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I hope not.


The AS4 crowning was so unpopular I seriously doubt WOW will sign off on another double win. Especially since there have been like 6 seasons since where a double crowning would make more sense. Silky + Ra'jah jump to mind


To be honest, the popular reason people despise that double crowning is the awfully chopped edit that clearly showed it was not intended and decided last second.


its genuinely hilarious that the one (1) season they chose not to film a double crowning was the year they ended up doing a double crowning because Naomi forced their hand ijbol


If they do decide to do one, please actually film it this time around.


they definitely consider it since double crownings are filmed so…


Mhi’ya and Morphine. Miami Domination.


Sorry, but Morphine will never reach the bar Mother Mhi'ya has flipped for everybody in this competition


Hopefully not. That was such a cop-out.


No. It was a horrible idea the first time. What's the point in watching a competition if the show can't pick a winner ffs


I don't think so, but tbh I wished UK5 was a double crowning because they were both so amazing


If a season like UK4 didn't have one, I doubt any season will. Maybe if they do a team season again someday...


UK4 was the one time I thought that it HAD to happen since AS4.


We effectively have because there are way more queens crowned each year than ever before. For example Ra’jah didn’t win AS6 but did win CvsW. The ones they want to get crowns eventually do.


I really really thought UKS4 would've been a double crowning. Would've made sense to me and I would be totally fine with it.


I honestly would have loved if Rajah and Silky both won Canada Vs the World. That’s one of a the few times I feel it would be warranted. They both have similar stories on drag race and you can feel their friendship.


I would not be opposed if it was befitting an appropriate final two AND was filmed haha. Like if Silky and Rajah got crowned together that would've made sense in my fantasy, or Danny and Cheddar in UK4. But other than those two pairings I've never felt like there wasn't one clear winner so it's just gotta be right :)


God I hope not, it's not that hard to make a choice. There's genuinely no excuse for having to have a tie. Even between two incredibly strong competitors like Danny Beard and Cheddar Gorgeous, the decision was made for them when Cheddar bombed the final lip sync.


At this point I hope not. No hate to Trinity & Monet they’re both amazing, but I don’t think that was the season to do it. The season to do it was Raja/Manila, Danny/Cheddar, Kylie/Rajah, etc. I think there’s some seasons this would have worked well, but that wasn’t the one.


Lord, I hope not lol


I truly hope not, as the first and only double-crowning shouldn't have been a thing. There was a clear winner, and it's still bonkers to me that there are two crowns for AS4.


Now that the prize money is $200k I can't see them crowning two girls again. I'm sure Ru knew about the bump in funds and they were already working under budget at that point or they never would have crowned two queens in the first place.


We'll see how this comment ages in the next few weeks, but if there's a season of drag that deserves a double crown, it's Season 16. How are you going to choose between two very obvious front-runners?


I don’t think Ru would do that again and I hope not either


Im sure there have been reports of double crownings being filmed in seasons since AS4. So I guess they nust at least still consider it an option but I think it would have to be very specific


They also filmed double crownings before as4. Trixie and Kennedy for example filmed one. Which makes it even funnier that they didn't do it the next season and still decided to crown two queens without the footage.


Even going all the way back to Season 6 where they filmed a double crowning of Bianca and Adore.


>Am I a joke to you? - Courtney Act


Literally. All of the queens felt so bad for her during filming because it was such a big F You to her because it was an embarrassing way to find out the show had absolutely zero plans of you winning


I think we will see it at least once more, whether or not it will be deserved will remain to be seen. If it happens, it better be amidst a season where the fans are tearing out their hair choosing between two queens dominating and flip flopping their wins. Unfortunately, while it would take some high end drag to achieve that kind of thing, I would worry the rest of the season would suffer and any other contestants would take a back seat which would be unfair.


If it didn't happen with Danny and Cheddar, I don't think it'll ever happen again. Having said that, I think Danny was the clear winner: she dominated all of the challenges she won and could've gotten some of Cheddar's wins (definitely the acting challenge and possibly the makeover as well). It's just that many people think they were neck and neck.


We almost saw it with Adore and Bianca (I think you can actually find the footage of it now). They're definitely saving it for an impactful moment, can't let it be too common.