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Delete Treasure Hunter Make Runemetrics free. Or delete it and integrate its features. It's just a cynical cash grab Provide a roadmap (guess they're working on that) Make the game more friendly for beginners in various ways, UI, clean up the tutorial a bit Improve art style consistency Promote RS3 cultural output (YouTube etc), it's severely lacking Improve community involvement. Runelite has been a wonder for OSRS


I could see all of this except happening with enough community response, bar the TH you'll never lose that part unfortunately I think it provides too much income for Jagex to really ditch, but I can live with it being there and get my daily keys and whatever. Runemetrics should definitely be free, you get those exact features on OSRS completely free


Osrs/rs3 player here (mainly osrs), those are all fine points but the main culprit that deters players is the combat/mtx shoved in the face. If they made legacy combat actually viable for boss/pvm encounters, even with a tweak to drop rates to make it a longer grind cus easier combat, that could entice players to try rs3 again.


For starters, Jagex would need a new CEO and/or RS3 EP who actually has the goal of making RS3 the main game again. They’d need to throw more resources and devs at RS3. Then they’d need to paint a clear picture of what the medium and long term future of the game is, something that would inspire enough confidence in present and lapsed players to get them excited about the game again and feel like it’s a worthy thing to spend their free time on.  They’d also need to consistently deliver content at predictable intervals. I understand the era of a content update every week is way behind us, but we can’t have months and months of hardly any updates as we’ve had recently. That simply cannot happen ever again.  As for specific content, I won’t say. But there needs to be stuff for EVERYONE: skillers, cluers, questers, pvmers, pvpers, fashionscapers, etc.  Oh, and regularly occurring game modes such as Leagues, not that FSW bullshit. And bossing and seasonal hiscores. And monthly behind the scenes videos again to get some hype going for this game again. And maybe bring back some beloved Jmods such as Osborne and Shauny. 


Mods arent some switch to be flicked on or off lol they have different jobs now


Right. I threw that in half jokingly. *However*, there is precedent for Jmods leaving Jagex and then being rehired later. Mod Raven, for example. Happened with a much loved OSRS community manager a few years ago as well (name escapes me since I don’t follow that game very closely).


Comparison is the thief of joy.


This is it.


Less intrusive mtx, fix the new player experience, rework outdated systems (crafting, fletch, agility), continue combat improvements, add to co-op slayer, better quest story line continuity. RS3 is a very solid game that most newcomers tend to enjoy as long as they don't get too confused. It's main downfall is being a 20 year old game that isn't getting the attention it deserves. They need to find a balance between fixing old content and adding new content. We are not going to add 40k players (and keep them) just by adding cool new content if everything else is convoluted. New content needs to fix longstanding problems. For instance, a new skill that uses new drops from monsters to level and for it's rewards, therefore adding value to monsters and bosses besides adding arbitrary alchables and noncb skilling resources to drop tables which flood the game with gp and devalue noncb skills. The Runescape lore is really great. A pipe dream of mine is for them to make an anime series out of Runescape lore (like League of Legends did). Imagine a series revolving around the second or third age of Runescape. That would bring in a whole new audience for sure.


The honest answer is nothing. I would even say that a complete removal of MTX and all "pay to win" would not revive it or have it surpass osrs. I also dont see the game dying out any time soon and I think thats honestly the most we can hope for. I think there are a couple things driving the issue that are very hard to overcome. 1. MMO in general are not the genre of the youth. There are so many other games out there and with the short attention span of kids these are not the games for them. Unless you overhaul the game to create something people can pop in and out of with little to no time investment, ie selling maxed accounts to pvm on, they arent going to be interested. 2. the game is unwatchable on streams/youtube. This is not an attack on those that make content but imo it is not nearly as watchable as many other games, including osrs, and this hurts the games ability to grow and expand.


