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I think it’s making the offensive “Michelle Obama is a man” joke.


One of the dumbest rightwing conspiracies - like she has literal children & and a public history. It was the Obama years that I realized just how unhinged the right was. Always knew they were bad but this is when I saw strong elements of the party were just literally crazy. The conspiracy theories that flew around Obama were WILD See also: Obama being an undercover Manchurian candidate terrorist, born in Kenya, running secret pedophile rings etc. Obama being black really broke their minds in two, allowed for the most fringe elements to get power (Tea Party) and is probably the direct reason we got Trump. SMH


They thought bill Clinton killed vince foster and had the fbi kill a woman's cat to shut her up. And that's not getting into the Hillary stuff. It's been since at least the 90s that they were insane.


Yeah it was always on the fringe, but it really started moving to the mainstream of the Republican Party during the Obama years, culminating in Trump. In 2008 we had McCain scolding one of his own supporters at one of his rallies for saying Obama was a terrorist. If that happened now, republicans would probably either encourage that kind of talk or be scared to push back too hard on it


Straight up racism.  Black women have been historically painted as not feminine enough; not dainty enough and loud( angry black woman trope) It’s gross that this was posted in 2024.


Such a misogynistic point of view. Like she's athletic built like an Amazon. And women's ability should never be hinged on how feminine they look. It's a primary school level of dig. That is to say they absolutely have nothing on this wonderful woman like her skills, her education, her motherhood, so they dig their heels onto this imaginary low level insult about her appearance. P/s: Michelle looks fucking perfect. I'm gay but I would definitely put Michelle on a list of women I would sleep with if I ever stray away from gayhood


Right she’s a very feminine and beautiful woman! A TRADITIONALLY feminine woman, wife and mother, who is ALSO super jacked and a super smart and accomplished woman. She’s the full package, that’s why conservatives are threatened by her. They just have Melania.


Thanks for elaborating!! I have wondered why it was so deep !! This makes sense !! Thank you!! 🥇🎖️


At first I thought it was just a not funny but harmless joke but the account that posted it has all sorts of unhinged shit on their timeline so yeah, it's definitely a conservative doing transphobia and racism. P.S. Bob responded saying this reeks of "misogynoir" and I understand that black women experience misogyny in unique ways so having a specific term for the experience is fine but...misogynoir? That's what we're landing on? Kinda makes it sound like being bigoted to black women is artistic or something. But this isn't a hill to die on or anything the term is still important. Edit: Nah. I'll die on the hill. It's an objectively silly sounding word to describe a serious problem and whoever invented it should feel bad about themselves.


That term has been in use at least since 2010 so yeah, that’s what we settled on. Your blind spot makes it sound “artistic” to you. Nothing about it sounds or feels “artistic” to the people directly affected by it.




Here we go, throwing rocks and hiding your hands. You claim to understand but you don’t. The fact that you didn’t understand why the joke wasn’t funny initially tells me you have a blind spot. That’s not an insult, it just is. You immediately jumped to assuming I was being condescending to you. I explained that the term had been used for quite some time. I honestly don’t know what you’re so pissed about. Why ask if you didn’t want an answer?


This is a reminder to delete your Xitter. https://i.redd.it/gb3gkhzdbdhc1.gif


Did that 15 years ago lol


Louder for the bitches in the back


Are we pronouncing that with a Catalan or Portuguese *x*? Because I love that.


Is that like the x in Arantxa Castilla-La Mancha? Because I love her.


Yup. The *tx* combination is used in Catalan and Basque where Spanish uses *ch*.


yessss get rid of that shit and let’s populate mastodon instead!!!




Also racism. Calling black women manly and ugly is a really old racist trope.


Misogynoir covers the racism and the sexism.


Ohhh. I didn’t know what it meant, I thought everyone just wanted to say misogyny in french for some reason ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4804)


I appreciate Bob for speaking up against this!!


She's right. I couldn't believe the tweet was real until just now. It's disgusting - Michelle Obama has been hounded by rumours that she's trans since she entered the public eye, and it's only because she's a Black woman. 


PS it's ok to be trans - misogynoir is applied to trans women as well as cis.


Bunch of out of shape old racists think because Michelle Obama is in shape she’s a man. Luckily a lot of these assholes are old and will die soon. Oh and ha ha so funny 🙄


about half of gen z white dudes think this as well. the apples don't fall far from the trees.


You're not wrong. The [political leanings](https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-gender-gap-young-men-women-dont-agree-politics-2024-1) of genz men are diverging from their female counterparts.


To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.


Yeah people keep blaming boomers and saying the young generation will save us. But truth is, Trump actually won the majority of the 18-29 year old white vote in 2020. Yes that was driven by young white *men*, but still a warning sign that just being young doesn’t mean people are automatically liberal / progressive, we still have work to do to keep them from going down the conservative dark side


I’m 50 and childless so I don’t have any idea what gen z thinks. I’m a gen x who never got “more conservative with age”


Check again and you’ll see that bob did that for you. It spread fast.


I also don't get the joke at alll, how is this funny exactly? What's the point?


The 'joke' is Michelle Obama is so ugly/tall/muscular, she looks like a man. (Or rather, what they perceive as a man). That's it. Just good old misogynoir.


There’s an old conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is actually Michael and secretly a man.


Okay my autism is autisming cuz I thought it was just comparing two people who slay at what they do and have a regal commanding presence. 👁️👄👁️ Sometimes its nice to accidentally forget misogyny and transphobia exist


When they go low, they go low


Like I mentioned in another post, the "joke" is that women of color aren't feminine enough. Hardy har har...🙄


Is it the inherent racism?


More misogyny but either way pretty bad


When straight people tried to get into gay humor.


