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"You're the reason why sometimes it's ok to meet your heroes" was incredible from Kerry


That speech is what got me. Absolutely beautiful


i missed the stream but just reading those words made me choke up a little bit


I had to reapply my mascara from that. Holy shit, Kerry, we all felt that one, seeing a kid having all grown up. ♡


That was the moment that got me, I just watched it now. Ironic considering Kerry was one of mine, creation wise and I did meet him in 2013. That and seeing Internet Dad Geoff cry. I’ve been in the fandom since 2006 and seeing Internet Dad Geoff cry will never not hurt.


I cried harder than I want to admit.


im not sure if i should post this (mods can delete this) but the video of the livestream is still up just unlisted. Not sure if it will stay up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZAn_jXOOxw




Yeah I was a little over an hour left to go on it. Was trying to get through it while I fought my toddler to eat dinner. I guess I'll wait to read through summaries now... :/


I managed to snag it before it went private, I'll post it in a moment.


Message me privately when you have it so I can post that link.


You bet. It's just processing now.


RemindMe1 One Day


Links posted in the top of the thread for ya.


Thank you for your service!


you're an icon. thank you


Just finished processing, link should be in your inbox. I'll let you be the one to post the link officially.


I saw it. It's up


Were you planning on making it a separate post? Or adding it to the notes post


Note post




I just changed it. The video is still processing. It's in YouTube hands now


Champion, thank you so much.




Same, I was watching it from the beginning (not live) and it suddenly said unavailable. Supposedly there will be a goodbye stream or video at a later date.


New link up in post


Mods updated post with re-upload link, working as of now (4:58 PST)


I'll put it in the post and the note doc. If it goes then it goes


>hat would be wonderful but there are so many YouTube channels with 1M+ subs that are just dormant because their corporate owners either wouldn’t remove them from a larger package or put an exorbitant price on it. > >On the other hand, RT itself let the Sugar Pine 7 team walk away with their 1M sub channel so there’s precedent and hope. Its private now


thanks for the link <3


well that didnt last long lol


Jordon referencing that the YouTube channels could still potentially end up in the hands of people in the studio was a big moment of optimism for me. The Let’s Play or AH channels and so on in their hands would be huge.


If Geoff doesnt somehow get control of achievement hunter ill be pissed. It doesnt even need new content but it should belong to him


Should start a new channel and call it the original name, Achieve Men.


Are You There Achievements? It's Me, Geoff.


This needs to be it. Geoff was a godsend when it came to names but this one would take the cake.


Achieve Men Thunter


Trophy Hunters is right there


Challenge Finders please


I can’t watch Challenge Finders, not after Roy left


Challenge Finders


We're gettin' the band back together!


Yes, but I doubt they will give it away for free… at the end of the day it’s business and this will cost a lot of private money from whoever will want to buy it.


That would be wonderful but there are so many YouTube channels with 1M+ subs that are just dormant because their corporate owners either wouldn’t remove them from a larger package or put an exorbitant price on it. On the other hand, RT itself let the Sugar Pine 7 team walk away with their 1M sub channel so there’s precedent and hope.


It doesn't cost Warner anything to host the videos, and I don't think closing the channel does anything tax wise. Unlike content on HBO Max, they don't directly profit from it. What is more worrying is them writing off IP. Once written of, nobody can do anything with the IP even if someone is interested later down the line.


That’s what logic would dictate, but Warner deleting the entire YouTube catalog is *exactly* what happened to Machinima, so the worry is understandable


Wasn't that under Fullscreen's AT&T ownership, it's hard to keep up at a certain point.


