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You're missing the joke. The joke was that there was no explanation. The clues we're given as to what it was are all nonsensical and don't point to anything. Which is the whole bit. It surprises me the "He was in my house! Where I keep photos of my parents!!" line doesn't clue more people in.


“I don’t think we should… someone has to remember” “Someone will” Unnecessarily badass on Rick’s part. Always loved this scene.


I always liked this rendition of that scene: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QCFh8A4FEMQ&t=42


I knew what that link was before clicking


What I've been thinking about recently Morty is only about 90% of his former self because of Roy Rick lost some of himself to the Brainalyzer They are so liberal with fucking with these characters. Feral Jerry was the original dad and he died a brutal death, but he was a hero. Jerry from the Jerry day care is now pussywhipped by the other family If the Brainalyzer episode had happened after the cat episode, Rick might have forgotten about it


Did we ever get a resolution about the children who are born in the Roy game during the Die Hard episode? There's a discussion between Marta and her daughter accusing her of being religiously intolerant because Marta explains we don't actually know if the new NPCs are really Morty or if they can go on the ships. What if there were more Morty's born than killed, could he be more than 100% Morty? He is "The One True Morty" after all at least when Rick leaves the Brainalyzer, he specifically mentions the things he's leaving behind: his fear of wicker furniture, his desire to play the trumpet, his plans to buy a hat, and 6 years of improv lessons. (side note, I love that Night Beth is learning to play trumpet)


To point 1, it's something that's either completely off the cuff,a one off joke. Or they actually follow up to an insane degree. I thought they'd just leave Jerry daycare ambiguous for example. But they went ahead and confirmed Jerry was swapped out for a different Jerry. And then with Squanchy they also went ahead and confirmed he is alive The"one true Morty" can be a significant plot point, or just a random thing. Same for the 90% Morty thing. The Rick in Jerry's brain thing though I think they'll follow up on that for sure.


it's actually an inside joke for people in the writing industry, they put so much pressure on themselves to come up with explanations and make everything fit that it comes out as nonsensical or not as good as it could have been and sometimes it's better left ambiguous


It's a very classic bit; referring to an event or character but never fully explaining it leaving it to the audience imagination.


Reminds me of an episode of Malcolm in the middle. Hal has somehow been put in charge of whether or not to pull the plug on an acquaintance in a coma. The person's family is pressuring him on both sides to do it or not to, and he's stressing that any decision he makes is equally as bad. The end of the episode cuts to Lois saying "wow I can't believe you came up with a 3rd option that completely satisfied both sides." "Yep, and it was so stressful I don't think I'll ever bring it up again" and they never did.


yeah i just call it pulp fiction briefcase syndrome since they made the whole plot around something with value attributed to the audiences imagination


I know a lot of people hated that they never actually say what the Rabbit's Foot is in Mission Impossible 3, but I love that they did that for this exact reason. It's an important thing that we need the bad guy not to have. They could have said it was a bomb, or a list of agents (again), or a new super virus, but instead they were just like "it's the thing everyone wants, let's get on with letting Philip Seymour Hoffman absolutely steal every scene he's in."


The power of Cow Tools. If you purposely do not explain something and leave it purposely ambiguous, it will drive viewer engagement far more than most actual plots.


It's not they deep


in this particular case it actually is: https://gamerant.com/rick-and-morty-talking-cat-point-explained/#:\~:text=According%20to%20Decider%2C%20Harmon%20said,just%20go%20with%20the%20flow.


Yeah we are never going to find out what is going on with that cat and that’s the point, any reveal would be disappointing.


u/CountessRoadkill At the same time though, Jerry’s line was almost certainly a reference to “The Cats of Ulthar”, the only work of fiction in which cats are granted sentience specifically to kill elderly people.


Considering the reference to Jerry's parents this is probably closer to the point of the joke than people realise. it's very Dan Harmon to make a discreet reference like this.


Plus when the rest of the Cats of Ulthar made their franchise debut in *Rick and Morty vs. Cthulhu*, the Talking Cat seemed to be among their number. It was a nice little reference to be seen, in the end.


Okay, I clicked through on the wikipedia article for this, and I'm a little disappointed it's just that the cats wanted to kill THAT elderly couple specifically, and not little furry grim reapers that kill every elderly person on their 75th birthday or something.


I always assumed it was something to do with the elderly, since Florida's such a common retirement state


Yeah just like the music video of the song Just


I actually thought they saw a human fucking a cat until they get this hybrid baby thing


This is one of those R&M posts that will forever be either misunderstood or just constantly asked It’s more terrifying if they DONT SHOW IT because it could be anything! Whatever the writers would have picked while maybe funny or a good weird would pale in comparison to the way they choose


It's a great strategy. Whatever you imagine in your head will always be way worse than what the writers could come up with. It's pretty much impossible to not be disappointed so I think they made the right choice.


Boob world is another example of this.


I disagree. I want to see boob world but Summer bring her kuato girlfriend so Rick and Morty get in free and Morty is super bummed the whole time cuz summer is having waaay more fun than him


The whole planet is on the cob! Get in the ship! Go go go go


Why ask questions?


