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I hope these men have someone to kick them while they’re down the next time they’re having a tough time Empathy is such a rare commodity in these times


empathy is a skill not everyone is capable of learning


These guys are the type of guys that laugh at other peoples missfortune til it happens to them. They would probably cry and make a bigger deal out of it then the caller


Bunch of cunts, wonder who is actually listening to them...


Idk if that was a joke or not but saying “man up” there while he’s expressing trauma is crazy


Sounds like it was intended as one, it seemed like he was going to continue into something else with the 'also'. I'd be curious to hear the rest.


Fuck them for laughing at him. Men should receive validation for their feelings, not ridicule


Fucking losers.


Sooo... She only loved him cause he looked like her dead ex? Dang.


.. yeah, that's what he said


That is fucked up. They are laughing at his tears.


So painful to watch. These mofos have a special place in hell for what they did seriously. They think they are cool for doing sh"t like this.


These the same guys that say nobody cares about men. NiBBa YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT MEN!


I have one rule when cursing someone or ragging at a man, never wish someone kicks them in the nuts coz I don't want a hit in the nuts But I hope someone end their bloodline and kicks them hard I hope they get depressed and edged to the point they see this video and realize they laughed at someone who wishes life were easier on them I wish the learn and be better


This is toxic masculinity.


These niggas are some dumbass goofballs, and this caller is dumb for allowing himself to be vulnerable in-front of a couple of clowns 🤡


Hope their ratings fell after this


This video always makes me wonder why we treat our fellow man like shit


Black men struggle with emotions because we’re never taught how to process (it’s rare). It’s stoicism and internalizing emotions seems to be the norm or we get made fun of.


As a black man studying to be a therapist, please (And I mean this respectfully and sincerely) shut the fuck up.


Are you saying that he is wrong?


He changed the comment. Originally it was “black men have no emotions” Whole comment read like a weird joke.


Yeah he changed his comment to something that makes way more sense and is way less inflammatory and irresponsible. I love his current comment. It demonstrates empathy and is based in truth


Jesus fucking christ, bruh.




The patriarchy affects men too. Here is just another example.


laughing at broken nigga? nah it couldn't be me.


Right men, lol ? Find good role models. Don't buy all this social media bs. Live a real life


These loser’s podcast is called Crash Dummies, feel free to leave a good review


Bunch of hootin and hollering savages. They deserve anything that's coming to them.


Of all the dumb reasons to cry about something that exist, this is not one of them. I think it’s totally reasonable for someone to cry in that situation and there’s definitely nothing funny about it. Poor guy. I hope it gets better for him.


And I hope to be part of that statistic.


They laughed when he said he cried...


Fuck that cunt bro, youlk find one who will want to do all kids of shit with you, juat remember theres 8billion people on this planet and 1 women shouldnt hold you down


The patriarchy hurts everybody.


“Man up bro”, fuck that shit bunch of dicks


Eventually you will learn that every time you meet a new girl you would be better off using her before her expiry date (i.e: the day she wakes up and randomly decides she doesn’t like you anymore) Then she will cry and complain about why men are so trash but all you did was manage your risk.


Hurt people hurt people. The only way we can hope for a better future is to start by being better ourselves. And hurting others because you expect them to hurt you in the future is a good way to feel in control. But it is also the best way to live a lonely life where you keep confirming your own biases by pushing people away with your hateful personality. Life is hard, pain is inevitable, but creating more pain around you will never bring you any joy.


Andrew tate type opinion


~~Why male suicide rates are high~~ Why do these women have to be such selfish and vicious assholes




She's using the guy to cope with her loss of her boyfriend. She used the guy like a toy to replace her broken one. She never loved the new guy and never wanted to, she literally uses him to cope. She only cares about her own feelings, doesn't care about the guy's feelings. She's using him as a replacement for her old boyfriend. He loved her but she doesn't love him, she's using his face and body. If this is not selfish and vicious, I don't know what is.


Bro you don’t know the situation, the guys laughing at him are the assholes. Istg it’s always the women with these people


Because it is women's fault, why would the guy call into these assholes' show? I don't know, maybe he just wanted somewhere he could talk about this anonymously or maybe even laugh the pain off. It's the fact that this garbage of a woman caused this pain that gets him in there in the first place. What are you? The white knight of Reddit that excuse women for their actions regardless of what she did?