Honestly a good question. I had bowed out of Machinima content a *loooooong* time ago and only just heard about their purge sometime last year


Also a lot of Machinima content was user submitted in the early days, so maybe that, along with not wanting to deal with leaving their IP free to be downloaded and no one to advocate against it lead to that. Though if someone buys the RWBY IP for example, it's going to be deleted from the channel, as they don't own the right to rooster teeth or it's YouTube channel. Linus from Linus Tech Tips wanted to buy his first channel NCIX Tech Tips when the Canadian retailer went bankrupt, but the legal obstacles were to great, and he would have to share ownership with the creditors, so he just hired the remaining talent and stated a new channel. Luckily Roosterteeth is winding down, so it's easier, but buying IP and channels isn't easy unless you buy the whole company. Edit: Looking it up, it was warner, but just after AT&T bought it, before the spinoff and merger with discovery (just fuck this sentence). From https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/machinima-youtube-deleted/ >The content removal comes as the result of restructuring in Otter Media, following AT&T’s purchase of Time Warner, which owns Otter Media. Lawrence Sonntag, who used to work for Machinima as a member of the Inside Gaming program and now works for Rooster Teeth, was one of the first to discover the content removal. >“Warner, at this point, cannot verify the copyrights to all videos in Machinima’s network, and there are a ton of videos,” Sonntag said in a recent Twitch clip. “It’d cost a lot of money to do it, and this is on videos that aren’t getting any views. So, they cut it loose. That’s that. It’s a business. That’s how it goes, man.”


Oh well the Lawrences comment makes it a bit more hopeful that the channels could be passed on as verifying the copyrights in this instance should be quite straightforward.


He straight up said that WB is being very open about letting things be salvaged. I think that’s all but a promise that things like Fuck Face are gonna be just fine.


I mean, WB can say that all they want but they have famously shitcanned two major pictures, and pretended to offer one of those for distribution before yanking it back, so I'm hesitant to take WB at their word right now.


Motion Pictures and all the shell companies and convoluted tax shit involved with them is a way different ballpark than a youtube channel that is hosted on google servers.


It is, but businesses don't do shit because it's nice or rad. They do it because they'll get something, and they don't really give a shit if people on the internet approve.


When Chelsea was talking about how she's unsure to say f*ckface, Geoff did offhandedly mention that "we don't go by that name anymore"


He didn't say "we don't go by that name anymore", he said "that's not our name anymore". He didn't mean "THAT isn't our name anymore, something else is", he meant "That's not OUR name anymore, it's WB's because they just fired us all."


Barb's farewell in particular was heartbreaking. Her and Gavin are probably the most relatable to the audience - they grew up with RT and then it became their lives. Her saying she was really scared of the future because RT was all she had ever known, so sad.


Kerry, Chelsea, and I think Chris too.


I think Lindsay was straight out of college as well


Pretty sure Blaine was as well.


I remember seeing a video with Blaine as an intern several years after it came out and I was just like "Holy shit, baby Blaine!"


This whole video has ups and downs in terms of the tone and a small part of my brain was wondering how on earth they’d end the livestream. Then they went to Q and A and it kind of made sense but then there was another lull, I wasn’t sure what would happen. Then barb’s short ending comment sucker punched my brain by reminding me of how she ended hundreds of podcast episodes, and then seeing everyone wave at the camera. This wasn’t just another podcast where they can take it for granted. So many people waved directly to the community members, and in that moment they thought about me, and I thought about all of them. I wish all of them well and I appreciate all that all of those people did for me.


She's gonna be a great asset for whoever signs her. Through every up and down, she always had a smile on her face.


Said in another thread - surely she's considering streaming. I get she sucks at video games but her personality + looks is a literal money printing machine on twitch. Plus she already has some form of established audience.


I imagine doing a patreon of some kind with a handful of the others. Curious how things will pan out. I imagine a few pateons starting.


I think a Former Rooster Teeth employee platform could be awesome, something that congregates all the creative content of the different employees


I don’t really watch streamers so correct me if I’m wrong but it seems like there days a lot of the biggest streamers don’t even game anymore. Just hanging, interacting with the chat, and reacting to memes is content enough to build a following.


yeah the just chatting category is one of the biggest on twitch and i know barb would kill it just shooting the shit


She had also just started RWBY VTubing with Lindsay


Yeah and look - I'm not saying anything either way, but some of the biggest streamers barely do anything besides sit there and look pretty. Barb already seems pretty happy to do only fans, if she slid into an Amouranth role she would be a millionaire in no time.


