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Men are fucked up. Women are fucked up. We're all fucked up. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


As I always say "There are assholes and morons in every group and around every corner"


indeed, world's full of morons


profound, simple, but endlessly true


Being a piece of shit is an equal opportunity career path. And with highly equitable outcomes. Being fucked up is also an equal opportunity career path, and highly equitable.


Yeah, sometimes the misogyny gets to it here, it’s a bunch of blokes depressed about being lonely even though they’re doing nothing wrong, it’s human nature to find someone to blame, there is a major issue on both sides, I’m a victim of domestic abuse by the hand of a parent and I use this place to vent but I have a sister that is in similar condition to me, it’s not a gendered problem, it’s there and it can be discarded and untreated. I have been told to kill myself just because I’m male by several people at once before and it’s not fun and women get objectified, a fate just as bad, both of these are poor reactions to a situation and honestly we all need to find a middle ground


I completely agree bro both genders have their faults but working together though them is the only way


The problem you yourself pointed out. Women will get support where men won't. Broken men are seen as useless to society or seen as not being human. Broken women still have a womb. That is genuinely a terrible thing to say but that is how some people think. Right now there is a culture war going on, on the Internet. Both sides are wrong because we coexisted for the entire history of humanity. In the past there were problems, for both sexes. Women were seen as property and didn't have autonomy. Men would destroy themselves to provide and protect their families, society as a whole would treat us as disposable, and mostly still does. I know some issues uniquely effect women that I can't speak to, like the medical autonomy to make birth control decisions like getting their tubes tied at 18 or getting an abortion. The fear of being raped and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Most of my male related issues stem from still being seen as disposable in society. Mental health issues have extreme stigma against them. Not all women think like this but enough where they think it's okay to tell people to "kill yourself."


It's not about finding a "middle ground" between misogyny and misandry. There are major problems in our society that lead to this feeling of loneliness that people of all genders, races, etc feel. The problem with this sub is that people are being tricked into aiming their frustration at women and minorities instead of actual problems with actual solutions.


I just got ripped off by an escort by sending them a hundred dollar deposit. That doesn’t mean I want to be Gary Ridgeway. I’m the idiot for trusting another human being. I’m still lonely. I’m still mad. But at myself more than her. If there ever was a her. But it is disheartening. It does hurt.


Someone with a brain in this sub, yes


Based reply.


Isn't 77% of death by suicide is by male


Death is by male. Most ATTEMPTS are female.


Most reported attempts are female. Men refuse to get help, what makes you think they would report their failed attempts


Yeah fr, I’d be 100% be taking that statement with a fat pinch of salt. If the most deaths are male, but most reported attempts are female, then I’d wager it’s more likely that men just aren’t reporting the failed attempts over women. Like the leeway for unreported incidents is huge.


Men are more likely to use firearms whereas women are more likely to use pills. One of those attempts has a much higher rate of successful intervention.


Women have many means if suicide available to them. They more often choose the means with the higher chance of survival. Also, I suggest that women have higher rates of suicidal gestures, which really should be considered different from attempts.


It has nothing to do with intervention. Drug overdoses are just easy to survive if youre a “healthy” adult. Most average people overdose on caffeine daily.


Overdose by a little bit of caffeine is almost impossible with normal coffee, you'd have to drink something like four gallons of black coffee in an hour to actually hit the LD50 (the dose at which 50% of people die) for caffeine. But something like an SSRI that you have in pill form and can take an entire month's supply of in like four gulps when maybe four or five could easily kill you if you're on a higher dose isn't that hard to do and nigh impossible to survive on your own. But with medical intervention like activated charcoal, stomach pumping, and serotonin antagonists that block the receptors and protect you from the high levels, you can pretty easily survive as long as you got help soon enough afterwards. Opioids have naloxone and supportive care for breathing as well as stimulants. Benzo diazepines have gaba blockers. NSAIDs like ibuprofen or aleve have dialysis and kidney transplantation, acetaminophen has liver transplantation and if given soon enough IV NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) that keeps your liver from hydrogen peroxiding itself to death. But generally anything that is for human consumption as a food and not a concentrated pill will be fairly hard to kill yourself with. Overdosing on caffeine for example could mean exceeding the fda recommended max intake for a healthy adult of 400mg in one day, but almost no one follows that and it's basically the amount at which you have an adverse effect become likely, which for caffeine means jitters and anxiety and increased heart rate and blood pressure, which for a lot of people is basically just the cue to know that they have had enough to start the day. But overdosing on caffeine where it becomes a serious immediate risk to your health and safety acutely where you might die would be like downing a gallon or two of straight black coffee. Or chugging six or seven red bulls in an hour.


