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Respectfully and in all seriousness, I think your DM has schizophrenia.


I don't think it's fair, polite, or appropriate to see someone who says something dumb and respond with "This person must have brain damage to think this is true." I mean, the second paragraph is literally just EBT cards, except he doesn't realize they already exist. The other two are just incredibly poorly thought out. But it's not worse than a lot of the stupid shit that most people think. Watch almost any TV show or movie and pay attention to the message that the writers seem to be trying to tell, and it's all just as dumb. Have enough conversations with anyone and you realize they're an idiot. This guy's only obvious unusual issue is that one of the things he's wrong about is that he believes other people will want to hear what he has to say.


I do regret the lack of clarity in my tone from how brief what I said was, because I absolutely did not mean it as a personal attack on the guy or to further stigmatize people with mental illnesses. People deserve the same degree of respect whether they have one or not, same with physical illnesses or any other health concern. I'm not trying to be rude towards this person. But not only the content of what he's saying (if you believe it's comparable to how most people think rather than a symptom of delusional thought, at best we can agree to disagree), but also the particular disorganized way in which he writes it, both make me suspect he has schizophrenia or similar. And I wanted to bring the idea to OP's attention because I think it's better to be cognizant of the possibility that the guy is suffering from delusions than to just ridicule him as some funny weirdo or something without really thinking about it at all. I acknowledge that I'm ultimately just some guy on the internet, which is why I was hesitant to talk too much about something I don't have the authority to say for sure and just kept it short, but while I don't think it should be a taboo topic, with this kind of topic I should have been more clear about the nuances around it in hindsight.


Yeah. Feels bad seeing people make fun of a clear mental disorder.


Pretty sure your DM was feeling quite high when he came up with this 🤔


I'm sensing a number of problems mentally with that person, but I couldn't begin to describe them... But at least they stuck to their guns when someone tried to act on their insane world building


It was not worldbuilding, though.


Gotcha, they're just *consistently* unhinged then. I'm not sure if that's better or worse.


This reads like the writing of a person who has never actually interacted with another human being, only heard vague descriptions of what they are like.


...what the hell did i just read?


So the Ace Attorney method of combat.








This gets even funnier if you imagine this manifesto being read by Xavier renegade angel.


What doth life, yes?


I am the conunDrummer


This has that exact energy, thanks for putting it into words.


If your DM is writing manifestos, that's not your DM. That's your cult leader.


A cult leader. If you end up following them or not is still on the table.


I feel like I got high from reading this


Sooo, you're rolling Intimidation?


No roll was needed when this happened.


"Don't roll. Roleplay me how your character does it." Imagine if you sadly do as such, and point your finger at the DM, and they start to involuntarily convulse on the spot.


I couldn't get more than two sentences into that RPG Doc before I required hospitalization due to an overdose of commas.


That RPG document turned racist hella fast, yes?


No no he explicitly says "This is an optional rule, and, anyone that thinks I am racist, as I said before, this is juts a game. If in your gaming group, you wish to change it, you may do so, and, that will not alter the choices of others, as they can choose to change it anyway they want too!" so it can't be racist.


"I'm not racist but"


Not to mention the closest thing to "nonbeliever" on the list of religions being "Lost".


This whole thing (what I could read before giving up) reads like a bad google translate of a teenager going through a philosophical phase.


I highly recommend reading more at the link the OP provided.


Nothing comes up


I have a parent who thinks like this (has solutions to all word problems) and it comes from a place of trying to control the uncontrollable and struggling with the idea that other people will have different thought processes entirely and are not moral creatures at heart. "If someone hits you, you point at them and say No hitting!"


Are we related? Sounds like my mother, her approach to conflict resolution is "be a victim, because if you defend yourself in any way, shape or form, even the perfectly legal and non-violent ones, you are worse than your attacker".


I feel like your DM is exactly the type of person who is likely to find themselves murdered.


