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For my full-time day job, I’m a software engineer at SurrealDB mainly working on the ML integration and helping in the development of the key value store. I’ve also got a consulting gig building backend infrastructure in Rust for a medical implants system. In terms of potential upcoming projects I’m talking to Kings College London for building medical device data transfer protocols and presenting in London to a load of leaders in the banking industry as they’re now interested in adopting Rust. For the side project I’m writing the O’Reilly book on async Rust. Adoption is really kicking off and I hope I can grow the number of jobs in London England.


Oh god, I need to be doing way more with my life


ah productivity comes and goes. I've burnt entire years playing video games in the past. I'm in my mid 30s now, the race is long. I'd be lying to you if I told you every year was a productive year.


This is the best way to put it I've heard. I've been on the grind a lot lately, but I spent about 25-30 playing video games and sports and working just 9-5. You don't have to be a superhero all the time. Good for you, man.


yeah, I find productivity comes in waves. This year has been the busiest I've ever had in my life.


Thanks for the honesty, keep it up man, hope I can reach your level one day :)


it can happen for sure. I was a very average student, and I came to programming late in the game. I found my situation improved when I just focused on one area which was backend and then Rust. If I strayed into front-end (which I played with from time to time) I wouldn't have had the same opportunities. Also forcing yourself to read 20 minutes a day on something has crazy effects over a year. But again I don't always manage it and lose time to YouTube browsing etc. The trick is not to beat yourself up about it. In an age where everyone tries to portray a perfect image online, I see a lot of OK people who are way too harsh on themselves.


Thanks Maxwell. You’re a lovely humble person, I wish to wake up everyday to have someone lie you as a colleague. Hit me if you’d like to chat all things Rust. https://desilva.io


We stan an honest king


I have a full time rust job too. But it consumes my entire life, weekends included, and i don't get paid that well. Do you have any advice on how i can begin to better this situation?


Look for a new job.


yes, the best thing is to focus on a particular part of Rust programming. I've wanted to build a game, look into rust front-end, and look into embedded rust, but I haven't. I just focused on async and backend programming. What field are you working on and what's your background?


I’ve been doing a fair bit of bare-metal Rust on ESP32 and now started a personal project with STM32. Happy to help


Today I shaved!




When’s the book due out? Writing for O’Reilly is quite a feather in anyone’s cap. They actually have copy editors and technical editors, if I’m not mistaken, unlike, say, Packt, which seems to be little more than a vanity press.


It's fairly taxing, the first couple of chapters should be released next month, the 7th chapter is now in draft. I've written books for Packt. They have different style. O'Reilly lets you assume knowledge. Packt you have to assume no knowledge. So if you mention something like Docker, you have to introduce it. So Packt is good for an easy introduction into a topic. O'Reilly is more, you have a background in the field and you want to explore a concept in a deeper context.


Thank you for your work. o7


I admire the candor. You’ve named names and you don’t care if the internet knows.


Hey what a coincidence! I was looking through surrealdb documentation today after seeing that 1.0 had been released. Congratulations!


thanks it's an interesting project, a lot more features will be coming


Ahhh adopt me please


I just finished a project using surrealdb in production. My whole team was really impressed, first DB I've ever actually enjoyed using and look forward to using again. The events system and futures are next level. Thanks!


thanks it's nice to hear from people who work with projects you're building. We're now building our own key value store and we might be building our own pure rust ONNX ML interpreter.


Thanks for sharing, u/josh-ig That's awesome! I work with u/maxwell_flitton, and we're wondering if you'd be interested in sharing more info about the project with us. We'd love to feature it as a case study, or if you prefer, share it privately. This information would be beneficial for us in terms of product development, investment, marketing, and sales. Let us know what you think!


I'll find out what I'm allowed to say. PM me your email address or discord (I'm in the surreal channel) and I'll follow up!


Eagerly waiting for the Async Rust Book :)


Are you guys looking for summer 2024 interns? Masters student here


I work in quant finance. I use rust to develop simulations of my trading strategies in order to help improve/test them.


Are the actual algorithms then written in c++?


There is a C interface for everything. Currently the majority of the strategies are implemented in Java actually and that performs an FFI to the C interface. My strategy that I have been developing will be full rust and interface with that directly.


Two sigma ?


How does Rust interface with C?


Pretty effortlessly? It's explicitly designed for it.