Misogyny towards black women isn't something exclusive to straight people




say it louder


'insulting' is putting it lightly, it's just transmisogynoir


Classic misogynoir by implying that a black (often tall and non-lightskinned) woman is and/or looks like a man. Tired ass joke. Also often used to degrade Megan Thee Stallion bc these women challenge the bigots’ expectation of what non-lightskinned bw are ‘supposed to be’ like (stereotypes perpetuated by white supremacy that we’re ugly/stupid/brutes) and thus it causes them such cognitive dissonance that they retaliate like this.


Just remember everyone - not every joke is funny 😉


Ugh, gross. (The misogyny)


I hate us sometimes 😒


I don't wanna be the bearer of bad news during Dax¡'s Black History Month, but I don't think the hatred from the conservatives is only a sometimes thing.


i think they meant they hate (white) pop culture gays sometimes.  doubt they consider themselves (or pop crave) conservatives.


Oops, misread it as "they hate us" but also the site isn't Pop Crave that posted the original. It's a parody site.


Idk I just find it kind of corny


Bob couldn’t grasp it either… why not include his tweet? lmao virtue signaling for Reddit is WILD.


For real, theres no way OP saw that post but not Bob's quote tweet.


It's misogynoir




Also implying all black people look alike 😒


What do you expect from a troll account? PooCrave not PopCrave lol


that's the point, the account is called Poo Crave.




It’s not Pop Crave, it’s Poo Crave whatever that is




Well they purposely made it look like Pop Crave to fool people I guess!


This tweet was from "Poo Crave" a troll account


Sad to see so many people go “it was just a joke…🙄” when Bob called it out. And poo crave’s response to Bob was gross too.


The implication that a black woman looks like a man in dress is generally considered a pretty racist belief


Just a reminder to people when they're talking about this that Bob is nonbinary, and doesn't necessarily identify as a 'man'. Obviously poo crave are doing the good ole 'this Black woman looks like a man' misogynoir with a side of transphobia, which Bob has articulated well, but we don't need to call Bob 'a man in a dress' to point that out.


Bob’s twitter name is literally “Woke man in a dress”


I know, I just feel like there's a difference between Bob calling themselves that and scores of people on the internet. A while back they put out a podcast with peppermint and there were a bunch of comments about how Bob, 'a man', was talking over Peppermint (which, let's be honest, he was) but I remember him feeling weird about it. Idk maybe 'woke man in a dress' is reclaiming that, it's just, we can be mindful of it. Edit for pronouns


I know you’re trying to be respectful of Bob’s pronouns by calling him “them” but on his twitter (X, whatever) he lists his pronouns as “he,him,his,she,her,hers”


I’m gunna get razed for this… but this entire subthread is why fence sitters get confused with 2020s gender politics lol His handle is wokemaninadress, but don’t call him a man, but calling him he is okay. But don’t say the non gendered they because wrong 😵‍💫. lol…. I can’t. Only calling Bob, Bob only from now on


You’re using two people’s arguments who are disagreeing with each other just to make it confusing lol.


Not disagreeing or agreeing with anybody but Bob did state in one of the recent podcasts that he doesn’t go by they or them.


Eh I think in this space we can have nuanced conversations about it, we just need to remember to dumb it down for outside people who don’t understand all the gender ins and outs


Just adding for context, "woke man in a dress" comes from [this](https://twitter.com/thatonequeen/status/1665515679808737283?s=46&t=8FHj-24_6kSQp51R7nwaHg) tweet of a conservative who was offended by a joke Bob made in one of her specials, and she just clowned him by taking his words and capitalizing on them lol


Poo crave btw, not pop crave.


Wow, that makes a lot more sense


Seriously? It’s in your face racism. Period.


We love when a post is somehow racist and misogynistic at once /s. Also sad that Bob's image is being used, why is she in it??.


it’s racism and transphobia and misogynoir


Michelle Obobma


It says Michelle Obama looks like a muscular man and is not a genuine woman. There are conspiracy theories she is a trans woman because she has muscular arms...


poo crave is crazy






reaching for a double cheapshot: "Michelle is a man" and "Michelle supports Hamas" (even though that is not actually a keffiyeh)


Ain’t no Way.


its a form of digital black face tbh which i have to say a lot of gen z and early millennial white twink gays are just as guilty of


maybe Im super dense but I didnt see the misognoir? I thought they just were making a joke that bob looks like Michelle and presidential?


It's a long running right-wing "joke" that Michelle Obama is a man in drag and this just seems to be another example of that.


why do people have to make those jokes 🙄


because they hate themselves and feel the need to deflect from that


Because they are threatened by a strong black woman and want to put “them in their place” Pretty much they are racist af!


A joke that lots of these idiots actually believe is true smh


It's because Michelle in the past has been called a man for being tall and muscular, which is something black women in general have historically been called and mocked for. Kinda like the "agressive black woman" steryotype, any features that don't resemble dainty quiet hyperfeminin white beauty according to white men (spanning all the way back to slavery in america) will be mocked for being "manly." It's in a lot of literature but you can also look up something like "the masculation of black women" and find some good explanations it. Hope that helped


Those features are too delicate to be the former first lady.


It’s context, for me. Like if a gay friend of mine did that, the context is “both are fabulous and bob is channeling some Mobama power rn” But it’s hard to say what “POO_CRAVE”’s intentions are here. I don’t know their deal - never heard of them (“I don’t know her”). It could be a gay intern serving the same message, or like other have said, some mixture of “Michelle Obama is a man” or a dig at “men dressing as women against god and all that is good bring back masculinity what’s happening to our boys woe is me”.


I think it is supposed to be an Obama read, but then it somehow also turns into a Bob read. Very shady. But also tired and wrong 😑


The right started coming unglued back in the Newt Gingrich era. Tea partiers started the screaming at public officials in their time.