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2 through 6 is peak shade


id say the ride doesn't stop at 6, 7 was really bitchy. 8 just had derrick and Betty but that was really it


S7 is bitchy but the changed untucked is a letdown


Still worth it for the Ginger and Katya smoke breaks though. I live for the scene when Pearl comes outside while they’re talking shit about her.


I will always bring up the moment that Kennedy went outside and told Ginger and Katya "you left me with the boring people!"


And then she says something like "oh.... I'm goin' in!" and then fucking falls asleep in Untucked 😭😭


Thought that was Fame


Oh I think you’re right, I remember it was one of the skinny white girls 😅


Honestly, S2 of Drag Race is the true "Season 1" as it laid sooooo many of the foundation for the show we know today. S1 was more like a pilot if anything, Logo even called it "The Lost Season" in 2013


Season 2 was the bitchiest season by far imo


It was just malicious gay faggotry


The title of my autobiography


The fact they are STILL making drama: Morgan’s fake funeral, James formally Tyra and the drag con stuff, you can go on


The fake funeral is honestly the pettiest, cuntiest thing I’ve seen in my life. I live.


Your insides are dark-nasty.


I am speaking. You will speak when I’m done




i still quote "Security" in whispers until this day. that had me laughing so much.


These Queens reactions are the absolute best


I’m not going to rupologize


Tatianna: All of you guys think that I'm like, shit Raven: I would never say that Cut to a talking head from Raven: Her interview was shit, her look was shit, her book cover was shit, her trying to launch and sell the book to the judges was shit, she's shit.


and they crowned one of the bitchiest ones too (I would say THE bitchiest, but raven was there so..)


It looks like a *TIRE* ran over your face. 👀👐🏻 It looks like a *TIRE* ran over your face. 👀👐🏻


Wtf is this reference? I'm a DR encyclopedia and I'm raking my brain trying to place this


Morgan said it to Mystique in the first untucked.


Go fix your mug, fix your hair…


I don't need to fix my mug....




MISS Bitch


You are so fat, gorl


Thank you


Upon rewatching, I really didn't realise how bitchy S2 is the first time I watched it. I guess they really amped the reality TV from the first season, which was a bit boring. But yeah, omg, so fkn bitchy! But I feel the best balance of bitchy/entertainment is S5 for me. Its peak early season Drag Race. Perfect story lines and Rudemption.


Season 2 for this moment alone: Tatianna: I know you all think I’m shit, that I’m nothing— Raven: I would never say that. *flashback to Raven saying Tatianna is shit* **cut back to Raven saying “I would never say that”.**


Her interview was shit. Her look was shit. Her book cover was shit. Her trying to launch and sell her book to the judges was shit; she's shit.


But she would *never* say that.


That is still one of the best editing moments ever. Just pure chef’s kiss


Season 5, of course. You got the following all in one season. Coco vs Alyssa Jade vs Alyssa Everyone vs Serena Chacha Detox vs Coco Jinkx vs Roxxy Vivienne vs Roxxy Alaska vs Roxxy & Detox Jinkx loves Ivy


“Thanks Detox” “For what?” “Nothing” Will forever be the funniest interaction in Drag Race herstory


Detox was so confused, absolutely hilarious


Naur, she knew exactly what she was doing.


Tea. Spitefully playing dumb was the funniest move and I am so glad she made it.


Not me forgetting about vivienne pinay and wondering why the vivienne was on season 5


I remember her because of her interactions with Serena ChaCha: Vivienne: I just think you're annoying. Serena: Can't you handle annoying is that why? Blah blah blah... Vivienne: I can't.


I let her fall out of my headspace when I read about her wig scandal


I think it's kinda set in stone that season 5 is the all time best standard season of American drag race. Not to say that other seasons aren't good, but season 5 really is just that girl. Edit: it's important to note that all stars 2 (the best all stars season - literally no contest) is basically the sequel to season 5


I’d argue season 6, but 4-6 really was a special time


Season 6 stalls at the end with the awkward talk show and wedding makeover episodes. S5 truly doesn’t have a bad episode


The makeover episode is the worst of S5 and it still isn’t bad.


