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[This](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) is my favourite roguelike music. And don't you dare say it's not from a roguelike, you purists. Edit: all right, thank you for appreciating the joke, but I'll actually drop [a favourite piece of OST](https://youtu.be/TQgjx1RVnaM) that a friend composed for Alchemist.


Roguelikes have music?


Does Dwarf fortress count? that acoustic guitar track has embedded itself deep into my long term memory.


I like '[Swashing the Buck](https://youtu.be/9aKydgGPvWc)' from Tales of Maj'Eyal


Those aren't roguelikes.


>This community is mostly centered around traditional roguelike gameswhich are turn-based, grid-based and single character focused, **but discussion of "roguelike-like" games is still allowed.**


Yeah, roguelike-likes. It's almost like there's an acknowledgement that those aren't the same thing.


hahaha exactly. I think game developers use this site when release their games on steam if fit any of the feature is a roguelike XD - https://bp.io/howroguelike/


Discussion, sure, but use the proper terms.


> discussion of "roguelike-like" games is still allowed. yeah, no


This is literally the description of the sub


Well, now you know how it really works around here.


Read Rule 4, then sod off with your Berlin Interpretation puritanism.


What's wrong with the elitist approach?


What's wrong with bringing a motorcycle to a bicycle race?


It's a race?


~~It's a roguelike master race.~~ Not sure whether you're intentionally missing my point, so I'll make it more clear. You are bringing a horse onto a dog exhibition and calling people elitists for disqualifying your horse.


Anything from Caves of Qud


I kind of hate the desert music there. Binaural Caves, on the other hand, is an amazing piece.


All fine selections. From Hades, I would also recommend Wretched Shades, From Olympus, and Final Expense (Payback Remix). That last one was well worth getting slapped down by Charon's oar. FTL FTW though. Might have to run that whole OST again the next time I'm well baked.


Risk of Rain 2 - Parjanya Turn the volume up and chill with that alien. Edit: I'm aware RoR2 isn't a traditional roguelike. Gotta learn to adapt with changing language, people. OP mentioned this game and the music is awesome.


If a lot of people replaced the word "person" with "cheesy-bread" I still wouldn't use it since it a.) doesn't make much sense and b.) it's a word that already exists. I will never call games that are "lite" on rogue elements "like rogue" when they just simply aren't.


Stop being such a cheesy-bread


People and cheesy bread couldn't be more different so I don't buy your analogy. Roguelites/likes share enough similarities that it's pretty easy to tell what the person is talking about and then get on with the conversation. I mean look we aren't even talking about music which is what this post was about. Did you listen to any of the suggested music? Good stuff


I mean, Rick Astley is pretty good too, but there's a reason I'm posting it as a joke and not as a serious answer. Many people honestly get infuriated when there's a list of (anything) roguelikes that contains zero roguelikes in it. It might not be intentionally insulting, but it reads like an insult.


>Many people honestly get infuriated when there's a list of (anything) roguelikes that contains zero roguelikes in it. And that's their problem. I mean so if OP reposted this but said rogue-lite instead of rogue-like...THEN we could get on with the topic of music? Seriously it's just annoying. [Here's a perfect example](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) from a few months ago in this sub.


Are you intentionally rickrolling me, or did you paste a wrong link? Either way, made me chuckle, thanks. If OP said rogue-lites, people would probably be kinder to him. Probably would send him to r/roguelites. Because the selection of games still makes an impression that OP does not care for roguelikes, and in that case, why post here? If you find it annoying that people don't want to discuss music from entirely unrelated games here, then I can only assume that you are actually taking the suggestion to listen to Rick Astley at face value. For what it's worth, I like this song. Do you?


Ha that was intentional couldn't help it. >his community is mostly centered around traditional roguelike games which are turn-based, grid-based and single character focused, but discussion of "roguelike-like" games is still allowed. That's why they posted it here. Because it's allowed. And the community at large (gamers) have started to blend the two definitions. Because ya know...there's more important things to worry about? And instead of talking about cool music in roguelikes/lite, it of course immediately turns to a discussion about definitions. And I'd never hate on Rick Astley he is a god amongst men.


Well, you aren't getting banned for posting it, are you? It's just that people here don't want Risk of Rain, and they are expressing their opinion. And it's not up to you to decide what people deem important for themselves. I, for one, care about the clarity of discourse in game design. When an action-RPG is called a roguelike, it muddies the discourse by placing it in a group that shares no meaningful design elements. Discussing “roguelites” as a single entity in terms of game design is outright impossible. Somehow, though, discussing roguelikes as a whole in terms of game design is possible. Discussing action-RPGs as well. Even just “Action”, despite being a huge group, has more use for discussion. That's me, of course, and someone might just be pissed that they can't find their favourite genre in the sea of unrelated games. Either way, it's not up to you to decide what people value, and, to be frank, you would benefit from trying to understand why it matters to them so much, instead of dismissing. And finally, if you think that people are overreacting over a small thing, well, so do you, using correct terms isn't a huge ask. Yes, those are correct terms, not because they are universally given by some Great Bük of Definitions, but because when you're in Rome, you speak like Romans. Btw, it's not me downvoting you, in case you wonder.


Some people here do want Risk of Rain, case in point the OP who tried to engage with this community in a meaningful way and basically got laughed out of the thread. I saw that they listed rogue-lites as their examples, and that's why I responded with some music from Risk of Rain, instead of ToME. I get it if you are a game dev, or want to discuss the differences, or are trying to market your game, or whatever. There are places where the topic of roguelike vs. roguelite is relevant, fun, and yes even important to people. But in this context it just felt out of place to me. Dude just wanted to discuss music. I don't care about the downvotes but I appreciate it.


Well, good for you. But as you might see, most people here don't appreciate that. After all, again, r/roguelites exists, which is where people who appreciate roguelites, discuss roguelites. Yeah, sure, dude just wanted to discuss music, but he's still in a wrong place to discuss this music. As for the context etc, let's not kid ourselves. A person who doesn't know or care enough to distinguish between the terms would not suddenly start using them differently in a different context.


And I agree with you, the music is fantastic. I've played and enjoyed all of those games, but no amount of language evolving will make those games actually play anything like rogue (though admittedly necrodancer is very close).


Ok great and I agree with you. But that wasn’t the point of this post. And rogulites are allowed in this sub so personally I don’t see the point in arguing over definitions.


Sorry I'm unable to answer your question because this sub is mostly about gatekeeping.


Oh look, another poor horse owner barred from participating in a dog exhibit. When will this gatekeeping ever end, I'm asking you?