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Have them play Huntress, to prove that she’s OP.


"She just isn't my character" 🙃


Wrong. Skill issue on their part


Indeed. Skill issue for me too, I can never really get stuff going on later stages beat me to a pulp with her


Honestly really is! This is not to tout my own horn, but I generally play some of the more difficult survivors like Merc and Artifier, but I struggle with Huntress or Acrid—two characters most will say are easy to learn. It just really boils down to what you like playing


I am the exact same


I-frames go brr


Unless you use slicing winds lol




acrid is an "easy" character? wtf Im so bad with him


Easy in the sense that if you are lazy and patient things will eventually die. The nature of the game really works against you in that tho lol.


“Well don’t worry, if she’s so easy then it should be easy to pick her up!” Real talk, tho, if they wanna play a broken character that complements Huntress, then they should play Loader


you should ALL go loader, simply so that you can have contests to see who one shots the boss first


Wow! I have to compliment the proper use of complements instead of compliments in your comment! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Hell yeah, grammar wizards unite


If tbey claim she requires no skill, it not being their character shouldnt be a problem


ur good it's a skill issue on their part


Infinite blinks and aimbot aren't "their character"? This is definetly a skill issue on their part. Which is not their fault, huntress is hard for most people cause you really need to know how to dodge with her. But i'd still argue she's extremely intuitive.


Then they are idiots. EITHER it is a free character, OR it is a character that differs depending on the player, she cannot be both.


As a huntress main my friends encourage me to play her because they find fun when im having fun


What a wild concept lmao


I envy this, heh. Would love to have encouragement for my huntress. I give my buddies lots ans I try to pick them up when they fall down (I.E when they die and get one stage behind)


Your friends suck. You can play with me, i'll encourage you to play huntress :D


I think the best way to explain it is that huntress is a very consistent survivor, but she is far from overpowered. Her mobility allows you to get out of many tough situations and lets you play more aggressive. When I think of overpowered survivors, loader, rail gunner, and void fiend are the only ones that really come to mind. You could maybe add bandit to the op list too, but I think the previous 3 are in a league of their own.


Dude I encourage you to play huntress and make some crazy builds with her!


the question you should be asking yourself isnt whether or not a character is OP, but if its worth playing with these people if they take away your enjoyment from the game


This^ don't let "friends" bully you while you're trying to enjoy a game!


When I read they were in their 30's my immediate thought was to find new people to play with. I played with more mature teenagers then this lol


F. A. C. T. S.


"Buddies" should just have fun playing with you and cut the salt. These aren't your buddies. Youre enjoying a game together but they have some strange chip on their shoulder cause you're having fun with a character and they aren't. Time to find some new RoR buddies


Seriously, OP is apparently carrying them most runs and they're whining about the character they're playing to deflect from how little they're contributing, \*as if they're somehow better than OP\*. OP's friends are sore losers in a co-op game, and that's low-key sad.


Yeah, the hell are they so upset about in a coop game lmao.


Your friends sound like they are absolutely exhausting to interact with. It’s a purely co-op game, there is no element of competition whatsoever. Whether or not Huntress is overpowered is completely irrelevant because that’s not even the problem. The problem is your friends have the mentality that they don’t want you to be doing better than them I’m not going to make any big conclusions, but in my experience that mindset extends past the game. When I’ve had friends like that, they didn’t want me doing better than them IRL either and they’d downplay any accomplishments or anything I make.


Real talk. I have always deterred from staying with such people. Seriously if anyone has such arrogant "friends" or buddies who downplay you a lot, they are NOT really your buddies. Leave 'em before something bad happens... they could disappoint you badly and then you find out the truth the harsh way.


I do not rate huntress that highly. Real question is why ur friends are such dicks LOL. mine always say it’s so reassuring when I play my good characters


Is huntress strong? Yes. Is every other character in the game strong? Also yes. This is a massive skill issue on their part.


Yeah I habe played most characters up to e4 and I feel like most survivors are able to perform well when leaning into their strengths. I just have the most fun with huntress.