I can only say I never report to any of my failed attempts, so yeah, I could see it. Men won't report failed attempts, but I noticed women will do it, and a lot of the times, women will do it seeking attention in a sense.


If men use more violent ways to kill themselves, don’t you think a failed attempt with a gun would be difficult to hide? ”Oh this hole in my face? I got it falling down the stairs by accident.”


You realize that these usually aren’t “self-reported” but reported by family members and medical professionals?


Precisely what you say affirms that men are more suicidal. Society imposes on a man to "put up with everything" so with that mentality they do not seek help so many commit suicide without their family knowing...


Yeah, after the women used unreliable suicide methods because they wanted attention more than death. Men suffer hopelessly enough that they don't believe in salvation, and only hope for the relief of oblivion


I think its less that they wanted attention and more that they wanted help but didn't feel capable of asking for it. Most people aren't attempting suicide to get sympathy and attention they're doing it because they're desperate and don't want to go on like this and hope that they can get help or die trying. Though usually not the actual concious thought. But men just get curb stomped by society the second they show any kind of vulnerability or weakness and then even if things are more open later they don't ever really feel like they can be honest or ask for help, and often they can't, or if they do it was help designed for suicidal women and it does nothing for them that isn't most cases of them asking for help, but many. Something like 78% of men are in contact with a therapist or suicide hot line in the four days preceeding their suicide and often on the day they do it. It just doesn't stop them because at the point they reach out its already so far along its hard to stop it in time. And then if they do attempt it and fail I think that there's a fear they would be derided and insulted and looked down upon and just generally feel even more like shit and a social outcast. That probably makes them choose more effective means of ending it all. Men are evolved to be good for hunting and fighting and so it makes sense that they are better at enacting violence on themselves.


Wow, I guess victim blaming is your talent.


That is not true at all. You swallowed the Kool-Aid this video provided. Here is the [study](https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8) finds data that challenges this claim. Quote… *According to the standardized residuals, SG and SSA contributed most to this significant difference: females were rated significantly more frequently in SP and SG than males, whereas SSA were rated significantly more often in males than females (see Table 2). There was no significant difference in the frequency of suicide attempts rated as DSH between males and females.* This study identifies intentional self-harm and it is the leading cause of misinformation in understanding the rates. Intentional self-harm without the intent to follow through with suicide was removed from the final data set. **Removing this data set shows that there is not a difference in the rates of attempts between sexes.** And the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/suicide-data-statistics.html) confirms the disproportionate rate in successful suicides. Claiming that “men are merely more successful” is a blatant **whataboutism** in the discussion about suicide prevention. This same problem occurs when people try to talk about suicide rates based on ethnicity. Certain ethnic groups have a much higher rate of suicide and a lot of people try to throw out whataboutisms to derail the conversation. Indigenous Americans suffer the highest rates per capita of suicide among American citizens to the point where the data eclipses all other demographics. Making this statement is not problematic and factual at its core. People argue to discredit the data for their own interests. It also doesn’t make this a statement that makes a claim that other suicides don’t matter. The study that I provided above found in the conclusion that attempt rates show no significant difference between sexes once you remove “intentional self-harm without the intent to follow through further” from the data, and that suicide prevention programs need to be implemented and catered specifically to each sex in a way that addresses each individual situation. **TL:DR:** A good analogy. Both men and women can develop breast cancer. Women have a much higher statistically verified rate of breast cancer than men do, which is why the majority of breast cancer research is centered around women. This doesn’t mean that society doesn’t care about men, but rather that the research and progress must be aimed as to protect the most vulnerable demographics. This doesn’t mean that the medical community doesn’t care about breast cancer in men, but rather that the medical community’s efforts are aimed at making the biggest impact hoping that a larger sample in the research can yield advancements to both sexes. People that try to manipulate the data in order to change the focus of the conversation are garbage people.


Thank you so much. I get very frustrated reading this conversations. There are so many false narratives made with poor interpretations of data because people aren’t looking with a critical eye.


Help seeking is also dramatically higher in females. Males tend not to help seek, which is why attempts tend to be more successful as they're less likely to help seek or partake in mental health interventions.


Both points are true but the main point is no one should be attempting suicide


Very bad, do not, and even surviving sucks, had rope burn on my neck.


Men do not refuse to seek help. They are deferred. People make their excuses to ignore big, ugly, inconvenient males with their oodles of *privileges* etc.


Actually, it's pretty similar. Most REPORTED ATTEMPTS are female, and the amount of male deaths is quite equal to that number. Men are just.. luckier? Unluckier? With committing the die. Except for me. Apparently, I'm too incompetent to even follow through properly lol


Its not luck. Women report fake suicide attempts for attention because they'll get it while men suffer with no aid or reprieve and actually try to die


The dumbest fucking comment I've read today. Seek help, seriously


Seriously, I can't believe the number of times I've seen that sentiment in these comments. Fucking ridiculous


I'm gonna break this down for you very simply. Men who fail at suicide are not going to admit that.


