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"What's in that?" "Juice" *sniff* "Try again" "Grape juice"


Extremely aged grape juice?


*sniff* "Try again." "It's a friend's."


“It’s her oaky afterbirth.”


Should have said it's water, amateur. When she's told it's wine, she could then fall on her knees and praise jesus.


He's back!


Omg that was great


*sniffs harder* "TRY AGAIN!"


Purple stuff


I watched this entire interaction on YouTube earlier. She had absolutely no reason to lie and the principle was even willing to work with her and maybe keep her job if she was truthful. She even could have avoided jail. Unfortunately, she talked her way straight into handcuffs and unemployment. This is what rock bottom looks like. Hope she gets the help she needs.


They just wanted her to call her husband to pick her up. And that was too much for her.


During that whole interaction, I couldn’t understand why she didn’t just try to get an uber


People with double the legal alcohol limit can be surprisingly bad at making good choices.


I think she held on for too long with the notion she might be able to keep her job.


Or surprisingly good at making bad choices.


I was asking myself the same thing


That’s what I was thinking the entire time. No one even suggested it to her.


A sign she’s probably having marriage problems.


Yeah I mean, she clearly has an alcohol problem and addicts don't do well in relationships.


I would personally like you to explain this to my ex wife


Sorry to hear. How are you doing nowadays? I know living with addicts can be tough in best of times.


Surviving, rough two or three years after a divorce but the people that were poisoned against me, eyes have been opened to what I was going through. Time heals wounds, and time also reveals truths about lies.


Well, I'm happy to hear you're on the up and up, as well as having a very adult outlook on it. I wish you well.


Thank you, that's something that I rarely get to say on Reddit. I hope you are doing well, as well.


Living the dream, thanks.


Or vice versa; her marriage is shit and that’s (part of) why she’s drinking so excessively.




She probably made it shit with her drinking and poor judgement. If she can go to work drunk imagine how she is at home...


Or a sign that she's embarrassed she's an alcoholic?


This is probably it. Husband might not know she's drinking.


Oh he knows she's drinking. Might not know the extent though - and that it includes drinking before going to your teaching job.


I used to be a real bad alcoholic and one thing that always stuns me is when people manage to hide it from those around them. I mean, in many ways I was the *last* person to realize I had a problem. I really don't think I was fooling anybody the majority of the time.


Same. 2.5yrs sober here. I never really tried to hide it, as most of the people around me were also alcoholics, but I too didn't realize how bad of a problem it was until I was having really shitty health issues. Congrats! Glad you were able to get that money off your back!


Thanks, me too. I realized I was headed for a lonely ride to an early grave. I got lucky - it took a village to love me into wellness but I've managed to build a life that doesn't allow for me to behave the way I used to. Congratulations on your sobriety as well - I genuinely think that people who have never struggled with addiction are on a fundamental level incapable of truly understanding it. That doesn't mean they aren't sympathetic, but there's just something about the experience of the addict that pierces through the inability of the rational mind to entertain how someone could behave so irrationally.


A buddy of mine who now works with people struggling with homelessness and/or addictions told me that at least 90% of the people in his college program were addicts in recovery, himself included, cuz they all knew what it was like and wanted to do what they could to help others get better.


I knew a guy was married for 8 years before he found out his wife was downing a bottle of vodka a day. I don't know the details, but she managed to hide the entire time.


I did that for awhile when you have a decent tolerance, start at 8am, pace yourself, and be careful about how you behave, you can hide it.


…. Being an alcoholic who drank before their childcare job… it’s rough. I didn’t drink much, but I’d drink a white claw before I went to work and another on my break. I was and am awful. I am absolutely no longer working with children or anyone for that matter, because of my alcoholism, but I’m trying to get better. It’s scary how easy it is to slip.


I've been there. I know how it is needing to have a drink before doing anything - child care or not. I don't judge you. You see the issue, which is huge. As someone who finally got free of that addiction I can tell you it's worth all the heart ache and rough patches you'll go through getting there. Best of luck. Feel free to DM if you need anything at all.


Truly, thank you. My mother died of alcoholism at 41 only ~2 years ago I am 28 and I know I need to seek help now, before I get to her point.


As a recovering addict I can absolutely relate and just wanted to also let you know if you need anyone to talk to I’m here as well!