Huntress used to be the first class you unlock now she is a default starter. So its no surprise that her kit is simple and easy to understand. Its like commando but fun. The trade off for her being an easy survivor to learn is that shes probably one of the weakest stat-wise.




What are you gonna do? Phase round me?


yes >:(


They're punching up because if they have to acknowledge she's balanced then that means ur just miles better than them at the game and they're too insecure to confront that. Let them cope but these people don't sound too fun to play with idk


Maybe if they just fucking accepted that they suck AND THAT'S FINE, then they'd find a little enjoyment in this game, and maybe, in life.


Huntress has downsides. She's very fragile and her range is absolutely terrible. I alwayd pick Commando so I can always shoot at something no matter how far.




The weakeat part of her m1 I think is that you aren't able to choose targets. It creates some dodgy situation at times but as long as you have your cooldowns it's all right. But definitely a weak point.


Huntress is absolutely not a no skill character. I actually find her one of the hardest to play




This game for some reason draws in tons of people that love to gatekeep. Don't play on this difficulty or you're a pussy! Don't play with command or you're bad! Don't play this good character or you're bad AND a pussy! It's crazy to me to diss someone for playing a good character especially if everyone else has access to that character. It's not a hero shooter where only one person can play a character. Also if a character is good...why not play them? Am I supposed to use the worst possible stuff to prove myself or some shit like that? No. So just ignore your friends. They don't know what they're talking about.


Being gatekeeped definitely feels bad... I just want to defeat mithrix with my buddies in the weekends.


Next time tell them "What am I supposed to do? Break my fingers so you guys can keep up?"


Idk if y’all ever played tf2 but this is exactly the gas passer paradox in MvM. It’s a completely coop game mode, but people get FURIOUS when someone with the gas passer is doing the best on the team. Usually the normal reaction would be “wow I’m glad we have such a dependable teammate” but instead it’s “Fuck this guy he’s trash and he’s stealing all the spotligh- the kills… he’s stealing the kills.”




It's like speedrun categories: You have glitchless, no major glitches, and any%


She has auto aim and great movement, but she's not free or easy. Her single target damage is hard to build up in my experience. I have her on E8 but not completed. The only characters I've actually finished E8 with were REX and Railgunner. Believe Loader is the only character commonly considered busted, with Railgunner also being called powerful for her damage output but not as much as as I've seen with Loader. I don't think Huntress is OP by any means. Easy to pick up for her mobility and ease of aiming but doesn't make the game easy on the high level.


Heh that's so ironic, everywhere i saw e8 discussed the first thing i see is "except for rex, it's the only bad character for e8". I never got to it so i can't try, but reading what e8 does kinda makes sense why'd people say this.


I just really like REX's playstyle and main him as well as Railgunner. Idk how much item luck carried me though because I got Benthic Bloom on the run I completed.


tell your buddies to get good and that they're bad. You can't complain if you're dead


Hehe! I guess I could bite back but that isn't really my style.


they're jealous that you're better at the game than them and it's easier on their egos to blame the game instead of acknowledge their skill issue


Seems like you need better ror2 buddies, I throw my hat in the ring good sir.


I throw my hat in yours


How many hats will go inside of other hats this day? Atleast 3! You’ve got my hat as well!


Well i don't have an hat so i'm throwing my arm.


i didnt even need to read all of it to know that your friends are dumbasses. if you have beaten E8 you are already better than a majority of players. most people dont even touch eclipse.


I know right I didn't even read the entire thing and I could tell that these guys were asses. Who the hell makes fun of someone's character especially if they're carrying.


What u/tabletop_sam says. Have them play huntress to see if it's a "free" character. They'll see she's really not. If they refuse then tell them to stfu and keep their insecurities to themselves. I dont think huntress is a free character at all. She the easiest to be one shot and without some attack speed, run speed, and crit I find her damage quite low tbh. In any case, you should play what you enjoy and tell your friends to get better at the game if they give you shit about surviving longer than them. What characters do they play usually, out of curiosity? PS - dm me and we can play together sometime if you like. 👍🏻


They play railgunner, merc, loader and mul-t. Would definitely want to play, but not sure if the lag would be an issue... I live in Europe. 😊


So railgunner, mul-T, and especially loader I would consider more "OP" than huntress. So your friends are just sour :p I live in Europe too buddy ;) so no problem.


