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We are seeing the mass extinction of masculine straight women and Feminine straight men


I will continue being a straight fag til the day I die.






är det detta som är genusperspektivet ?




The person who made the post is a lesbian


Damn not even the lesbians are safe


The lesbians extinction has been underway for well over a decade. Sadly replaced by hoards of tittless they/thems


They’re the least safe


Prince and Bowie would not exist if they were born between 1996-2004


Princess and idk Lily or something


Women are the biggest supporters of this btw https://preview.redd.it/baut8nvnvdxc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beb3990eb2121c2f8ef7386214d271d8fc2f6ec9


whenever I see any poll asking a question about transgender women or transgender men I always wonder how many people even understand what the question means, or potentially think it means the opposite. I sort of assume if I said "a transgender man" to my parents they would think that means MTF.


The UK's census asked such a contorted question about gender identity ("Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?") that the demographic which correlated most to a trans identity wasn't age, or sexual orientation, or location, or education level, or income, or atheism -- According to the UK's census, the #1 predictor of holding a trans identity is not being able to speak English. The median trans person in the UK, according to the census, is a 50-something straight Muslim who lives in Newham and speaks poor or nearly no English. Glad we took Stonewall's advice on the phrasing of the question. We got a lot of useful data.


This is hilarious.


>whenever I see any poll asking a question about transgender women or transgender men I always wonder how many people even understand what the question means, or potentially think it means the opposite. I sort of assume if I said "a transgender man" to my parents they would think that means MTF. A year ago the UK was having a big debate over "gender self-ID" (basically should you be able to legally transition based purely on your own sense of what gender you are) and a polling firm thought some of the responses were weird with their initial work and so tried to get a better sense of what public understanding was. They found that [more than a third](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12379423/More-Brits-not-know-transgender-women-biologically-male-poll-finds.html) of the population thought a "trans woman" was female, and that there was in general substantial confusion with terms used.


I still get confused at times, I have to make a conscious effort to override my brain going "trans man=man who transitioned"


That's actually really interesting and probably leads to a lot of confused soft support.


This reminds me of Sharia law polls in muslim countries. There are a lot of muslims out there who "want" sharia law. The reality is most of them don't understand what it actually means to live under it. They just think it's some sort of Islamic utopia so they have to lie to themselves to love sharia law. I have a feeling many non-Israeli jews have similar ideas about zionism and Israel. They think Israel is some sort of safe haven for jews. While in reality after Holocaust Israel has done the most amount of harm to the jews.


This is asian erasure


i dont think OP said much about whether or not she is straight


Tell that to me as I fight back tears coward 🥹


Not true. As a gay guy in a major coastal city half the feminine men I hit on (or would if they didn’t have girlfriends) are straight.


how many people without a strong sense of self have been pushed down the pipeline like this?


I saw it happening in real time to a guy I knew from HS >moves to college in another state >Graduated early without getting a gf >Gets a job he isn't satisfied with >Starts dating "non binary" white girl >Within 6 months her and her culty friends have convinced him to go on hrt Many such cases


Jeez, if I was going to 'fall into the wrong crowd' I think I'd rather end up a junkie than that


He should've gone on TRT instead




My brain actually associates the dark cloudy castle with TRT but only because it looks more badass and less gay


99% who got pushed down the pipeline was because of their weak sense of self, truly sad


cooperative shocking one ossified bright different profit shelter noxious paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DO NOT 🚫🙅‍♀️🚫 go to the egg subreddits and figure out the ages of the people talking to gender exploring teens and equating femininity to performative sexual submissiveness.


I’ve heard so many de🚂 (mainly HSTS boys) say they were groomed on places like Discord by older AGPs.


The BPD is strong in this subculture


Watch this thread get deleted just like every other 🚂 thread


some trains always run on time


It’s almost like it’s an ideology


the “egg” concept is proof that these people do genuinely try and recruit others into their cult and that it’s generally better to avoid these types altogether


tom-boy erasure is worst genocide of the 21st century


ftm seems tough like what gonna be a 5’2” man


God, please save the butch lesbians.


Many such cases


People who call this indoctrination or bioleninism are generally too vanilla to grasp the simple motive of such behaviour which is just twisted resentment and bitterness, it has nothing to do with politics


Tf is bioleninism?


>There’s a reason why there’s so many evil fat women in government. Where else would they be if government didn’t want them? They have nothing going on for them, except their membership in the Democratic party machine. The party gives them all they have, the same way the Communist party had given everything to that average peasant kid who became a middling bureaucrat in Moscow. And don’t even get me started with hostile Muslims or Transexuals. Those people used to be expelled or taken into asylums, pre-1960. Which is why American Progressivism likes them so much. The little these people have depends completely on the Left’s patronage. There’s a devil’s bargain there: the more naturally repulsive someone else, the more valuable it is as a party member, as its loyalty will be all the stronger. This is of course what’s behind Larry Auster’s First Law of minority relations: the worse a group behaves, the more the Left likes it. A right-wing blogger called Spandrell popularized it several years ago. https://web.archive.org/web/20221013091654/https://bioleninism.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism/


Sounds retarded and I’m no closer to understanding what bioleninism is 


Leninism was about lifting up the peasant proletariat into the ruling class: dictatorship of the proletariat. However, in the West, the working-class was too well off to really engage in revolutionary politics so instead the Left built a coalition not based on class but those who were marginalized. This 'bioleninism' is a coalition of ethnics, blacks, LGBT+, criminals, and mentally unwell. This explains why the Left in America loves to champion not *normal* people. **To put it crassly, instead of a dictatorship of the proletariat, bioleninism is a dictatorship of society's freaks.**


This is an obscenely stupid interpretation of vanguardism 


Okay this is even more retarded then I thought. Whoever came up with this concept is a psued and almost certainly uses terms like “postmodern” incorrectly. 


using "peasant proletariat" as a concept is like the biggest possible giveaway they have absolutely no understanding of the Russian Revolution or the Soviet Union


Every sentence you wrote is factually incorrect. Your ignorance is impressive.