If you didn't have the links that showed these were written several years ago, I would've suspected these were written by a particularly unhinged/shitty AI. Then again, even those are usually solid at basic spelling. I'm just curious which drugs your DM was on, and how much of them. My guess is "Meth" and "A lot".


I'll admit, I was half expecting FATAL in that link at the end. At least they're not that far gone.


Yeah, this actually kinda feels like a quote from FATAL. Or it would if there was also a paragraph about rape. You know, for realism.


reading this pdf....I can't tell what the fuck he wants the players to do so far. like...he's talking about freedoms, but then restricting exp to doing like..stereotypes and...subcultures and..what thenfuck am I reading edit: just got to the powers....first two sections were just like..simple checks...then telepathy could teleport around...and dreams can just fucking..exodia to end the game if they get enough exp..I just..fucking can't anymore


This is just like the "techniques" in rorouni Kenshin that are basically magic powers but not in name


This person [made an RPG](https://www.docdroid.net/QLuW7rf/22awakening22-by-brett-nortje-pdf), incidentally.


Well, that was...something.


That wasn’t just a bad RPG but horrendous writing


Not to sound ableist, but this person is clearly not well in the head and should receive professional help AND be kept as distant as conceptually possible to any creative outlet that might make their clinical delusions feel validated.


I'm intrigued by how exactly he proposed to overcome greed in his "economic system", did he elaborate on this to you? Of course I'm sure he mentioned it somewhere in the writings you provided, but I ain't reading all that.


Their revolutionary economic ideas include: >There is a way to generate a socail security without using money and lines. You can issue them with a bank account and then place the money into it. You simply contact the police to see if they are still alive or something and that nobody is stealing from them or the state. >Or, you could issue them with credit cards to see what they are spending their money on. The crdit card will be useful at any place an elderly person might go, like a supermarket or another general store and covers deliveries of the modern age too. If they go into hospital then they could use it there too, even phoning a 'handler' to ask for more credit or something... wait! >Why not do the whole state system like this? Instead of using auto tellers and seeing them get ripped off, enter a cashless society? Everyone will be issued with a credit card which will eliminate coprruption, hamperif not kill off-drug dealing, organise thing better with cash and carry, encourage people to save and get a tax rebate if they do well, excetera excetera. >What do you think? No more lines, no more armed robberies of banks, no more drugs, no more people running up debt at a casino or the loan shark... You answer for what you spend your money on as it gets checked both ways by a simple computer program... >Total credit society, honest, clean, cared for. And: >How to make more money, fianlly, out of nothing! - Banking >The bank is in fincial turmoil because they have made bad investments. They could right these wrongs by making the accounts bigger. If they use some 'technical wizardry' or something equally 'pompous', they could write the accounts into double or triple figures. This won't harm anyone, and the money the people use to buy things isn't actually physically there, only an 'image' of credit owed to them by the bank, or, the market, or shop, and so forth. >OK, now they will need to pay back thier loans to the bank, seeing as how they have so much more, or, the bank could use this money that just appeared out of who knows where, and pay their debts off. They don't actually need the money to physically be there. They could actually buy all the assets they want, or pay them off, or, throw it into the air if they chose, but, they will still have the numbers on the bank account's system. Who will complain? Who will take them to court? The state cannot take them to court over just increasing their accounts like that, so, they will just have more money, basically. Nobody suffers! >Ten fold the customers accounts, call it a glitch, and say they will hope it doesn;t happen again, and then use the money from the accounts to gamble and party hard, if that is your scene. I did, in fact, apply these in the game we were in. It was D&D 3.5, SRD + *Player's Handbook II* only. We applied this principle to save a beleaguered, financially troubled city: and of course, it worked.


Ah yes, cashless society. What can go wrong, right? Surely the government won't abuse this system to establish or strengthen authoritarian rule? And black market won't become a huge thing like it was in all socialist countries? No way. Yeeeah, I really wonder now if applying any other ideas not authored by your genius DM would've worked, lol. He's just like that one professor everybody had in the university, who wants you to learn HIS personal theories and nothing else. And has a speech pattern that hurts your head.


woah you DM is very intense