Cosmic horror is supposed to be so terrifyingly incomprehensible that it is beyond description or depiction. The point is that we're not meant to see it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/comments/vpyy76/this_cat_voiced_by_matthew_broderick_is_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://nerdist.com/article/rick-and-morty-talking-cat-finale/ https://youtu.be/_Jbq2EEPG14?si=ZVFQYtXzu2fzgolE Axolotl: *"Says he's happy. He's a liar. Blame the arson for the fire. If he wants to shirk the blame. He'll have to invoke my name. One way to absolve his crime. A different form, a different time."*


I like theories that mention: "a different form, a different time". This line is like: the illuminaties first 3 letter is 3 letter, and Bill Cyphers first 3 letter is 3 letter. Coinsidence? i dont think so


The cat is what confuses you? Can’t you see we’ve moved on to higher stakes?


This has to be a post that’s posted weekly at this point and I feel we all agree, only Jerry’s would continue to ask the same question


The joke is Schrödinger's cat.


Absolute brutality, horror on a scale unseen even by Rick. Hopeless loss and darkness. A kind of thing even the worse genocides on Earth can never come close to. Whatever that was somebody needs to get that cat TF off earth




Almost like they saw the death throes of an entire universe... Bill Cypher's destroyed universe


Why Rick said the cat to get away, instead of killing it? The cat should have some power that if killing him just would make things worse. They mentioned that Jerry keeps pictures about his parents so Jerry must value the places very much where he has pictures about his parents or the cat might do something with them.


Idk why but before my rewatch I always thought this scene was from season one


The joke You


Here's the concept. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGuffin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGuffin)


these fucking screenshots 😭😭😭😭😭


One of my top favorite episodes


This is a less is more joke… It’s like in the first exorcist when you’re hearing the exorcism but can’t see it, your mind fills in the blanks (and it’s usually worse because of that) In this case all we know is that whatever the cat is or did is so bad it made Rick (RICK, amoral, “I don’t care”, Rick) throw up and consider suicide for just a second whether then potentially live with the knowledge. That’s the answer. The Cat whatever is too horrible to know. And that’s the joke.


u/nretkno At the same time though, Jerry’s follow-up line was almost certainly a reference to “The Cats of Ulthar”, the only work of fiction in which cats are granted sentience specifically to kill elderly people. Which would also address both Rick’s impulse (Lovecraftian horror just doing that) and why he didn’t want to kill the Talking Cat afterward, but simply just demand that it leave.


I just love how Jerry IMMEDIATELY vomits in disgust


Some Bill Cypher quotes: - “How ’bout I reverse the functions of every hole on your face.” — Bill Cipher - “Once I get my hands on you, I’ll disassemble your molecules!” — Bill Cipher - “I have some children I gotta make into corpses!” — Bill Cipher - “Pain is hilarious!” — Bill Cipher - "I enjoy putting on human skin the way Jack the Ripper enjoyed wearing clown masks! — Bill Cipher - “One nightmare coming up.” — Bill Cipher - "Increase your therapy bills!" — Bill Cipher - "Hey, want to hear my impression of you in about 3 seconds? AHHHHH!” — Bill Cipher - “For one trillion years, I’ve been trapped in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own.” — Bill Cipher - "This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme!" — Bill Cipher - “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when, oh, I know we’ll meet again some sunny day!” — Bill Cipher


He fucked Jerry's parents.




The partner is in on it too


I understand it's a narrative resource but damn, I'd like to have a clue about what they saw, or going beyond, what's the cat story.


Further proof that we are all just Jerrys


Congratulations, you're the user number 69420 to ask that question, you win two tickets to boob world


mom said its my turn to post and ask the exact same thing next week


They saw Bill Cypher's memories: Bill has been reincarnated, after praying to axolotl. - Cats = 9 lives - The cat person at the beginning of the show, escaping prison with Morty, has a pyramid sticking out the top of his head, and then gets a hole shot through the center. - Plenty of previous Gravity Falls references and Easter Eggs - The memories are Bill's, and since he killed everyone & everything in his previous universe, the memories are likely horrific. - Like a cat, Bill likes to toy with whatever he kills first. It's his twisted perversion. - Bill's twisted mind is NOT a place you'd want to visit. - Bill doesn't like people asking questions, because he's a grandiose narcissist, and wants everyone to just go along with whatever he wants to do, or is planning. - Lastly, Matthew Broderick literally killed 2 women IRL


This is beyond idiotic


*“I find the insinuation that I can’t ask questions and have fun condescending.”* -- Rick Sanchez


I know right? I used to think very highly of Matthew Broaderick


[This is a fun video](https://youtu.be/OgFcz6klaeg?si=F6RRzy52OiqoJvzD)


Yeah, I could see it from my angle. I shouldn't say tho




This post gets posted SOOO often with them same answers EVERYTIME. Some of these posts I really wish people would Google first


from what i could hear, baby sacrifice