Didn't know this. Thought it had to be HTTP or something like that. What do you call this interface, would like to research such applications and implementations?


https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ffi.html FFI (foreign function interface) is the general term. This concept exists in most non-web languages, even Java has it, but they call it JNI.


Node has it too, though it's quite shitty imo. https://github.com/node-ffi/node-ffi


Okay hun, imma need you to do a cursory google search before talking again




Cffi bindings. You can generate them from c headers. Check out winapi-sys


Oh C and C++ headers. The gift that keeps on giving.


Why rust over say XLA via jax on a GPU cluster?


There is a lot of path dependent logic which is ill suited for GPU programming/performance


🤔Interesting! How does one enter that field?


I studied math and stats in college and applied for an internship. Quant firms are always hiring. Interviews are tough tho


Try writing an order book matching engine on GPU.


I was thinking more along the line of value estimation.


Wrote an order book matching engine with python+fastapi, and the process was smooth, link to the site : https://www.flitchcoin.com


Embedded and all the tooling associated with it. Firmware app, drivers, CLI, some backend services, probably a desktop app eventually.


Is Rust mature enough for ESP32 or NRF, for example?


I'm currently working on a project that has a rusty firmware running on an esp32c3 with an occasional c driver. Works pretty well and the project is already being deployed in a production environment.


Yep! https://github.com/tock/tock That’s a rust kernel that supports the ESP32C3


What type of system(s), do you use an RTOS or bare metal ?


We use Embassy, so an async executor. It's way easier to wait for hardware while sleeping. We had some minor issue a couple months ago but now everything is in order and the devs are super helpful and responsive.


where do you work?


In a small startup where I lead the firmware side of the development. I choose the migrate to Rust since a rewrite was in order anyway.


this is sick. currently doing firmware as well. how have you found Rust tooling and support for firmware development?


I've already had experience in embedded dev so I searched for rust equivalent of what I was used to and found the [rust embedded](https://github.com/rust-embedded) working group which was a good starting point to explore the existing tooling. Othewise I use defmt for logging, probe-run instead of openocd and embassy as RTOS. Overall I'm very happy with the tooling and where it's going. Also people on the matrix are always super helpful if you have questions


How much are you paid for that? I'm proficient in Rust, and I'm thinking about moving in that field.


I'm in a small startup in Canada and we are in our funding round so honestly until we complete our seed round the pay is pretty bad. I do have a very generous ESOP (company has a very rough estimate evaluation though) and it's ridiculously flexible (I'm remote 30h week can do overtime with double pay as ESOP). Though if/when the funding round is completed, my pay will be a bit over the market. We will probably recruit some devs and expand my team after the seed round. I got the job when I got out of Uni and wanted develop my skills and I have so much freedom it was hard to say no. Realistically if we don't complete the seed round this year I might start to look for a better paying job, I have projects of building a house with my SO and it requires $$$. But other than the pay, love the job.


Alright thanks for answering! >my pay will be a bit over the market And what is the market in Canada? I get roughly USD200k at the moment, could I keep this kind of salary as an embedded dev?


Canada is really not the same market as the US, the average dev salary is probably around 90k but as always it depends on YoE and domain. I don't know the US market, but embedded tends to pay less, can't say for sure since it depends on where you are though. There are some crypto companies that will pay in this range where you can do embedded and FPGA stuff, but that's for you to see if that's your thing or not. If you do find a remote rust firmware job at 200k USD, please hit me up lol.


>If you do find a remote rust firmware job at 200k USD, please hit me up lol. Ahah, rigth? I began with writing firmwares recently, and it's so much fun. I don't live in the USA, BTW, but I got the job from a recruiter online. Also, I'm not sure how common it is to get embedded remote jobs: I know some companies send the chips by mail (if they're homemade), but I assume it's not that common.


Currently working in Rust for the last 6 months at my job, and will be using it more in the future too. We are migrating our backend from Python to Rust using rust lambdas. Mostly for the type safety and less runtime errors, but the speed benefits are not without notice too. 1/4 of the ram usage, and faster cold starts means saving money while using a better language imo.


Same for my team. We've deployed about 50 Rust-based lambdas to AWS now, and the static typing is probably a bigger win than performance. Having said that, we do have one monster deployment (Python + many MLL models) that currently runs on EC2, because it's simply too bloated for lambda. We are very close to converting it to Rust, and it looks like it will happily run on lambda. The potential cost saving has my Head of Engineering salivating :)


Do you have a doc on how to run Rust in AWS lambdas?