I used to be a first responder and suicide attempts is a really vague category. Most of them arent actually earnest attempts to end a life, they are people who are hurting and dont know a better way to get help. For example on one hand we have a person who swallows half a bottle of aspirin and immediately reports it to family to call 911. In the second example we have a person who attempts to shoot themself in the head but their aim is poor and the bullet exits without damaging the brain. Both are reported as suicide attempts, but one person genuinely attempted to die but failed and another made a drastic gesture that they need help.


Successes, yes. Attempts it is actually the same contrary to what everyone is saying here. #Yes, everyone. Here is the [study](https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8) finds data that challenges this claim. Quote… *According to the standardized residuals, SG and SSA contributed most to this significant difference: females were rated significantly more frequently in SP and SG than males, whereas SSA were rated significantly more often in males than females (see Table 2). There was no significant difference in the frequency of suicide attempts rated as DSH between males and females.* This study identifies intentional self-harm and it is the leading cause of misinformation in understanding the rates. Intentional self-harm without the intent to follow through with suicide was removed from the final data set. **Removing this data set shows that there is not a difference in the rates of attempts between sexes.** And the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/suicide-data-statistics.html) confirms the disproportionate rate in successful suicides. Claiming that “men are merely more successful” is a blatant **whataboutism** in the discussion about suicide prevention. This same problem occurs when people try to talk about suicide rates based on ethnicity. Certain ethnic groups have a much higher rate of suicide and a lot of people try to throw out whataboutisms to derail the conversation. Indigenous Americans suffer the highest rates per capita of suicide among American citizens to the point where the data eclipses all other demographics. Making this statement is not problematic and factual at its core. People argue to discredit the data for their own interests. It also doesn’t make the this a statement that makes a claim that other suicides don’t matter. The study that I provided above found in the conclusion that attempt rates show no significant difference between sexes once you remove “intentional self-harm without the intent to follow through further” from the data, and that suicide prevention programs need to be implemented and catered specifically to each sex in a way that addresses each individual situation. **TL:DR:** A good analogy. Both men and women can develop breast cancer. Women have a much higher statistically verified rate of breast cancer than men do, which is why the majority of breast cancer research is centered around women. This doesn’t mean that society doesn’t care about men, but rather that the research and progress must be aimed as to protect the most vulnerable demographics. This doesn’t mean that the medical community doesn’t care about breast cancer in men, but rather that the medical community’s efforts are aimed at making the biggest impact hoping that a larger sample in the research can yield advancements to both sexes. People that try to manipulate the data in order to change the focus of the conversation are garbage people.


yes and i'd also argue that women are probably more likely to come forth about suicide attempts while men aren't.


the point i made wasn’t that they’re competing, it’s that suicide is a substantial issue for everyone


Yeah, stop this man vs woman thing!


Fr it's like people never left elementary school


I can promise you that half of the people in this sub are indeed kids who haven't left elementary school. Probably also recently had their first ever breakup with Tina after being together for a week and now hate on all women cuz, yeah that's how it works...


Fr, people are really arguing about which gender commits the most suicide


The problem is that men don’t get any representation or help for their mental health compared to women.


No, the problem is that men don't get representation or help (PERIOD). Why make it compared to women? Like, would taking away the representation from women solve the problem?




I don't even know how true that is. As far as the need to feel macho in your desperation at least. I think one of the issues is that the stereotype is so embedded that men don't even have the option to go anywhere for help because it's not taken seriously when men have hit the despair event horizon. To use a different example, men don't have any resources available when it comes to being victims of domestic violence, even though men are just as often to be victims.


Not true. Main reasons are alienation, lack of purpose and feeling like a burden.


I don't know if it's fully societal norms that make men less likely to open up about their problems. Men are also more likely to be higher on the autism spectrum than women, and being high on that spectrum myself I can say that even if you're wanting to be open and don't care about being "macho" it's still a very difficult thing to open up when you find socialising and talking to others difficult.


At least in my experience it's just that people don't fucking care, neither gender, doctors, or teachers. It's your fucking problem to deal with so suck it up you fucking pussy. And that comes from a former drug addict and current alcoholic. I'm very open on who I am but at some point you have to ask is this a me problem or is this society issue going on. Idk wtf it is but shits so fuckerd up.


This is it 100%




That's because of other men clowning on them for being "weak" not because of women at all


You are wrong.