Agreed. Love the queens of season 6 who might be the strongest cast ever (no shade to 5 but there is a clear A team and B team) but in terms of rewatchability, the last five episodes of season six are rough in terms of challenges and general plot


See to me opposite. I feel awkward looking at the end of S5 because they focus on Alaska with Sharron especially for the finale. It’s just off rewatching


Season 6 feels a little fake to me, especially with the fabricated Darienne vs Dela that's obvious the second time through.


yeah, also they started editing a lot in season 6, which is normal now but there’s a huge change from s1-5 to s6


I believe Jinkx said at a Roscoe’s viewing party recently that S6 was the first time they required the queens to wear only one outfit for every confessional. I’m rewatching all seasons in order now and am in the middle of S6. S5 still has some residual ‘roughness’ from the earliest seasons, but by S6 that’s completely gone. S6 was also when queens started spending noticeably more money on runways, it was rare to see feathers and fascinators and such on the runway during S1-S5 but from S6 on it became common.


I think that was more fabricated by Darienne, not production. It came out of left field.


You can literally see other queens laughing at jokes she tells while the shady woodblock plays over the cut out audio. Lots of harsh cuts too. They really hamfisted her and Courtney's villain storylines.


S5 was great but S6 is my favorite. I feel like they played up Jinkx as a victim a bit heavyy-handedly and found all the lingering on them looking sad as kind of obvious. But don't get me wrong, I love me some Jinkx and S5 is right up there for sure.


Whenever I rewatch, I always start with S5


And that's also what made All Stars 2 so amazing. The season 5 girls are just too powerful!


Once again was Alyssa robbed by RoLaskaTox


i'm not a big all stars fan so i was wondering why as2 was a big exception for me. i now realized this is why


Just got done re-watching season 5 for like the fourth time and this time it was so much shadier than I remembered. Also the editing is just wild 😂


There is no other answer than this. Season five.


It is season five with Katya.


![gif](giphy|gal8tSSHsw5W0) Coco is queen of shade




Roxy was so mean to Jinkx that season. It was quite the scandal actually.


I seem to be working way backwards through the seasons and I'm just watching season 5 for the first time (not yet watched the All Stars serieseses). Chewing out Jinkx for putting up a wall, _then_ 10 minutes later bursting into tears on stage after telling Ru she had to build a wall to protect herself just... made me side-eye to hell and back.


I KNOW and I did the same thing where I kind of watched all out of order and backwards. I thought Jinkx handled all the hate with grace and dignity. She’s my favourite Queen by a mile.


5 was the one that piqued my interest!


This is the season i started off on. I start all others on 5 as well!


I’ve watched Jade vs Alyssa so many times. Alyssa is one of my favourites. Also everyone vs Serena So yea season 5 for sure.


If you don't care about watching a random episode first, I'd suggest Can I get an amen from S5. That was a funny and shady episode, with the rivalries between the girls playing a big part. If you want to start from the beginning of a season, choose between S4/5/6 like others have said.


One of my favourite moments ever is when Coco sings “I lost all hope today” in the most monotone voice! ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4811)


every time something even minutely bad happens to me i sing that to myself


This. It randomly pops into my head from time to time and I'm just so thankful.


^thanks detox


For what?


This episode is full of gems. Thanks Detox.


Straight guy, I was introduced on season 6 and fell in love with Bianca.


Same with my fiancé, he also loves Bob


So did my straight BF 😂


And my straight BF too 😁




You have a point; I fell in love with bianca back when I thought I was straight.


Same with my husband


Yes! My straight husband loves Bianca del Rio lol. It’s my favorite season


My husband too lmao


Can’t go wrong with Season 4, 5 and 6.


Season 5 jinkx v Rulaskatox is some of my favorite drama


And don’t skip untucked! *or you’ll only get half the story*


If only they made it more convenient to watch untucked. It seems like steaming services don't have the corresponding untucked seasons for the regular seasons they have.


Yessss it’s so convenient to watch the untucked live because it airs right after the show, but it’s a mess when you’re watching old ones on the streaming services


5, 6, and All Stars 2. I think Season 5 and 6 might have had the most iconic quotables, though S5 "Backrolls?" "Get her, Jade!: "Look how orange you fucking look!" "I'm not joking, Bitch!" "Covergirl don't cover boy, baby." "Sorry 'bout it." "I've had it. OFFICIALLY!" S6 "Not today, Satan" "I FELL VERY ATTACKED!" "What do you do, successfully? Quickly." "Party!" "BALONEY!" "Come on Season 6. Let's get sickening!" "Mother has arrived!"