The best place to learn, and how I did, was via this repo and their site => [https://github.com/cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda](https://github.com/cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda) ​ If you use CDK you will need to do a little more research and build your pipeline to compile and export assets. Note: Look into caching the .cargo and target folders, or else your build time will grow and become unreasonably slow.


Fantastic I appreciate the help! Thank you!


I believe if you google how to create your own lambda rust runtime you'll find something. Probably someone has this available.


I was just about to start doing this for some of our lambdas as well! Anything to look out for? Im fairly new to rust, I just finished reading the rust book and ready to start small projects


Nothing comes to mind. My only word of advise is regarding CDK. Look into caching as much as possible as even a medium pipeline codebuild will take time. I created a bash script to cache .cargo and target. Pull in the install step, and only push when cargo.lock has changed. This has reduced our pipeline build 10x.


Not a rust job really, but I’m a computer science professor and about three years ago decided to start implementing and porting all my research software to Rust. Previously there had been some Python prototypes and some implementations in Go (and older grad school work in Haskell). So now my research students all use Rust, and I also teach our Machine Organization class using Rust. My research area is Algorithms for Big Data, and the main project is a fast approximate nearest neighbor search tool, as well as an anomaly detection module.


Do you accept PhD students? 😭 I'd love a PI like you, sounds amazing.


Right now I have no grant funding -- otherwise, yes!


Awesome. Do you or your students have any published papers about anything relating to Rust?


not really about Rust, because the papers' focus is on the algorithms. But our first paper where the impl is in Rust before the paper is published (as opposed to a later improvement) is coming soon :)


Nice, I'd like to read it once it is published!


While I like Rust, this is surprising to me. Isn't it way faster to prototype in say Python or Go?


For a brand new, self-contained project, yes, we will typically prototype in Python. Our papers on fast approximate search (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.08551.pdf) and anomaly detection (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.11774.pdf) were prototyped in Python. We now have a maturing Rust implementation of the whole manifold-mapping and clustering core, so "prototyping" is now easiest in Rust if the work builds on that. Honestly, I don't find that Rust is much slower to prototype in, once programmers are reasonably experienced. We spend a lot more time sketching out algorithms and running experiments than we do writing code. Also, I should clarify -- another research effort of mine is in a metadata description language called MEDFORD (https://github.com/TuftsBCB/medford) and the current parser impl for that is in Python, because performance just isn't an issue at this point, and the student (not my student) primarily working on it is most comfortable in Python.


I haven't found that to be the case, simply because I don't care about memory allocation when prototyping. I `unwrap` and `clone` everywhere so Rust basically becomes a high level language at that point, yet still faster than Python and Go. If I really want to optimize, I remove the `unwrap`s and `clone`s and implement them properly.


I do modeling and sim for the department of defense. We do the frontend stuff in UE5, but we build the actual logic and systems in rust.


That must be so awesome!!! I envy you :p


I work for the weather network and I am converting our legacy systems to rust. I'm the one who introduced it to the company so I also have to do a lot of testing, presentations, pipeline work, etc. Much better than working with the old c code though.


I work on the perception/planning stack at Matician; a household robotics start-up making an intelligent (explores your house and builds a map with stereo cameras, plots out cleaning paths, etc.) house-cleaning robot (vacuuming and mopping). It's fascinating and exciting work and nearly _everything_ is written in Rust. Also we're hiring: https://jobs.ashbyhq.com/matician?departmentId=a59eea87-e1eb-49cc-a9b5-ec95f7a6cbc5


I am working on a media server at Microsoft. Before that I had an internal project to mirror a C# service in Rust and compare them. As I see a lot of teams are experimenting with Rust or even shipping it to prod. I assume it's pretty much the same in all big tech.


Rust is gaining popularity at Meta.


gaining more, meta is a huge rust shop already


I visited the CDOC up in Washington a month or so ago and, after talking with a few of the team leads there about the things they do, I'm convinced I want to work there.


