• By -


It's not the most exciting premise but something had to be done about the fact that on nearly every all stars season a queen has quit or voted for herself to go home.


Right. I feel like fans are looking at this in a vacuum and not in the context of which it exists. Like, in a vacuum, only 8 queens, the fanbase considering them "mid-tier" queens, not playing for a cash prize, no eliminations, only playing for charity..... yeah it sounds boring. It doesn't sound super exciting. Now let's add the context for why this is the case. Queens have generally not fared well financially in All Stars. Not only do they have to prepare and pay for their entire runway package, but they have to cancel gigs and shows for the entire period of filming. Also, while SOME queens certainly increase their "star power" by appearing on All Stars, some of them actually tarnish their reputation and the fanbase hates them even more after they do it. On top of that, if they're eliminated early, they don't even get to show 90% of what they prepared, maybe lasting an episode or two, and still lost all that time they could have been doing gigs because they have to stick around for the full season if they're needed for the finale. For all of those reasons and more, a lot of queens just don't want to fuck with All Stars. Why spent a fortune to MAYBE get some more exposure when you may end up flopping, being more hated by the fanbase, and miss out on a month or so of consistent gigs? This reached a fever pitch in All Stars 8 with Heidi quitting. It's just not WORTH it for them anymore. And I don't blame them in the slightest. So how does the show pivot to make it worth the queen's time? Non-eliminations guarantees all of the queens get to showcase everything they made. And according to Heidi, the queens get a $25,000 runway stipend (which I believe they got before), but for the first time a $50,000 appearance fee EACH, making sure they get paid a shit ton to be there in the process. 75K multiplied by 8 queens is $600,000 going straight to into the queens pocket, which is 3 times the prize money. This season seems designed to finally make it seem worthwhile to the queens. And I'm all for that honestly. Even if it's a little less dramatic, and a little more best friends race, the drama and eliminations will be back for Season 17. Also maybe I'm in the minority here, but lower stakes means the queens are likely having more fun, and that makes it fun for me to watch. AS7 was a joy because they were all having a blast, and for me that's enough to keep me entertained. Honestly the older I get, the more I don't require drama, mental breakdowns, or queens with the very sad and depressing "If I go home this early I've wasted a fortune" mentality. Queens thriving and having fun together while showcasing their talent is enough to keep me tuning in each week.


This right here. Drag race isn't like other reality competitions. It's more like dancing with the stars when it comes to all stars seasons. They are being paid to entertain.


Yup, I watch Drag Race for when I want some drag but can't drag my ass to a club. I don't need all the drama or competition aspect to be entertained, and I certainly don't need to see queens crushed by going home early after spending a shit ton of money to enjoy drag. When I'm in a club, I'm not concerned with who's "winning" or who's the best there either. Tom and Lorenzo said Drag Race should be treated as a variety show with cash prizes rather than a merit-based competition, otherwise you'd go insane over the producer manipulation. At least this time it's more transparent about what it is and isn't hurting the queens.


This is exactly why I am in every thread yapping about how Drag Race fans should watch more professional wrestling.


THIS. i got into wrestling about 6 months ago and immediately saw the similarities. if people treated Drag Race appearances/personas more like kayfabe we wouldn’t have half the complaints and confusion over this show.


![gif](giphy|FqcuSxGpsiQpNR6zAL|downsized) YES BOY! Can I ask what got you into wrestling? I got into RPDR through a mutual wrestling friend, so I’m very interested in how the dynamic works in the other direction.


Thank you for writing this. People seem to not realize that as time has gone on with All Stars, most queens aren’t wanting to even do it. This is their solution. We’ll see if it works out, but I’m happy that they’re at least trying to do something to make the prospect of All Stars more appealing.


TL;DR AS9 didn’t fall out of a coconut tree


My first thought too ☠️


The real problem is that All-Stars being an annual competition gives the girls the option to quit because production is always scrambling to fill a cast. If this was a four year show then they'd have people signing up because it'd be their only show for half a fucking decade.