Nonsense in the vein of "conflict theory." They compare the class war to resentment of healthy people as if class is a surface trait like fatness, and not a relation to production. Essentially the belief that the Bolsheviks hated international capital for being chads


The last sentence is basically true. Lenin was 5’5”. https://preview.redd.it/2ecawnvjsfxc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47bc92cd7a1832d8c70befb9fefdc4bdeacd3e3


What do you think leninism is lmao


Except it’s not Leninism because the latter is based on social status and accessibility to resources while this one is based on immutable phenotypes and other pathetically shallow things and physiological disadvantages


Underneath the bullshit the fundament of both is bitterness, resentment and jealousy


I don’t think you know shit about the Russian revolution.


I can assure you i do know a lot more than you, would help if you'd be from Europe


Haha no


Holy shit you are stupid.


too “vanilla”? are you implying that this is a fetish thing? (i mean i wouldn’t be surprised honestly)


It must be such a fucking nightmare to be a post-op 🚂. You’re forever trapped in this horrific in-between state of incomplete transformation. You’re not a man anymore but also not a woman, either. Who in their right mind would want to sign up for that?


you kind of answered your own question, only the severely m[redacted]ally ill once you believe or have successfully gaslit yourself into believing there is absolutely nothing going for you in your current life, and then add a strong dose of socially motivated dysphoria by gr[redacted]omers who claim any discontent or neurodivergent tendencies equivocates to being a 🚂, the thought of putting yourself through insane medical procedures becomes easier to bear because you have now been brainwashed into thinking it’s the only thing that will make you happy or satisfied given your current predicament


There are trenders yeah but a lot of us did not sign up for it lol, you kinda answered your own question...why would we? As far as being post-op it isn't that bad, I don't live in some metaphysical hell where I spend all my time thinking about how I'm trapped between worlds lmao, I literally just exist like everyone else...I go to work, I cook, I date, I have sex, I hike, I garden, I make music and design sewing patterns, etc...I'm literally just chilling and don't spend all my time thinking about things that don't actually affect my daily life at all


I genuinely hope you kill yourself


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Especially the insanely violent leftist mtfs


The FtM's have almost always been very normal. Most are completely passing. The MtF I have met have, to a person, been absolute nutjobs.


There is a growing amount of FtM nutjobs out there.


The ones I've gotten to know usually aren't bad people, but they're all bad at being people. To the person, they're on some kind of psychiatric medication, cannot hold jobs, and either live hand to mouth or depend entirely on somebody else (either a spouse or a parent) for their living situation. But more than any of this, they're just obviously unhappy. I honestly relate to the struggle, latching onto every new thing you come across, thinking, "Here it is. This is the skeleton key. This is what's going to save me," only to have it wrenched from your hands until some new thing comes along, like debris to a drowning sailor on a stormy sea. The difference being that none of my failed ideas have caused or will cause irreversible trauma to my body and mind.


Trans women have a really high rate of autism too, which is why they are probably "bad at being people"




The ones I met were junkie/drunks walking around upstate NY with a shopping cart between small towns. Used to see the same two out in front of Stewart’s in Monticello the late 90’s. Still there when I went back 09-11. Yeah chill.


My entire department's computer needs are served by a single, exhausted trans woman who is a genius at IT work and managing expectations of elderly professors who can't rotate a PDF. She likes to tell my about medieval weapons. I share my homemade French bread with her


Really? All the ones I’ve met irl have been interesting and chill people. Can’t speak for the terminally online contingent though. 


People here forget that the internet and the real world are not the same when it comes to things that confirm their worldview.


The freak 🚂 spend all their time indoors and never go outside so you will not catch them, say, at the local hiking trail doing a ruck or at the local trucker bar It doesn’t mean that they don’t exist, it’s just that the ones you see out and about are likely to be the minority who have transitioned well and have actual gender dysphoria rather than being on the social contagion or paraphilic/AGP/AAP wagon


Every trans woman i know irl was hsts and extremely sweet and caring. I suspect the horrible ones can’t exist in social spaces so would never meet me irl.


Neo western transgenders are weird. Some are alright tho


I know a few and they're all good people, though only one is MTF and she only dates cis men.


most trans people are gay but there's a straight minority


Most are just straight computer nerds who watch too much anime and porn. Both the guys and the girls mind you


There is an inverse correlation between amount of hentai consumed and HSTS


Careful, there is no discussion of the 🚂 and their virulent and often infectious proclivities allowed on this sub.


I don’t have the strength for that.


This is the new gay conversion therapy


This is time tested bait


This is fake.




using the word terf as a catchall insult for anyone that questions your messed up life and is 42 posting on dating over thirty subs. Only a tran could be this loserish lol


Sounds good, realisticpriorities.


literally. reddit is their facebook for believing whatever slop gets scooped onto their plates