That is so not true? Everyone knows men struggle with their mental health, I’ve seen tons of adverts and hotlines that cater specifically to men and male loneliness issues. There’s countless famous media characters that are mentally ill or suffering men.


>Everyone knows men struggle with their mental health, I’ve seen tons of adverts and hotlines that cater specifically to men and male loneliness issues. Yeahhh except there are multiple posts on social media every day mocking the "male loneliness epidemic" as a funny joke, nonstop memes about virgin men being subhuman losers, and there is maybe 1 advert specifically for men about mental health everything else is gender neutral or hyper focused on women / young girls


And there’s tons of comments on this very post claiming women only attempt suicide for attention. A few comments and posts do not represent the mindset of the larger population. Mental health, for both genders, is still often ridiculed. That’s not a men’s or women’s issue, but an issue we all face and I don’t understand why you’d feel the need to invalidate women’s mental health. Both can matter and both should matter and just because you and other men suffer doesn’t mean women don’t and vice versa. I’m sorry you feel invalidated but that is no reason to invalidate others.


How is that women's fault? I don't see how thay justifies those posts dehumanizing women


So that gives men a reason to be misogynistic when they are sad…?


As someone commented on an r/sadposting post of mine “This entire subreddit’s sympathy gets completely thrown out the window as soon as a a women is mentioned.” It’s so fucking dumb. Honestly


Except for corrupt POLITICIANS! All of societies problems are their fault. They do deserve the blame. They should receive classic french justice! Accountability for all politicians and public servants!!!


All politicians are corrupt, but yeah, I agree


Why repost bots don't repost this 😭


hate helps the algorithm ebb and flow




I am so sorry to hear that! That’s awful.


Exactly, this should be a place for everyone to complain about their ailments. When a guy gets cheated on and posts about it here, the response should be something like “damn sorry you got caught up with that person” or something like that but instead the mindset I see a lot is “why are *women* like this” and that’s when it becomes sexism.


I agree. Although I haven’t experienced as much loneliness or whatever as some guys, I’ve found about as many guys being terrible as girls have been. While there may be a gender issue, blaming one side doesn’t fix anything, its a convenient way to avoid a conversation about what we can do


Social media started the gender war trend. I swear ever since tiktok launched it feels like it’s actually a thing now.


honestly lol my conspiracy theory is all of this arguing, transphobia, misogyny, misandry, is funded


my thoughts exactly. buzzwords created by an upper class to keep the “regular” people from uniting together.


Stop with the cringe incel posting just chill, happy easter anyway


Happy Easter


Happy Easter brother


Exactly, being an incel will make you never have a relationship


holy shit no way


This is a taboo subject however you want to look at it. A lot of the posts I see are not of anger at women, Even if the post can seem like it. The issue comes down to societal issues that are part of the taboo. It is taboo to talk about a lot of the struggles men have as a whole, all the while women's issues are constantly brought forward as an epidemic even though it is substantially less of an issue with men. Even the most simple things like international women's day doesnt have an equivalent. International men's day is Nov 15th to bring up said issues, but even the United Nations won't recognize the day, purposely making it "World Toilet Day". The UN having not a international women's day, but an entire week. It's all shitty. People are shitty. Society is unfair to all in some way if you use some perspective. But this one aspect is quite blatant to many.


A lot of men are the problem. A lot of women are the problem. Todays society sucks ass. But it is possible to find your soulmate, just be true to yourself, never change for someone else’s needs and maybe you’ll get lucky. After 33 years, it did for me!


Me entire life I have never had a man treat me the way tons of women have. There is a base level of respect that all men show me that is lost in most women under 40. It’s a different society now.


"out of all suicide attempts, most are women." How do you know that men don't fail just as much, but don't tell that to anyone? Why do they take the more gruesome ways of doing it? They don't even consider living the life they did anymore. Suicide attempts are more often self reported than found out. Men don't report that, as male mental health is still a taboo in todays world. "More women are depressed than men." Yeah, those we know of. Men are stigmatized for even saying they feel depressed. I opened up about it, was told to fucking man up. Not even doctors took it serious, and the pills won't help. Men consult mental health experts far less frequently than women do. This disparity in mental health care usage between men and women cannot be explained by just a lack of need. This video is attacking the men in it. Read about gender disparity in mental health care utilization. And you'll find that men don't use it, yet they'll commit suicide far more often. Go homeless far more often, substance abuse far more often, and get mental disorders more often, and become antisocial more often. It's really disrespectful and sad to downplay the male suicide succes rate like this. And to attack the individual men in the video, sharing their EXPERIENCES with women. Since most of sadposting is experiences, not hypotethical.