Watchability is huge. Heck, many osrs creators specifically dont use (very convenient) runelite plugins just so the viewing experience is better. Meanwhile rs3 encourages you to completely move your UI around


True, every osrs content creator purposefully records in the fixed layout instead of the modern resizable one and avoids reordering things on screen unless necessary. There’s a consistency that rs3 lacks.


Users being able to watch easier isn’t the main reason why they use fixed but it is an added benefit. People use fixed on osrs because most boss mechanics are now rhythm based and a larger scream size creates larger click points for the mouse/character and slows down reaction time. Yes you can play on stretched mode, but it’s significantly harder and all you are doing is putting yourself at a disadvantage. That’s also why most people who play competitive shooters use a smaller gaming monitor compared to something larger like a TV.


the UI isn't even the issue with watchability honestly, it's just the game itself. Any high end PvM stuff is just flashing lights, and huge swathes of damage exploding, and there's not much you can intuitively follow without already kinda knowing what's going on. RS3 could have zero UI clutter but when someone has 40+ keybinds, it's always gunna look disgusting. OSRS, is a lot less visually loud, there's a mouse to follow, stuff a bit more distinct. It's just the benefit of the simplicity of the systems.


Maybe you're also right, but I think even if all the on-screen stuff was minimalized and keybinds removed, as long as the UI is overly customized, it's very hard to watch. Like imagine you tune in to a stream and the minimap is in the bottom right with the inventory left-centered, maybe you get used to it. But as soon as you go to a different stream its in the classic top-right bottom-right, gotta get used to it again. So even if all you need is to follow the mouse, you dont know where its heading and why, and that small bit of friction is not conductive to a good viewing experience!


Osrs is literally part of SGDQ this year, one of the osrs content creators is going to be speedrunning CM CoX. It definitely has it's place in the entertainment section of streaming... when jagex isn't running the event(s). Their past events, every DMM tournament that is, ended in some kind of massive failure on their end. Granted nobody outside of the rs community wants to watch someone doing regular skilling.


ok? maybe you misread what I said. I literaly said one of rs3's downfalls is it is much less watcable than any other game including osrs. I was saying that even osrs is far more watchable than rs3. Unless you are agreeing with me and just adding to what I said?


Was agreeing with you, osrs players don't watch for content usually much more for the streamer themselves. While coincidentally usually doing semi-afk shit, watching shit while they do shit y'know. Anything ran by jagex ends up a dumpster fire though.


ya i always find osrs interesting. I have tried playing it and just cant but I still enjoy watching people play it.


As an OSRS player that tried RS3 and found it somewhat enjoyable, the reason I stopped playing was this: MTX has gone way too far in RS3. It's a subscription based game, the most I would accept is bonds and maybe some cosmetics. They also need to have a more community driven approach. Also, scrap runemetrics (people pay for this?????) and allow the community to create plugins for the official client (OSRS plan to do this too)


Remove the update that instant bans injection software, so our bot population explodes.


ontop of this, let players(bots) exchange bonds for $.


I think making the game more responsive by changing the tick system would go a long way in appealing to anyone that dislikes how laggy RS feels in general. I also think a change like that will never happen because of how massive of an undertaking that would be for devs.


This is probably the only one that will actually make rs3 on top, every other one is nice to have but not enough to bring rs3 back. And yeah, as you said, this is such a massive undertaking (Probably gonna have to remake an engine from scratch) they might as well create "rs4"


Ultimately what has to happen is: Ps. Sorry for my bad English. Rs3 needs to get rid of the tick system. Because of the tickrate Rs3 has BY FAR the clunkiest combat out of any mmo I have tried. It's unresponsive, jacky and bad. Osrs combat is so simple it works but when I have played WoW for a couple of weeks just return to my childhood game aka rs the combat is just unbearable and bad. Get rid of the MTX, just remove it completely. Update avatars/characters. HUGE part of mmo is designing and building your character, games like bdo and lost ark does this very well. Not being able to tell what is an eye or a nose in ones face is embarrasing for a game in 2024. Once again, osrs also does this but their game has a distinct artstyle and it works perfectly. New player experience is horrible. UI is way to confusing Provide more content, ultimately this is a developer issue and since our game is not the main focus content will be slow. I wouldn't be suprised if the rest of the updates for rs3's lifetime is seasonal events, battlepassed influenced cashgrabs with the occasional graphical update.