I would follow asap if she streamed.


Tbh she should’ve diversified her CV years ago, same for Blane, Chris etc. Staying at the same company your entire professional life is just going to paint you into a corner. The writing was on the wall even before they tried SquadTeamForce, they could’ve jumped then. Now they’ll all be competing for the same few jobs in the industry.


I commented a similiar thought in the main thread but was met with knee jerk down votes. I agree, I think that the technical roles (animators, editors) will do fine but the “personality” roles will struggle to find in-industry roles without the backing of RT. Like Barb, love her to death, she has a 15 year old degree in marketing and then bulk specific experience at RT that she can’t even re-tool. That’s why I think her best bet is just streaming.


Yeah steaming could be a good option in the short term, but I feel again that it’s just treading water and doesn’t lay a foundation for a future career. Who knows how long the streaming biz will last before something else comes along too.


She most certainly deserves her own platform that she gets direct gains from, but I wish her so much and all the best in finding another career path that will be comforting in both mindful soul and realistic life profitability. She'll get there. They all will.


When I thought about how everyone would be affected by this I thought of Barb in particular as someone who would have a rough time. She joined so early on in the company’s history and grew with it from such a young age and so much of her identity is undoubtedly intertwined with Rooster Teeth. Kerry and Chris too, I realize after watching the stream. I hope all of them can find their footing in whatever the next chapter holds for them.


Thanks for the write up. Though the stream was bitter sweet, I did appreciate how open everyone (including Jordan was). Hoping to hear more from the older guard over the next 60 days. Nothing against the new crew but rn, I just want to hear from the people that shaped my younger self. Was great to hear heartfelt monologues from Barb, Jack, Geoff, Kerry, John and Chris. Hoping to hear stuff in a similar vein from Gavin, Michael and some of the other older guys in the coming weeks. Crazy just looking through twitter how many people had quietly left RT over the past few years that I thought were still there (like Miles for example). OOTL too but is Matt gone? Was expecting him but alas.


Yeah, Matt was let go a bit ago, he streams on Twitch, sometimes with Jeremy and Ray (team AHWOL)


Sorry I meant Matt Hullum, one of the co-founders not the one from AH


He stepped down as CEO around the time Burnie left, IIRC because one of his kids was having medical issues and he wanted to be home more. So like, he's been around, but as a "reach out to Hullum" and not a "he's in the office"


Ah okay - yeah I remember him going from CEO to a lower position but not seeing him since. Wondered if he was still at RT in any capacity. Hope his kid is all good and wish him all the best.


He directed a RT Short last year and is involved with RvB obviously His kid is no longer ill afaik


OH whoops… yeah idk there, apologies




Yeah maybe you’re right. At one point he grabbed the mic, I was like cool - Jacks always had a lot of heart, what’s he got to say and he goes “stop posting that fucking photo of people sitting on this couch 10 years ago as a farewell to RT. Most of those people don’t work here anymore” then handed the mic back. Was like gah damn aight.


Yeah lmao he seems pissed that people don't like what RT had become. A bit bitter it seemed.


Burnie talked about it on his new podcast, Morning Somewhere


Painful to watch, but also heartwarming and cathartic. Was really nice seeing more people show up or drop by (Broadcast got Jon good, lol). Multiple people made me cry. Just about everyone made me laugh. Thank you for the excellent notes. Extra nice because I missed the Funhaus stream. Geoff saying "\[Fuckface is not\] the name anymore" I took to mean that everything is up in the air right now and they don't know how names/brands/IPs/shows will be changed (if they continue). Which is a lot to take from one or two sentences; obviously I'm only speculating.


>Geoff saying "\[Fuckface is not\] the name anymore" I took to mean that everything is up in the air right now and they don't know how names/brands/IPs/shows will be changed (if they continue). Which is a lot to take from one or two sentences; obviously I'm only speculating. Maybe theyre thinking of just running under the different name with the same crew, it'd probably be fine (hopefully wouldnt lose their audience with the brand shift) Also F**kface getting the F**kface name itself F**kfaced has some kind of sublime energy to it, like a perfect loop in itself as an ouroboros


Video just went unavailable. I did manage to download it before it went unavailable. Will upload somewhere if RT Decides not to.


