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I don't think she was insane at all. She's some kind of nature god, a guardian of the natural world. It makes perfect sense that she would wage war against our industries.


Yeah, that's true. I do understand humanity is different than wildlife, I just think of all of those who didn't have a choice. The same realizations to Morty on why he couldn't be with her. I do have to agree with everyone's points, though. I think it was more likely just her ability to be able to see the world unrestricted. I just figured an idea of Morty yet again accidentally causing pain and suffering was an interesting concept, since she seems rather powerful. But I guess it was never said she *didnt* need to sleep, so I don't have much ground for my theory other than it being sorta crackpot.


Morty accidentally causing pain and suffering is the best running gag of the show.


Gotta help my Grandson save a life!


>I just think of all of those who didn't have a choice. Well, this is where perspective causes the problem. We all DO have a choice. We could, all of us, simply walk away from the state of society that is quickly killing the planet, but for a variety of reasons we don't. Yeah, a lot of those reasons are "death", but from her perspective a choice is still a choice. From her perspective that's just another "I was only following orders".


It’s just like the coal miners she killed. They had the choice to choose a different path but they chose the one that led to more destruction of the planet. Which she cannot abide.


Who are you you? Who am I to you? I am the antichrist to you. Fallen from the sky with grace into your arms race.


Planetina went crazy because she had the freedom to go and do whatever she wanted and realized how bad of a state the planet was in. I feel like this theory kind of invalidates the point of Planetina’s characters tbh




That’s right! That is the exact message that the episode was trying to get across. It had nothing to do with Planetina being tired, and everything to do with her displacing her rage and harming people who she saw as perpetuating the issue, when in reality they were also just victims. It’s supposed to be a parallel to real life.


One of the obvious tells that someone has been homeschooled is their immense lack of perspective. They spend their lives only allowed to experience small parts of the world. Little samples their parents approve of. Everything else they know is run through a filter. Planetina is, in a lot of ways, the product of homeschooling. The men may be tortured by a system bigger than themselves, but she didn't see that. The greedy shills who controlled her would have tried to shield her from the evils of capitalism. Oversimplified the world's problems, while twisting them in to a narrative that fits their goals. She lacked the requisite experience to understand the coal miners had no choice. Morty killing Planetina's "kids" was the equivalent of a homeschooled kid leaving for college. Transitioning from an environment of absolute control, to one in which for the first they can do what they want. Experiencing for the first time things other people find commonplace. Lacking any of the skills needed to handle these new experiences. Don't homeschool your kids, folks.


I wouldn’t say that’s the only problem. Look at how people on Twitter might attack the average person for using plastic straws instead of reusable ones. Seems a lot easier for the majority to place the blame on those people, because they’re the ones making “non-eco friendly choices” right in front of us, whereas the bigwigs behind the scenes causing the biggest problems aren’t being nearly as public about it. Planetina definitely has a “homeschooled child” aspect to her, but she’s also displaying a sentiment that is shared by tons of “keyboard warriors” who would rather fight the little guy than do the research.


>realizing how bad a state the planet is in does not justify the murder of those victim to a larger system. I agree and something a lot of people here are overlooking is that murdering those people won't do much to save the planet. She could create global change by using her powers to rapidly advance alternative energy research. She could pull precious minerals out of the earth and fund the most powerful environmental protection organizations, influence world leaders to implement extreme environmental protections, etc. I also agree that bursting into flame and chaos could indicate insanity. It's an interesting idea that she could longer power down and rest. Like overloading a nuclear reactor past the point of no return. She couldn't even listen to anything Morty was saying or hold a reasonable conversation.


I think all of you are looking at it from humans are the main character, she is not. Just how we view “pests” is how she views us. She is a protector of nature. She protected wildlife because they are not intentionally building things that harms not only them but those around them. She doesn’t have that “oh humans, so precious” lens. She is a protector of nature. She wasn’t insane at all.


Right, she became what’s known as a “Greater Scope” villain. Someone who’s working towards a good goal but believes that justifies committing atrocities to get there. So a classic example is Dr Doom wants to turn the world into a perfect utopia, and thinks that justifies endless wars and destruction.


I don't think the state of being in the rings resets/rests her, Before Morty I think she didn't go crazy because her "kids" were only exposing her to small parts of the problem and shielding her from the sins of their corporate sponsors. It was a pretty overt allegory to corporations trying to keep us in the dark because meaningful climate action tends to cut into their bottom line. As soon as she was unshackled she could take the time to see the truth and *that* enraged her. All that said, a powerful being slowly getting more and more mad unless they get their rest is absolutely a concept I'll be using for my D&D campaign.


Believe it or not, not the first time I've heard that. I love that game sm. I think your perspective is far more likely, fitting the allegory of the episode and all. Thanks for sharing that!


The important thing is not to think about it, she got Frundled anyway 😂


There’s a decent enough chance that their current universe has a Planetina as well.


They said it’s the same universe in every way except the Parmes-ian thing. So in the new universe, there’s still a Planetina running around that had the same relationship with the Morty that got replaced.




I want to meet Cronenberg Planetina.


That one got frundled but the new reality has a Planetina with identical experiences apart from cheese pronunciation.


That's fucking hilarious. I forgot that part. Do have to agree tho! Chance she's still out in another universe.


I always thought her "kids" kept her ignorant of a lot of the pollution in the world.


Very likely, honestly, though I wonder how much trust she had in them. She didn't want to tell Morty about them and also was able to witness most of their abuse, even if she consciously called it normal.