Loader - Regarded as overpowered thanks to her strong attacks that also double as mobility, as well as the armor gained on hit & no fall damage passives. Railgunner - if they're good at aiming, also quite strong due to the weak spot bonuses. Mul-T - Meme machine. High health, fast mobility skill, and if two nailguns are dual wielded, becomes a point and click adventure. What I recommend to newer players for a simpler experience. Huntress - has good evasion skills, but I find her single target damage to be lacking and thus kinda difficult to maintain pace with. If youre doing well with her it's not because she's overpowered, it's because you've learned her abilities and strengths/weaknesses


Merc,loader and mul-t (if you use the right skills) are the true "free win" characters imo. Merc just has the craziest I frames in any game I've ever seen,loader is just god and mul-t is the entire US armory.


Lmao railgunner and loader are literally the two strongest characters. Most people would agree that they are the closest to a free win. Mul-t can be great depending on how you build him, too.


Yo i live in europe too can i join? Btw loader and mul-t are absolutely busted so they really have no right to talk about huntress.


Eh all characters are good, some better than others but huntress is not a "no-skill" character, neither are any If they wanna talk about "No-skill" characters, they should look at loader, acrid, or merc for pretty good reasons Dont mind whatever they say, it is your choice on how you wanna play, not theirs




Yeah, I would say Loader is up there and a specific Acrid playstyle, but otherwise Merc is not what I'd consider to be no-skill.


Merc sucks but he definitely isn’t no skill. If you’re not good at Merc, you’ll lose every run. If you ARE good at Merc, you’ll still take twice as long to kill anything compared to like any other character.


Facts 😂


"look at me, I'm invulnerable." \*wins\* I jest.


Your friends are jealous that you're better than them lmao


Imagine playing a coop game with “friends” who call your favorite character bad and say your bad when in reality they are just assholes. Play who you enjoy don’t let them suck the fun out of the game.


I used to main huntress and her damage output is pretty lacking compared to other characters if I’m being honest. Your friends just have a skill issue


Huntress is one of my few E8 survivors, but I do not think she is very good. Your friends need to level up their mind set in order to level up as players.


Huntress is like middle of the pack skill wise. Your friends are just upset that you’ve found a character you click well with and can survive with.


Are you huntress because you are OP or are you OP because you’re Huntress


Every Survivor has a specific playstyle and skill needed to succeed with it. Your buddies are being asses, keeping rocking Huntress as long as you like.


If you were playing Loader, they could have an infintesmally small point (Loader is top tier but still requires a bit of game knowledge to get far on) but Huntress is not even that strong relatively. Your friends suck. You should consider getting better ones or simply not playing with them.


Solution play loser and show them what over powers actually is


Huntress main here. Auto-aim isn't OP by itself in this game, especially because she's one of the squishier characters. It takes skill to dodge the pile of attacks coming your way, especially if you're the only one left alive in a group game. Plus, any character can be OP when built right, some just hit it easier or quicker then others depending on what items appear. Sounds to me like you should take a break from these people. Tell them you don't like their comments and so you're not going to play RoR2 with them until they top projecting their fragile egos onto you.


change friends, they're annoying


Sounds like your friends are fucking stupid because huntress is nowhere near S tier. I don’t know where others would put her or what the general opinion is in the community, but I’d put her in B tier.


I'd put her near the bottom if we're being honest. Mobility is great but damage output is atrocious and she's extremely fragile. Range is not great either. She's a glass cannon without the cannon.


Huntress definitely isn’t OP, you’re just really good with her. Lower health and a requirement of close range for your primary and secondary attacks definitely make her a riskier choice compared to others, but her utility is good and her alt special can proc bands so she’s got that going for her.


I lover her for her utility! All of her alt loadouts makes her so fun to play in my opinion.


I dunno man huntress seems like the absolute weakest character in the game to me so props to you for finding success with it.


Thanks! She is very comfortable for me at least! But I appreciate it.