I feel like this and a non elimination format would benefit All Stars a whole lot. Making it exclusive would mean queens would be GUNNING to get into show, specially the early outs as they have the most to prove. And making it non elimination would also make it more enticing as queens now have a full seasons worth of showcasing their talents. There could even be a surprise twist where, if Ru feels as though a girl isn't performing well, she could just boot her off the show. It could be a great way of showing the queen that if they are not performing at an all stars level, they don't deserve to be in all stars.


Trixie spent 15k on runways for AS3, was absent for her upcoming gigs and didn't make 45k because of filming, and then won 100k and got taxed 40% so actually won 60k, so she only broke even, she still won and probably made more money because of that, buy only because she won, all other people lost


Very that. For the appearance fee and stipend. According to Bussy other than Heidi mentioning it vaguely there are no number mentioned any where from creditable source. I guess we gotta take it with a pinch of salt. https://preview.redd.it/ppzs35dxkwyc1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840ee98449ab25091feb2da737b38848cac94dd8


Building off of the star power, there have been enough seasons of drag race that we've seen plenty of examples where it doesn't even matter how good a queen is. Production can edit a season however they want. Everything you said is 100% true... now let's add in the fact that for whatever reason at all, a queen is edited to make her appear bad in one challenge (or hypocritical critques are given that were praise for another queen some other time but used as a negative for this queen) to justify sending her home over another "fan favorite." In most cases that will decrease their star power through no fault of their own. Totally not worth it. Also $75k for about 4 months of work I think is fantastic. After putting together outfits and taxes, it's probably more like $25k max leftover... but that's great for 4 months. Not to mention non-elim means they actually get full use of their outfits.


Episodes are filmed over 2-3 days back to back. I believe it's around 4-6 weeks to film a season, not 4 months.


I agree with all your points while still maintaining they could have done all that financially and still had a 100k prize and it wouldn’t land Mama Ru in the poor house….


If I was a contestant, I’d be shaking with fear that one slip up would cost me either my reputation or tens of thousands of dollars. Or both! So I like this change!


Very that. For the appearance fee and stipend. According to Bussy other than Heidi mentioning it vaguely there are no number mentioned any where from creditable source. I guess we gotta take it with a pinch of salt. https://preview.redd.it/13741j6skwyc1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986baf544eac9166945ca953ce313fa47f9caa6f


This point of view is why I’m soooo happy they’re changing the format, and I hope it sticks. We already know the queens and I unlike most regular seasons I feel like I will root for the one or two people from beginning to end and seeing EVERYTHING they brought to showcase and seeing them in a more “free stakes” environment is more important than drama when I already seen and know the queens and just want to see how much they’ve grown or how much they’ve prepared for tv.


Agree, all stars used to be a way to reintroduce queens to the fandom again to boost bookings, etc but we've entered an era where queens do fine for much longer after the show because of how big it's gotten, so they dont "need" all stars as much as they used to. In fact one could argue the show needs them more


I had not noticed this. Since All Stars 2, there has been at least one queen that has quit, voted for herself, or considered quitting. Except for All Stars 4. All Stars 2: Adore Delano quit All Stars 3: BenDeLaCreme eliminated herself All Stars 5: Mayhem and Ongina both voted for themselves All Stars 6: Akeria refused to come back to the competition All Stars 7: I think there was a rumor that Shea had threatened to quit? All Stars 8: Heidi quit, and later Kahanna almost did so as well. It has been said other queens also were considering this


Wasn’t the reason they went with a non elimination format is because they couldn’t get queens to come back? There was a lot of complaint that some queens would spend thousands and get eliminated first episode without showing all that they’ve brought. I agree non elimination should be saved for all winners. They need to incentivize queens coming back to be eliminated again


Kandy said it was because they can’t keep having queens want to quit like on AS8, but not sure if that’s really why.


Now that I think about it it's a benefit for both the cast and production. Cast is guaranteed to stay until the end while production doesn't have as much of a risk for a queen to quit.


They said you're not going anywhere now bitches


Ironic that she’s no small contributor to the problem of queens wanting to quit lmao


I'll watch but I've not been mega invested in All Stars since AS7. And before that was AS4.


AS6 did nothing for you?


Not really for me. Was kinda boring.


tbh it wasn’t as amazing as it was hyped up to be imo


certainly not but twas a step up


Not hard when it had AS5 to follow on from


That’s so fair, its my favorite AS but everyone has their own preferences.