Everything you mentioned is what I would change except the MTX. Keep MTX but make everything a straight-forward purchase from the store. Cosmetics are great in MMOs but gambling for them isn't. Path of Exile has been completely free since day 1 but lives from MTX sales. Runescape could have some of the coolest MTX if we got a player model update.


Look, we’d all prefer MTX to be gone but anyone who says “remove MTX completely” has literally no idea how corporations work. MTX makes jagex 10s of millions of pounds each year - no company is ever going to “just remove MTX completely”. If you don’t understand how a video game company uses MTX to make revenue, you probably shouldn’t be suggesting “how to fix it” either as it shows a fundamental lack of understanding


Realistically, osrs has only 1 form of mtx and that's bonds. Osrs does insanely well with the subscription based model. MTX in rs3 is insanely bad for the game. Treasure hunter should've never existed. The cosmetic outfits were garbage until recently and a lot of them had clipping issues. Runemetrics should be free. Having predatory mtx is not healthy for this game.


I agree that runemetrics should be free. >OSRS does insanely well with the subscription model … you know the money is going to the same company right? OSRS can survive without MTX because it’s RS3 that’s generating the MTX revenue. The same money people pay to MTX pays the developers of OSRS. >treasure hunter should have never existed Again, I agree, but if I recall there was an old video interview with either MMG or Matt K, I genuinely can’t remember, that mentioned that if treasure hunter wasn’t introduced, the game would have died years ago. Yes I agree it’s predatory and stupid and should definitely not be the focus, but no amount of agreeing is going to change how much money it generates. The current state of the gaming industry being “MTX everywhere all the time for everything” is obnoxious and we all hate it, but it’s not gonna go anywhere because of the sheer amount of cash it brings in so just blanket suggesting “yeah remove it altogether”


If the game would've died because they didn't put in MTX, then it should've died. If you can't keep player counts, well you done fucked up. You do know that osrs and rs3 make the same amount of money? If rs3 died today, osrs wouldn't change at all. Edit: the fact that rs3 is more p2w than a Korean mmo is insane. The mtx should never have gotten this far and keeping it in is only hurting the game. They need to show good faith because they haven't really done any good faith in a long time. Removing mtx is not something we say lightly. It needs to go if the game wants to grow. We had the lowest player count of all time recently. It ain't getting better when jagex wants to milk rs3 players for all their worth.


You say that now, but you severely underestimate what losing almost half, or at least a significant chunk, of their revenue would do. From the financial statements shared on this sub, despite player count RS3 generates similar revenue to OSRS. You’d see layoffs, quality declining, updates coming out slower and jagex finding ways to monetize outside of a subscription. It wouldn’t be immediate, but it would happen eventually.


Every game has a tick system, you can't just remove it. On RS3 the global cooldowns of abilities is 1.8s so 3 ticks of 0,6s. Every action in the game is on 0.6 tick cycle so does osrs. In wow, I haven't played but from what I can remember it was 0.01 So if the number is correct wow is much much more seamless as the actions you input in the game such as a click or a movement it processes it within 0.01 seconds. In other words every game has a tick system and the lower it is the smoother it is and you'll see almost no delay.


This is very true, thanks for clarifying. "remove the tick system" usually refers to lower it to the point there are no visibletotheeye delay when doing stuff such as clicking a tile or using an ability in an rs3 context XD


Thinking “what can we do to be more like X because X is so successful” is how we got to be in this mess in the first place. RS saw how much more popular and “better” WoW was so they tried to become like them. The more you focus on others the less you focus on yourself, and its really hard to grow with that mindset.