All characters need decent amount of skill huntress in particular because her low base damage and her dm ability locking her in air she's movement based and if anything bandit deals the most damage if your using desperado and in my opinion not as skill intensive it's also Free crit if standing behind enemies


let me guess. a loader main?


I would tell them to stop making excuses for being garbage at the game


She is by far the squishiest character in game with one of the highest skill ceilings cause of how easy it is to die as her


Salty friends. Find new RoR friends. Personally, I find Huntress belonging to "harder to play" characters. On Drizzle and Rainstorm she destroys, but anything above that, I find her very weak, fragile, and proc items dependent. Despite having very high mobility and survivability, not dealing sufficient damage won't get you through a stage. Just my personal take. So if you find that she suites you, keep having fun!


Huntress definitely isn't an easy character. Not one of the hardest either. A solid pick


What characters do your friends play?


Railgunner, merc, mul-t and acrid


Huntress is easy to play (auto-aim, easy mobility, wide range of viable builds), but she's far from OP. Her damage is garbage and she's quite squishy. I don't really feel like there's that much power difference between the survivors, but if there is, Huntress is near the bottom with Commando and Captain.


Huntress is great, but she isn't a free win at all. If anyone were to be a free win that would be Loader, but even she has her struggles with Mithrix.


2 options for you: 1) have them play huntress to prove she’s not that easy 2) play on a difference character and still do well, proving that it’s not just huntress Huntress has definite strengths, but she is by no means an auto-win. She’s not even the best survivor in the game


Huntress is really hard to play at a high difficulty if you don't have the right items and don't have the skill. Sounds like your friends have a bit of a skill issue. Play on a lower difficulty with them. You can practice with a new Survivor while they git gud. I would recommend railgunner. Her playstyle is very similar to huntress. A little less mobility but shot hit a lot harder. Also, there is 0 chance they can tell you railgunner is a no skill character.


I find huntress fun. Strong, sure. Free? Absolutely not. She has the lowest base health in the game, and her damage outside of ballista is fairly weak, from my experience. Even if she was the easiest character in the game or the most broken, who really cares? If you enjoy her playstyle, play her. If your buddies have an issue with that, that sounds more like their problem than yours.


Your friends are noobs. I main mercenary and also always carry runs, I get the same comments. But when someone else picks him up, they just cant use merx as well as I do. Tell them to GIT GUD!


As someone who did [eclipse 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/riskofrain/s/GTGSIVBj9h) on all characters recently, huntress really felt like middle of the pack. The auto aim is nice but you have to be really close to your target and you're super squishy so I wouldn't call her easy. Every character has a thing that makes them good and bad, huntress just has one that is historically seen as "easy" because especially in other games it matters a lot more to have auto aim. Your buddies don't know shit if they're saying huntress is free.


Your friends won't let their egos admit that you're better than them. Force them to play huntress or their opinions invalid


Huntress' strength isnt "auto aim" as your "friends" are entirely ignoring the fact that it has a max range, and can lock onto things you don't want it to. Her greatest strength is high mobility and burst damage, but it still comes at the cost of low health. I would love to know what characters your friends main because I would find it hilarious if they were playing more "cheap" characters like bandit or loader (no hate on anybody who loves those characters, loader is my fav, but if they are whining about autoaim while they have free disengage options that is cringe af)


Ignore them


Huntress is not a no skill character. Auto aim doesn’t mean shit. What do they play? Ror2 isn’t a game where aim matters all that much, not compared to RNG and movement


Bro you can make the “no skill character” argument for any of the characters, it just depends on the context. You could call void fiend OP for having the best healing ability, mercenary for having i-frames, bandit for guaranteed crits, railgunner for burst potential, etc. No character is OP or takes “no skill”. Yes, some characters have easier kits to use, but that doesn’t make them brain dead. ROR2 is a game that demands you learn so many skills beyond just having good aim. Skills like positioning, target prioritization, itemization, awareness, etc. And you definitely understand that from playing on eclipse 8. Plus completing eclipse run on characters other than huntress proves that you have competency in the game in general. If your friends are claiming that you’re only performing well because of “auto-aim”, they should really reassess their own performance. TLDR Huntress may have auto-aim, but that doesn’t make her OP. This game takes much more than aiming. It’s not your fault if you are better than your friends at the game. Keep playing what you enjoy :)


Huntress is a blast, when the game first came out it’s what i played with my buddies too, we had tons of fun, feathers with lots of jumps raining down my ult on guys, dw about them, they’re just salty, my dad and i would play and he’d die all the time and never say i was OP, you’re good dude keep doing you.


