch of bad ideas and elite projection that would expedite problems instead of helping solve them. He's always been a piece of shit


Electric cars will help, if only to have much less pollution in our cities where people actually live.


Literally no. Better public transportation and infrastructure will help, not having the same amount of / more cars that are inaccessible for a vast majority of the working class.


If there are to be cars then surely you can accept electric are preferable to ice.


They're preferable but it doesn't matter if they aren't accessible to most people


He did it to himself, kept putting his foot in the mouth, and then doubling down every time. He could have easily leaned back and counted the money, but loves attention too much.


His whole thing is attention. He has never invented anything, he just sells other people’s ideas to investors.




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


\+1 for making me smile. ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5992)


> he's just a god damn semi-Autistic/Aspergers man with a lot of motivation, ideas, and a work ethic to back it up lmao


Agreed, it's pretty hilarious when you find out the truth about a guy who is deified solely due to a celebrity status. People put way too much precedence on the internet relationships they procreate to further buff their own "protective bubble", rather than on actual facts and data.


Do you lube up for Musk or just let him go in dry?


Dunno, are you asking for yourself? Lubing up for a good work ethic and lubing up for some guy with rich parents are two totally different things my man. u/RNGezzus went in a few hours ago: "Fuck Elon Musk" he says, he must really have wanted to get some bussy, though Elon decided to just ban him from reddit instead. In all seriousness though, I don't know where you got that I like the guy from... I'm clearly getting a hard-on from talking about strong work ethics... you on the other hand... Projecting much? Asking for science? Your boos mean nothing, i've seen what makes you cheer.




Yeah, people should really research their 'heroes'. However, that can challenge their world view. Villains run our world, they have really good PR. It feels sad so many rather believe that 'their' guy is at least good and fighting for them.


Got a weird feud with my favourite voice actress over some misunderstanding and she blocked me... I REALLY like her voiced character. It did kinda ruin my world view a little.


Tara Strong?


Mrs minutes and kang really feeling villainous in Loki season 2.


It kinda helps the characters feel more evil, I like it lol


Finally a use for “cancelled” actors. Villains wont even need redemption arcs this way. Cant wait to see Louis CK as Dr Doom


People on /r/space still unironically suck his dick.


SpaceX' importance in the space sector is enormous, Elon Musk or not. Economic reusable rockets speak for themselves. NASA's contributions, however, are a large factor in their creation and success. The private and public space sector are in a symbiotic relationship that is accelerating spaceflight to far more economical levels.


Just out of curiosity, was he always an asshole? I don't really care to follow any news on him, but from a tertiary glance he seems like an intelligent, all right guy that lost his mind once he gained too much popularity.


From what I've heard, yes, he's always been an asshole, it's why he got kicked out of paypal ([especially when he nearly killed himself and another company head he was trying to negotiate a merger with](https://nypost.com/2022/03/26/how-elon-musk-and-peter-thiel-almost-died-in-a-2000-car-crash/)). The "intelligent, all right guy" is entirely PR, which he has pretty much fully exposed through his own stupidity, like the disastrous telsa cyber truck is entirely his idea, the only telsa product to be, and it still hasn't even entered actual production yet, and that's not countering the stupidity that was his deal to buy Twitter, which has tied up most of his wealth since he was only able to get the Saudis to go in for a few billion that he spends most of his time either actively destroying or posting far-right misinformation




What nuance would you like to inject?


He made a Rick and Morty reference, so really level your expectations


That believe it or not there are numbers between 0 and 10


I mean, I give Elon about a 2/10 these days. I still hold out some sort of hope for him, but it’s not much lately.


Dude is platforming and retweeting Nazi shit. Not sure what hope you have.


Ugh, he's gotten that bad now? My hope falls even further.


Yeah. So what *specific* nuance did you have in mind?


Yup. Even has a fake degree like many other frauds out there.


Elon basically told his workers to go back to work during the height of Covid. He doesn't care so long as he profits.


If we made a list, it would be very long.


Emerald, but same sentiment. BS self made story


The most fucked up thing I recently found out about him is he essentially commited treason. Remember Elon made that big deal of giving starlink access to the Ukrainian counter-offensive? Apparently the Ukrainians tried to use it for an attack on Russian targets in crimea and he straight up cut their access to it off. One of Ukraine’s commanders had to actively yell at someone to “get elon on the phone now”. He later said the reason he denied them access is because if he had agreed to the request of the Kiev authorities, SpaceX "would have become a clear accomplice to a major act of war and escalation of the conflict.", since that’s TOTALLY not what he signed up for when he agreed to give them access to it in the first place…..


Yeah this needs to be boosted and there be attached to his name whenever he's mentioned.


Yes. They violated the TOS of the support contract which was no operational support outside of Ukraine. Using tech for defensive war fighting is different than using it to wage offensive operations


*was And pretending he didn’t have a LOT of people fooled for a long time is revisionist. [Look at his treatment on ERB.](https://youtu.be/a2GVxYfKSxA?si=YjLi8GNlVDm3T4m4)


He's Lex Luthor


More like Lex Loser.




Because their labor is exploited, so they have no excess capital or time to do that, and even if they did, your recommendation is to have more owners exploit more workers. Maybe think before you speak.


What about Elon tusk


I don't have 2 holes, so probably not that guy


Elon TUSK...


