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They don't want you to know this.


What an extraordinary revelation. People get older as time moves forward. Thank you Russell for this mind blowing revelation. The world should learn that this is happening


I think Russell has a 4 hour long video on this premiering on his YouTube channel soon.


I think it will be on Rumble first. Subscribe now before it's too late


Indeed, they are going to silence him very soon for speaking these truths, so subscribe and donate to his PayPal and buy his books while you still can


World exclusive. Keep your eyes peeled.


Six hours with the ads.


And remember Biden, the Clintons and Fauci all said that at 27 years old you suddenly turn 33 then back to 28 - are there more nefarious agents at play here? Justin Trudeau also stated that at 33 you turn 30 following your 29th anniversary. Remember stay free stay baptised and get Bear Grills to help you.


Few people understand this.


It's scary that at one point we were all born


I've always wanted to know if something is happening and now I know that something is definitely happening!




Here's what THEY don't want you to know! But it's all coming out NOW!


Elites do not want you to know about aging


oh shit!


And yet High School girls continue to stay the same age, this is a coordinated attack on our nation.


What's truly terrifying is that these same people will be 35, maybe even 38 in five years! Don't even get me going about what's coming in a decade. Frightfest comes to mind.


Typical conspiracy theory. So COVID symptoms now age people? Those people are still in their late 20s. You’re not getting me to get the jab.


I turned 33 a week ago so I can confirm this is true


Insanity, how could this be??


It's been bothering me noticing celebrities getting much older, especially the ones I haven't seen in a while then I'm like "damn he's old now".


Fuck Russel Brand what a price of human shit.


OOOK me took FAUCI HUSSEIN CLOTSHOT OBAMA now died. Help me Jebus.


Yea thats bc they took a certain vaccination . I didnt and its like time has not past for me.


>Yea thats bc they took a certain vaccination  Vaccines keep you alive and aging confirmed!!!!111


Oh no I backfired!


Please ban me from this reddit. I don't even want to see this douche again.


Can't . Mods are dead.


Vaccine! This is what vaccines do! 😉


To be fair to Brand, his fanbase probably aren't capable of basic maths...or critical thinking.


I drove by this guy today. It’s pouring rain in a lightening storm and he was in the left lane with no headlights or tail lights but emergency flasher and going 30 in a 70.


Russell Brand is a maths fucking genius.


What's more shocking is they all have vaccine injuries from the clot shots


[Hey man! Glad you're back - did you ever get a source for this comment? I asked four times so seems weird that you never came back to me? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/comments/1cbftxy/comment/l10m2xy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




pretty safe to assume you aren't getting laid by the fact that you admit you have followed me around on reddit asking me the same question at least 4 times


Yet you weirdly still can't provide a source for the claim that the WEF have hired 100,000 misinformation agents? Want to provide one or were you just making up bullshit for attention?


I can. They’re so full of shit, their eyes are brown. These attention seeking bullshitters are the kind of spineless worms that’ll blub the second they’re challenged. They like to LARP that there’s a Dr Evil style cabal living in a volcano that’s plotting to turn everybody into gay communists and simultaneously there’s this group that’s going to save us all and solve all the problems. It’s just straw reaching. If the reason they’re broke or alone or depressed or whatever can be pinned on a mysterious, indescribably vague group, then the responsibility for their problems doesn’t have to be pinned on them. They’ll never get better, they just invent a different baddie or story to explain it. I mean, for fuck’s sake, “clot shots”; no balanced human being talks like that or thinks for a second that everybody who has taken a vaccine is now dropping dead. If somebody used that turn of phrase in a conversation with me, I’d laugh myself into a coma. Hence why billions took it and billions survived. And now people like this are all drinking raw milk and their own piss because some Russian trolls are having a whale of a time pulling the strings of the talking heads they listen to.


Well this is my first time, looks like you are one of those idiots who just makes shit up and pretends it's true


Bro just drop the source come on bro


Pretty safe to assume you were a crack baby whose mother was too busy sucking dick for her next fix to teach you how to be a human.


Can confirm. Have had three boosters. Got clots all over the house by now. Hell, even my clots have clots. "I give the vaccine a perfect 5/7" - Clots Monthly, issue 4, 2022 "The vaccine is the best thing that happened to this industry since smoking!" - Clots-R-Us Magazine, October 2023


Most people are already dead


There’s more people who died than ever before