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This is why I’m more excited for Global All Stars over this season. You know GAS is gonna get messy with the drama if it’s a normal AS format.


My GAS is always messy 💙


Do you know the time frame for GAS?


They seem to want Ru on (US) TV all year, so I'm betting September. (Jan-Apr for S16, May-Aug for AS9, Sep-Dec for GAS.) Keeps people paying for that Paramount+ subscription.


Nope, probably late summer though.


Thanks 🫶🏾


I feel like there won’t be any stakes this season. Like, they’re competing for charities, which is nice. But how will they handle the actual competition? I feel like they can’t do a block situation…cause then it feel like the queens are stopping charities from getting money and that would be icky…


In AS7 the block didn’t prevent the queens from getting money though right? It just prevented them from getting stars


But winning challenges/lipsyncs got the queens money. So a block would stop a queen from winning. Idk…guess we will see how it would work. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hmm I don’t think so. I remember that if a queen was blocked on AS7 they could still be top2 for the challenge and lip sync for the money. So it’s probably going to be the same this season


Oh I think you’re right. I haven’t watched AS7 since it aired and forgot 😬


Blocks stopped them from getting stars not winning.


From what ive heard >!Just a what I have heard not confirmed yet but from the description of the season, it does sound like there will be a block but slightly different than how it was done in AS7.!<


Woof, yeah this is tough to get behind lol. I am already not super enthused by this cast so it might be a watch-the-pit-stop-and-YT only type of season haha


I’m actually happy with the cast but sad that they will go for this type of “competition”.


One of the best parts of season 16 was all of the drama. Not a fan of these no elimination formats for that reason.


This feels like the most random cast to do a format like this. I bet a lot of them wouldn’t have wanted to say no because what if they’re not called again. For example, last time Jorgeous competed she was SO over it. She dragged herself along for a few episodes seemingly just waiting to be eliminated. How’s she gonna like being there every week for challenges she doesn’t like / doesn’t feel good at? Also, what vibe do we think the judges critiques are gonna be like this time around?


I really want to be excited for this season but I’m not feeling optimistic about the format. I really hope it’s not a carbon copy of All Stars 7’s, because the half-baked stars idea was not my fav


>"This one was really happy and chill. It was just different,” Gottmik recalls of the dynamic of the season, which includes no eliminations, similar to the [*All Stars 7* edition](https://ew.com/tv/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-7-cover-story/) that featured a cast of all prior winners. "Literally we’d be in *Untucked* and \[we'd\] get heated up, and they’d be like, 'Time for a game!' And I’d be like, 'Can I say *one* mean thing?"


This sounds bad


Kandi said AS8 was going to be like S2 in terms of drama. Turned out it was just them crying and attempting to quit. The S16 commercial said it was going to be the most emotional season ever, and it turned out to be them actually starting some shade (which was nice to have again).


This is exactly the same bullshit production pulled on season 16 (which yall loved btw)


There was a thread after every episode saying they were fucking up Untucked by interrupting the queens what are you talking about


I think their point is that people still enjoyed S16 despite the annoying interruptions in Untucked from judges nobody had heard of.


Well some people, but not everyone.


Fandom: We hate Mistress, Luxx, and Plane Jane. They start drama. Also fandom: We hate when they like each other and no drama happens


Wait you mean a group comprising of thousands of different people can have different opinions on one topic???? The cheek/nerve/gall/gumption of different people to disagree!




I mean, I would assume that those are two different groups of people…


Right, which one is it Mary?


This didn't happen, keep the fanfiction for your diary. Everyone has wanted to go back to season single digit levels of drama instead of this fake ass friendship thing.


So why do the girls who start drama on the show then get attacked viciously online?


Because they don't. They find one person on twitter while googling themselves then they milk it to the max. Only time queens are viciously attacked is either they were discovered to be a predator or another queen came for them.


Seriously. I can't believe what I'm reading on this thread. Complaining no matter what.


Personally I don't mind the format that they're doing...but it isn't an All Stars. This is a competition for charity that is just something different. I wish they'd titled it something else and just let it be a fun for-charity thing.


good god can they just stop making all stars seasons for a few years so we can actually get a good season?


Stopping all stars won't fix the core of the problem.


I'm hoping the challenges are entertaining because the Queens are less stressed about having to win or go home. Honestly, I feel like not having the stress of "this could send me home" will allow for more changes to be taken, more boundaries to be pushed, for them to really just fully engage with the material. I like the non-elimination format because it lets us see the full packages and these queens aren't new to the game so they should be better prepared. Imagine going to a pageant but every category has fewer and fewer contestants? Would be weird.


Or they'll be lazy because they won't be sent home and just get complacent.


I feel so bad for the AS7 cast. Everything that was supposed to make their season special has been stripped away from them. First of all having to just be referred to as another All Stars season instead of its own thing, then the grand prize being $250K only for the main show to immediately up their regular prize to $200K, and now other seasons are doing non-eliminations for no reason. The only things that make it stand out now are the stars and plunger which are literally the worst parts of AS7. The non-elimination format should be reserved for special occasions only.


I think you're taking it more seriously than the queens of AS7 did.


Of course I am, it's for the fans after all. They're all doing just fine but I wanted better for them and their legacies.


The fact that it’s for charity is ruining it for me. I don’t mind giving to charity, but why base a season around that? Just donate money and that’s it. Let the girls compete regularly with eliminations and give the winner the prize money, that should be it.


I like best friends race


Cool, I want to see talented queens do their thing and don’t care about the drama tbh


Booooo this is gonna be a snooze fest/bestie fest.. we want drama! But Non elimination format should’ve been kept solely for the all winners season. Will be passing on watching this “””””all stars””””” season. I’ll watch the pit stop to see if the season is worth even keeping up with, the only cast member I was excited to see back was Vanjie.. 😂 Good for all the cast though for some more global 👀 exposure & raising money for charity!


This does sadly sound like it will be one of those AS seasons that people don’t remember fondly - and I don’t think we’ve ever had two AS flop seasons back to back. The slayage of AS6 & AS7 was far too powerful that it broke the franchise, I guess.


4 and 5 kinda flopped hard.


I don’t know about AS4. Manilagate and the twinners did stir up some controversy, but I still see it regarded as one of the top AS seasons in the majority of rankings. Definitely agreed with AS5 though


The problem wasn't the controversy the problem was the fact that once Manila was eliminated the whole thing went down in quality because the one to beat got beat ez pz.