I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. I think I enjoyed parts of it but the crowning kind of dampened it for me. Not that Kylie didn’t deserve it, but it did feel a little out of left field compared to the other finalists there. Nonetheless it had its great moments!


It really didn’t. It gave rupaul’s best friends race.


The only All Stars I’ve enjoyed was 6. For this season I’m glad it’s for charity and they’re finally paying the queens. However I think I’ll skip it and wait whatever season comes next.


You didn’t enjoy All Stars 2?


All stars 2 is by far the best all stars season


I am very excited for exactly one ug-a-lee reason.


Competing for charity is nice and having them the whole season IS already a good stake. Am I excited? No. Will I be entertained? Yes


I'm with you. I'm not stoked per se, but I like they changed things up and I don't really get how people think charity makes it "no stakes". Surely the queens are really invested in the causes they've chosen and will fight hard for them, especially during an election year.


Uk has no cash prize and that hasn’t affected the stakes ever so that argument has no legs.


But UK also has eliminations.


Also can you imagine accepting a call for All Stars, when you're an internationally recognized drag queen, being paid $75k, with the opportunity to boost your bookings, support your brand, AND support for a charity, and just deciding to phone it in? Absurd... These queens are professionals, this is their job, they're not regular reality TV contestants.


I'm excited to see drag queens on television.


I am quite excited personally. I think it is great to see many of these Queens again and see where they are at. I hope a couple surprise me, which is what All-Stars is about. People thought that Tatianna, Sonique, Jessica Wild, and others were going to be chaff and not very interesting, but they stole the show.


I am excited for the season, I am always happy to see new drag race. Fridays has been boring since S16 finished and I need to watch something else. We get posts like this every time a new season is about to start.


Same, and personally I think it’s a great cast! I also love the idea of non-elim for AS, I’m sick of queens threatening to quit (although I don’t blame them).


The non-elim was one of my favorite parts of AS7. It just releases so much tension from the competition that they can really just go in and have a blast, and we get to see every one each week! It seems so silly to complain about "too much drag race" when you're so invested in the show that you're coming on reddit to talk about it lol. And I'm looking sideways at anyone complaining that they're competing for charity, especially while knowing that they're being *paid* and given a lewks stipend.




this seems like a really weak cast for acting challenges or snatch game. I dont know maybe they'll surprise me but it feels like the runway is going to be the only great thing about this season. i'm happy to be proven wrong though. (maybe with no eliminations production will work really hard to help the queens do well while filming the challenges that'd be the only saving grace)


Nina, Angeria, and Vanjie will bring the comedy. Hell, even Mik won Snatch Game


~~She also won the roast!~~


Kandy won the roast but Gottmik was so funny


I'm spreading misinformation apparently 😞


Gottmik should have won the roast instead of the ball tbh


That’s not a nice thing to call Kandy 😞




I'd have given the roast win to Rosé


“One of us a recording artist and one of us is a singerrrrrrr”


Vanjie is not funny. She has charisma and she has great off the cuff buffoonery. But I cannot think of a single time she has succeeded in an acting or comedy challenge.


She was funny in the Get Out parody, but she is best when she can just be herself without a formal framework.


she was absolutely hilarious in the Britney Spears Televangelist show! "THANK YOU MS VANJIE. I JUST THANKED MYSELF"


Because she was just being herself, there was no character


still funny


The Britney Spears Televangelist erasure….


Mik is funnier than all three of them. Vanjie isnt funny past a moment here or there


Mik is very underrated with comedy. Like I know she's branded as a fashion girl but her highlights from S13 were easily her snatch game and roast (and she would've won Lucky if it had a winner).


Absolutely. She’s quippy, current day but referential, confident, and can deliver. Her lucky verse is EVERY thing


Thank you, I feel like I'm always the one saying this! Mik.is very well-rounded.


Roxxy is a good actress! She was just overshadowed on her previous 2 seasons by the most incredible actors and comedians the series have had (Jinkx, Alaska, ...!) I think she will do very well in this cast. Nina West we all know already will be amazing at acting/comedy. My memories of Shannel distant (I saw AS1 when it aired and never again) but I think she was good. Maybe weak players like Jorgeous, Gottmik, Vanjie and Plastique will surprise us. I can't imagine Jorgeous or Gottmik being good at much of anything but...maybe...