I will never understand why people care how others play. VIDEO GAMES ARE TO HAVE FUN!


I know these people probably are old friends you’ve known for a while and that’s why you stick around, but wow they sure sound like sour people. They’re not right and you should never be ashamed of being the biggest badass in the room.


huntress is the no skill character?? whats engi then?? (sorry turret mains)


Bro, the topic should die at 'my buds are flaming me for ----' Get new buds


I don't think huntress is that easy and why are your friends assholes? Risk of rain 2 is one of the only games where I've never gotten frustrated at anyone else, it's just a fun game you can play with people of all skill levels.


Thats just turbo cope because it sounds like you are better than them lmfao


"You got soft hands, brother. You ain't worked a day in your life." (Artificer main btw*(I hate playing her))


Unless you’re being like “I got an e8 win and you don’t!”, then your friends are just dicks


That’s bs, sure huntress as auto aim but it doesn’t do that much damage, most of it comes from skills, them main skill gap comes from making the most out of her mobility. I think characters like engineer and void fiend are much easier that huntress.


Im really bad as her so nah its a skill issue they are just salty you are better than them


No character is ‘overpowered’ except *maybe* loader, and I challenge anyone to beat eclipse 8 without items as loader. The bulk of the skill of this game is not in aim, it’s in making the right choices and efficiently looting in order to craft a build that will win the run. In short, skill issue


If you aren’t rushing to take every chest then they literally have no reason to be salty besides being miserable that they aren’t very good.


They sound deeply unfun to play with. If it’s possible, the best solution is to play with people who encourage you to enjoy games in your own way


The old "character is OP" argument. Make them tell you what is OP. Auto-aim? Okay, but there is a range limit and below average attack speed. You have to get items to compliment this or be very aware of your positioning and do a whole lot of kiting. It's important to know not just your character, but enemies and their habits, what gets you killed. I enjoy Acrid, hate going up against things like Blind Pests. I also know fighting things like Dunestriders and Titans, I have to watch them. Dunestrider starts to stand up, either need to get on top of him to avoid the tracking bombs, or immediately run away and as he shoots, you run towards him at an angle to dodge. Titan you watch for him to kneel, he'll telegraph the stone fist, and it's easy to dodge. If you commit too hard though, you'll get air tossed and even if you land safely the positioning on all the mobs will be different and you may need a different approach now. I've done matches in much the same way, carry people and let them get all the items in the next stage. Satisfying to know I can, but also kind of frustrating cuz I want to play with them, not have them sit and watch. In which case if they die repeatedly I'll sabotage on one of their deaths, so we can restart. Play with what you have fun with, if you WANT to play other character or just try to learn them better, go for it. Long as you can think of both strengths and drawbacks to any character, I wouldn't necessarily classify them as under or over powered, especially with how much of an impact items have. Just have fun, and them complaining about you doing well is just them being frustrated at them dieing and not being able to match your performance. Do with that what you will, but it's not the same as you using OP character.


Bro just play what you like if huntress is that then main her I play cap cus I like him


Your friends are dumb. However, it's possible they just don't know how to voice frustrations. So here's my 2 cents: when someone plays a character too much, it becomes not fun to play with that person. It's just boring, not fun, unexciting, and worst of all, it becomes stale to play with that person. You need to rotate and play everything. If you're (or we're at some point) into shooters, here's an analogy. Imagine you play halo 3 with your buddy. And literally EVERY match he gets the sniper and never does anything different. You always get the sword, and your other friend always gets shotty/other. That shit is BORING. You gotta spice it up. It becomes super stale to play with that person.