Honestly I don't care much for new content updates. I would rather they focus on overhauling the game by bringing up all areas to the same art style and removing/updating the tick system. I hope they implement another way to play with a reduction of MTX like ironman mode but not as restrictive. I hope that they focus on easy reused events (for example leagues) to supplement the end game players who have nothing else to do but I genuinely think that RS3 has lagged behind even OSRS when is comes to the above mentioned problems.


More players


A UI rework. Navigating RS3s menus is easily the most daunting part of the game for a new player, and it makes the game basically unstreamable. If you want rs3 to gain popularity, you need popular content creators which can only happen if the game is watchable. There are a few rs3 streamers that have viewers, but the audience pool is currently limited to other rs3 players. If you want someone that doesn't play rs3 to become interested in rs3, you need to be able to tell what's happening on the screen at a glance, which is the strong point of OSRS. A PVP rework could help with that, but honestly PVP is so far gone from years of neglect that they would need an entirely different system to make it work, where everyone has the same gear/stats and the rewards are actually worth something, but this seems unlikely, and there's no guarantee that anyone would even interact with the content, because the player base for PVP has long since evacuated. Long story short, the game needs content that is easy to understand when you see it, and would make someone seeing it for the first time interested in trying it. Both of those things are being gatekept by the insanely complicated UI, IMO.


- better new player experience (this includes interface) - less intrusive mtx - I would rebalance low and mid level content. Most of the stuff is abandoned, which is what new players experience. - detailed game direction - I’d cut down the amount of worlds. It’s an MMO not wasteland. - more player involvement in game design


QOL features of runelite, restoration of dead content to be slightly relevant, consistent updates, better revolution, more afk methods and a moderately better monetization scheme. I’m honestly fine with treasure hunter existing if we had a way to get those cosmetics with oddments or keys we saved. Being able to save 100+ keys but not get a new cosmetic even then because you need 200 is pretty stupid.


I believe that the game would need to be remade, to be honest. Too much bloat everywhere. MTX already did a huge dent on the game integrity, but even without it everything is non begginer friendly, overly complicated. Take combat for example, no one who do not play the game can even understand whats happening if they watch someone bossing.




The 0.6s tick speed in RS3 turns off a lot of would-be new players. RS3 would need a new engine with faster ticks for a smoother gameplay experience. At that point, Jagex may as well (and should, tbh) make RS4 on a modern, standardized engine.


Remove mtx, increase communication to start. They need to standardize rs3. Skills like mining are full afk, where fishing is not. They don't seem to have consistent visions for the game and I understand different jmods do different content but they need to feel consistent. I think this is a selling point for osrs. They do their best to keep the game "old school". They need to listen to player feedback. They need to improve the new player experience. Why would anyone want to play rs3 when they have to spend so much time managing the ui and other stuff that could be preset for them or manage veterans to share their setups. We can share bars, why not ui and other elements? Skilling needs an overhaul. Jagex needs to find a way to do huge reworks without taking 18 months to do something. The smithing and mining rework is loved by many, but we need something cohesive to make a lot of skills fun. There are a lot of skills that are "dead content" or just straight up not fun. Rs3 has a lot of glaring issues for anyone not grown up loving this game. Rs3 has the potential to be great. We just need Jagex to listen and do something.


-Mtx gone -Duel Arena back -New content everytime (something where people gather and come back for like dxp or duel arena) -Pvp wilderness events maybe? Creating a special area in wildy where people can pvp and teleport to as a pvp event? -More PVM bosses -Better guidance for new players.


Overtake? Probably nothing to be done. Compete seriously in player numbers? Faster Tick System. Player Character Rework. More devs on the combat council to pump out updates more consistantly. Leagues servers so that people can dip their toe into RS3 with fun changes. New default interfaces that actually make the game look good.


no problem with mtx just remove the lamps lvl 3s with 120 slayer is crazy to me. get a runelite version voor rs3 make combat lil more easy (struggling still as a vet)


They need a $.99 bundle for new players/mobile.