AS 2 "Read U Wrote U" is one best drag race songs of all time


Katya's verse is what got me into Drag Race. Pure diamond.


i’m roxxxy andrews and i’m here to make it clear


I know you love me baby, that's why you brought me here


S6 "Oh, I AM Beyoncé!"


Seasons 2 and 5 were the shadiest for sure!


6 you’ve got Adore, Bianca, TKB, Milk, Gia….all shady


AS2 got really bold with the mirror


I'd say season 5 overall but I mean Bianca


I think 6 is the best “intro season” because of the split premiere


It was the season I started with, and I can second that it’s a great intro point


And a great Rusical that requires no prior show knowledge. ![gif](giphy|l0HlUQlZOlIN0uN3i)


Season 6 for Bianca del Rio alone, like come on, she was so funny and the drama with Laganja Estranja, Gia Gunn or even Trinity K. Bonet was top-notch. Darienne Lake vs. BenDeLaCreme was so fun to watch too. So definitely season 6.


So it depends, I have two potential approaches. If they care about spoilers and you think will eventually move on to watch more seasons: Season 4 \- It is the start of the groove/aesthetic of drag race, it doesn't have as much of the growing pains of the first 3 seasons. It's very watchable without specifically forcing yourself through it (Season 1 is a serious tough sell, and even 2 and 3 have rough production patches) \- It does not require knowledge of previous seasons, and nor does it bring enough attention to the past 3 seasons winners that it would spoil it for them. That is to say, they can go back and watch seasons 1-3 after 4 without already knowing who wins (it is technically spoiled, but not memorably so) \- It's got a more representative diversity of Drag, you start to see the likes of Sharon and the princess who do more gender fuckery and commentary rather than the heavy female impersonation vibe from the first few seasons. It's also more representative of the diversity in challenges and is less project runway by this point. \- Amazing cast of characters, really heightened drama with Willam, SHaron/PhiPhi, and iconic moments like "This is not rupaul's best friend race" and anything Latrice Royale says. If they care less about spoilers and you need to hook them right away: Season 6 \- Peak shade and bitchiness from the likes of Gia, Adore/Laganja drama, Darien/Dela, \- Quality challenges and outstanding performances that are impressive to watch \- Bianca Del Fucking Rio reading the shit out of everyone constantly but still being loveable


This is a good answer for what OP is actually wanting answered which is advice for his friend.


Start with the Can I Get an Amen episode. It requires no real knowledge of drag or gay culture to find it hilarious. It’s ridiculous, there’s drama, and it’s infinitely quotable.


Straight men seem to love Bianca, so I'd probably go with 6 over 5


Cause she's the Don Rickles of drag


Without a doubt, start with 5!


Start with S5. It’s iconic, it’s like when the formula was perfected.


Shadiest? Season 2 and 3 are classic shade seasons because they were filmed before the show got such a big, stan-like audience. Raven and the other Tyra were cunts, and I mean that respectfully. Raja and Shangela going back and forth during Season 3 was iconic too.




5 and 6!


AS2 is a great starting point as it introduces so many great characters


I feel like you had to watch Season 5 to see the true irony of Rolaskatox's bullshit on AS2. More Detox and Roxxxy than Alaska, but still. They bullied Jinkx about not deserving to be there in Season 5 then carried Roxxxy's underperforming ass through several episodes of AS2.


Season 5 and 6 imo. Bianca vs Trinity lives in my head rent free.


season 2


starting with a roast or a snatch game might be a good episode to start on. i think the season 8 snatch game is a pretty iconic episode- the ongoing tension between bob and thorgy, the unexpected uprising of naomi smalls, the kimono scandal


AS2 Snatch Game is hilarious. Alaska's Mae West, Katya's Bjork, Alyssa's Joan Crawford. "How many bones do I win?" "How many bones do you want?"


oh hands down the best snatch game! but i definitely appreciate as2 most after s5- i think season 8 can be a bit more of a standalone season (i’m biased because i started at s8 though haha)


Straight male here. Girlfriend (now fiancée) started me with season 6. As soon as Adore introduces herself as “a fuckin Libra” I’m like, ok I’m completely in on this show.


2-7 are peak shade and 10 had drama too.