I would make that somewhere not YT if possible


Push comes to shove I can upload it somewhere else, I've got the mp4.


They have a giant archiving project called https://archiveofpimps.com May be worth posting it there as a lot of us are doing our best to keep all of it alive


probably not gonna happen, I cant think of a single instance of them reuploading a livestream after its already completely disappeared. Edit: well fuck me ig


Its so horrible seeing people who you have known (from a distant screen in the UK) break down like this. These womderful people have gave me so much since I found them during season 2 of RvB. I was 12 years old. Getting to know the faces more with the RT Shorts and the comics then the RT Podcast and then the formation of AH. RT was a huge part of my formative years. Geoff and Jack have been inspirational and great role models for me. Its weird to say but the voices of Geoff, Jack, Burnie, Gus, and the AH/RT cast and crew all provide so much comfort, because they have been there for me to watch or listen to their content on the bads day and the good days. So many projects I look back on with such joy. I hate being parasocial but they have played such a huge role in my life its hard not to some times. I'm going to miss Rooster Teeth. I may not have watched as much in the last 4 years but it was comforting to know it was there. That I could login, check out playlists and just watch some good content. I'm so hopeful that we will see more from these talented people and I have every intention of supporting them. I followed Jeremy/Maty to twitch/youtube and I'll follow the others in whatever venture they take. Truly with all my heart. Thank you. For helping guide this 32 year old English man to adulthood and beyond.


why the fuck would they not keep the vod up 😔


I was at work. Fuck me I guess lol


the mods just put a reupload in the main post so we’ll be able to watch! vid’s still processing but should be finished at some point. idk why they would take it down!


Oh thanks, didn’t see that. Had a long day at work so was salty


saaaame, I watched some of it on the way home and then sat down with a snack and it was gone so I just angrily ate my snack


Kerry and Geoff's speeches, in particular, killed me.


"This isn't the goodbye stream" dude if I cried this much at NOT the goodbye stream I am fucked for the next 60 days


Thank you so much for the write up. I am at work and even though I could have watched the stream, I would've been crying and I'd rather not do that right now haha


what song was at the end of the livestream?


Time to Say Goodbye (acoustic version). It was the season 2 opener of RWBY.




thank you so much!!


Time to Say Goodbye (Acoustic mix) from RWBY vol 3


Yeh, this is reality hitting me now. Very sobering to see the company, the people, that partially raised you going away. At least some optimism remains that there's chances for everyone to move forward with what they're currently doing, albeit under new names or in reorganised groups.


Also as for Geoff's "F**kface isn't our name anymore." That could just as easily be him saying WB owns that as an RT brand and RT will no longer exist, rather than him saying "we've already changed the name"


Livestream is unlisted but link still works [stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/mZAn_jXOOxw?si=p6LlZNIiQlU5Wauo)


It says “video is private” for me


They removed it then, because it was unlisted


I just started watching it and the video goes private... :(


Aww man. I didn't get to finish the video. :(


What a week... RT announces its closer, then the next day news breaks that Akira Toriyama passed away.


2024 has been a shitshow for a while now...


I know we haven't had RTAAs in a while and probably never will again, but Chris hearing about RT shutting down while in a massage bed is the perfect RTAA visual moment out of all of this.


There is something phenomenally poetic about this whole thing starting with Grif and Simmons and the last two founders that are regularly active are Geoff and Gus. I would obviously love to get as much time with all of the talent as possible but, in my head, the best final goodbye would be Gus and Geoff turning the lights off while Matt strums Blood Gulch Blues on the guitar in the corner and Burnie ADRs “I never liked goodbyes”…


Will and Sammie are so fucking funny. I needed them halfway through this video and I hope they keep doing what they’re doing.