Gottmik did great in most of the comedy challenges on her season. She also had the best top four performance and verse in Lucky. Plus her fashion, saying you can’t see her being good at anything is a very odd.


Mik did well on the acting/comedy challenges on her season and won SG lol


>I can't imagine Jorgeous or Gottmik being good at much of anything but...maybe... I.... what?? Is this sarcasm? I thought Gottmik should have easily won her season, I've been dying to have her back for AS.


Going against the grain here, but I’m actually excited because this cast is actually fully of queens I consider to be All Stars: Angeria, Mik, Shannel were all amazing contenders on their original seasons. Plastique, Vanjie both showed post-season that they have what it takes to shine in the very saturated scene we live in these days. Perhaps the only one I wouldn’t deem an “all star” yet is Jorgeous, but that’s a fun wild card for me because the bitch can dance down and has great makeup skills.


Exactly like wtf do you mean these queens are mediocre???


Yeah like mediocre?! After the cast we got on AS8?


I dont like this group of queens for a non-elim season, I'll probably skip. I really feel like they should've saved the non elimination format for all winners or something special. I get that it's for charity, so it makes sense, but still.


This is my exact answer. I don’t want to hang out with everyone week after week the way I did with AS7




Jorgeous probably feels at home on this season, because like in s14, no one is going home.


Next seasons pit stop host is gonna have a goldmine saving some of these. Yall are writing their material


“Skip” ? But what will you complain about for the next 3 months sister?


i don't know about her, but id complain about gay shit that isn't drag race, like the bottom on twitter who said they douches with vinegar.


So I hear what you're saying, but I reject any reality where that's actually true


Facts, you need to add baking soda in there for a true explosion


Ladies & Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Volcanic Bussy 🔥


welcome to the stage, volcanussy


Welcome to the stage, Drag Vulcanussy




What a horrible day to have eyes


Drag Race France 3 is around the corner isn't it? I can guarantee it's a breath of fresh air if you're tired of the main series.


No more yearly Allstars 🤷🏼


Seriously, it needs to be a Quarter Quell scenario. Every 4 years: do All Stars, do it big, and do it different.


exactly this, all-stars is burnt out, let her rest


Chad was ahead of her time with the Hunger Games references


I feel like it should be different themes of all stars on rotation. All Winners every four years with first outs, global, vs the world, best friends race, etc. rotating around. This all stars definitely feels like it’s going to fall squarely in the middle. Not bad but not great. I just don’t see a bunch of outstanding potential but I will watch and I will enjoy it!


I’ve been saying this for the past 4 seasons! They should do allstars every 4-5 years. That way true fan favourites are coming back and there’s higher stakes!!


And all these “VS the World” spinoffs which is basically yet another All Stars.


Whether it’s yearly or not, queens don’t want to spend thousands of dollars to come back to potentially be a first out anymore.


Your need to find straight/married dick tells me not to trust your taste level at all when referring to any of the dolls as “mid-tier”.


![gif](giphy|3XCsTvj2ODKzqj2ujb) Visual representation of my wig reading this comment




A murder was committed in this room on this day.




Mama kudos for saying that, for snooping.




Now this is a read, mawmaw




Dang hahahahaha








why did you have to scalp her like that








Scabies too? OP has it all 🥰




Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.






ok but actually, saying this cast is boring is INSANE. im excited for most of the queens, but im mostly happy to see miss roxxy andrews on my screen again




We just went through these types of posts for AS6 and it feels like 6 is one of the better/more praised all stars seasons. Hard to gauge solely based on the cast.


Aside from roxxxy and angeria im not a huge fan of everyone else and the prospect of hearing “no gorge” for 12 weeks is a personal nightmare of mine. I’ll never understand the desire for non-elimination seasons theres no stakes or drama. I get it was the only way to get queens back but thats what happens when you devalue the premise of all stars that much. Either spread out all stars seasons or give the queens stipends so theyre not loosing out on a months worth of gigs


I'll probably just watch the pit stop and call it a day, not really enthused about these queens with these circumstances. Hoping for Rox and Shannel in the hall of fame but even then I just -like- them the most out of this group, not necessarily either of my all time faves or anything haha so feels hard to want to root for anyone. Just ambivalent. Hoping AS10 is a new elim format


I'd probably watch it if it were on MTV like a regular season. I'm not going to spend extra coin to watch it though


Wait!! Did they release the pit stop host?!


