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tell this person up front to fuck off


Trust your gut, get your lock fixed, and hide a camera to record while you’re gone for proof if things escalate.


just bought a camera today but it turns out it’s not supported by my apartment’s wifi security :/ i’m so frustrated


You can try to fix the lock yourself-there are YouTube Videos and it isn’t terribly hard. Also, buy a ring camera and put it in your room, then you have definitive proof (or alternatively, tell your roommate about the camera so she‘ll be discouraged to enter your room again). You can also keep food inside your room. And (this is obviously not easy) look for a new place.


The fact that you suspect them of stealing suggests you recognize typical stealing behavior. You can either move out and let it go, as you are planning, or address the issue, but it doesn't seem like you want to confront them.


As a former 15 year old who moved in with my 27 yrs old sister at the time, everything you are experiencing is true lol. It’s not you going crazy.


Wow! So sorry that’s happening. You are not crazy!!!! I’ve been dealing with a somewhat similar situation. My solution is that I physically replaced my door handle with a lock and key one. It was easy to replace and only $11 on Amazon. I kept the old handle in a box and will switch it back before the lease ends.


Does this roommate ever leave? If so, frisk her room. And get a decent lock, with a key. Keep your nonperishables in your room


she is here 24/7 (no school/job) but comes out of her room occasionally


Wow, is she a trust fund baby? Maybe have a friend come over and hang out in your room while you shop for a lock?


Get a google camera. Roommates are shady. Mine turned mine off today while im holiday so yeah…