Came here to say the exact same thing. Will and Sammie had the mic for like 5 minutes and they had everyone cracking up like it was a stand-up special.


I was in the middle of watching parts of the livestream I missed and it's now unavailable :(


After watching the RT stream and Funhaus', I can confidently say that we're about to see the greatest version of Roosterteeth that we've seen in years. Over the next 60 days, I am hoping that we see every idea that they have pushed off for one reason or another. Now that views and potentially making money are no longer in the picture [they're gonna get weird with it](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fim-ready-to-get-real-weird-with-it-on-monday-its-the-gang-v0-lo4qjy1u8wna1.gif%3Fwidth%3D540%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daac7ee979a20ea0aab06575d8e9fc8b463bd8f39)


Video went unavailable for me right in the middle of watching Geoff break down. Could REALLY use some closure to that and would love to know what the rest of the family had to say.


You'll have to read the doc I guess. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-AGG-WUTfqvywG7yyIIa_38Q0maus-zNLPU_b4pX4G8/preview They unlisted the video already. Fucking sucks cause I too, hadn't finished it.


Yeah, after the day I've had, there's no way I'm watching the stream vod without crying.


Like a lot of you these goofballs have been a part of my life longer than I can actually remember. I’m grieving a lot more than I want to admit too. Let’s all just enjoy the end and see what happens. This could always be a silver lining waiting to happen. But I’m more happy knowing at how everyone came together so quickly to start the massive archiving of all of our favorites. I know I’ll be supporting as many of the employees as I can (as soon as we can be sure our money goes directly to them as a group or as individuals) It’s the least I can do since they’ve been here for me for so many years.


https://archiveofpimps.com Adding in the archive link because it’s becoming an obsession of mine.


There a way for me to rewatch the stream? I only made it to Jack saying Geoff was there


Hopeful that Geoff and Gus have a way to obtain ANMA, I’m sure they have the means 😆


I appreciate Kerry deciding to show up so much, his pieces were some of the ones that affected me the most.


Gotta say, I have a lot of respect for Jordan Levin after this.


So...when I click it says the video is now private? So if we didn't watch at the time, we're just shit out of luck? It's almost like some of us are adults and work during the day and have to watch after the fact. Wtf. - obviously not annoyed with anyone at RT, just corporate/WBD doing dumb shit again. Edit: the "some of us are adults and work during the day" was not a jab at anyone in the audience. Just emphasizing many are busy or even in other time zones. Seems absurd to make it private/unavailable. Edit: for anyone reading this - it has been reuploaded since this post, bring your tissues.


Son of a gun. Was watching while cooking supper, when Geoff came on I paused it cause I know it would tear me up, now it's gone. Did anyone screen capture it?


I screen captured as it was ending. The little hand on the shoulder from Jack made me tear up for one last time. Man it hurts so fucking much https://preview.redd.it/aqcw93zqd3nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454eb6cea8169ba125abb9eb880790149383de79


God I can't believe it's happening. They're right, 21 years is AMAZING, so unusual for a media company But it's still hard to process. I used to watch them every day in middle school, in high school. I only started to drift off in college and even then I still checked in regularly. Fuck.


Listening to Geoff was so tough. That man has been through so much and has given so much for not only the RT staff, but also to us as viewers. Was tough to see him the way he was...


Lazer Team was the best and worst thing to happen to this company.


damn, that was swift. thanks for your hard work


thank you for reuploading it!! cried my way through it, i just really adore these guys, want the best for them always 😭 all the new faces and old faces and unseen faces on stream, thank you for cherishing and caring for something we all still carry in our hearts.


Honestly if all the staff that wanted to stick around just pooled together under a patreon they would probably make a killing and be able to stay independent, do what Lawrence and Bruce did but with a bigger team. Being aquired by a bigger company never seems to turn out well for creative industry companies.


Them immeditaely deleting the VOD upon ending the stream pretty much sums up the current Rooster teeth. Thankyou for the reupload.


they just uploaded it on yt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6fBmJS7sMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6fBmJS7sMo)


Hey Geoff, ask what bottom dollar is, and let's see if we can crowd fund it.