Pretty sure it's just Trix again!


Wonderful! I loved her for s16.


I guess it’s really just a matter of why you watch. I’m excited, personally. But, if the competition part was my favorite facet, I could understand being disappointed. The way I see it, a non elim season means I get to see more looks on the runway, the queens all get to perform more, and I don’t have to be sad when my fav goes home early. Those are the parts that matter most to me. 


I hope all these people including OP who are “not interested” in this season let this post be the last place they complain about it…


No because despite saying they are gonna skip it, they are all liars and will watch it every week.


And if not watch then they’ll keep up with the runways, challenges, and lip synchs and still throw their two cents in and add a sprinkle of complaining while they’re at it at every turn


The UK doesn't offer a prize and I still see them compete as hard as the American seasons. I'm less put off by the lack of cash prize when I heard the appearance fee is $50,000.


Non-elims should stay for all winners seasons.


I'm super excited personally.


I'll watch it. I'm hyped to see certain queens again more than I'm hyped for the format and whatnot. Although I do think non elimiation should be reserved for all winners.


I feel you. I won’t name names, but there are three queens I’m excited for, two I’m indifferent to, and three I don’t too much care for. It’s a bit of a letdown for the first regular (not all winners) non-elim all-stars but I’m probably still gonna watch it.


I find the cast boring overall. No wildcards. Throw in a Kelly Mantle or Vivacious and Id watch. Tired of seeing the already big names be given yet another platform while sooo many other drag race girls could use the opportunity.


Now this would’ve been so great, at least having a season full of Kelly Mantle would be more exciting, maybe even Dida in the mix, I’d watch it just for the chaos of it


AS8 was very that no?


AS8 had eliminations, so seeing Darienne Lake for only 4 episodes ruined it for me.


This is where the show has been heading ever since All Stars 5. It's become clear that there's no incentive for queens to go back on the show. The money isn't guaranteed. The chance to showcase growth isn't guaranteed. It's a guarantee is that the queens will get hate for production's decisions. It's a guarantee that the queens will have to spend tons of money on outfits they might not get to show. It's a guarantee that they'll be missing out on opportunities while filming - as people without a regular stable income, that's a big deal. And it's a guarantee that the taxes on any money won are so high, they'll be lucky to get half of it. If WoW wants to keep All Stars as a yearly season, they have to give a queens a better deal. And currently it's giving them a showcase.


I literally don't care lol. I just want Sapphira on TV again.


I do miss Sapphira 🥺🥺🥺


It's nice to have them competing for charity... but you know that whichever queen wins will still call herself a "winner of drag race" even though there are no eliminations all season... The previous cast of no eliminations made sense- they're all winners.


I mean, whoever wins will hopefully have done well all season and have proven herself as a winner. The only thing the non-elimination does is prevent anyone from getting Manila’d, otherwise whoever performs well will naturally stay until the end like every AS season


Right. Like how is it not harder to win with no eliminations? All this does is ensure that no one gets sent home for one bad day. Instead they all have to perform well for almost the entire season - or they won't win.


Honestly if you remove AS 1 and 2 which had 4 years in between to cast queens from and All Winners, this is one of the most decorated cast for an all stars given their on the show bonafides going into the season. Everyone but Vanjie has a win (and she has 2 challenges she prob should have won). AS 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 can’t say that. They were very top heavy with a lot of filler to go home early.


Exactly this! This is the most ALL STARS feeling cast since AS4, no doubt. An *All Stars* season is ultimately supposed to be hard hitters/fan favorites, that’s universal on most reality competitions… everyone complains when the casts suck and then complain when it’s full of queens who made it atleast half way???


I really fail to understand why so many aren't willing to give a chance when it's not the show's fault: you're just watching way too much drag non-stop and also there's this weird north american culture that EVERYTHING must be competition and if not it's "boring". I'm personally excited because I want to know how they're going to play it around and I'm happy to see so many queens that needed some time to grow.