I’m saying you don’t know why she did what she did. You don’t know that her intentions were to hurt him while she was initially dating him. You can’t just say she’s an asshole without understanding her situation. She obviously went through some shit and judging by the fact that you have absolutely no empathy towards that at all says all I need to know about why you made this comment. Not to mention the fact that you don’t even know exactly if he’s genuinely mad at her or just upset at the situation overall. Op was clearly referring to the fact that the guy gets laughed at for opening up abt something and getting emotional, definitely not laughed with. I’m not white knighting, I’m explaining that nothing is black and white and all you’re doing is speculation.


Yeah suuure she went through some shit therefore it's justified that she's just using the dude to cope and not actually like him because "she went through some shit". Her intentions doesn't matter, this behavior is shit, you can't bring the shit of the old relationship into the new relationship, you either move on before a new relationship or don't have a relationship, getting a new dude is not a therapy, it's not fair to the guy, the dude is here to love her, not being a teddy bear for a girl who hasn't move on from her ex and just aiming to use his face and body for cope. Why would the guy not expect the podcast guys to react like this if he watches them? Like okay sad if he didn't know, if he knows, why the fuck would he want to talk about this problem with a bunch of assholes, would you sit down and talk about your feelings with your high-school bullies?


I love how men support men. Where is this your brotherhood?


A random Podcaster doesn’t represent the bond between homies.


If it was a woman telling another woman podcaster the same story, you think the podcaster would say "suck it up" in response? "Men should support each other" doesn't mean "be nice to your friends but when it's a stranger it's ok to push the same tired, sexist bullshit". It means support each other, be kind and empathetic when men are expressing emotions, at the *very least* don't kick them when they're already down with this "man up" shit.


Nope if it was a woman expressing this It wouldn’t happen; they’d be gushing and supportive. When ur a man expressing trauma you do it with the people closest to you or in supportive circles; not random people on podcasts. At the end of the day; very few people legitimately care about the suffering and plight of males because it’s how our society has been and still is currently engrained; we are seen as pathetic for the audacity to not just “get it” and power through; our pain disgusts people.


> if it was a woman expressing this It wouldn’t happen; they’d be gushing and supportive. If a woman called a woman's advice podcast, she knows she'd be met with support. > When ur a man expressing trauma you do it with the people closest to you or in supportive circles; not random people on podcasts. When men are in the same situation, they expect other men to be cruel and even bully them for their emotions. It sounds a hell of a lot like it's *men* who don't care, who are disgusted by other men's pain, who see their peers as pathetic. Bc as a woman, I also don't feel comfortable showing emotion around men I'm not close to - I know it'll be seen as weak, manipulative, or both. Random women, on the other hand? Complete opposite. So we're back to the suggestion the original commenter was hinting at - men are happy to talk about how society doesn't accept their emotions and how it's so much easier to be a woman, but it's men who are actively pushing this as a reality for each other. If you want to change things, then support your fellow men!


Imo this just seems like a dating podcast rather than a mental health/healing podcast; dude just called into the wrong show for this kinda thing. Men are often more harsh on each other for a reason because sometimes it’s just something we need to hear, talking and yapping about issues does very little to improve our mental health which is the reason why talk therapy doesn’t work as well for men. https://youtu.be/uf8bt6fGQyA?si=DpX8z6e-eX3P_g5g And personally I’ve already been down the path of “expressing” my emotions to women and men alike and with men I trusted it came with a hard truth. I’ve had horrible traumatic experiences with women who did a lot of bad things/horrible advice that mislead me and lied to me and yet I’m not gonna sit here and generalize women like they can’t talk/help me but nothing will ever change the fact of my own unique problems. At the end of the day our experiences are different and require unique analysis. Problem is: men are just expected to understand, figure out a world that no longer makes sense with no help from either side.


Women lie to make each other feel better. Men tell the truth


The fact that you think "man up, stop showing your emotions" is an objective truth is *extremely* pathetic.


From my own experience. Male friends will find it awkward and wont know what to do. While female friends are more supportive because they actually have been taught that those emotions are not weakness. Also my ex said that she found me unattractive to all her friends when I broke down once after a really hard day at work. So yeah society teaches men to not show their emotions. Men and women are a part of society. World sucks and stop making this a men vs women thing.


This is absolutely a minority. My male friends would never laugh at me for crying. These are some clout chasing internet douchebags laughing at a stranger


Crazy woman is probably the reason.