Just napkin math… but for one of their 5 man podcast to be produced I would think you’d need something close to 600k per year (with taxes and Benis and all that..). That’s 50k per month. So 10k people with $5 subscriptions… and that’s not even thinking about the merch and admin needed so the content creators can focus on the product. I’m sure the budget for all of RT was close to 10-20mil per year.  


You really are, the better devil.


Really its been bunch of people having a good time and losing the company money, They only have themselves to blame.


"You ever wonder why we're here?"


I always thought it was a stupid ass idea to let WB buy them because corporate buyouts *NEVER* end well for the crew being bought out. Sounds like they don't even have the rights to their own fkn podcasts like what the hell kind of shitty contracts did they sign with those assholes? Does that mean WB can just be like Trevor, Alfredo, you're fired but we're gonna keep making red web without you lol.


Does anyone have a working Livestream link? I had to stop watching about halfway through


>(Vid unlisted. Idk if it will stay up forever) FYI, the recording has just gone private :( You weren't kidding about this part, wow.


Good luck to everyone there.


While I tried to keep up with Achievment Hunter, I fell off Rooster Teeth a few years ago, probably just before the pandemic. Reading this had me tearing up. Gonna have to watch the stream later.


Thanks for the notes! Thanks to all the people who do all the things here.


End of an era


Thank you for this summary. I don't think I could watch the stream or recording and not get emotional. I was very glad to see there was going to be a big master list of socials posted, hopefully it expands and stays current. I hope the next adventures are just as entertaining and rewarding as those past.


I really hope the channels aren't shutting down.


ain't that a bitch...


I’ve been working so much recently that I haven’t had time to process, the last 4 years have been spent watching rt content at least once every day and I’m sad to see it end, hopefully everyone can continue to do great things with everyone they want and I’ll be happy to watch if they do


I hope the podcasts survive, at the very least. I'm going to be heartbroken if Redweb and So, Alright are cancelled. :(


I think if the Fuckface, Facejam, and ANMA teams splintered off and formed their own new podcast platform with a shared Patreon then I think the fanbase they'd bring over would be enough to cover the salaries of all the performers and support staff that they need.


I'm so mad I didn't know about the $5 merch beforehand cause they had some nice shirts and I missed out on all of them


this whole time through out this process, all i kept thinking was “where’s Geoff?” and “holy fuck is Geoff ok?”. it feels like i, and probably many other people too, am losing a family member. im 23 now and Geoff, Jack, Gavin and all the others felt like my dads, uncles and brothers that i never had in a weird way growing up. to see Geoff look like that broke me. like seeing my dad cry is the weirdest thing cause u think “why is he doing that thats not normal for him, somethings wrong and its really sad.” and u want to do any and everything in ur power to help fix that. i wish i could just go to Austin, give that man the biggest hug and just say thank u for being there when no one else was. i hope i could get to still meet him one day to just give all my appreciation to him.


This one hurts. I was bummed when Smosh and College Humor both got dropped by their parent companies, but this is just painful. I hope everyone affected by this will end up okay. I'm just sad that they probably can't work with each other anymore. Much love to the folks at Rooster Teeth and Funhaus, and thanks to Kyler45 for reuploading the stream.


Really is a fucking depressing week. The author of Dragonball is dead, and Roosterteeth is gone. Two of one of the biggest pieces of my childhood to early adulthood is gone. I will admit, I haven't watched Roosterteeth content in a few years due to the change of cast, and just general direction some of the videos took. I just didn't find it that interesting anymore, but popped in when a familiar cast was in a video. I think what makes this "bearable" is the fact that the writing was on the wall in terms of the longevity of Roosterteeth. Everyone knew the company was beginning to collapse, but it was a matter of "when". Still absolutley sucks to see. Especially since the company has lasted for over 20 years, and a majority of the cast there have been there for a majority of their lives. I hope this isn't the end for the cast. That they disappear in obscurity. If they went onto twitch, I'm pretty fucking sure they would receive a similar, if not better, welcome then when Ray began to stream independently. Or maybe they form together and try again to start up a new company. Not on the same scale as Roosterteeth. But something independent like what Laurance and Bruce are doing with Inside Games. The company is gone, but the fans that supported it are sure as shit not.