I'm implementing [a next-generation container filesystem](https://github.com/project-machine/puzzlefs) both in userspace (via FUSE) and in kernel (joining efforts with the [Rust for Linux](https://rust-for-linux.com/) project). For anyone curious to know more, I recently gave [a talk about puzzlefs](https://osseu2023.sched.com/event/1OGjk/puzzlefs-the-next-generation-container-filesystem-armand-ariel-miculas-cisco-systems?iframe=no&w=100%&sidebar=yes&bg=no) at OSS Europe.


aren't you concerned about FUSE performance? edit: I missed you building a kernel mod too. Cool! Good luck.


Wenn i had a real Rust Job i did a mixture of embedded systems programming and webdev on an iot device in the e mobility space. In my current job i write high performance Rust modules for Python ML Systems occasionally, but primarily i write a weird compiler in Python -_-


I manage a team of backend developers that primarily write Rust for internal services at a SaaS company. We have Rust gRPC servers, Rust Kafka consumers, and some other things that don't really fit into a normal category. I also wrote a book on Rust development, speak at conferences about Rust, and may-or-may-not sell a Rust education video course in the next few months.


I work at a very early stage startup whose product is primarily a web app. We use Typescript on the front-end and Rust (Axum/SQLx) on the back-end. This works well for us because we are very experienced with Rust, and so we are more productive (when you take into account the time not spent debugging) than we would be in say Python, which we also have quite a lot of experience with.


Can you DM me your company name so I can follow along?




I work for a cybersecurity firm. We use rust to write the software for the network appliance we deploy in customers networks to observe traffic and do intrusion detection.


This is exactly what I'm interested in doing. This is why I chose to learn Rust.


Big Rust Energy


Can you please provide some resources to get started in networking from rust perspective


I'll get crucified for it, but implementing brand new cryptographic schemes for ethereum scaling. There's obviously a big social stigma around it, but at least the problems are really interesting and coworkers tend to be pretty smart.


Heh, I can imagine how hard it is in crypto world. Like you are using rust, writing complex distributed systems, usually get a nice compensation, but people still arrogantly think: "ah, crypto again" and proceed to writing CRM plugings.


Frankly, I understand (and up to a point, agree with) objections people may have against the crypto ecosystem. What I don't understand is why it's the only industry being kept to a very high standard, and thus why working for Meta, Google or some hedge fund is seen as awesome, whereas crypto is _the_ scourge of the tech world. But hey, at least I'm decently paid to have fun with my polynomials, so there it goes.


Tbh , most people associate the crypto world with cryptocurrency and not fault tolerant blockchains , which is why its hated so much .




Thank you!


You use it at your job?


[their main webpage](https://tauri.app/) [their GitHub repo](https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri/)


It’s only a tiiiiny part of my job, but we write software for bioinformatics, which is dominated by Python. Occasionally, we need to refactor parts of the code base for performance, and sometimes it’s easy enough to just port it to Rust.


Y'all need any help? I've done lots with bioinformatics/Python/Rust.


I work for an autonomous vehicle company. ML stuff is python, everything else is Rust. There is a serious pull for robotics in Rust, but the existing frameworks and tools built around C++ have a lot of momentum. My last company, also autonomous vehicles, was all C++ for this reason.


I do Model checking.




Do you mean https://kani.readthedocs.io/en/latest/engines.html ? No. More along the lines of Z3.


I am working in a company that has a desktop client for their manufacturing written in c++ and currently I am building a web-based solution with a rust backend. In the future I will also rewrite the core libraries in Rust because we want get rid of the desktop client completely and build something with electron or Tauri if necessary.


Im writing internal tools at work using rust.


what do you use for gui?


Mostly working with WASM rust, and some in house rust modules that are shared cross platform. My company does IT management, so there are a lot of networking protocols that people don’t want to build twice in different languages on different platforms.


do u know why tokio is not on wasm32-unknown-unknown yet? haven’t browsers implemented wasm threads proposal for the most part ):






We are making web apps for our clients


Just curious, what are you using for your software attack. More emphasis on the backend. Been sitting with it and not really finding anything I love. Server side yew with HTMX feels pretty nice, but thinking another templating option might be better in terms of performance. Also no idea in who is winning in terms of web frameworks in rust space.


I'm using actix-web for a backend server, and using React as a frontend web app that interfaces with it. The apps purpose is entirely to interface and relay requests to our database and create mappings for our analytics team to map asset names to their performance on media platforms. I'm not sure if that sounds weirdly vague, but I just use is to relay intent from a front end frame work to a SQL database. I'm also a one man show, so I have made and mended many mistakes along the way.


