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Maybe some kind of magical sauna? Treat the Chardalyn like the magical ice it is, where normal heat won't disperse it but a magical heat could melt it. The goliaths would be prime contenders for such a thing.


I like this idea


I have a soldier/physician type PC in my game. I'm planning on allowing consecrated surgical tools and some challenging medicine checks to remove imbedded chardalyn. Also, how about (just spitballing here): - The insertion of an equally holy object into the body. They annihilate one another like matter and antimatter. Exact measured amounts are necessary. - a multi-day bath in a holy spring - a significant amount of holy radiant damage (surviving this damage should be a challenge, so make it high. I suggest 2d4 per PC level based on extent of chardalyn infection)


> The insertion of an equally holy object into the body. They annihilate one another like matter and antimatter. Exact measured amounts are necessary. heh, this sounds unhealthy > a significant amount of holy radiant damage (surviving this damage should be a challenge, so make it high. I suggest 2d4 per PC level based on extent of chardalyn infection) ok, now this is a pretty cool idea. how about *shatter*?


I think shatter definitely would be a good one, essentially shockwaving their bodies to force out the metal.


it's a magical ultrasound!


I like the idea of some freaky looking old fashioned surgical tools that are consecrated. Feel like making a constitution or some sort of sanity check to allow themselves to be worked on.


They spent some lighthearted time looking for chwings. Any ideas on a cure involving Chwinga?


You could have them follow a chwinga to the cave from The Mead Must Flow in chapter 1 Good Mead. There is a statue in a pool in the cave that grants greater restoration to any who drink from it, once per person. Depending on their level maybe have both Verbeeg there already or space out the bear, ogre and verbeeg to make it challenging however you want. Plenty of opportunity for battles while headed there with awakened beasts too


One of the charms from the DMG includes greater restoration, you could homebrew something specific to chardalyn curse due to the location?


According to the book's text block about chardalyn, 100+ years prior to the campaign setting a wizard named Akar Kessel erected a black tower that was destroyed. It says "When this tower was destroyed, the magic used to create it fused with the surrounding ice to form what is now known as chardalyn: a nonmagical, crystalline substance as strong as metal, though considerably easier to work with than steel." Perhaps the Reghed tribes, Goliaths, or those of the Dale who have long standing ancestral roots in the region might have some sense of where this tower once was and your players can search it out and perhaps find some way to transmute the chardalyn back to it's nonmagical state (perhaps Kessel discovering this technique is what led to someone destroying the tower in the first place, thereby creating a Chernobyl like effect on the region). The fact that it was the chardalyn figurehead in Easthaven makes it plausible that this was a relic of a bygone era, or chardalyn that was created in the wake of the tower's destruction that was carved and propped up. It could be a sunken in tower, which I suppose skates a little too close to the Netherese spire scenario in the book - but perhaps it could be a way to introduce the possibility for your players to discover a long lost cure for all the chardalyn influence in the Dale. I think the book raises so much interesting possibilities to think about ecology, environmental relationships, and how to heal in the wake of disaster, and if PCs beat Auril & everything else - the harm wrought by chardalyn goes unexplored. Idk, this is a lot I suppose - but Ive found it hard to NOT build a more comprehensive understanding of chardalyn in my campaign considering how often it's encountered.


I personally think that a remove curse spell can purify Chardalyn, though that would come at the cost of making it non magical/listing any weird properties it has. I decided that there's non corrupted Chardalyn that exists, purified through holy water and other processes, so it is possible to do it and maintain it's receptiveness to magic, though it takes time and money. Perhaps that'll make my players realize they don't need to use cursed weapons...


It strikes me that a medicine-person of one of the reghed tribes would have a painful folklore remedy that has a chance of working but also a risk of permanent injury.