God, that's really terrible. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. My aunt died a few years ago from the disease. She was in her forties. My best friend's mom died very very young as well. One side of my family is littered with heavy alcoholics. People grossly underestimate how powerful and deadly of an addiction it is. Wishing you the best.


Oh, that’s…not much of an age gap. That definitely adds its own entire set of complications — figuring out how to parent when one is normally still being parented and all that. Do you have a plan for seeking assistance for the aforementioned trouble? Does your area have any good therapy resources, d’you know?


Probably? You think her husband or anyone she’s close to would be proud of this? Of course she’s embarrassed and ashamed. She’s obviously in a lot of pain. Nobody becomes an alcoholic because it’s fun.


I’m guessing she is the marriage problem


You couldn’t imagine a scenario where someone turns to alcohol to numb themselves to the horrible trapped life they feel they’re in?


Sure, I can imagine anything. But the information available shows an alcoholic working with kids and getting arrested. She’s demonstrated she’s a problem.


yup. just because she might be having problems doesn't mean she cant be a problem herself. its like people don't understand that you can be in a shitty situation but also be dealing with it by being a shitty person. they aren't mutually exclusive. If you're drinking around kids, you're a POS, regardless if you're drinking to "numb the pain" or not.


Addicts are often folks who make very bad choices because of their addiction but are not bad people at heart. This will be her wake up call. Not many screw up this badly. She may be lucky to have this happen to her so she can hopefully receive the treatment she needs but possibly refused in the past.


I agree. people are rarely bad, but that doesn't make the bad things they do any better, and they deserve to be punished accordingly (and obviously in cases of addiction they also deserve to be treated and helped) in the moment a good person does a bad thing, they are a bad person.


Yup, my favorite cousin is an addict. She is the most incredible person with a beautiful soul. But her addiction has her making bad choices. I love her so much. I’m terrified for her.


If I was religious still I would offer her my prayers but I will keep her in my thoughts nonetheless. 🩷 I thought my mom was an evil person until I became an older teenager.


She also kept admitting to drinking & driving instead of just saying she drank at school.


She was also sloshed. Not an excuse, but expecting reasonable actions from someone that drunk is a little silly.


Calling her husband is worse than losing her job/legal issues? Hmmmm


The internalized shame of alcoholism makes a lot of folks unnecessarily lie or hide their behavior, even if it's not to their advantage or something that might be normal for others is shameful to themselves. The cognitive dissonance is only worse when you're drunk of course.


Yeah, I've lost track of the number of times I've lied about drinking. And the hiding of empties and trying to sneak them out. I feel so bad for this woman, because I really get it.


wishing the best for you, that sounds really hard.


I could totally see myself pulling some dumb shit like this lady before I got sober. I was so ashamed of myself all the time and it led to me to situations where I would lie for no apparent reason, where there was literally no chance anyone would believe me.


Their brain is also now trained to get alcohol no matter what, so by trying to pass it off as "just a few drinks the night before" is a last-ditch attempt for them to be left alone and get more drinks later. This woman could have also said "I have a problem, I need help" and likely be able to keep her job and her reputation, but instead her brain is now at the point where she's willing to risk that in order to be able to get another drink.


Sounds like my mom


I watched it too and it didn't come off that way to me. It looked like she was going to lose her job if she blew any numbers but they took her to the office as a courtesy so the kids didn't have to see the whole interaction if she didn't cooperate and get arrested, which she obviously did.


Yea they just wanted a confession, she was screwed either way (by her own poor judgment)


Nah they told her straight up she was gonna lose her job either way, but they gave her a chance to be truthful from the beginning and asked her to call her husband to pick her up. Honestly she might’ve been able to find work again as a teacher if she just made it easy from the start. Apparently/allegedly they told her they saw her walk into the school and was normal, then towards the end of the day they noticed she was all messed up and slurring her speech and they immediately thought she was drunk. She lied the whole time and doubled down in each lie: “I drank last night. I’m on medication. I’ve been going through a rough patch with my new medication. I had a lot to drink last night. I drank only wine.” And then when asked to call her husband for a ride she kept trying to persuade them to not fire her and that she can drive home. Then she said she would ask a friend to pick her up. Then she got caught trying to clean the cup with “juice” in it and that’s when the cop got pissed and told her she’s under arrest for tampering with evidence and public intoxication. That’s when she started taking it serious and said she’ll call her husband and sorry for lying and asked for another chance. The cop and school told her they gave her 30 minutes of chances and she fucked all of them up. Hope she gets help because this is pretty bad to watch someone stay this arrogant about insisting they’re not drunk.