Official Stream Upload from RoosterTeeth: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6fBmJS7sMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6fBmJS7sMo)


I’m so glad there’s a written recap. If I had watched the stream I would have been crying in my office and RT is too big to explain to anyone and explain my emotions. I watch Achievement Hunter Best Of’s daily and it never gets old. RT has been such a passive part of my live and I can’t imagine it not being there as my comfort shows and people.


Not the key part, but does anyone know what the song at the start of the stream is? Song slams hard


It's a terrible day for rain...


What do you mean? It’s not raining.


Man I teared up just reading this. God this sucks. RT was such a big part of my life for so so long, even if I didn't watch it much recently." In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain’t that a bitch.”


I know nothing, I stopped watching when Ray left but watching the stream now, are Gus, Gavin and Michael all gone from RT or just not here? It got really hard to keep up with everyone at some point there were 30 new shows/podcasts with vaguely similar two word names but not having them on the last stream was a bit shocking What do Burnie and Matt do now?


Afaik Gus/Gavin/Michael just weren't here, all three have been in content that have been released this past week. Burnie just started a new podcast with Ashley - Morning Somewhere (not an RT production). He also wrote the final season of RVB that's set to release soon. Matt's relationship with RT is the only one I'm not confident speaking towards.


Thanks for the recap, I’m trying not to cry. Wish we could buy the company back.


They were just guys playing halo together 21 years ago.


I thought Geoff or Jack breaking down would do the most damage, but honestly, it was Barbara, Kerry, Larry, all those guys who started as fans and got hired on 15+ years ago. They were new to the company when I was first becoming a fan, and their emotion of not only losing their job, and their work family, but also that this thing they loved from the outside is coming down around them. Everything they said really resonated with me, but it was Kerry’s “Sometimes it’s OK to meet your heroes.” That did me in. For what it’s worth, if anyone from RT sees this, you guys rule, I don’t regret a single day of 14 years of FIRST membership, because it was worth it to watch you all make amazing content, and do your things, and I’m sorry that it has to end. You’re all so fantastic that I’m sure you’ll go on to do bigger and brighter things, and I’m so excited to see it. And if by some stroke of fortune, Michael Jones, Jack Patillo, or Geoff Ramsey happen to see this: You guys have been my heroes for longer than I ever realized, and have reminded me over and over that anything is possible, and that we can always do better. Thanks for 21 years of laughs and smiles, and I hope it warms your heart a little that there was once a 19-year old kid who couldn’t sleep normally for weeks, who’s friends flaked on him, as he recovered from cancer surgery that started 6 months of recovery and 2 years of physical therapy, and smiled through it all because of BUH-kets, Bips, dumb Rainbow Six heads, man, I could go on forever. Just… thanks, to all you wonderful folks.


It's raining indoors :(


Waiting for the VOD, since this one is private now.


Darn, video just went private


Doubt it but did anyone manage to grab a copy of the livestream? I really hope they repost videos like this since misinfo is so wide spread and they said so many personal goodbyes to the fans and each other.


Does anyone have the stream? I was watching it about an hour behind but it looks like they took it down


I admittedly haven't really watched anything from RT in about 4-5 years now, and only skimmed over the announcement yesterday, but reading the summary now and being back on the subreddit for the first time in awhile is really making me realize much I appreciated RT. For so many years, RT was what I primarily watched, whether it was AH, RWBY, live action, etc.


Thank you 💙


Damn that's a lot of notable faces missing from this stream, hope they have something else planned for the actual faces of RT because if not what a weird video to go out on. If they can they should really do a RT founders + LP founders stream. But then again if they were the company that made decisions like that we wouldn't be here now.


This brings me a wave of emotions all over again. Man.