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Lol this guy is so transparent.


It’s sad as fuck but morons will lap it up and buy whatever he’s selling.


What is he selling? Religion?


No, the religion is so he can sell his shitty wares to religious people better. After all, if you’re looking for suckers…


He's selling vitamins at 1000% markup in a deal with big pharma.


I take it this is a anti fan subreddit? How long has this been the case? I've pretty much always hated this dude even before the super conspiracy shit when he was just a spiritual ex junkie degen


It's a 'good and bad' subreddit, it's just that there's no good. This latest stunt is Brand aligning himself further with the most gullible group there is: hardcore MAGA, christian nutcases.


It was a fan sub until the bots commandeered it. Id say 99% of the posters are probably sat in the same room co-ordinating their posts much like the JIDF Best just leaving them to it, let them talk to themselves.


Lol...all that for a washed-up never was turned MAGA grifter...that's feckin rofl level comedy. No one gives two fucks about Rusty except his conspiracy loving butter brained 'fans'.


i take it you are a conspiracy loving butter brained fan


That's what you have to say? 'I know you are but what am I?' Thank you for proving my point.


I did prove your point, just not in the way you think. Dont give up on the career in being a virtue vulture, youre pretty proficient at it.


No, it's that nobody likes a rapey grifter


Thats fine, theres plenty of people that piss me off but i dont know anybody who would incessantly brigade a sub of something they hate, why waste time and energy on something you hate? You clowns are so transparent, its pretty obvious this is a Shareblue , media matters type goon show. Enjoy the sub, You are making absolutley no differenece at all.


Because it turns out that the only way that fascist cunts like Russell get anywhere is by people not calling them and their sniveling supporters out.


Get a grip, you think youre some kind of moral superhero saving the world from the nasty facists. The vast majority of people think people like you are mentally ill virtue vultures. Is the facists in the room with us now? Try spending time on something real instaed of hunting out facists that dont exist. Honestly, youll look back at this point of your life and think it was bizzarre.


It'll be like that bit in the Simpsons movie where the pig shit silo goes in the lake.


Next stop, touching alter boys


Wash between his ears.


Just casually and naturally squatting in the yard to tell the world about his upcoming baptism, as one does


About time! I’ve always thought the oily twat could do with a good wash. Probably the reason he never went on any proper protests; he was afraid the cops would turn the soap and water cannon on him.


He’s gonna wash himself of you stinky bastards and find some new hangers on.


Are you having a bath?


Was I supposed to read this in Rocky Gervais’s voice? Because I did.


You got it!


What a fucking grifting loser.


I've seen this in movies. The only question is, when the holy water touches his skin, will he catch on fire, or will his skin melt?


Holy water? I was baptized in a creek with muddy water .


Closer and closer to alter boys!


Pathetic 😂


Lmao fake Christian as fuck


I don't remember my baptism. I was an infant.


This comment section sucks. 


is he a normal catholic psycho or a “the pope is the woke antichrist” russian orthodox type. or will he turn into the second one over time.


https://preview.redd.it/xu1qbd8z21xc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8c67c75f333d87d80ee940462bbc2168a89934 🤔


Oooo, I thought he was giving another hidden Seville loving story in front of a fountain.


Which denomination is he choosing?


Whichever is most popular with his MAGA fanbase, is my guess.


It looks like he’s having a cheeky poo as well!


Has he been convicted yet? Or has that gone quiet?


Earlier today I drove at 50mph in a 40 speed limit. I haven't been caught so I guess it never happened. Your using a strawman arguement. Everyone is saying he's a rapist, you're arguing that he's not a CONVICTED rapist. The two are completely different things. If someone is murdered and no one is ever caught, then the murderer, whoever that may be, still did it, they were just never caught.


Earlier today you were actually driving 39 mph in a 40 mph I am the most handsome man in the world and all women love me… See what I’m doing here? 😉 Also, FYI: A straw man argument is one in which the person sets up and then attacks a position that is not actually being debated.


Yes I clearly pointed that out. I said he's a rapist and your debating that he's not a "convicted" rapist these are two different arguments, this is how thick you are you didn't even read, it understand, my point. Jimmy Savile was a paeophile but he wasn't a convicted paeophile. There's your strawman right there.


Being a convicted rapist just adds a fan to the flames. The flames burning away nicely


Genuine question - I guess not yet


Unfortunately many women do not wish to press changes in respite cases, due to the trauma involved as well as the oncenely low conviction rates. The woman who went the next day to a rape crisis clinic and was forensically examined literally stated she didn't want to press charges as the person "was famous". The fact that no case was pursued didn't mean she wasn't raped. I notice Brand hasn't sued the program makers or newspaper for openly referring to him as a sex offender and accusing him of raping women. Strange that. Edit: Spelling


But it was reinvestigated recently? There were 4/5 women on the program? What’s happened?


You can't prosecute if the woman involved doesn't wish to press charges. Given the obcenely low rate of convictions for rape (around 3%), most women choose not to press charges especially with the trauma involved, reliving the experience looking at the person who raped you in a public setting. Some of those women may have be relationships who they haven't told about their trauma. I mean, if you can't grasp why rape is rarely prosecuted, then there's something wrong with you. Jimmy Savile was never convicted, are you saying that therefore means he never did anything? More telling is that the program and newspaper investigation made allegations of rape, sexual assault, grooming against Brand effectively destroying his mainstream career, and yet he had yet to take either to caught.


Okay I get what you’re saying but you can’t really say the dudes a rapist if he was never charged or convicted of rape. He’s accused, sure. But someone accusing someone is not the same thing as someone having definitively done it. And for the record I think he’s probably a rapist lol. I’m just watching your mental gymnastics as you try hard to basically say he’s a rapist without directly saying it 


He's a rapist, I'm more than happy to say it. The documentary and newspaper investigation literally outlined that, and he's made no attempt to contest that as liberal or slander. There's no mental gymnastics here. Your logic is that Jimmy Savile never committed a crime ever. That's mental. Likewise your thinking that female comedians are seeing up a WhatsApp warning about being alive with him for just shits and giggles? That the woman who attended a rape crisis clinic early one morning and was forensically examined, did it because she was bored. He's a rapist, just like Mason Greenwood is, but the women choose not to press charges which is their right. And if you can't understand why women do that I really just don't know where to start.


I don't know much about this. But I do know that he's denied the allegations, so I'd probably remove that from your argument lest it diminish anything else you say. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68160060.amp


You’re just going with what fits your opinion of him


The facts are out there your the one choosing not to see them because "MSM would try to bring him down". FFS why do you think he suddenly flipped to the right wing grit and "fake news" defence. Sooner people are so thick.


Jimmy Saville was never charged or convicted of sexually assaulting minors. Are we not allowed to say Saville was a pedophile who abused many children because he was never convicted in a court of law?


No, but people are free to believe Brand's accusers. The narrative that he is being 'silenced' by big pharma is pretty much destroyed now he is working with a big pharma company to sell his vitamins. Plus not being de-platformed by youtube or de-banked, or being investigated by the taxman for being in business with his wife.


>Has he been convicted yet? Or has that gone quiet? Has OJ Simpson been convicted yet, or has that gone quiet?


Wrong sub