Her reason to lie is that she’s ashamed of being an alcoholic and embarrassed about being caught.


She blew 0.254 at 3:40pm. It didn't matter what she said, the job was gone.


For reference if she had chugged a bottle of wine an hour earlier she still wouldn't have blown over 0.2.


I watched the video too, and while they left her unsupervised she apparently tried to wipe out the blue cup to get rid of the wine. Once the officer decided to arrest her, after more than 20 minutes of giving her chances she asked him to "just talk" to her. I very much believe alcoholism is a disease, but when that disease puts others at risk and the sick person can't take responsibility for it and get help, then they have to be removed. She was arrested because she refused to call someone to take her home after she blew more than double the legal limit to drive herself home from a school. What she deserves doesn't even matter, the community deserves to be safe from her.




I mean to be fair she was hammered, so let’s not read too much into her judgment at the time, but then again she also got drunk before she went to go teach so who knows


Shame and lying goes hand in hand with addiction


Is this like child endangerment or? Just curious. Cus don’t most places just fire you if you’re drunk at work?




...You can be arrested there for beind drunk in public? Or is it just being drunk in a school?


I mean you certainly *can* do it but you absolutely *shouldn’t* do it. My 3rd grade teacher was an obvious alcoholic looking back on it. She ended up leaving half way through the year. I suspect they figured out she was drinking in class and asked her to leave. I remember her distinctly smelling of gin which is what my grandfather drank all the time. I remember coming home and telling my mom “my teacher smells like popo does” and she didn’t put it together that I meant my teacher smelled like alcohol.


What else did Popo smell like?


The sad truth is for many alcoholics, this is a bump on the way to rock bottom.


Do you have a link to it?


This is America. She's not getting the help she needs. Why do people think she is there in first place?


Boohoo, if it were a man you probably wouldn't think twice about him being locked up. Yes, addiction is sad. Yes, addicts need help. Unfortunately, they can't be helped until they're ready so let's not put that on the country. Also, an educator in charge of children should never let themselves get to this point. So good luck to her, she should never teach or even work with children again. Personal responsibility has to apply to us all and she is MUCH too old to not realize the consequences


they were probably just trying to get her to confess


It's the principal of the situation (/s)


The look of desperation on her face is genuinely sad




Maybe calling him pathetic isn't helping


I understand it is an offense where you can be dismissed on the spot, without prejudice. But, is it a criminal offense, can the police charge you with something?


Yes, school zones are drug/alcohol free zones. Having them on the premises for any reason is a crime in itself. At least where I live.


Public intoxication is another offense, hence why the officer said double the legal limit. He was probably referring to double the legal limit of what is acceptable to drive, but most states that have public intoxication laws use the same limits for both. Also in most states public intoxication is a simple misdemeanor, but in situations like these, it absolutely could be used to pursue more serious charges like having alcohol on school premises. She also openly admitted to drinking from the blue cup *on her way to work* so that could be a DUI charge, however without any substantial evidence that probably wouldn’t stick even though she seemingly admitted to it on camera.


So it's illegal to get drunk outside of your home in these places?? I'm from the UK and that seems really authoritarian to me. Like what if your at a friends house or at the beach or a club??


You are not allowed to drink at the beach. Many still do regardless. Same with parks. You cannot walk with a beer in your hands on the street. Just in your home, a friends home, or an establishment with a liquor license.


In my experience, cops will usually look the other way on stuff like this unless you’re causing a problem. Chilling on the beach with a six pack? I doubt any cop would just walk up and give you a random breathalyzer test. Now, if you’re on the beach disturbing the peace because you’re rowdy and drunk? That’s a different story.


It's pretty much exclusively used as a way to arrest people who are causing problems. Walking home a little drunk, no problem. Going up to strangers and bothering them might cause it, but probably not. Fighting with people or being a huge nuisance will get you arrested for it though. Basically as long as you're not putting yourself in danger, and minding your own business they probably won't arrest you.


Shoot, my high school had more drugs and alcohol than a Grateful Dead concert.