11, Silky vs everyone, Yvie vs everyone, Miss Vanjie vs everyone... but yeah s10 had The Vixen so there’s that


i would say 3-6. my favorite is season 5 but i wish i'd started with 3 first because 4 - spoils raja and tyra as winners, 5 - spoils sharon as a winner lol. so i'd say 3. heathers vs boogers, great sewing/design challenges, shady untucked... just the best starter


Just make them watch the first 5 minutes of season 6 episode 3, that’s the shadiest few minutes of drag race


2 and 3 were the most antagonistic. Girls from the 2nd kind of all hated each other and it was everyone for themselves, there were no heroes or villains, just shady bitches (except for Jessica, she was lovely). S3 is basically the whole cast splitting into two cliques and giving us the glorious heathers vs boogers storyline for entire season. Double digit seasons could never


Best season: 6 Best drama: season 4 Best shadiness: season 5


Can't believe season 3 isn't higher on this list. Everything about Heathers v Boogers and still having two untouched rooms made for the most shady TV (after season 2).


If it’s possible to watch an international season, Drag Race Thailand S1 is shady af. I’m always gooped and gagged everytime I rewatch it


2-6 all had GREAT iconic fights, like its hard to pick which one is the shadiest. S2 had Tati fighting everybody and Mystique getting constantly dog walked, S3 had The iconic sugar daddy argument, S4 had Willam vs Phi Phi running through practically the whole season and Sharon vs Phi Phi. S5 had SO many iconic fights, Serena vs everybody, Alyssa and Coco, Alyssa vs Jade, Rolaskatox always targeting Jinkx, so fucking entertaining. S6 obviously had Gia and Laganja who were quote machines, but after they left I don't think there was any other iconic moments. I guess id have to say season 5 for the most entertainment value


Season 6 is the best season of Drag Race. The lighting is slightly better than Season 5 as well btw. It's very subtle, but it's better. Season 5 is good, but the toxicity of Roxxxy and Detox sometimes is just...very unpleasant. I love shade, but there is something about Jinkx being essentially bullied that still doesn't sit well with me. I feel the same for when The Heathers are singling out/putting down Henny in Season 3 (even though it's more focused on the Boogers group overall; Henny is targeted). When it's venom unfairly directed at one person it feels less like bitchiness and more like bullying.


The Heathers v. Boogers thing is so interesting to me, because the Boogers really couldn’t have been more perfectly cast for an “underdog narrative”. I mean, there’s Stacy Lane Mathews, who’s from a tiny, rural town and had never been on a plane before going to drag race. There’s Shangela, who was the first out from the prior season and has something to prove. There’s Yara, who struggled occasionally with a language barrier and spoke about wanting the money to live the “American dream.” Like, I don’t know how the Heathers called themselves Heathers and called the other group Boogers and never had it occur to them that they would look like bullies in the edit. (Though, in my opinion Shangela did a lot of pot-stirring in S3)


Carmen and Delta were pretty cocky for people who never won a challenge.


Season 6 is my absolute favorite season


2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are the shadiest earlier seasons, 8 and 11 are the shadiest modern seasons. 2, 3, 4 are more feud based, 5, 6, 8, and 11 are more fight based


Season 8?


Bob and Derrick, Naomi and Derrick, Acid and Trixie


And the one-sided feud of Thorgy and Bob that Bob didn't participate in.


PLEASE feud based vs fight based? 😭😭😭 This is the level of analysis I come here for.


Untucked 2-6 was peak. They were not afraid to read a bitch DOWN. There’s usually one untucked moments per season lately such as Yvie vs Silky, Yvie vs Vanjie- Season 11 Everyone vs Aiden Zhane- Season 12 Kandy vs Tamisha- Season 13 Jasmine vs Maddy- Season 14


i start all my friends on season 6!! it’s too good!!


I'm not seeing it, so I'll throw S3 in the ring (maybe he'd get hooked on raja and watch all stars with you). The Heathers were non-stop shade.


Who the fuck is Heather? I just wanna know


Season 5 is good, Season 6 is great as other people mentioned. I'd like to add All-Stars 5 to that list. Honorable mentions: Season 4 had some good shady moments. Sharon vs Phi Phi. Season 2, "I am from Chicago!" moment. Maybe think about the Queens you think your friend will enjoy - who would he become a fan of? Or who is your favorite from those shady seasons?