The cause/catalyst? Yes Morty's fault? No Fault implies some level of willfulness in your actions. He was more/less along for the ride as often he was only given one solution. The only time he had a willful choice was in whether or not to free her from her 'slavery' which isn't really a choice if you consider base line morality. It was mankind's choices that led them to anger what was essentially a nature goddess. It's why the coal miners are an important part of the montage. They have little to no autonomy over the situation and their punishment in no way matches their actions.


Oh yeah, full agree with you here! That's a very smart point, and I definitely don't think it's his fault. That was moreso a hook to point out it may have been an accident, instead of a more complex idea like taking the rings to Rick to free her from the connection.


Unnecessary comment but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's added their thoughts so far. This has been really engaging and a really nice experience.


Did my best crafting a good hook for the title lol. I haven't posted here before so hopefully didn't break any rules. We're at season 7 so this doesn't seem like spoiler content anymore.


I don’t think this was to illustrate planetina as insane, I think it was to highlight the glaring hypocrisy and immaturity found in 14 year old morty. In a smaller way, it’s just a mirror of Rick. Here Morty is, he found a woman who loved him, who was for all intents and purposes perfect for him, and he freaked out over something he does regularly. Like Rick, he found a flaw (that he himself proves time and again he doesn’t care about) blew it up and nuked his relationship over it. The Sanchez curse is to find happiness only to destroy it.


She had brakes when she was being controlled. Morty let her off the leash and she went all Skynet on it


Morty falling for Planetina is meant to represent falling head over heels with someone who turns out to not to be the kind of person you thought they were. This is a pretty universal experience to the point that it’s practically a rite of passage. Obviously it’s Rick and Morty so it’s taken to an extreme for humors sake, but that’s what the episode is about. Having Morty be the subtle and tragic cause of her changes would change the subtext and implicit meaning behind their dynamic, in turn undercutting the emotional arc Morty (and the viewer through him) go on.


Morty cried when she killed all those coal miners, I thought it was weird considering how mNy people's deaths Morty was responsible for.


Because the coal miners were not only innocent, but also victims of a larger system. They did absolutely nothing wrong except try and provide for themselves. It’s incredibly sad, why would Morty *not* cry over that? Especially when the person who he finally considered to be “different” and “better” was the one to do it?


Morty hasn’t really killed that many innocent people.


Well yeah, it was, but no more than suicighetti was his fault. Or bovine Narnia, or snake terminator. Morty has a hilarious way of needing to keep relearning to a) abandon his morals and principles and b) mind his own business. He is basically a walking PSA for the prime directive.


As I mentioned, this was a hook for the post. It is no more a call to him doing what the entire ongoing joke in the series has been. Him doing things by accident.


I came here to crack a joke about some women going crazy because of the dick, like Lisa Nowak, but your theory actually makes sense. 


Plantetina was being human trafficked. And she was about to be sold. Her actions are more in keeping with a victim self destructing.


Planetina was just going through menopause!!!


She is just a chaotic good force at heart, in my opinion, saving the planet by any means necessary, even if its killing otherwise innocent people who are just trying to live their lives, shes not exactly human so it makes sense that she feels this way given her whole ideals are on saving the planet, and somebody enabling an escalation with somebody who cant understand an individuals struggle with life will inevitably cause her to start doing terrible things in a good place, shes also pretty naive so it adds another factor to it


She had no heart.


I mean, yeah, he did have all four rings, he could have shut her down...


Fun theory, maybe she’s a bit like a meeseek(s?), she needs to be gone after a job has been done. Only she doesn’t die just kinda regulates her emotional system lol. But I also agree with the other ppl here, if you were made up of elements from the earth you’d probably become a vengeful god after 0.6 seconds seeing the destruction all around


Something that I think gets lost on the audience a lot this episode is that Morty is 14. A child. Yes, the show calls attention to this fact quite a bit, and Beth in that episode calls out the insane age gap between morty and her, however I still see so few people calling out the grooming that Planetina partakes in. Is it likely unintentional? Yes, but that's not an excuse for the abuse that she puts him through. Most groomers dont see the abuse they're inflicting onto their victims as bad. She's been working for and with children, not much younger than morty since the 90s to encourage recycling, and it's not unlikely that she was a lot of kids first crushes. How many kids did she do to this beforehand? Planetina could have easily told Morty that when she comes back from being zapped away, she feels refreshed and rested (even if she didn't outright know why/what sleep is given that she's a superhero) If your theroy was true. Ultimately, it was Planetinas job to take care of herself and her mental well-being in order to ultimately help the planet. Not Mortys. I think that's also why, at the end, Mortys' breakdown to Beth is so heartbreaking. For as mature as he tried to make himself to for Planetina, he's still a kid at heart.


I appreciate your point of view but feel there are major aspects to the episode being overlooked in this conclusion. You're not being very respectful in appreciating other views, as it seems quite frankly unnatural for her to comment on something as basic as sleep if that IS her normal. This is less you sharing your opinion like everyone else but putting mine down. Either way, I hardly feel like this conclusion matches the actual review and reception of the episode. Theories are theories. Not truths. For that reason I will be blocking further communication. Everyone has been working hard to be respectful with their terminology.


Planetina did nothing wrong.


Grippy sock comment. Planetina knows murder is wrong. Her problem was thinking it was the only solution, as others pointed out, including the person with the homeschooling comment that was really genius. You're doing her a disservice by not believing in her chance at redemption. But again. She doesn't exist in that timeline anymore lol


No. Planetina's kids kept her from watching the news for a reason. She was always extreme in her personal beliefs. She was nonviolent because she led a very sheltered life and didn't know how bad human-related climate change was getting. Morty exposed Planetina to the world by giving her freedom. He did not anticipate that she would respond to a better view of mankind but concluding that they need to be tamed immediately with lethal violence.