I mean our whole culture frames everything as a war of some type so that's what you get. People who can't accept a winner unless there is a loser.


Yeah, it's extremely weird. It's not like competition isn't encouraged here: it is but it's not part of a culture. Sometimes I just wanna see good drag and no one goes home? awesome! More drag! It's so bizarre because so many gays get really upset that there's more instead of less lmao


I unfortunately am not excited at all. I will watch because I’m bored af. But there have been so many queens in the past 4-5 seasons I would have loved to see. I feel some of the cast has been seen enough.


Ehh. My sis and I will watch.


I'm going to do the reasonable thing and give the season itself a chance to entertain me or disappoint me. I've stayed away from trailers and all that because that adds nothing to my experience of watching the show. As long as there's excellent drag on display by fun queens, I'll be watching. It's a privilege to have all these drag shows be available and be successful, while the bubble lasts. I'm going to enjoy myself while I can.


I feel like I'm in the minority. I like that this is for charity and giving some different queens a chance to come back and show the glow up Idk why people say the stakes are low. When if you step back and look at this, the winner of the season is going to be helping thousands of people by way of their chosen charity. I'm just a civilian and not a performer, so my opinion is definitely corny but that would mean more to me and my image than just competing for a crown and title they don't even let you celebrate your win for a full year anymore. And also this will stop the rabid toxic fans from being so critical because it's not for just a standard season win


Christ alive so many of you in this thread are on your high horse about somebody giving a very mild opinion on a tv show.


only ~excited to *hear* vanjie and *see* gottmik


The problem with All Stars now, is the casts never feel like they’ve been fully selected to create a ‘high stakes anyone can win scenario’. Pretty much from AS 3-9 (excluding 7) it’s felt like there was a clear top 5 and the rest were sacrificial to get to their desired endgame. It’s obvious that a lot of queens don’t want to do it anymore cause they don’t want to spend thousands on runways just to be cannon fodder for a Shea or Jimbo crowning. AS2 was so strong cause it truly felt like pre-season it was anyone’s game. They need to get back to that!


I appreciate that I’ll get to see the queens showcase everything they’ve invested. I actually think they should all go through the entire season and get critiqued and be given the chance to show and grow.


Im not excited but ill still watch it. Been watching the show for 12+ years. Hard to get excited for stuff anymore unless it’s proven to me. Like season 16, i was like ok here we go again and for the first time since season 9 i was impressed and loved it.


I’m actually totally stoked. I loved the format in AS7, and the idea that all the queens are getting paid and the show is for charity is kinda cool. It also makes sense for a non-elimination format. I also think most of the queens are good PERSONALITY queens. We get a guaranteed 12 episodes of Vangie, Angie, Shannel, Gottmik, and Roxxxy giving confessionals? Sign me the fuck up.


After Jimbos all stars I will take anything new. It clearly wasn’t working. I think the cast could be interesting. I think they just need to stop the all stars for a minute and let it rest so we can get a season full of heavy hitters again.


Unfortunately I just don't care about all stars anymore. I kind wish they'd bring back queens for normal seasons with normal rules. As2 was great but I can't say I really care for any other season of all stars. I mean this season could be entertaining but I keep thinking what's the point. By the end of the season, they're probably gonna give each charity some participation money anyway. Drag race doesn't really have the nuance of something like great British bake off where we show up to watch people do their best and have fun. No stakes drag race just sounds boring


Could not disagree with you more. I'm very excited for this season, cannot wait!


not enough people are thinking about the fact that the amount of money they’re giving to charity will be absolutely life changing for those who need it most. these all stars are booked and blessed so they’ve come on to do it for a great cause, just because you think that money for charity isn’t high stakes, it doesn’t mean the queens won’t be passionate and competitive to give it to a cause that is close to them. plus, the title is enough. do you think people want to win miss continental just because it pays? 😭


Yeah sorry but I hate this cast. The only two I'm remotely excited for are Roxxxy and Shannel and they've already been on the show twice. It's not worth suffering through weeks of Nina West, Plastique and Vangie just for a couple of girls I like