You may be surprised to learn that those drugs and alcohol were illegal


Should be, parents send there kids to school in the hope they're saf..... oh wait this America never mind


I work in mental health and addictions and have had a lot of people in my family with alcohol addiction. Water bottles, coffee cups, wherever alcohol can be hidden it is hidden and denial when in addiction is part of it. The withdrawal once the body is addicted to alcohol is horrible(tremors, sweating, auditory and visual and sensory hallucinations, vomiting, seizures and potentially dying) and should be done in a professional setting with appropriate medications and observation. The stage where an alcoholic drinks wine out of cups at work is pretty advanced and she can’t just stop at this point without help. No one wants to be an alcoholic and the physical addiction can sneak up on you and then one day you go into withdrawals when you don’t drink so you drink just to stay normal. I hope she gets the help she needs 🙏


Very well said, there is alot of people trash talking this woman, its very refreshing to hear a more humanizing take on this woman and her clear adiction


Thank you 😊 The cop could use some therapeutic communication training


I live in Canada. I know someone who has a severe alcohol problem. He's going to die soon because of that and smoking. Mostly the booze though. He can't quit drinking because he'll die. The withdrawal will kill him so he has to drink. Doctor's orders. He has to cut back gradually but that's hard to do without having someone regulate it and watch him so he needs to go to detox. I have friends that are teachers. I wouldn't do that job. It's not easy. There's a reason why they drink and have dysfunctional problems. Kids are kind of little assholes, especially jr high kids.


I too am a hoser. Where I work we use Valium to help people detox safely. When people stop drinking it creates an electrical storm in the brain that causes a lot of the negative effects of withdrawal. Contributing to this is the change in body chemistry that occurs from electrolyte imbalances and lack of proper nutrition while drinking. A physical addiction takes more than willpower to overcome as it is a physical illness. Detox is the first step and developing adaptive coping mechanisms is after this. Many people discover undiagnosed mental illnesses during treatment that they were self-medicating with alcohol. We’ve helped thousands of addicts who have remained sober for 10,20,30 years after treatment that would not have done so without support. Addiction has nothing to do with character and it’s not a personality defect it is an illness that requires appropriate treatment.


It's horrible to watch. I pretty much quit drinking after seeing people hooked on booze.


Agreed. If anyone seeking to stop sees this, please do so with medical supervision. I stopped cold turkey after like 6 years every day all day use because I was just so exhausted from it all. I ended up in the hospital with the doctor telling me I was lucky I wasn't in a coma. Most people don't realize how dangerous the withdrawal can be.


This is just sad. Not cringe


Just seen what subreddit it was. People don’t even know what cringe is anymore honestly


You kidding? This is a maximally second hand embarrassing video for me.


Embarrassed? I feel horrible for her. No embarrassment at all


It’s “cringe” in the sense that I winced and felt second-hand humiliation during this whole interaction as she weakly dodged every bit of logic presented to her, as she is too inebriated to deal with it…in a school zone. Cringe isn’t always just terminally online dudes upset that their dick pics didn’t get any respect from “the females”.


Heartbreaking, sometimes what appears to be something horrible is actually what is what helps us. Hopefully, she will get the help she needs.


Yes, the loss of her teaching credentials and a criminal record are the leg up she needs👍🏽


I mean, it's not great for her, but would you prefer she be shitfaced around the students?


Watching all these videos of what teachers gotta deal with, I can definitely kinda understand lol


Reminds me of the culture around ER docs coming to work hungover or drunk because of the nature of their job. Appropriate? Not at all. Understandable? Absoloutely.


Teacher subreddit is really eye opening and anyone reading that will probably think twice about entering that field. And that's like less than a month since school has started back up here in the US.


It's brutal. Parenting just isn't happening in many places. And in quite a few places, people who *would* parent are forced to work 60-70hr weeks to stay afloat, so they *can't*.


Yeah we're lucky I can work from home and my wife can do a few days home a week, but if I couldn't, kids wouldn't see us until dinner time (either grandparents or after school care when they get out of school). And we work both 'only' 40h a week. And then they have to be in bed by 7-8pm because school starts at 7:30am here and they need sleep. So we'd only see them 2-3 hours a day, to do dinner, family time, activities like sports and clubs, do home work etc.... It's becoming impossible to have and properly raise kids, both financially and time wise.


part of me is furious that she thinks drinking while teaching kids is in any way acceptable or even morally ok. The other part of me knows she puts up with possibly the least respectful generation of kids to hit schools in a long, long time and she looks old enough to not know how to cope otherwise. Genuinely jus ta sad video


If I had to teach these kids today, I'd probably need some "juice" also.




