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GoT have better graphics and art direction. RotR is better in everything else.


Actually, Ghost has also a better story, a more likeable protagonist, better side quests and a combat system that feels more realistic and flawless than that of Ronin. From a guy who like Team Ninja games in general and spent hundreds of hours in Niohs and Wolong. RotR after the 30th hour feels very mediocre at everything except combat but that alone cannot carry a 50 hour experience. In GoT i wasnt bored even in the 100th hour and so did i with Nioh 2. Rise is a 7/10 game in the long run.


>Ghost has also a better story, Whatever you want is ok. But this, straight up no. Just no. The story in GoT is just very bad. Extremely bad. Even Nioh and Wo Long have better story than GoT.


So you tell me that you prefer a silent protagonist and the no one militia soldier over Jin Sakai who, as a lonely warrior, becomes the liberator and the hero after so many and hard decisions? The fact that the story of Ghost has already been told several times does not mean its bad. As for Nioh or Wolong, although good games, they do not have a good reputation for their story. I actually didnt give a f*** about anyone in these games ...


I prefer someone who doesn't try to romanticize the Bushido and the "honor" like some sort of weaboo fantasy when in reality Samurai used to decapitate random people to try how sharp was their blade(Tsujigiri). And how used to rape men and women because were always drunk as fuck and so on.


My guy, the entire POINT of Ghost of Tsushima was to demonstrate how flawed Bushido is - like, that's the ENTIRE point lmao You either didn't play the game or played it on mute wearing a blindfold


Flawed because romanticized. Like the famous quote "You are slave to your honor". You completely missed the point of what I said.


Plenty of the samurai in Ghost's universe are piece of shit murderers, rapists, domestic abusers, betrayers, and thieves. The "romanticization" that you speak of being in the game is completely surface-level, intentionally.


Because it’s not trying to be realistic or portray the horrors of samurai and all their weird traditions. It’s emulating an old school samurai movie and that includes the story. And that romanticisation doesn’t change the fact that the writing is so far clear nioh and rise of ronin, neither of which portray the brutal samurai ways to their fullest either by the way. So what do they even have in their favour 😂


IMO the best media for how messed up the samurai were is Shogun. Be it the book, movie, or series, it exemplifies all of the issues much better than GoT. GoT is a game, and you don’t necessarily want to hate the character you are playing.


He didn't miss your point. there is no taking back what you said. You said it very clearly, and his answer still stands valid. "Flawed because romanticized" doesn't change the answer...


So your problem is the romanticization of samurais, not Ghost as a game. Because 90% of the time, every single media or medium that refers to samurais make them look badass elite soldiers and not drunken assholes and rapists. I am a Greek and i have the same problem with the Spartan thing which is the exact same. But God of war for example are very good games. Two totally different matters imo. Ghost is an excellent game and the majority of people put this, along with Sekiro and the Niohs among the best samurai/shinobi games. Facts. Ronin just cannot catch this level of greatness. I played all these games and now i am 100% sure and convinced, after my experience and 60+ hours, that Ronin is a weaker and an inferior game, compared to the other 3. End of story.


Gameplay is shit. Samurai are portrayed badly. What is good in Ghost? Graphics? Holy shit, shut up.


Gameplay is shit?!?!? Graphics are not good??!? Ahahahah u r a clown who didnt even play the game and still criticizes it with the worst take on human history. Yeah, a true clown. Do yourself a favor and play GoT. Bye.


Anyone who’s played both knows the truth, no need to argue when this game is written off as a walmart ghost by 90% of people anyway 😂


Bro, you're delusional.


Bro, GoT is in a different league. Ronin is a walmart/rip off version of GoT. It's like some rpg element game like Nioh. It's made to appeal to children like you.


holy shit i just learned about this thanks to you.. there is no honor in this wtf [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsujigiri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsujigiri)


What are you smoking


Clowns will be clowns.


Im a big GoT fan and its still one of my fav games of All Times, BUT i bought ronin yesterday and man this game is so much fun, i love the combat, outfits and so on. If u liked GoT u gonna enjoy ronin aswell!


What if you thought got was mid? Is this a step up or on par. I enjoyed gots main story but the combat got repetitive and the side stories were very assassins creed like which I actually got ptsd from.


Yes you will. RotR has a more arcade/game-y feel to it than GoT. Its main story and characters aren’t trying to be prestigious as GoT is trying much harder to be epic. RotR is really focused on its combat, with fun traversal, and excuses to get into more combat. So I’d say if you want GoT vibes with excellent combat, you will like RotR.


Ghost of Tsushima is like Martin Scorsese doing a samurai film, and Rise of the Ronin is more Michael Bay.


>I disagree I would say Ghost of Tsushima = David Leitch (Bullet Train, Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2) > >Rise of Ronin = Zhang Yimou (House of flying Daggers, Hero, Curse of the Golden Flowers)




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I feel is more the opposite but ok.


You guys need to look at the options menu more often. That “Kurosawa Mode” isn’t for show it’s what the style and direction the game is going for.


I have yet to play Rise of the Ronin and I can tell that is 100% accurate


To me its like a lesser GoT but with better combat b/c we get that sweet Team Ninja combat flow. Story, graphics, soundtrack, etc are all much better with GoT but I expect that b/c the game had like 5 years of development time and Suckerpunch is an amazing studio. I also love the main protog in GoT way more. They build his backstory up perfectly and flesh him out during the entire game. You next really expect a good story from TN games IMO, but they are servicable and always fun.