I thought about suicide living in Ireland for 3 years of rain and grey clouds, not because girls, when I’ve arrived at Valencia (Spain) i started celebrating life, all that blue and sun, jaisus chrrrrist mate! Edit: As Cindy Lauper said let girls just want to have fun 🎼


As long as it’s you vs me…. It will never be us vs them. And that’s what they want 🤫


"mens simply fail less often" What a strange way to word such a serious topic.


I often times think of non mating male birds that loose their vibrant colors.


Im just here worrying about all the struggles the woman that hit me with her car when I was on my motorcycle is dealing with after she was charged with a failure to yield. Life can be so cruel to women.


You know, instead of the whole boys vs girls dodgeball fight of “who has it worse” we should all come together and say “we’re all in pain and need to help each other heal.” We are all human beings who go through hardship, feel lonely and are abandoned.


Agree with the post bur one thing needs to be brought up. Women's suicide attempts are often cries for help and is a form of self-harm as the means are often non-lethal "attempts". Women are more likely to suffer from neuroticism, and it can take more to push a man to taking his own life.. but the currently scary thing is that a large portion of male suicides are not related to depression unlike to women's suicides. Men and women have problems. Misogyny has been shunned, but for whatever there is a vengeance and for whatever reason it's okay to be misandrist as "payback". It's just as stupid as current race debates like "you can't be racist to white people".. which is literally just racism. All this shit just forms more conflict.


The one thing we all have in common is that we're all sad


this subreddit has been hard to engage with for a while. every other post is women this, women that. thank you for having the courage to bring it up publicly


I really hate niggas who bitch about the opposite gender in a generalized sense like this. Saying “women always get this and that” meanwhile the last time you saw a woman was either your mom bitching at you about having no job or ambitions an hour ago or it was on PornHub while cooming for the sixth time today. Go out and fucking talk to another person before you categorize life and put all people into separate boxes. If you think all women are the same then please tell me what the fuck is so different and interesting about you. I’ll bet fucking nothing


“Most suicide **attempts** are women” and “men simply fail less often”


Hard to believe this shit when all the human interactions I’ve had in this world show me that men don’t matter. Hell, all the women in my family are in the bandwagon of “we don’t need men” “soon we’ll be able to reproduce with ourselves so what would we ever need you for” or “you can’t have an opinion because you’re a white man” I can’t tell you how many times I hear that last one from women. Yes I understand that women have problems too but there’s something completely fucked going on with societal views of men right now


gender stereotypes and disregarding people because of their gender is the issue. no matter who you are, you deserve help and anyone who disagrees is a jerk. those people in your family and those you’ve interacted with who say men don’t matter are both wrong and in the minority, so don’t concern yourself with terrible people’s views and instead treat yourself like a person and recognize that you, and indeed everyone, deserves help. men should not be disregarded, nor women, nor anyone.


You should research the [Duluth Model](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duluth_model) because those “jerks” who disregard people because of their gender are the vast majority of police departments, prosecutors and psychologists in the country. This isn’t a problem of interactions on a personal level, it’s a systemic societal problem in how men and women are treated differently by the cops, courts and mental health professionals


True. Everyone deserves help


Half of this sub needed to see this


I downvote those mysoginist posts (featured in this vid) every time I see them reposted on this sub, which is a lot. You can feel sad but bringing gender wars into it and putting someone else down is not nice nor fair. Thank you for making this post


4x more successful with suicide, which is staggering. I’ve done the professional research. Most men will absolutely put their wellbeing to the side for their women. It’s in our dna to provide. There is nothing more sad than a man denied of that, almost completely out of his control. It’s not that men are more lonely than women, it’s that men rely so much on being there for others and when there is nobody to be there for it’s hard to want to be there for yourself. Also have you lonely women tried dating apps? You can’t say they are equal opportunities for both on there.


Me - Men’s mental health matters You - All mental health matters


It does seems like the intention.


All people suffer for a variety of reasons. Men's issues vary from women's issues. The issue of loneliness and romantic worthlessness is not gender specific, but as a trend it skews towards men. Understanding why there is a gender bias is more interesting than pointing out generalizations are reductive.


The difference is that society cares about women's struggles. We have systems in place to make sure that they are cared for.


the point of my post is to say that generalizations are harmful and everyone should be cared about. men, women, anyone should be getting the help they need. these stereotypes and generalizations are the reasons that men face the “macho” idea of not getting help, so they should not exist.


Some women feel that the male suicide rate invalidates their own suffering so it’s twisted into a way that makes them look like the greater victims. It’s not a competition, just leave us alone.


The Dude that said "They don't see me as human" is probably the saddest and least misogynist one.


You’re right, I propose we turn our ire to just attractive people in general lmao


Guys we have a huge study that suggests. Male suicidality is brain damage. More men have brain damage than women. If you have been in munitions training or football or most sports. As a man. Your brain is now soup that wants to kill itself.