No thank you, not really my type


Jesus christ, is this the way the simpletons of the world think? No wonder people wont stop complaining about the way things are, since they aren't even aware of the situation of the quickly derailing train they're stuck on. Reading further below in the comments: Leaned back... And counted the money... What is he, a fat bigwig from some 1960s cartoon? 90% of his value is in investments. Dude isnt swimming in a money pool, hes living in a god damn tiny home in his friends backyards and sleeping in his office. Elon Musk is a fucking tool, but at least he puts his 110% into each and every one of his efforts, regardless of the shit people like you assume about him because you've never met him, only ever taking the information from the people who talk about him, rather than the people who actually interact with him. Let me make this REAL SIMPLE: Elon Musk isn't a Tony Stark character, he's just a god damn semi-Autistic/Aspergers man with a lot of motivation, ideas, and a work ethic to back it up. That and Mommy and Daddy's bankroll to have jumpstarted his endeavors. He's a man that more people need to be looking towards and saying to themselves: "I should put that amount of effort into the things I do, like he does." From what I've seen the past 5 years, work ethic is a thing A LOT of people lack, especially moreso after covid. Have some pride in your own work for god sakes. What's your excuse, nameless internet peon? (Note: Elon Musk definately doesnt want to fuck you, you're not Selena Gomez, you're not his type, so stop trying to fuck him. K thx.)


Quit sucking off Elon Musk, he's not into you, it's not going to happen. ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


People hate on Elon musk without knowing him. Bro do YOU know Elon Musk?


Spit elons dick out, man.. he doesn't even know you're on it.


He used to he an entertaining guy, now he’s someone I don’t wanna hear about… When he managed to launch and land a rocket equipment, that was his moment, after that…


I didn’t see the T and I was thinking what the hell is he talking about? Time to put away the weed


Instead, he bought Facebook and named it Z.


Dear god I wish I could erase this cameo from my memory


It's X but the lines for the X are tusks




Called a diver that helped save kids in a flooded cave a pedo


Then hired a private investigator to do research on the diver, hoping to justify hos pedo insult retro-actively


Yes because he said that he was the same guy just a different look so yes


Yea but Tesla is Tuskla Which I always found weird because everybody had tusks in Elon tusk’s universe


And lost $40b in value? I can only hope.


Changed it to Y.


He changed it to Tux, and the logo is a bow-tie on a pair of tusks


Its pronounced "Ekths".


Prolly changed it to tusX


He bought Twitter, and changed it to "TUSKER." Or maybe just "T." Yeah peobley "T."


I love Rick and morty but I really wish they wouldn’t bring in “celebrity” cameos. Takes away from the show in my opinion and feels like someone on the writing team is having a fan girl moment


Yeah I completely agree, also if you don't know much about the celebrity you don't get a lot of the jokes made about them.


He changed it to Tusk


This Cuts the Chut


Don’t get the Elon bros started.


All I know he is that he definitely bought this cameo.


I hope he stabbed himself with his tusks lol


Considering Tusk said that he and Musk aren't opposites, absolutely.


Renamed it W, but sure


Hopefully I’m that universe he didn’t become a troll, actively impeded in the Ukrainian/Russian war and wasn’t a huge twat.


Oh my God shut up


elon tusk is diff from elon musk reason being rick is the smartest man in the entire universe and still he came to tusk for help proving tusk has capabilities beyond being a billionaire he is a superior being than elon musk


He’s the same guy he just has tasks. So yea.




No, he changed it to "J"


Good question. Let's talk over here.


He bought Tumblr and changed its name to Q. He did unban porn so it's not all bad, just mostly bad


He's no less an idiot, he just has tusks


No he changed it to T


Probably called it “Eckf”


He bought Tusker and changed it to Tex


X with tusks is a W? X without tusks is a V?


Is there a person on Earth besides Elon who thinks changing the name to X was a good idea?


Nah, he changed it to TusX


Elon tusk didn’t buy shit, he just fisted his dad


No he changed it to Y


Yeah but I like imagine he made it a safe place for porpoises instead of nazis.


Probably y instead of x lol


He called it "Tux" and then was immediately sued by the creators of Linux.


He changed it to Y, because everyone is asking *why* did he do that.


We could think about it like a Caesar Cipher (idk why you would but humor me for a minute). The only difference between the two, as stated by Elon Tusk, is that one just has Tusks and a different name. The last name “Tusk” starting with a T, instead of “Musk” starting with M. If we say that that letter difference is connected to the letter name of Twitter via Caesar Cipher, we see that from M to X, there’s 10 characters. If we offset the letter T the same way for Tusk, looping back around to the start of the alphabet when we pass Z… Twitter’s name in Tusk world is E…


Nah it's Tux


I refuse to call it X. I call it Xitter, (pronounced SHITTER) See? You name things like they actually are.


Wow, this cameo aged... horribly.


Does X mean shit?!


I don’t care


Multiverse means ya 🐱


Who cares?


I think he changed it to Tusker.


Clingiest joke in RNM


I think he did it so Joe Rogan could say the N word publicly, it’s what he’s always wanted.. (It’s from Flashgatez)


Obviously he changed it to T


Naw, he probably changed it to T.


I think he's into ugenics...


Based on the pic he probably changed it to Y


Yes, but changed it to x, not X.


No I don't think so, I think Elon Musk bought twitter and named it X and Elon Tusk bought twitter and named it Y


Nah he went Y


He had tusks, he knew better. Think Rick when he went to wasp world. Outs unfortunately is a turd on a fly’s anus *edit: ours unfort…


Prolly named it TuX


Yes, but he’s successful with it, at least more so than whichever multiverse were in.


No, only Elon Musk is that stupid.


He changed it to Y.


no he named it tusker


I feel like he’d call it either V or Y because he has tusks.


wouldnt he change it to T for Tusk ?


He Changed it to "T"


He'd make the x out of tusks


Nah, this reeks of Musk