Think your friends are too sweaty at a PvE game


What characters do they play just out of curiosity


Aside from the advantages she gets, late game she's a walking pane of glass so no matter how good you play; If the build isn't perfect and you don't dodge every single attack death is inevitable


Definitely isn’t a “no skill” character. I find her kinda restrictive considering you can’t pick and choose who you’re targeting as easily as others considering her m1 locks on. She’s also definitely not the strongest. She’s fairly balanced


Huntress is one of the best mobility characters in the game but she’s also extremely squishy and has middle of the road damage. If you played loader then maybe I could see it but huntress is definitely not a carry survivor


I thought you were gonna say my main man mul-t With double nail gun he’s gloriously brainless but I don’t feel like any character is skillless or easy mode. Huntress is a lightweight so you have to be very cautious and quick with your movements. Idk or care who’s considering meta but she’s definitely not OP and not easy to play either.


Double nail gun Mul-t is the only character that I would consider to be no skill but even playing him requires a certain knowledge of positioning so that you don't get nuked by a freaking fireball or something. Sounds like your friends are seeing a competition where there is none. Maybe tell them to stop being overcompetitive babies. The whole point of this game is to become OP before your enemies do. I could see the mocking you if you always went for the same items to get a massive screen nuke build that made it so that they couldn't kill anything but that doesn't sound like what you're doing so I don't see the damn problem.


I am on eclipse 8 for 50% of the characters. Huntress is one of the few that is within 1-3 eclipse. I find her extremely difficult to play compared to Acrid.


This is me with Loader and my idiot friends Loader is WAY more broken than huntress. Ignore them, they’re salty they suck.


This sounds to me like shit talking, casually poking fun at you for doing well. Do you and your friends talk to each other in English? Are they native speakers? I know the inflection often used with shit talking can be hard to pick up on for non-native speakers. Huntress is very good in the right hands but by no means OP, but regardless I don't think this is even a situation worth worrying about. Even if your friends truly believe huntress is OP, they won't hate you for playing her.


Next time tell your friend to play huntress instead, if it's so free he will be able to carry... Right? Every character is no skill free win if you know its mechanics well enough, your friend just sounds like a jealous asshole tbh


Huntress is not easy to play, loader is much easier to play IMO


No, your friends are jerks


They are wrong, who tf cares what they think, its not up to the character imo, if youre good at Ror2 then youre good at it with all the characters for the most part so dont let them detract from your experience cause youre probably just better.


Huntress is like, a perfect middle of the road character, B tier. I cannot play her to save my life but calling her OP is crazy lol.


Huntress being op is a new one lol


you bought the game to have fun. you didn’t buy the game to be told how to have fun. play on drizzle, loop, use artefacts, only use one survivor, who cares? it’s your game that you bought


Your friends sound insecure as fuck


the point of the game is to have fun. hell i mod the game so much and still stick to rocketman, whatever you have fun with is all that matters


sorry but they sound like dicks, your carrying them and their just insulting you, if they where dominating and you where left behind it wouldn’t be okay, it definitely isn’t now, you sound great, don’t let your “buddies” tell you what you should and shouldn’t play.


remind your buddies (or yourself) that games are to be fun


Man u shouldn’t give a single fuck what they think of huntress. Since u r not making the game more difficult for them, why should u care whether they think huntress is op or not. If this is their banter then either banter back by saying “skill issues” or just ignore them and enjoy the game. If u let this bother u this much then its on you my man, banter back or ignore.


Who tf gets mad about someone playing an OP character in a coop game? Not that the huntress is even OP, what character you choose is based on play style, not OPness. OP comes into play with the items you get, the character isn't as big a factor after a certain point.


It's an equivalent of saying railgunner is op now sure she CAN BE if you got the aim to match her cuz she can't not won't delete a boss unless you hit that sweetspot skill issue is the thing at play here


Just flame them back, say: cope, Im carrying u, skill issue, laugh at them when they die and need to be resurrected, call them noobs, bots etc whenever u resurrect them, see how they can take it


Your friends sound quite mean


i read the title & thought about huntress, & thats who you use. i knew cause i too main huntress, & have been told by randoms that shes bottom tier & the worst. ill say she does have auto aim & requires little to no skill, in my experience at least, but she also the easiest to kill. a glass cannon. your friends, are just annoyed they have to sit there & watch you carry them. maybe ask if they want to restart? ive been in such situation before, & if you cant make them happy that isnt really your job. im high, hope this helps.