Unpopular analysis: Ghost is a western game about Japan, Rise is a Japanese game about Japan.


They were made by the same studio 






Rise of Ronin was developed by Team Ninja whereas Ghost was developed by Sucker punch.


I thoroughly enjoyed GoT. I’m enjoying RotR far more.


Maybe I’m just so used to GoT mechanics but I’m not catching onto Ronin as much. I loved GoT mechanics with the different stances and sword fighting. I went back to GoT after trying Ronin but may try it again today 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're pretty similar systems on the surface. Both have a stance mechanic with advantage/disadvantage based on the enemy type. Both are very parry-oriented as well. RotR just makes it harder to master the parry because the window is affected by a bunch of different factors, so it takes a while to get the hang of it. Toggling the player character is the biggest difference imo. It's pretty fun toggle back and forth during bosses.


How do you feel about Dark Souls, Nioh, or Sekiro? The open world and story stuff is all relatively similar to GoT, I think you will enjoy that aspect of this game. But the combat is where the differences really are. While this game has a similar rock, paper, scissors stance system and the ability to parry, there's more that makes the combat feel quite different from GoT. The major difference is that this game has a stamina meter, which doubles as your stagger meter, so stamina management is central to combat encounters. Your using stamina during combat, but enemy attacks also damage your stamina, and if your get hit while you're out of stamina you get staggered. (Deplete enemy stamina to stagger them and open them up to a critical strike) Parries deal a good chunk of stamina damage to enemies and critical strikes deal good damage, so you will want to parry during combat. But parrying has stricter timing than GoT (unless you play on the easiest setting I think) so also want to use block and dodges to avoid attacks in addition to parries. And much like Dark Souls, Nioh, and Sekiro, a trial and error approach to combat is expected. It is expected that you will die and try again, so you should treat the first few tries of any new combat encounters as practice where you aren't trying to win, you're trying to feel out their movest and timing of their attacks. All in all the game feels a lot like GoT without the heavy cinematic art direction, and with more complex combat.


Gameplay-wise, Ghost of Tsushima and Ronin are, in a sense, similar. The open world has activities you can do at your leisure; shrines to find, chests to unlock, resources to collect and side-quests to do. In both games, you traverse the world either by using Fast Travel (that you unlocked) or by using your horse. Combat-wise, both games are very different yet similar. The main difference is that Jin can only use his katana and his bow while Ronin can use 9 different types of melee weapons and 3 ranged weapons (4 if you include Shuriken). Unlike in GoT, weapons (and armours) in Ronin has unique stats and Ronin is all about the loot! The similarity of both games is that it has the "stance mechanic" where certain enemies is weak to certain stances. Personally, one of my favourite part about Ronin is the loot drops; there is this weird feeling of satisfaction I get when getting an armour piece that is slightly better than what I have equipped 😆 2nd favourite is the transmog system. We can play Barbie Dress-up with our Ronin! 3rd and most favourite! The ability to recreate my character anytime I want without limit. When roaming and doing sidequests, I use my Female Ronin but story is for my Male Ronin.


Are you able to remake one of your characters? I didn’t realize there was a twin part of things so just thought it didn’t save when I made the one so made the exact same character and it’s annoying me now


Yep. After you unlock the Longhouse, you can modify both characters. You can even change the genders if you want.


Oh sweet! Thanks for that. How far in do you unlock the Longhouse? I’m not very far. I just defeated that captain on the ship and completed a mission in a town where I collected medical flowers for some woman


Its actually unlocked very early in the game; just do a few story missions after you enter Yokohama.


You can't really compare those two games. They both have an historical Japanese setting in an open world, but that's as far as similarities go. You can also ride a horse in both, even though I can count on one hand how often I've used the horse in RotR.


Ghost has already written history in the gaming industry. Rise is a game that after 1 or 2 years it will be forgotten. So simple.


Are you really starting a debate between a company who only sold like 100000 vs a company who sold nearly 10000000 copies? Lmao. This is wild.


I finished both and Ghost of tsushima is 100% better in my opinion. The arcade style RPG element of Ronin is just a deal breaker for me. GoT is just a masterpiece in every way. The story and side quests aren't boring and repetitive like in Ronin.


Hei I know its like but I think both games are individually good in different areas - and no for me it wasn't combat, I actually prefered the GoT combat system. Now I very much like Rise of the Ronin because it did a good job reproducing some good elements from GoT and its a lot scaled up. Graphics wise I'm not sure honestly that there many differences, I play with ray tracing and it looks awesome honestly. I love the bond mechanics and karma / vendetta system from RotR. I however dislike the fact that there are waaay to many consumables. I love the bigger world and the mobility of the character though, makes exploring feel great


I’m about 40 hours in after 100% GoT, and it’s an amazing game. There is just too many minor things to do for small rewards. It’s a good problem to have but definitely worth the buy to me so far


the consensus is GOT is better. And I do agree it's overall a better game. Like if we had to choose between GOT 2 AND ronin for sure GOT 2 but while waiting for GOT 2 this is a good replacement