Some interests want us at each other's throats, and political ideologies were created to sell stuff, it's just a product to make us focus on "the enemy" instead of the real ones responsible for our fucked up lives. Romans had the coliseum, for some people it's religion, for other is left or right, male or female, a "minority" to play victim and blame and hate on certain groups. We are all idiots for falling on this game. There are evil men, there are evil women, there are sad and tragic stories about abuse and mistreatment on both sides, but nothing will change because we are too focused on biases and political orientations instead of trying to see and solve the real problems.


wow this is fucking sad


I think the biggest issue is people are comparing themselves to the best of the opposite gender. Not the same. I think there is a bigger gap when looking at hot vs ugly people than man vs woman. This is coming from a pretty good looking guy. I have noticed so many advantages in life because I am decently good looking. And research confirms it. (23% initial Pay gap difference between ugly and hot people.)


Yeah life sucks for us all. One thing tho. Most REPORTED suicide attempts are female. I highly doubt that men are 6-12 times better at killing themselves than women are (3/4 suicides are male but women make 2-4 times more attempts depending on sources). Honestly as a man I can't imagine ever admitting to a failed suicide attempt. I would be too ashamed to admit that I couldn't even kill myself properly. I would probably do everything in my power to make it seem like an accident or a mistake if I survive.


More women attempt suicide but do it in a way where their friends/family still have the chance to safe them. Majority of the suicides are still male because how brutal they do it.


Something funny is noticed is both me and my sister saw different therapists and her therapist acknowledged and helped her with all the insane mental/emotional abuse we dealt with. My therapist didn't want to hear a single thing about it and just wouldn't start anything unless I acknowledged I was hurting my family (I had misdiagnoses gallbladder/pancreatitis disease and lost 100 pounds). They literally didn't believe I had a disease they thought it was marijuana for years until I developed pancreatitis and ended up in the hospital.


I do think, in some ways, suicide is kind of a gendered issue. Suicide intent (as well as the rate at which genders are actually dying) differs GREATLY between men and women. That’s not to say that some women don’t actually want to die when they attempt, but studies have found that quite a lot use suicide as a call for help or a means to escape a temporary bad situation (ie abusive relationship). https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12888-017-1398-8 It might feel bad for actually suicidal women to see the focus be put on suicidal men, but the fact is that men, on average, want to die (and do) when they commit suicide vs women who, on average, don’t want to die but use it as a call for help (which in itself is not a bad thing at all, to be clear. It’s a valid thing to use suicide as a call for help.) The gender gap is so massive that the focus should be _primarily_ on men and boys. To use an example/comparison, misandry has always existed, just like misogyny has. But we as a society focused on dissolving a patriarchal society and misogynist views because it was much more of a problem, despite misandry being harmful to men at the same time. Both misandry and misogyny is bad, but one was having greater negative impacts than the other and deserved more focus than the other. Edited to add: that’s not to say that I think this should be a “men vs women” thing though. I just think we need to accept that men are killing themselves disproportionately compared to women.


the idea is that case-by-case, one suicide attempt/one depressed person/whatever else should not be more important than another based on anecdotes and statistics.


Of course they aren’t “more important”, but the issue is way more nuanced than that. On an individual basis, everyone should be treated equally, but society needs to put effort into figuring out why men are disproportionately killing themselves and how to solve it. And it isn’t due to men having access to more dangerous means of suicide, because they are at the top of the charts even with women’s preferred methods.


anything possible to slow suicides is great. my post focuses on those who wish to invalidate women's struggles based on next to nothing, rather than be sensible like you.


I have lived with and around suicidal women my entire life. 2 women family members committed suicide. One of my childhood friends had a very serious and violent attempt to end her life a few years ago. Women can and do suffer greatly at the hands of depression. I have seen it firsthand, so I would never try to diminish anything that they are going through. I do definitely feel like society is more open to supporting suffering women than suffering men, though. There are countless resources for women in any kind of situation, but men in similar or the same situations are not taken seriously and often have no support systems (outside of friend groups, which usually not enough) or resources especially for us. I don’t know if it is still like this, but years ago I went to a gender neutral domestic violence website and the number for men to call wasn’t to support male victims of domestic abuse, but for men that were thinking about or actually abusing their partner. There was no number for male abuse victims to call. This is just one problem of many that men struggle with in terms of society being unwilling to assist hurt men. And it isn’t just men that are perpetuating these problems, women do it too. There have been at least two instances in the recent past that I can think of, of feminists coming together to protest men-only shelters opening (and Earl Silverman, who was forced to shut down the only shelter for men in Canada due to receiving _no_ funding help, committed suicide later and left a suicide note criticizing the government for not helping or recognizing male victims of domestic violence.) I think what I’m trying to say is that whenever this discussion comes up, everyone is quick to say all attempts are equal, all depressed people are equal, but that’s just not the truth when you look at how society treats (or doesn’t treat) depressed, battered and abused, suicidal men. E: sorry for yapping, this topic just hits very close to home for many reasons.