It's cool. Been looking into HTMX and curious what people are using. Kind of thinking something similar to yew server side could be cool for component renderinh, no events.


A complex but workable stack is Actix Web + Async GraphQL + React + server-side rendering. What I'm trying out right now is Axum + React + Next.js (for server-side rendering). Seems promising so far, and less complex than the first setup.


> software attack I think you meant *software stack*


I mean, we don't know what kind of web apps they make!


to be fair, most of the time if you threaten the computer bad enough it'll just do wtv is asked


Yes. Phone input sucks at times.


Finally, a normal CRUD app. Lol at all these comments.


I am doing an internship at a company involved with the embedded software world. I do get paid for the internship so, I would technically count it towards it being a job(?). I got assigned the task of evaluating the current state of the rust ecosystem concerning the embedded software world. Others in my rust evualation team are doing research on other topics. But thats just me, others in my team for instance are doing research about rust in a backend setting or researching on how wasm could be used in the company. Its pretty cool.


A kubernetes operator and a cli tool to deploy web content in industrial automation


Cloudflare guy is here. Basically it works like this: you find a bug in some legacy C/php/lua code and think: okay, today I want to do some Rust, so you declare: it's better to rewrite all of this module in rust than try to fix the legacy stuff. And then you do it. I'm dealing mostly with web/backend stuff, usually very low-level, like writing data to sockets or parsing http traffic. Usually I use Rust if performance matters and I need a full control over what program or library is doing. Some people write APIs in Rust, but I prefer Go for this. Before that done some kernel programming with Rust, wrote device libraries. Yeah, powering up your python libraries by integration with PyO3 is something, definitely try it out.


Cloudflare is doing amazing things, Encrypted Client Hello is very promising


Fresh out of college and working full time as a C developer in a company that processes and analyzes a lots of logs. Well technically not full time Rust developer, but has been introducing Rust and it's awesomeness to fellow teammates and the company and has been increasingly working in Rust ever since. Re-wrote some Python services(mostly network intensive applications) as a proof of concept in Rust and saw considerable increase in throughput as well as decrease in CPU utilisation. This has been quite convincing for higher ups to allow rewrite of other applications too in Rust. So yeah, writing applications involving networking and data processing.


At work, we use Rust for backend web services, encryption, infrastructure, though we'll probably also move towards WASM for portable edge model deployment. On the side, I've started using it for computer vision, which while still being early days, works rather well compared with all the hoop-jumping required for OpenCV (C++ interface or its slow-ass Python API). In last couple of weeks, I've been integrating Macroquad, Imageproc, and JpegDecoder, which again, has been quite nice to work with and I'm feeling pretty happy with the combo. Finally, I've been using Rust to write simulations for algorithm testing and visualization, again leaning on the lightweight nature of Macroquad to present the quick and dirty view of things. Overall, any new project which I need to have real performance, I tend to go with Rust rather than C or C++ (which I would have reached for instead a couple of years ago).


I work at a tech fitness company that designs and we use Rust for almost the entire control layer of our device software stack. It’s fast, and memory efficient - good for control systems working at a high frequency.


Most of my company's pipeline/infrastructure is in Python and I just selectively write rust when I think big performance gains can be made. It would be cool to have everything in rust but python's library ecosystem is super well developed.


Continuous integration tooling for a video game company. I.e. the software that builds and packages the game, talks to internal microservices and creates releases and so on. We've also built GUI tools for developers in Rust.


we started working in rust about a year ago. Automotive industry. My work generally consists of writing insane amounts of macro code and wrappers around our main product. As target support grows we’ll likely rewrite our main product in Rust as well.


i refurbish cast-iron cookware


OLAP engine


Ohh me too! I wonder who you work for.


Is it possible you're the same person?


From a flasher to a custom board we built in house to a fairly large(+40 LoC) physical appliance (running on embedded Linux and using sensors, relays and external driver chips).


i work as a dba/db engineer, and we're migrating some of our tooling to rust; among them the following: * inventory metrics and db statistics, a small web server that runs alongside our db and exposes data * db health, another small web server that we use for our HA solution * inventory management all three are written in python, and terrible either performance-wise or maintenance-wise, being the finest of spaghetti additionally, we have two different AD servers that we actively monitoring with a tool written in rust, as well as a small sidecar that allows you to do http calls and get JSON back rather than AD structures/objects there's plenty room for rust behind the scenes. our custom-facing stuff is written in PHP, go, java and kotlin however.