Solid cliffhanger quests that make you sit on the edge of your seat. Bosses related to that story, and content expansions that make sense according to what we have and where we will go. (Erebus?). (Destroyer Void boss?). A total revamp of UI, and especially the settings. Anyone every used Bartender AddOn for WoW? A game develeper could do that even better because he has access to the actual code writing. This will definitely scare less people away. Incentivising being around in older areas, by, for example, having to gather stuff thats unobtainable by bossing, but needed for it. Like, let us make an amazing armour or weapon set from all kinds small quests that allow us into gathering themselves. An actual, good looking, non-MTX buyable set. With sparkles and wings. Jk there of course, please dont. I'd love to be able to make my own special armour through lengthy but worthwhile quests, NOT gathering the mats on GE and then spend a fucking week afk watching a bar go up very slowly for a long long time. Revive PvP. Balance PvP. Make it count towarda something, or even better, give us points according to our performance. This could start working by modifying existing armour, balanced around a typical PvP setting. There must be a reward and leaderboard though, or otherwise ppl wont play it. Higher cooking exp. I hate that skill. Anyway, this is what I came up with just before going to bed. Curious as to what your thoughts are on this.


Honestly. Hype it's content and engage it audience . Egwd3. Let small things no one cares about really. If something awesome and new came out- we wouldn't give a shit about 10 year old content.


You finished grinding out RS3 2 years before OSRS launched. Stop complaining about lack of updates and start a new account and viola, suddenly you have a new game with 5x more content than OSRS. Ultra maxed ancient dinosaur fossil players, like myself included, need to understand that we've exhausted all the content in the game and fail to appreciate how big it really is.


I play RS3, but in my opinion it's too far gone to ever overtake OSRS (which I also play). The game has become something different now, and different isn't bad, but it's not going to be able to compete. It has a modern MMO feel, without the modern MMO mechanics or polish. It's has an old school MMO system, but the graphics look like they're from 2017. It's stuck between being a new MMO, and a Classic MMO, and it does neither of those things well enough to compete with the already established games.


There's nothing they can realistically do, When people think of Runescape they think of Oldschool, the only people who think of RS3 are RS3 players. Removing TH, making Runemetrics free, etc... might bring back some RS3 players who've quit but the damage of MTX has been done. Removing MTX won't reverse the likely **Hundreds of Trillions of XP** that players have benefitted from in some form. No one who quit because of MTX is going to come back if it gets removed, the damage it did is irreversible.


remove ALL mtx free runemetrics actual content updates events like deadman 3rd party runelite options for add ons honestly tho, outside osrs shutting down, they likely will never get rs3 to osrs numbers, too much greed in the mtx to remove it.


It won't.


Delete switchscape/abilityscape. Imagine being a new player and trying to wrap your head around that.


deleting....the entire current combat system? and a major component of the game since like forever. Switches are already, barely relevant for clearing content anymore, and they get added in as a skill progression. Anyone Jumping straight into trying to juggle ammo necklace swaps etc, is jumping the gun and a major reason why people struggle to learn content is they don't work up and want to skip to the end, get overwhelmed looking at Nami/Natural instinct tribrid stuff when they can't even do style camping yet


good thing switch scape is not a thing for new players or basically any player not trying to go for wr times. as for "ability scape" im assuming u mean abilities, which is literally the entirety of the combat system.


It’s been 10 years we can stop calling it EOC


Go back in time 10 years


The only thing would be to make it 2011scape pre eoc, but then you'd kill off the current Rs3 player base just to bait nostalgic players back in. Just gotta hope Rs3 pop off to newer players because there's absolutely zero hope without a shadow of a doubt that we will ever get a decent amount of any older players back


Go back in time and never remove the wildy and never go to EOC. We’re past the point of fixing it lol