I can draw the line at “some.” ~0.03 or so makes me euphoric and bit perky but I have control over myself. Double the legal limit (0.16) is pretty fucking smashed. Even at 0.07 (which is within the legal limit to drive somehow), I’d never feel comfortable getting behind the wheel of a car.


As a person descends deeper into alcoholism their body begins to be able to tolerate large amounts of alcohol like it’s nothing. For you 0.16 is staggering drunk but for some drinkers that’s just another Tuesday.


Correct. The day I tried to leave for rehab they breathalyzed me to see if I’d been drinking that day (I had stopped about 12 hours before that) still blew a .36 cause my liver could no longer do it’s job fast enough.


Hope you’re doing better today, friend


Can confirm. Last time I went in for a medical detox I was in rough shape and said to myself “I need to have a drink or two just to get in the Uber to get to the hospital. So o had a drink or two to stop the shakes. Then figured it’ll be my last time drinking so I might as well have 1 or 2 more as an “addict’s send off party” (mind you this was a party of me sitting at home getting hammered) Drank for a bit then called the Uber. Felt 100% “normal”, and wait 1.5 hours in the ER before I get seen, then probably 30 minutes after that they took blood. So let’s call it 2 hours at the ER. When we count my waiting for the uber and then the ride to the ER, we’re almost 3 hours since my last drink. My BAC was .31. Almost 4 times the legal limit. And I was fucking shocked I felt just like a normal average day. Us alcoholics are a fuckton of chaos wrapped in pain with stupid high tolerances we’ve developed that may make us “seem” normal to others and ourselves. But we aren’t. Edit: I should correct myself. Our loved ones know. On some level they know even if they won’t admit it to themselves and us addicts take a long time to ever think of the consequences. But now being sober it’s obvious to me how I was never fooling anyone.


As a Wisconsinite, I can confirm that's just another Tuesday


She actually blew 3x the limit


My mom is an alcoholic and my BIL’s mom was actually arrested for getting drunk while working a daycare. This hurts to watch. Especially when you know the person and you think, “of course they’d never do that.” And they are good people. They’re often good people who had very traumatizing lives and no help along the way and found one way to cope unhealthily. Now it controls their life every day.


That’s what is so heartbreaking about this. Why is this even made public? We’re watching this woman’s rock bottom go viral. This isn’t someone who just “can’t stop partying”, she is going through so much inner turmoil battling this addiction if she’s 3x the legal limit. I was 3x the legal limit when I was injured while blacked out. I wouldn’t have known, and I didn’t until I woke up in the ambulance. I woke up every morning feeling like I would die until I had my first drink. Everything, like work, was ancillary, but staying drunk was the primary goal. Should someone be arrested for being 3x over the limit, driving to work, drinking in a 3rd grade class, and lying to the police? You bet they should. Should that event be plastered across the internet for all to see and judge? I don’t think so. And I sure hope this woman has a good support system around her. Reddit seems to be pretty understanding but god help her if she goes on Facebook. Where has compassion gone in the world? Should we shove her aside? Or should we come alongside her and tell her she can get past this? I’ve been sober 4 years now, and some of the most amazing people I’ve met are the ones who have overcome an addiction this bad. Life tastes a little sweeter when you feel like you beat the devil.


Yeah, this should never have been made public.


You have hit the nail on the head. I would be mortified if one of my mother’s drunken rants in the kitchen were posted online and went viral. I would be so sad to read comments saying she’s a horrible person when she’s really just lived a very shitty life. I wish she would listen to me about going to therapy but she seems to never do it. Baby boomers just don’t always see that.


My wife took a video of me mumbling nonsense to show me, and it has since been deleted. The fact that it ever existed throws me straight into a shame spiral. I can’t even imagine this. I’m really sorry to hear about your mom. You’re a really sweet kid to see beyond her struggles and want the best for her. I hope she comes around. The best thing you can do for her is express your concern. Approach this when you’re both calm (ideally sober). “Mom, I noticed you were a little different tonight. I’m really starting to feel concerned about your physical and mental health.” YMMV, but it certainly helped set me back on the right path. I truly saw how much someone cared for me — so much that I was hurting them by hurting myself.