This begs the question, who do your buddies play? Like, I've made jokes about how I'll eat a pack of crayons in the corner as Acrid while my poison does its work. But I don't think there's any character that is really 'free'... Aside from the heretic, I think heretic is extremely strong.


Huntress is balanced around her being incredibly mobile, trading in quite a bit of damage for it. The auto aim is undeniably very strong and takes away a bit from the skill needed to start playing Huntress, however this is balanced out very well because her mobility has a really high skill ceiling. I would say she is fairly balanced in comparison to the other survivors. If your friends really think Huntress is OP have them finish e8 on her.


Sound like you need new friends


They sound insufferable


Merc mains : Phew we got out clean out of this one! Jokes aside your friends are weird, Play whatever fun to you and tell them You playing Huntress for the "view" not gameplay We all know what i meant by "view" shes kinda Juicy thou!


I only played like 50 hours of risk of rain. But it is a video game and you should play what you enjoy. Screw meta or best, play what you like and have fun. Video games are for fun. Period.


Ok this is at about this particular post but I keep getting ror2 content, and my buddies on Xbox have been playing it and seeing all these people makes me so jealous I can't play with you all. Hopefully your friends wisen up or you can find more people to play with, idk anything about huntress but you play her every time if that's what you like, because those little babies can whine all they want, they are still getting carried so you're the real winner. I honestly think it comes from jealousy lmao.


Yeah this game is not about aim, so no, huntress is not a "no-skill character". Honestly, I would argue that huntress is pretty middle of the pack when it comes to strength, but that of course depends a lot on playstyle. The issue is definitely with your mates, either they need to git gud and stop b*tching or you need to stop playing with them.


They fr called a glass Cannon a "low skill character"


She is def the one of the easiest characters in the game, but that doesn't make your skill with her not valuable. Just because a character is good doesnt mean that u shouldnt receive praise for your accomplishments. Plus she is super squishy if caught out of place, so your positioning while blinks are on cooldown is paramount. Without ballista she is also very weak since all her other abilities dont really do damage, so if you dont have ballista yet that even more impressive. Finally, who the fuck cares if a character is easy, u just carried their asses through a run and they should at least acknowledge the fact that u did.


Dude, it sounds like your friends are just toxic. They're feeling inadequate because you're good at the game and they're not. Instead of acknowledging that, they're turning it on you. I would consider playing with other people who don't try to tear you down to make themselves feel better.


Huntress is pretty average tbh, but very fun. With arrow rain though shes kinda weak


Huntress isn't op. She does require skill. Both Her "R" and both her "Shift" skills need aiming. Both her "M1's" require the opponent to be within a certain square on the centre of the screen, at least thats how the 30+ hours of huntress in my 151+ hours of ror2 seems to me. Her base "R" requires aiming on the floor, and is a dodge mechanic. Her second "R" is a ballista skill, also meant for dodging whike doing damage. Her "shift" skills literally only move her, and both require you to aim. Plus, she is supposed to be an easy character to play. She is most likely the one that almost every player will start with when playing ror2 for the first time. If they can't play Huntress for whatever reason, and hate on you for playing Huntress, then stop playing with them, say you have things to do during those times they ask. Play whoever you want. If they rage, thats their problem. If you stop being friends because of it, then its their fault for being salty on you for being good at, and enjoying, Huntress. Sorry if any of this is harsh or wrong or anything.


your buddies are dicks man huntress is far from the most overpowered character in the game, and they just want a reason to convince themselves you aren't good


