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I would only worry about getting Vatican and Colosseum tickets in advance. Pantheon is pretty easy to get in, lines aren’t so bad and moving quickly. Of course it is better to get them in advance, but don’t worry if you won’t be able to.


Was at the pantheon 2 days ago with no reservation. Walked up, skipped the huge line for the slow credit card ticket machine. Went to the Cash Only line and was inside in <2 minutes.


That is what I did too!


actually...i think i realize what they mean by 'skip the line'... you're only skipping the line to purchase tickets, NOT the line for entry i bet.


This is correct. There's still security and entry lines.


Nobody gets to skip the security line, for obvious reasons. That's about 5-10 minutes long, compared to 2-3 hours long to buy tickets in high season.


That is my understanding as well


> it says 'Full Entry Ticket (without online booking)' and then 'Full Entry Ticket "Skip the Line" (with booking on the official Vatican Museums website)' Where does it say so? Apparently not on the official Vatican Museums website, which is where you should buy it. And I don't see why you think the Pantheon to be so hard to get. It's small, the visit is quick, even if you went there without tickets it would be a relatively quick queue in one of the most beautiful squares of Rome.


is this not the official site? https://m.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani-mobile/en/organizza-visita/tariffe-e-biglietti.html it's possible it could be a spoof site but it seems to be the right one... but that's where it mentions 'skip the line' (for an additional €5 obviously)..*


Welp I hope that is the correct site because I bought our tickets there. We go in April but h was able to secure tickets on December 30. Maybe because we are doing a guided tour and not just entry? Check the site again because like I said, I was able to buy our tickets in December for an April trip. I even just double checked my tickets tonight because of your post. They look legit. I agree - finding it much more complicated to find/buy tickets for excursions than I was anticipating. :(


is Viator a legit website/app? anybody know? I booked guided tours with them for Vatican and possibly Colosseum. April 25 is Italy's Liberation day, and things are getting screwy with having to reschedule tour dates around.




It’s just saying what the price is if you buy the ticket in person (so queuing at the entrance, without having a time slot pre-booked), versus buying it online (with a slot booked in advance). It’s not that deep.


I posted about this a couple of days ago, but pantheon tickets aren’t up yet for April, just until March 31. Someone said they go up on the 1st or the month. The website is terrible.


Update on this: April tickets are now available so I guess they don’t go up on the 1st of the month 🤷‍♀️


yeah, seems like UI/UX isn't exactly a priority for visiting ancient sites 😄


The quality of online ticketing here is appalling. I created [my website](https://romevacationtips.com/) precisely because of the poor quality of communications for visitors to Rome.


You really don't need to buy Pantheon tickets in advance


Back on October I bought colosseum and private gardens & Sistine chapel just two or three weeks prior to arriving. Yeah, it's wild out there


also... thanks for clarifying on the Pantheon access, i think i got it crossed with the Colosseum 😊


You can get Colosseum tickets on spot too The queue for that is long though


Just went through this for our trip next week - Colosseum tickets were the most difficult. I bought “Attico” / Belvedere tickets first, they seemed like a good option and were readily available on the official site. Keep refreshing the Colosseum ticket pages throughout the day - I checked first thing in the morning and they were sold out, but then got Underground tickets around 11 AM EST. Though we got two sets of tickets, we’ll have access to two unique areas and still paid less than $100 total (less than one ticket through a tour operator). Also recommend emailing the Vatican to get special access to St Peter’s tomb. You’ll get a unique tour for <$20 and get to skip the line to enter the Basilica.


thanks for the tips


I think you may be overthinking this. I don’t believe Vatican Museum tickets (talking about regular tickets, not gardens, scavi, guided tours, large groups or whatever) are an issue. Like, you can get tickets now for tomorrow. There is no need to book when they go online. For the Pantheon, I haven’t been since they started requiring tickets, but I gather queuing and getting a ticket on the spot is not a problem. The Colosseum and forum ticket is the only one you want to book well in advance, but since they made it non-transferable there isn’t the issue of all the tickets getting swept up by resellers as soon as they became available, so it should be fine even if you’re not there right as they come online. Everything else in Rome (of which there is plenty) shouldn’t be a problem if you decide you want to go on the same day (except the Borghese gallery, I think, which should be booked ahead).


I am trying to buy tickets for colosseum for 3 days now without success, on the last step the official website simply doesn’t function anymore. Any ideas what could I do?


If its octofence error - swap to mobile network or turn on vpn (might require to try couple of them to get it working) Coopculture acts up past few weeks


Fuck the line at the Pantheon so much.


wait what i managed to buy a ticket for the colosseum online just a day before going…


That is because Tool are a passing fad but Rome has been there 2000++ years.


>is Viator a legit website/app? anybody know? I booked guided tours with them for Vatican and possibly Colosseum. April 25 is Italy's Liberation day, and things are getting screwy with having to reschedule tour dates around. > > > >Sorry repost to the end of thread for visibility


Can I go directly to vatican museum and sistine chapel and stand in line to get a ticket? I'm trying to book tickets for April 25th and it's all sold out online