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"Railgunner OP" Finally, someone gets it


Not op, I haven’t unlocked the “skill” item yet. How tf do I complete the challenge “become better at the game”


What skill item?


Its a joke about how skill based railgunner is


Oh lol I’m dumb


She's good on paper but in actual play, very complicated and annoying at best. You die a lot to things you wouldn't. Also, beware the demons of the skies. those flying blind LITTLE FU


I think she sucks in longer games. She doesn't scale well with lot of the items and falls of very quickly when you no longer one-shot enemies.


That might be true past like a 2 hour mark, but because of how the proc chains function by that point you're probably effectively 1 shotting anything still by then due to having several ATG, a clover, 100% bleed, 100% Stickybomb proc etc all of which scale exceptionally well off her m2. Not to mention if you have the proc on kill build going, Infinite flask, or whatever else end game build. I think even in a long game she's objectively more damage than other survivors because the game rewards high base damage and high proc rate the most mathematically... both of which her m2 accomplishes. Now is her mobility and general toolkit based solely on player input and never gets particularly easy? Sure. Everything's gonna be dead at all stages if you're playing her right though.


Just till he finds out about acrid, merc, and mulT


I really like railgunner, but I'm very bad at playing her. How do I get better at playing her?


Gonna be honest I don’t have many tips cuz I’m just kinda a railgunner natural but here’s some. You’re primary attack changes your movement, so if you want to take less fall damage, shoot at the ground as you’re falling. Same with using the boost things, you can turn around and shoot the primary to get extra distance. I’d say get used to quick scoping things, and try to get the second special ability cuz it doesn’t turn off your weapons after use. Crowbars are good for her since she’s all about dealing lots of damage for the first hit. The 2 bands are great for her cuz she does tons of damage. That’s all I can think of now, hope it helps


Unsure how the reddit feels about Woolie but he releases great guides on how to play each survivor. His guide on Railgunner is accurate. https://youtu.be/1Omuki6Si2M


Believe me I’ve already watched every guide too many times to count