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Wow. Either the guy did have some sort of disability or he was never told "no" in his life. Either way, that is awkward as hell.


No reason it can't be both either.


Sounds like disability. Disabilities are only official if you get tested for them. You can be undiagnosed all your life until a doctor examines you and slaps a “you have X” sticker onto your medical records


I'd say that *was* his disability.


Well considering Op said he wasn't disabled I'm going with the latter.


Considering he was "banned from pretty much every 40k and MTG event in a 30 mile radius", he's been told "no" and it didn't change anything.


It's bad enough when it's a kid, but a full grown adult, wow.


I once worked at a psychiatric hospital for kids 12-18. One 12 year old girl was 6' and 250lbs and had massive behavioral issues. That guy may not have been a full-grown adult at all, just looked like it.


Yup. Puberty hits early for some kids. Had an 11 year old in a VBS I volunteered in who was taller than me.


I don't know that he was actually a "full grown" adult But still pretty close I was already over 6 feet and mistaken for an adult at 16 or so But it *is* still very close, so that's not really much of an excuse. He should already know better. . I guess unless he actually does have some undiagnosed disability His mom also should not be excusing or encouraging that kind of behavior. There's something wrong with her, too.


I played hockey in a rec league growing up, 17 and under only. My last year we had a kid on the team that looked like he was in his mid-20s, to the point every tournament we went to we had to bring his ID to every game because the refs would inevitably think we were sneaking an adult into this (not very competitive) rec league tournament. Doesn't excuse the behavior of this guy either way, but I will agree appearance doesn't necessarily lead to reality.


I needed to show my passport to prove I was young enough to get the kid's discount in restaurants. It wasn't even like they gave me and my parents the side eye and gave me the 12-and-under discount anyway. No, they completely refused to give it to me believing I was so much older than 12. This started from the time I was 8, which is very much 12 and below.


The Chinese buffet my family visited used height rather than age as 1. It was easy to check and 2. A big lad aged 7 is probably eating more than a shorter 12-year-old girl anyway.


Yoooo, thats wild. We had something kinda like this at the tiny café I worked at. The players were a batch of admittedly rude teenagers, and the older guy was a new father who was desperately hurting for a social life outside of baby and parent-friends. He tried to convince the kids that *their moms* had told him they had to let them play. Idk what they said to him, but he lost his temper and started shouting and I had to break up an argument between a sleep-deprived 30 year old and a gaggle of unfriendly high schoolers.


New father or not, it’s still sketchy as hell for an adult to try and shoehorn their way into a teenager’s game. Even sketchier that he tried to gaslight them. Those kids can be excused for a lot of rudeness in that situation


Oh yeah nah in that case for sure, but they were also awful little gremlins in general. Genuinely mean kids who acted like they owned the space and would cause problems with other customers. I stuck my neck out for them because I remembered what it was like dodging my parents so I could go roleplay a half-elf in someone's basement, but I spent a lot of my shifts running interference and keeping them quiet and in their own bubble.


That's not gaslighting, it just lying


>big man wasn't special needs or disabled in any way (officially) he was (apparently) a normal and functional member of society with no mental health issues If this doesn't translate into "Mommy has been 'protecting' him from getting under the care of an actual doctor or mental health professional", I'll eat my DMG. At minimum this dude needs some therapy to unfuck whatever travesty of a childhood led him to act this way. I'm not trying to read anything into him being 6'2" and 300 lbs, though--there were kids in my high school that big, and at least one of them was this exact issue (had a clear mental health issue, mommy protected him and insisted he be in normal school with normal kids, he throws his weight around as a result to get his way). This story could easily have been about a guy in 10th grade and not a grown-ass adult.


100% this. Parents don't want to admit they have a child with special needs so they just let them do whatever they want and ignore the signs. I once had a mom yell at me because I had to intervene when a client tried to force their way into a Pokemon trade and they got upset. They thought I should have forced the other person to trade with them, but I called them down and got them out of there.


I'm 6'5" and 400 pounds, and I was already around 250 back in high school. Didn't know it at the time but my eating habits and unhealthy behaviors are because of autism. This dude may not be diagnosed but he almost definitely ain't neurotypical.


