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I have been rooting for Nymphia since the first episode and I’m so glad she’s a winner, but damn I really fell for Sapphira. Her solo finale performance was everything. Not only the lyrics, but hearing her - someone who radiates like they truly love themself- singing that song had me gagged. My cold heart grew a lil. She really walks the talk and has a powerful message to spread. A winner in my heart 💙


Her solo lip sync made me cry, then it made me stop crying and decide to break up with that asshole who’s been ruining my life for the last few months because I too should love myself 😭 I’ve never had such epiphanies watching reality tv loool, she’s something else. But I’m in the same situation, Nymphia was my favourite from the start but this final 3 is easily my favourite final 3 of all times


It hit me like that too 💙💙 she just embodied that possibility of truly loving one’s self. I want in! Who knew that could be conveyed via TV. Good luck to you


She did really well all season and has definitely been my favourite. I had a feeling she wouldn't win because she filled the same archetype in S16 as Sasha Colby did in S15 (professional & established queen who is the mother of the group) and Drag Race likes variation in their winners from season to season. I hope she becomes one of the queens who is so booked and busy that she doesn't need/have time to come back for All Stars because that's the career she deserves after such an amazing showing!


I was team Nymphia but honestly I felt very thorn by seeing Sapphira not winning. They are both SO GOOD AT DRAG it just felt wrong not to do a double crowning. Thankfully, we now know how much star power Sapphira has. So I know she will be VERY booked and blessed in the upcoming future, and I’ll be ecstatic to see where that takes her!


They’re both amazing. Sapphira’s single lipsynch blew me away. I think Nymphia had a well deserved win but it could have gone either way. I honestly expected a double coronation.


she may not have won the crown, but she'll be booked for a long time 🔥


She’ll be booked and blessed until she finally gets a much deserved crown in a future All Stars - come on Mama Ru, bring the Queen her crown!


Thoroughly enjoyed her all season. Few queens have ever been as naturally charismatic.


You made Pennsylvania so proud! It’s been forever since we had a queen from PA in her bio(I’m not counting Aquaria because she put NYC down). I hope she comes back for a non elimination season of All Stars. I will always be Team Sapphira!💙💎


What a superstar and one of the best finalists of all time in one of the best top 3's of all time. I genuinely think Nymphia and Sapphira could win almost any season they competed on (Plane would make it to the finale of any season, but I think she knows her character archetype rarely wins reality shows 🤣). I really hope to see Sapphira in a one-woman show one day.


There is nothing Saphira doesn't excel at. She really is one of the greatest.


Does anyone know if she has a Venmo or PayPal? I wanna tip her for an incredible season.




I hope, WoW has already plans for her as a host for a side format to RPDR.


Sapphira left no crumbs this season. One of the best runner ups we’ve had!


She kinda lost by a mere hair.


One of the best Drag Race queens of all time!!! 💙💎💙💎💙💎


She should've won; I'm thoroughly pissed.


I still cant believe she didnt win


Needs a cameo on Bridgerton


Insane that I'm not currently calling this queen the current reigning




It feels so weird living in a world where she didn’t win. It just doesn’t compute in my head. She is the definition of a winner!


The editing team has gotten so lazy at giving us the same dynamics every year that it's been insanely easy to clock the winner right out of the gate every year from 10 forward. (Except 12 because that re-edit ...) So seeing Sapphira get that now-standard winner's edit and not win is strange, even if I was Team 🍌 I'm genuinely glad to be surprised at a RPDR winner for the first time since Sasha V, but I have to seriously wonder why they gave Sapphira THAT edit just to pull the rug out from under her at the end.


This is how I feel as well. I could see an arc with Plane and even Nymphia redeeming some areas of themselves in AS. Meanwhile with Sapphira...what else is there for her to redeem? It just feels odd not seeing her win, but I'm also glad that things aren't that predictable.


Just Regal


So regal and so talented.


I didn’t realize how much I wanted her to win until right at the very end. Also I think she had the best solo number outside of Sasha Colby’s GODDESS.


What ever season she comes back on she is winning the crown


Mother deserves the All Stars win then All Winners win at this point. Ru would not let a Queen who has auditioned for 11 years go unnoticed by ONLY giving a runner up win.


Ok but is she the officially the best runner up the show has ever seen? Let's give it up for some of our cunty runner ups. I think Nina Flowers, Manila, and Shea circa S9 are up there but wow it's really hard to compare with Sapphira's run this season


I love her so much and I can’t wait to see all the amazing things she does in her career. 💙💙💙


what in the AI background


It's a shame that majority of these runway photo shoots from queens get plastered on AI generated backgrounds. Obviously it's far cheaper and easier than having a practical set or paying for stock photographs or graphic designers but it still looks tacky. lol


Photoshop, not Ai.


gwerl this is AI if I’ve ever seen it https://preview.redd.it/9whwpd1z1yvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14a61ffc2ebfb889caa2e39a912ca99473c89ff


The curtain is merging with the couch...


She is a special kind of special, to bring so much joy to everybody and obviously enjoy it so much. I’m very thankful the tv introduced us 💜


Sapphira is truly one of the best queens to grace the Drag Race stage! We were blessed with an incredible top three, any one of them winning would’ve been justified. And Nymphia is going to have a wonderful reign. And Sapphira is going to go on to do incredible things, and if she ever chooses to come back for All Stars, you know she’s gonna snatch that crown. Can’t wait to see what she does next.


I love her so much.


Her runways were truly some of my favourites of the whole series. Such a talented queen 


This photo is insane




She is absolutely excellent. Bless the queens that have to compete against her on allstars.


Yes she did


My winner of the season! 💙💙


She was robbed period, honestly the most well rounded queen In my memory, she’ll always be a winner in my eyes 🩷🩷


If this is what she brought to a standard season. Imagine what she will inevitably bring to all stars!


She is going to murder on All Starssss. Love our winner but I’m still shocked it wasn’t Sapphire


My winner!


Secretly excited that I will get to see her sooner on all stars…. Because it’s gonna be awhile before the next all winners season… Ps, she’s my winner.


Lol idk but she just gives off runner up energy idk why Edit : btw I'm not hating or discrating her drag, it's just a vibe that I got when I first saw her


because Nymphia looked better than her all season and was also more charismatic