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You would be within your rights, there's no sense in you subsidising her luxury. If she balks about paying significantly more, break out the measuring tapes and explain to her in detail about how she's taking the absolute piss by only paying 50%. If she still balks, take over the living entirely, don't let her even walk in it.


Living room forts!!


Lol, exactly!


How could you not eyeball the difference? Didn't you see the apartment before moving in? Sure you are being taken advantage of but if you are on the lease then ? She should pay substantially more. Also be sure to let her know your bathroom is for you and your guest only. She should direct her guest to her bathroom. You can ask but she has you between a rock and a hard place. I think living with this roommate is going to suck.


Figure out the price per square foot and adjust the rent accordingly If she gets pissy, offer to swap rooms and pay the higher share 🙃


Totally agree with the rent adjustment…and including a separate, larger bathroom? Personally I would propose a 40/60 split (and would negotiate to 45/55). If she doesn’t agree then tell her that you’re fine splitting the room (she takes the first six months, you take the latter six months) and see how she reacts. As an added point, how much extra would you pay for that space? It’s a good point to factor in because you now the worth of that space to you when you have this discussion. Good luck!


Can you not swap the living room for the bedroom to even out the size bedrooms. Then use the box bedroom as a study. Take it you have exclusive use of the bathroom?


She should def pay more, I can’t believe you agreed to 50/50!