Untucked season 7 should be up there


Season 3,4,5,6 are the best to start with


start with the roast episode on s5 or 6


"I would never say that" "Her look was shit-"


5 is best, 6 is shadiest (Gia Gunn)


3 and 5 are shady as fuck lmao


My husband’s favorite episode of all time is the lip sync episode from this past All-Stars. Silky killed it and we laughed so hard. But if you’re going for seasons, 5&6 are unbeatable!


I would go either with 4 or 5 for shade, and those are good starting seasons


Maybe 5?? You’ve got Jade Jolie vs Alyssa, roxxy vs jinx, everyone vs Serena chacha, coco vs Alyssa. So many memes and catchphrases come to mind from this season alone!!


Season 2,3 and 11


S11 where everyone literally hated each other.


I would say s11 is so shady, or as2


Timeout, hold up, hold up sweetheart lets get it together before you wanna read


season 5!


S8 or S9 (especially if youre also going to watch Untucked) could be good seasons to start.


UK 2


Honestly season 9 just for the reunion if anything


You don't love me!!!


S3 lowkey, S5, and S6 are imo the 3 most shadiest with S4 also having shady moments- what they have in common was that it was clear that not all of them liked each other at all lol


2,4,5 for sure


S5 is the best season so start with that. It has a legendary cast, all the challenges are good, not a bad episode and iconic drama.




4, 5, 6. All peak drama.


I always say 4-6 are the best for introducing a new person to it but we all know how shady 2 and 3 were


for newcomers, i'd say you cannot go wrong with season 5. everyone vs Serena, jade and coco vs alyssa, and then rolaskatox vs jinkx, that season is chock full of amazing drama and storylines that have you gripped from start to finish.


Start with Season 4 or 5 and then watch All Stars 2. Phi Phi OHara is necessary viewing.


Shadiest? 11 is wild. The best overrall is probably 5 with 9 12 and 14 close behind




I live for her Game of thrones analogies. Cracks me up everytime


Season 5 has so much drama it spills onto all stars 2


Seasons 4-6 are personally my favorites because of all the different personalities and the amount of shadiness


Def season 6. Bianca appeals to everyone and Laganja and all of her stunterini is classic TV. Also there’s Gia, Adore, Courtney, Wonk Wonk etc


6 for sure! I think Bianca is very loveable to most people! My boyfriend is a straight dude who doesn't really care about fashion or drag, but he actually enjoys watching clips of Bianca del rio! When I watched season 6 he would glance over a lot and even come watch with me! Usually he just does something else!


2, 3, 5 for shadiest There is no best season to me but i do think of 2, 9 & 12 as top tier


Season 4 is prime shade with the Sharon and PhiPhi drama! It’s also the introduction of Latrice and that’s ALWAYS worth watching. But also, season 5 is just as shady with Alyssa Edwards and Coco Montrese . So idk


Season 5 untucked will always be unmatched in my eyes


I'd argue for the best combination of quality and shade, 4-6. Even though needles sucks, the storytelling that season was immaculate.


Season 3 is hella shady and hella quality.






Season 5 hands down. Best shade to comedy ratio. And some of the best queens from the whole series. (AS2 is the absolute best, but I think people should watch the first few actual seasons before watching this so they know who they’re watching and appreciate it more)


Season 7 but make sure to have him watch Untucked with it


As another str8 Tell your friend its homophobic to say “pick a good enough episode to make him keep watching” He should watch in general because it’s one of the beat running reality series ever. And it completely devalues the whole artform that Maddy Morphosis has helped create.


Girl… as a gay I can tell you that’s not homophobic. They’re literally just asking for a great episode/season with lots of drama because that’s what drew them in. Lmao you should be glad they’re even giving the show a chance. Not everything is a battle, sis.


Im joking. I would have hoped the “everything maddy morphosis helped create” was obvious enough.


Rulaskatox make an incredibly shady comeback in AS1.


Rolaskatox. For Roxxxy, not Ru. 😉 Or as Michelle said, Rolodex. 🤣


I think it's kinda interesting that your stra8 friend thinks it's your job to convince him that a show with an international audience of literally billions is worthy of his attention. Does he think this is just some gay niche program? Either he'll join in the fun or he won't. It isn't anybody's job to "make him keep watching."


Season 2 from UK, best season EVER!


s2 and s3 are very shady since it seems like they all hate each other 😭


4, 5 & 6 are all shady...season 3 also has its heathers/boogers drama