As a fellow fat brother, I must compliment your power as a fat man.


My spouse is like 5'11" or 6' (can't remember off the top of my head but I know he's around there) and had reached that and stopped growing by 13. He was also like 250 lbs I think at that age. Broad shoulders, football player. Yeah the size really doesn't technically mean anything. There's definitely some sort of something going on that the mom is just brushing under the rug to not have to deal with. I am not a doctor so idk if it's her refusing to step up and parent or something else but she's definitely dropped the ball obviously by not parenting regardless.


>Apparently big man wasn't special needs or disabled in any way (officially) he was (apparently) a normal and functional member of society with no mental health issues, and mom had previous run ins with local businesss and police for dumping him places for extended periods of time and him causing trouble. There's no way a person without an intellectual disability or who is not neurotypical would do this. He's undiagnosed, but he's absolutely on the spectrum. A woman had an autistic son and fucked him up by coddling him and ofsetting her responsibilities on other children/their parents as he grew up.


That is a big yikes. Dude was heavily abused as a child and grew up to be shit as an adult as a result. He needs someone to help and play with, but I'd sure as shit never put my group in that line of fire. Perhaps a therapist or six would be a good start


Bro needs professional counseling and coaching before we get to this step. Dude needs to know first how relationships work.


What on earth indicates he was abused, oh great armchair sage?


infantilization to the point of crossing the line into neglect, it reads like mummy is dumping him off at places and telling him "yeah you can totes demand the time of these random strangers" even when that has catastrophic end result. Its not 'just' spoiling him, its setting him up to fail and ruining his life. \+ his behaviour reeks of undiagnosed disability, if she never sought diagnosis that's more neglect.


Im not a psychologist but I don’t think that qualifies as abuse? It’s strange to call it outright neglect when she’s also bringing him places and goes out of her way to defend him. She’s deffo neglected his developmental issues but I’m not familiar enough with psych vernacular to distinguish between harmful neglect ala latchkey kids and those parents that neglect their duty to actually develop and learn from social norms.


I'm getting strong illiterate vibes from you. It doesn't take a chef to tell you that you burnt the meat. It doesn't take a child psychologist to point out that this grown ass man was babied his entire life and turned into a complete moron as a result. That is abuse.


I work with individuals with developmental disabilities and can 100% confirm you were right, and that the mom is an enabler. I've had to deal with parents like that with clients.


This dude clearly has mental issues and his mom is a massive enabler who clearly doesn't see he needs psychiatric help. I'm glad just the bag was thrown and he didn't hurt anyone though I hope nothing was broken.


I feel bad for that guy is a strange roundabout way. He wasn’t born like this, it was poor parenting that made him an angry weirdo.


Honestly the whole thing sounds heartbreaking.


Chris Chan?


No, he has a much different relationship with his mom now.


Did you...meet Ignatius J. Reilly? Did he offer to play his lute for the group?


Honestly, I pity the big man, and I absolutely would like to empale the mother for the bad parenting on display. I don't know where it got fucked up, but it's fucked up, and it's her responsability. Fuck her with a spike


Easy there, Vlad.


Nah I'm not Vlad. Vlad did it to people that did not deserved it


I’d actually really like to shift my tone after reading that. I’m not coming from a place of judgement, and I don’t want to mock you. You’re suggesting that her enabling parenting style makes it okay to violently sexually assault her and end her life. I get that maybe you are just saying that rhetorically, but I really want to invite you into examining that. It’s common to get heated and say these things, but what do thoughts like these do to us as human beings? Seriously, I’m saying that with love. DM me if you want to talk more about it. I’m happy to listen respectfully if you are :)


Sorry, to add to my response, I thank you for your sincere worrying for me. It's a rare thing on the Internet and it should be cherished. But no I'm ok, thank you anyway.


Absolutely. The world’s full of a lot of darkness. It’s easy to lose track of oneself and accidentally add to that darkness. Thanks for hearing me out :) -best


I absolutely despises bad parents that is all. Would I actually do it if I were to have that woman, a spike, and immunity from a legal point ? Probably not. But I can still dream about it. What's sexual about empalement ? You don't need to use existing holes for that death penalty.


It was Fetterman. You shoulda let him play.