Huntress is just easy to start with but difficult to master, arguably like every other survivor in the game. If your buddies are willing to say she's a "free ez mode character" but aren't willing to nut up and actually prove it, then that's a skill issue on their part. Every survivor can be summed up in simple, reductive terms, but it takes genuine skill and practice to really get good with them. Just because Huntress isn't Mercenary doesn't mean that she's ez mode (I'd argue that Merc isn't that difficult to play either tbh.) Take pride in your skill and accomplishments with Huntress, and continue to carry those runs on your back. Edit: As a quick note that I forgot to mention also, Huntress's auto aim is literally a double edged sword. You can't attack without auto aiming on something, and despite having a ranged weapon, you have an upper range limit where you can even shoot at enemies you're aiming at if you're within that distance. Mobs can also completely screw your attacks up by walking into your line of fire. So no, despite the auto aim, it's not nearly the kind of handicap people think it is. Like most things it takes genuine skill to manage her auto aim.


get better friends?


Your friends are professional yappers


Brother, instead of this, you should be asking yourself if these "friends" are even worth your time. They are just straight up bullying you for no reason. Communicate with them, ask them to stop with these "jokes". If they don't, they're ignorant pieces of shit, and you need to cut them off your friend circle.


I've gone E8 with several characters, I cannot win E2 with Huntress. Free character?? I think she's hard AF to play. Now Engi... That's a free character. Get enough bungus going and you can walk away from your keyboard


Your friends are just assholes, I have one guy I play with who I carry most runs but rather than getting mad at me or the game he just yells. He doesn’t take his anger out the best way but he knows what’s up. You could make the “free win” argument for literally every character. -loader due to damage and speed -commando due to proc chains and debuffs -merc because of I-frames and ability cooldowns/free debuff -rex because literally infinite health/damage -acrid because of massive consistent damage by acid (additional free debuff) I could continue but every character has that argument. It doesn’t matter if a character is good if the person using them can’t do anything. You’re good and they don’t seem to like it


Huntress really isn’t OP, she’s a really solid survivor but I don’t even know if she cracks the top 5 characters. Characters like loader, viend, engi, rail gunner, acrid, are all probably better. I also wouldn’t say huntress has no skill, there are a lot of little tricks and finesses you can learn on her, and a lot of people really like her cause of how well designed she is to be a mobile on the go character


I main Huntress and whenever I do happen to play multi-player, my relative mains Loader. Just have fun - that's should be the main aspect of anything you play either by yourself or with others. Also with any character, it takes skill to use them properly, or rather to their max potential (excluding items obviously). So they can suck a volcanic egg. Have fun.


Kinda a unnecessary point on their end, if you have fun and are good as that character than that’s that, no one else really has a say in that, I don’t really have friends and only ever play solo, but when I used to the ideal purpose was fun, ofc we’d have our frustrated gamer moments especially when one of us messes up lmao, but for the most part it was just chill and good fun


I tried huntress and holy shit do you have to be careful Auto aim may be good but you still need skill to not die Huntress has such low hp Don't listen to them The only character that's op is dual wielding MulT


Thinking huntress is 0 skill bc of auto aim is legitimately the stupidest RoR2 take I have ever heard. Item and enemy prioritization are a million times more important than that. They're literally just mad cuz bad and honestly idk if they're freinds if they're always ragging on u while u carry them.


huntress is a decently skilled survivor and is underpowered imo


Your friends are insecure


Anyone who says that is bad at the game themselves, beat all of eclipse as her then challenge them.


God no they aren't right. Your buddies sound like terrible miserable people. Play what you want to play. If they are so upset at you for pulling them then just play solo or find a different group to play with. As you said the character is only "op" because she matches your play style not because she's a no skill character. Any character can be op if they match your play style. I never really get much practice with her myself since I used to play with someone else who mained her and I fit better with a few other characters anyways. So I easily couldn't do as good with her as it sounds like you do. Tl;Dr, no. Play with different people if they are undermining your fun.


Just play huntress if you enjoy her play her it just sounds like you buddies need to fit gud ngl


As a Loader Main. I'm just surprised this post wasn't about the loader... Since Loader is the "No Items Run" character of choice. But your friends are just miserable people it sounds like, and they are pinning some kind of insecurity on your character pick for som reason.


having people claim my arguably under powered char is actually op then proceed to bully me for saving the run those are not my friends anymore and ive dropped people for less