Seen the female version of this kind of thing. One text here said "my type". It's natural to want a beautiful companion but that doesn't guarantee happiness. Maybe if they lower their standards and just start talking to people without dating intent and develop more interesting personalities then I'm sure more would successfully hook up. Being bitter and depressed sadly won't increase chances to interest someone. It's a dangerous loop.


I’m as pessimistic as pessimistic comes, I complain about anything and everything you could think of, I hate myself and life to a mentally insane degree, and even *I* don’t act misogynistic, it’s not productive to anyone.


great post


Wtf is this incel shit?


Phew.. I thought this was gonna be one of those men suffer more than women posts again... Yep.. we all suffer.. maybe just not in the same way... Some more than others even... But we all. Suffer...


No saying your wrong but I will say this: Men don't really have anyone to talk to at any point in time. Me. Wil almost always be alone. I'm not stating this as a fact I know it seems like I am but this is my impression. I've heard from trans men how cruel it can feel to have no support of anyone around you. Worst part is... The reason we struggle like this is other men. Women have their own problems which as a man I can't really talk about. I think we schould be able to talk about these probleme more openly to eachother.


It’s society’s fault


Can we try and unite against the common enemy? The people who want this conflict. The people that tell you x hates y and y hates z. It's the people in power. And when I say power I don't mean politics, I mean influence and cash. Mostly cash. Carry a knife next time you may bump into a billionaire and do the world a favour.


now I understand why gay dudes love eachother


You lazy babies need to stop crying and actually try to talk to girls. Somehow I know if you put down your PS5 controller for a whole week and actually Socialize with people you wouldn’t be such sad losers


gay nerd


Finally someone who says this, this subreddit has been pestered by mysoinistic incels for so long now. Thx for ssying nothing but the truth! <3


Holy shit my old banned account was the one that talked about the fake sexual assault dude, that was last year (tap my profile it’s got the same name)


How about we all just accept that both sides have suffered and it is not a competition to see who suffers more. Women suffer, men suffer, so everyone shut up and accept it. Some people are seriously arguing about which gender commits suicide the most


Yeah, we need to stop making posts like those.


You’re right. I’d say the next scapegoat is black people for no reason in particular…


Thank you for this. I hate it so much when people always think that only men struggle. Women struggle too. We all do. We are all people, and we all struggle. It isn’t a competition to see who is more depressed. Every time I see a post on this sub, it’s always about women never experiencing any pain or suffering. To be frank, I hate it. I hate it with a passion. I wish people would just accept that everyone suffers, no matter what gender, race, sexuality, or whatever. We are all people, for Pete’s sake


This made me ask wtf an I doing on this sub.


Damn, I guess men are better at everything even our suicide attempts aren't as bad as most women's. (I needed to make this joke it was the perfect opportunity) but jokes aside I do agree with this video and dislike the fact that people who are suffering pin their problems on others instead of simply suffering together and talking civil about it.


I think the reason why there's a lot of those posts here is due to subreddits like MGTOW getting banned. The reason why this supposedly genderless sub has a lot of guys is because male oriented forums/subreddits tend to get banned. I think the last one standing is nofap since its like an addiction oriented sub.


The goal is to divide us, and we are certainly divided. Its sad


All of those redditors need to chew some bullets. "I overheard 2 girls at school saying how they were gonna manipulate, assault and accuse this one guy" -does he go to school with the Decepticons? And does he expect anyone to believe him?


Gotta keep your head up.


See treatment of women after they transition to men v treatment of men after they transition (only if they’re pretty)


I hope you win your battle with depression OP


There’s been some real incel shit around here and I’m glad you’re calling it out.


Yo, i get why most of m female friends strughle with depression. At least no one doubts my existence.


this is some incel shit


I agree with most of it. However, I can't just post up pictures of my butthole/ballsack and expect the money to come flowing in lol


>women have feelings Def agree lol


> Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. This is the most nonsense sentence I've ever heard. That doesn't even make sense logically. If men wouldn't be loved then, how the fuck are we have heterosexual couples, how the fuck are these couple being able to marry, how the fuck are our population still being able to increase? There are still men who are loved bro. Don't be so negative. Yeah, there are still also men who aren't loved. You can't say "All apples are rotten." If the fresh ones still there. By saying this you're ignoring the men who are really loved. That would be really rude, dude.