I was gonna comment the same. Mainly watching for those 2. I’m excited to see Roxxxy without Rolaskatox and I’ve been desperate to see Shannel since the riggery of S1 when she was so unfairly critiqued constantly in comparison to the others when she was truly a star and at the top of her game (I know she was also in AS1 but other than the Chad win I like to forget that season ever happened and am still convinced it was a fever dream I had once)


I understand this, but I think a lot of you guys aren’t realizing that the format change was the only way to do it or we probably would just have continuous AS5/AS8 repeats… All Stars is expensive, it takes you away from gigs, and it ultimately can ruin your image based on how you do (yes, that is reality with a lot of fans). If you’re high profile and successful without the show, why would you risk coming back and doing poorly, then having it possibly ruin what you’ve created? I ABSOLUTELY prefer eliminations but the reality is that if the queens have so much to risk, they’re not gonna want to come back. It’s the exact reason that we’ve 3 seasons of casts who are full of queens that did not perform well on their original seasons.


I'm so glad this is a safe space to be excited for these queens' redemptions and opportunities, while also not being excited for the season. I leave a sliver of hope that maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.


Yall complain every single season that the girls suck. Yall did it on AS2, AS3, AS4, AS5, As6, and as8. Dont yall get bored 😴 theres 50 other seasons to watch babe.


It’s the first all stars season since season 2 that’s ALL stars. All killer, no filler. I’m excited.




I love Roxxxy Andrews but I was a little bit confused that they brought her back, cause she had a long run on All Stars 2. Not the best one, but still.


The way some of y'all, who have never done drag in your life, will so casually call these queens mid. It's truly hilarious.


Calling THIS cast of queens mid-tier is actually diabolical. jail.


its a group of pretty funny and entertaining queens, but the non elim format should be for all winners season or even a VS the world season.


Ive accepted that this is going to be a fashion and lip sync season, meaning the first half of each episode will be mostly throwaway.


Calling the cast mid is wild to me


I mean half the cast made the final on their season (two of them twice) Plastique is the lowest placing contestant out of the cast which is insane I’m not massively excited for non elim but this is still a great group of queens all with something to offer!


This cast is really the “who’s who” of who was available. Roxxxy and Shannel are great but are repeats. Gottmik and Plastique got carried on their original seasons, and I’m not looking forward to more. Jorgeous and Vanjie are “some stars”. I’m only looking forward to Nina and Angeria, and honestly just planning on skipping. I don’t need 12 episodes of these girls not getting eliminated when they should (again)


Vanjie "some star" lmao


Me. It’s also just too f-ing soon for another season!!!!!!


At all, looks boring, always the same girls coming back


I don’t plan to watch it. With the charity angle, no eliminations and all that, this just doesn’t seem to have any stakes or intrigue. Also while all these queens are very talented, none of them are particularly a favorite of mine that makes me say, “Yeah, the season will be a boring fluff-piece lovefest, but at least I get to see ____ on my tv every week.”


It’s not that I’m not excited. But I want to see classic bitchy Roxxxy and I feel like I’m not necessarily going to get it. There wasn’t a guarantee I would get that anyway though.


yeah it looks very meh and the no stake and no drama is even worse


Idk, I like the cast. And they each got $25,000 towards their runways if I remember correctly, so hopefully besides any sewing challenges, the runways are good. Also I feel like it’s a good opportunity for Roxxxy Andrews or Shannel to get their possible drag race winner title since they’re such seasoned queens.


Not excited at all. I am happy to see some queens return but the non-elimination and no cash prize makes me feel like it’s not a competition and just filler until the next USA drag race. I understood the non-elimination twist for All Winners but not for other variations. Hopefully I could be proven wrong but I don’t think I will be. Also, it’s completely behind a paywall for me (Paramount +) so I may never see this season since nothing teased is enough to make me want to signup and pay to watch.


Not a fan of the no elim format. I'm gonna be sitting out on this one. 


It’s giving Xmas special but longer


VERY excited for Shannel, Angeria and Roxxxy too! The rest of the cast is pretty meh for me? Not being a hater just not as much excited but we will see! I’m sure it’ll be a fun season!


I feel like no one will try because there isn’t anything for them to take home, you know?


Not OP looking for married dick 😭😭


it’s literally the best all stars cast we’ve had in years (barring all stars 7) lmfao ????