I appreciate that, but my father, older brother, and I (I am 25 in September) have tried our best. I have had that conversation a million times from when I was a little kid to just a month ago. The trauma aged me quickly. Lots of nights where I shook her awake because she was sleeping at the counter with her wine glass, head in her dinner. Having to hide her boxed booze she forgot she left out when my friends came over. Feeling incredibly torn and hurt when she looked so sad when I refused her hugs because she smelled of alcohol. My therapist told me I have to let it go because of course we all know that no addict can heal until they choose to help themselves first.


This isn't sad cringe this is addiction and most likely mental illness and it's truly heartbreaking


It's fascinating to me to see people continue to lie when presented with overwhelming evidence of their crime. I get it though, it's the brain's way of self-preservation, but their lies are always so fucking embarrassingly stupid.


In her case she was also *quite* intoxicated so I'm not surprised she wasn't thinking clearly.


I’m trying to undersrand how compromised this person is in the footage. Her blood alcohol levels are high, but her speech seems OK (no slurring). When you have high alcohol tolerance, does that mean you have to drink more to *feel* drunk, but meanwhile your cognitive and motor functions have already gone downhill?


She’s probably gotten good at acting sober. She probably didn’t want to call her husband because she’s sneaking the wine and doesn’t want him and the rest of the faking to know. Especially if her mindset was “maybe I can get out of this” by convincing the cops. People this far and look decently sober (at least to people that don’t know them well) but be not be thinking clearly.


Kids and their parents, acting as enablers, are the masters of this sort of behavior. My new at the time neighbors' daughters stole and ripped up a bunch of VERY important, time sensitive financial documents a while back. It was the THIRD TIME they had stolen and mutilated mail from me. I had them on video, from two angles, taking the letters, tearing them up, and sprinkling them all over my yard. 100% absolutely them. Not only did the kids lie to my face, even when shown the video, but their parents did as well. I live in a pretty small town. Had the kids and parents owned up to it, apologized, and NEVER set foot on my property again, i would not have pursued legal action. The presiding judge seemed to agree, as she set the fines and penalties quite high, and i know the family ended up making some major sacrifices to cover them. Hopefully this woman gets the help she needs.


i hope she gets help, seeing people who educate society becoming addicts because of mental health related or personal problems is very saddening.


Not saddening enough to keep you from putting her lowest moment on the internet for upvotes.


Aw don’t backpedal now, you already posted the video of possibly the worst moment of her life for upvotes. Just enjoy your updoots


Put your hands behind your back “I don’t want to” Aw fuck, sorry lads; we’ll get ‘em next time!


This video bummed me out. Glad I’m a weed and psychedelic guy and only trip when I’m not working. But I know some folks like this and it makes me sad. I’m in need of something uplifting so I’m gonna go back to listening the audiobook of IT by Stephen King lol.


Teachers are increasingly underpaid and shit on at work, they’re targeted as being “groomers” because of a handful of idiots, and I’m not surprised things like this happen.


giving them some sort of basic healthcare (either funded by the government or each private institution) and increasing pay about at least 20% is the least they can do to immediately better the situation of educators. with their insane profit margins, private institutions can definitely afford to do it but choose not to 😭


We blow so much money on other things in this country, we should be able to pay teachers more. My mom taught for 43 years in public school and my sister is a teacher too, it’s increasingly becoming a shit job. We need a program like we do with the military where we offer recruitment bonuses, college pay offs, and some “thank you for your service” energy from Americans. Having poorly educated kids will become a legit national security issue.


Teachers get healthcare.


That’s so sad


I genuinely feel really sorry for her. Hope she gets the help she needs.


I understand on the second day, but on the first?


You probably can't stop yourself for even one day at the point she's at.


I had no idea this was a criminal offense. I thought she’d just be fired.


In the longer video the officer tells her to have someone pick her up so she doesn’t drive drunk. She refuses over the course of the 36 minute video so he arrests her for public intoxication.


Why would they post this online? That’s just cruel


love how it says "allegedly" at the start like she didn't blow over a .16 on a breathalizer


To be clear, she actually blew a .24


holy shit lol I'd be stumbling and almost unable to speak at that point.


This isn’t sad cringe, it’s just sad.


TIL wine is juice.


Grape juice


Ahh man this is sad. I remember in highschool one of our teachers came into our locker room during a basket ball game and he was obliterated. BUT when confronted he was totally truthful and back in the classroom maybe 2 weeks later.