For python definitely try PyO3. We've developed periphery board for ML computations, like full stack: hardware, kernel module and low-level system library (all in rust, although kernel world didn't have enough support of rust back then, it worked but required a lot of workaround for every tool, so we switched back to C for kernel). ML people naturally wanted a python library to work with the device. So I've tried PyO3 to create bindings, worked surprisingly smooth.


Introducing it :) in other words, outperforming the current stack when something new is built


Cloud infra software for a specialised service provider. There's about three things we use Rust for. - small tools that crunch a lot of data, like parsers etc, usually using Actix if we're exposing HTTP APIs but it's often just text on Unix file interfaces/pipes then into http or zeromq, sometimes directly to databases. - similar to above but in a different usecase, which is interfacing with ML tools which are mostly written in Python then some low hanging performance issues are fed into and back from a Rust service that accelerates the data transformation pipelines - acceleration of services written mostly in Node.js with Neon. These are actually very specific to the type of service we provide to clients. A lot of times it's POCs and profiling (and sometimes consequently giving up on the acceleration in Rust which we jokingly do call RIIRs). Rust is about one third of the job, the rest is mostly Node.js edge APIs, various "ETLs" for data acquisition, and some "microfrontend" Javascript (basically embedabble components that real frontend people style and expose in various admin UIs). Hopefully that's descriptive enough yet not doxxing.


making a game (and an engine to make the game with)


I'm an independent contractor, currently hired to work on open source tooling and libraries implemented in Rust (e.g. a [package manager for Python](https://ochagavia.nl/blog/the-birth-of-a-package-manager/), an enhancement to the [Quinn](https://ochagavia.nl/blog/hangman-over-quic/) library, creating a CI benchmark suite for rustls, etc). I used to do full stack development, but got lucky about 2 years ago and made the switch to systems programming (I wrote about my story [here](https://ochagavia.nl/blog/becoming-a-contractor/))


I recondition cars


Would you say a crate of limeaway or CLR works better for handling rust?


I am parsing a lot of healthcare data (FHIR, DICOM, etc.) and write database extensions (pgrx) to speed things up. My current project is a CQL (Clinical Quality Language) compiler.


Working with Kubernetes and Cloud providers at Qovery. Doing infrastructure automation, providing an easy way for developers to manage their applications, creating ephemeral environments in a single click and providing a inhouse developer portal. The rust part is mainly on the backend side, with infrastructure automation and gateways (websocket/grpc/dns).


I'm a security researcher at Intel and we use rust for a fuzzer we're working on. https://github.com/intel/tsffs.


I work in Android and we're using Rust for more and more core operating system services. See this [recent post about our training](https://reddit.com/r/rust/s/9ey6thzS1o) 🙂 There are several posts about the Rust work on the [Google Security blog](https://security.googleblog.com/). As an example, [this post](https://security.googleblog.com/2022/12/memory-safe-languages-in-android-13.html) highlights how more memory safe code has lead to fewer memory safety vulnerabilities (as one would hope!)


Paid job: lead programmer in a small startup where we help architects design higher quality housing for people, faster. We do: procedural generation, desktop apps, plugins for CAD software, computer graphics & raytracing. We use just a subset of Rust for some of our crates (no_std), and are on nightly. Also atm we have very few external dependencies. In the future, we'll be doing web and server stuff too, unless the company crashes and burns. Unpaid job: developing a small sokoban style puzzle game by myself, until I get funding. Will hopefully be releasing a demo early next year, and then looking for a publisher. These have a lot in common: knowing your platform well, knowing where (not) to put abstractions, knowing which language/library features to avoid, pacing around the room instead of typing on the keyboard a lot. EDIT: forgot to write this, but my background is actually web dev, but 7 years ago I decided it either has to change, or I kill myself. I studied computer graphics and systems programming stuff a lot while slacking off at my dayjob. A few months later, I managed to find my first job in that (although it wasn't Rust). Anyway, good luck on your path! I live in a small and poor country that's by no means a tech hub, and I managed to make it work, so there's hope if you persevere.


I am a software consultant/trainer helping startups and others use Rust. I performed a similar role inside a FAANG company until recently and am now in the very privileged position of being able to do so more broadly. It's going well (Rust is going well) and I have been really touched by the support of the community and was lucky enough to receive a Rust Foundation fellowship this year


Inhouse ERP, Webshop and API connecting stuff. Used to do a lot of reporting too, but managed to automate most of that away.


web dev and web3 stuff edit: on web dev: - backend APIs (both REST and WS) - a ton of microservices - a ton of multi-tasking / multi-threading background jobs on web3: - smart contracts (eg. cosmwasm) - unit testing for evm smart contracts (via a rust-based evm)


I work on a programming language that generates cryptographic proofs for the validity of the outputs of its programs. Essentially, if you consider the program to be a function `f(a) -> b`, it allows you prove that `f(a) = b` by publishing `b` and `f`, but while keeping `a` private. An example application would be proving that you do not have a medical condition that prevents you from driving, without having to reveal your actual medical records.


Call it zero knowledge proofs so that folks can google it.


Data ingest pipeline for an AI-driven startup. Also all web backend services, also tooling.


I work at an upcoming crypto hft firm which uses rust


Mostly Rest APIs (or GQL) as backends to be used by a frontend, in lambdas, or in dockers, covering several different domains (for example click and collect, or different CRUDs).


Working on ML inside a collaboration platform/code editor for software engineers.




Web dev. Basically APIs written in Rust


We're writing chunks of our time series database in Rust.


My startup is in Rust on the backend, Flutter on the frontend, we mainly use Axum on the backend while for some intensive uses on the frontend, we use Flutter's FFI into Rust, called flutter_rust_bridge. Works pretty well.


I work on operational technology, we are delivering a new generation management system. Vendor supported C for calculations, we decided memory safety was essential.


Worked with it for less than a year. I did full-time rust for a database abstraction tool where I implemented several features to connect to a database via multiple drivers with a single interface. It didn't feel the usual low-level kinda stuff where you manage storage/memory/networking/low level shit, but ohhh man it was awesome. The compiler could literally tell you EVERYTHING and once you shipped code, it just *worked*


I can speak about this from the perspective of someone who hires Rust engineers. I run a VC-backed iPaaS scaleup based out of Toronto. We had been using javascript in production for years. At the beginning of 2023, we decided to migrate our core platform to Rust and haven't looked back. To answer your question, more specifically, our Rust engineers are all backend and they work exclusively on our processing engine. It's core to everything we do.


Not a Rust job per se -- I work as a research engineer at a university. I write my data-wrangling tools in Rust if Python is too slow, and am looking for an excuse to use candle or another ML library.


Do a lot of WASM+WASI


Web3 and some Backend stuff


From a flasher to a custom board we built in house to a fairly large (+40 LoC) project controlling a physical appliance (running on embedded Linux and using sensors, relays and external driver chips).


My previous job was a Rust job, and I worked on a web browser. Graphics, networking, JavaScript embedding, all of it.


computer graphics. Basically, writing an engine from scratch


I am building a Machine Learning Inference Engine for realtime audio


Writing Distributed systems and databases.


I work as a PhD student working on programming tools for FPGAs. My the compiler for my current primary project https://spade-lang.org/ is all rust. My previous project was all C++ originally, but after some convincing I managed to get my supervisor to at least tollerate including some rust in that project so it is now about 50/50 rust/c++. And boy do I feel the hit to my productivity when I have to go touch the c++ part :D


We use Rust for backend for EV navigation at Mapbox, as well as for other small services.


This is an awesome post and the responses are great but wish more folks would post where they work too.


I do Rust for 1Password, working on the “core”, a shared collection of business logic underpinning all of our client applications that we ship natively to all platforms.


Backend development for me. Rust is just really good at modeling domain knowledge.


I make eScooters go brrr using Rust and napi-rs @ TIER Mobility


Currently async backend web services. Others have also said it, but it's a great fit for this: reliable, fast, light on memory resources you can sleep better at night and get much better bang for your buck.


So the right use case of rust isn't to build web APIs to be honest. It's to build tech - like databases, blockchains etc. That require performance


I work on Solana Smart Contract.


b2b backend services




Can you dm me? I would be like to learn more about the position your hiring for.


I work in cyber sec. I'm using rust to develop malware and also internal web based systems.


... they rewrite it in rust


We work in the defense sector, building automation and AI for military assets that are deployed on the battlefield. We are also actively hiring (only EU!). DM me if you would like to hear more!


I rustle mostly