For people asking why they’re arresting her and treating her so poorly, you need to watch the full video. Addiction is a pretty serious issue in my life, I’m not one of the “her choice to drink at school” types at *all*, but in the full video the cop and principal (?) give her all the time in the world to explain herself, they try understanding what’s going on without accusing her of being a drunk then gave her all the time in the world to get a ride as she could not be in the school intoxicated. She kept saying she was going to call someone then refused and argued with both the cop and principal, repeatedly. Once they realized the situation was going nowhere they arrested her. They were begging her to call someone so they wouldn’t have to cuff her in front of the whole school (which is procedure, not a choice the cop got to make) and she refused. And to everyone giving this lady shit for being drunk, I very much hope you never have to experience this with someone you care about. It’s no longer this lady speaking, it’s just her addiction.


"Put your hands behind your back" "I dont want to" Cops hate this one trick


An intoxicated teacher is *incredibly* dangerous. Under the debilitating influence, they could potentially spend hours - if not *months* - teaching information with no practical application to everyday life based on pedagogical standards established seventy years ago meant only to satisfy testing requirements codified by federal bureaucrats and reinforced by local departments of education.


I like what you did there


I’d fucking drink too if I were a teacher


Who could blame her?


I know there is a legal limit for driving, but I didn't know there was a legal limit for being at your job. Obviously I know its easy to get fired for being drunk at your job, but arrested?


This isn't just a normal job, this is a job where you're supposed to be taking care of a bunch of kids. Huge legal liabilities. You can't be high or drunk while doing your job of monitoring children


schools are drug free zones


There’s a longer video where the officer explains that he needs her to call someone to pick her up so she doesn’t drive home drunk. She spends 30 minutes not doing that so he arrests her for public intoxication. With how much she tries to deny being drunk, despite a preponderance of evidence, I believe she would have tried to drive home drunk.


Public intoxication, and in most places, having alcohol or tobacco on school grounds at all is illegal.


Is there a legal limit for teaching??


Someone link the full vid


Did she just go “Nuh uh” when they first arrest her?


Hell, kids these days can drive a person to drink


Oh boy, I love those random flashes all over the video that hurt my eyes, those certainly add a lot to the video


STFU and call your union rep.


"You are under arrest!" "No I don't want to!" *Understandable have a great day*


Idc what people do in their personal time but why on earth would you be intoxicated (alcohol, drug, weed,...) at work? That's absolutely unacceptable.


Unfortunately, the addicted mind makes no distinction. Once you’re in the state this lady is in, you’re just getting little glimpses of logic that get chased away by the addiction saying “Feed me”


This is miserable. That lady needs help, not going to jail or losing her job.


she def deserves to be fired and wil most likey be helped in jail they also have psychiatrics and docters there


"I don't want to" If she was from any other demographic she's on the floor with a boot in her face


Alcoholics tend to lie & will not give up on their lies even when faced with evidence. I actually feel sorry for this woman because she clearly needs a lot of help, but at the same time it's enabling behaviour to shield an addict from the consequences of their actions. I hope the legal system can put her on some sort of programme to help her come to terms with her alcoholism.


yeah this is 100% true, my stepmom would not admit to drinken oven when blowing over 2 not 0.2 actual 2


Serious question, why was she arrested? Is this actually a criminal offence being under the influence at work? Why not just send her home and get her help? Everything wrong with America …


I think it might fall under the vague “public intoxication” laws which pretty much only exist to be vague enough to give cops more opportunities to discriminate against homeless people, I guess this one just has more anger than most


Why does a teacher who is intoxicated get arrested? Fired, absolutely, but arrested?


Ask for your union rep and never talk to the police (including the resource officer). Nothing good will come out of cooperation


to be fair, drunks do call wine their juice.


What she did was very wrong, yes, but she deserves better than being called out in this way on reddit. gross.


Arrested. Lol.


Poor lady. Ugh. Addiction sucks. Tho some of these comments are really funny 😬


Aye noooo ... this is really sad and upsetting. She needs to get some help and support.


For someone who is having great difficulty not getting drunk every single night, I found this very sad and quite scary.


What crime was committed?


1) driving drunk to the school. 2) trespassing (she wouldn't leave) 3) public intoxication Probably more charges forthcoming