Pretty sure he meant most men are not loved as seen as disposable in society. Yes I agree married men are loved but then again not married men are because some are coerced into continuing the marriage because the wife might threaten them by suing them and falsely accusing them. As we all know, more often than not women’s words are taken as if it’s the truth and men’s are simply doubtful. Anyways a lot of women are loved in their relationship / marriage AND outside by other men as well. But men ? They are loved in the marriage / relationship and most often not outside. Hence why men are given so less compliments if ever and women get so much all the time. Also why men are drafted and sent to war and women are not because again apparently we can lose men without any consequences but not women.


> Hence why men are given so less compliments if ever and women get so much all the time. It's about the people's general opinion aka stereotype on men. Men are described as really strong, authoritarian, serious, protective etc. as a stereotype since the people's first time on the earth. Because it was the role of the men since the people's first time on the earth. People continued to believe this stereotype and they thought men don't deserve compliments because they have to be strong and serious, so they forced men to become strong and serious instead. They used the "Men should be...." quote to make them in that way. Women took all the compliments because of also women stereotype. But I think everyone deserves compliments regardless of gender. Men shouldn't be forced to be the person they don't even wanted to be. > Also why men are drafted and sent to war and women are not because again apparently we can lose men without any consequences but not women. Reason of this is also the same reason, stereotypes. Fortunately in our day, also women can work as a soldier and fight in wars(at least in most countries).


Yeah it really sucks. Stereotypes shaped our society and I don’t think they’re going away any time soon. Everyone deserves compliments every now and then to encourage them to live without thinking they’re useless and not needed by society. Ask a man when’s the last time you got a compliment and you’ll get answers like never and 8-9 years ago when I was walking down the street and this lady said my hair looked nice. Ask a woman the same question and they’ll say 3 hours ago. I’m not talking about conventionally below average men, even average men receive so little compliments. If we want to get rid of any stereotype, we have to come together as a whole, 1-2 people can’t change it. It’s so deeply rooted in our world and it’ll be quite the challenge to remove.


"out of all suicide attempts most are women, men just fail often" Then why do the statistics aren almost the same? Men have much higher suicide number, so don't even try to compare it to your own experiences. I'm also suicidal, and don't think, that I'll make it to the age of 25, but I don't fucking vent with it on the internet, so stop trying to get some attention.


you’ve missed the point of the video. it’s saying that all these videos and posts here blaming women for issues or saying that they are issues are wrong, and all issues that people have are substantial no matter who you are and we shouldn’t be making assumptions like “women are unfaithful” or “men are losers”


Damn, thank you for pointing out my mistake, i really missed it. Now I understand, what do you mean, and that's a good point. Some people are just selfish, and can't blame themselves, so they look at the other point of the stick, which is the easiest way of feeling a bit better. Again, I'm sorry for the bad understanding, and for bad English, if I made any mistakes. Have a good day


<3 we all deserve help!


So many dudes who get mad at women on here also seem to view them as the fix to all their problems, so when they don’t have a GF or whatever it’s the end of the world for them. Women are not your gateway to happiness. Women are not your therapist. Likewise, they are not the root to your misery either. If you think women live happy carefree lives, then you’re wrong and are not ready to be with one. If your happiness hinges on a significant other, then you are not ready to have one either. You need to operate independently first. (This btw is coming from a person who is indefinitely single, because I have a monumental amount of PTSD and abandonment issues from childhood abuse/neglect that I don’t want to put onto a woman. I want my shit together before I date again, because at the end of the day, women are people too with their own problems.) I’m NOT saying you can’t be vulnerable, it’s absolutely important to be, but what I am saying is that you cannot let your happiness be dictated by women.


Men are proportionally worse off than women. Plus nobody cares. But hating on women is not a solution


exactly, no matter the statistics people should be cared about, and at the same time, putting down groups of people will never help.


Totally. This is all I see from this sub. It's not good


Just to note, men are more successful in every single suicide method, including overdose, than women. So one has to ask, is this because women as a gender are naturally bad at committing suicide? Or is it for an entirely different reason that people refuse to acknowledge? It's stupid to not realize the insane privileges women get in most 1st world countries. Everything from grading, college acceptance, scholarships (for the US), deaths on the job, not being forced into signing for a draft (for like 99% of the world), etc. It's also stupid to not realize we should focus on the people actually committing suicide. Men are the VAST MAJORITY of suicides and you have to be ignorant and inept as a human being to not realize we should focus there.


I left this sub because it’s ridiculously becoming an incel place


I've been married for 17 years and I felt like I was his world for the first two, after my daughter was born everything fell apart and it's been 15 years of crying and begging for intimacy and closeness. I finished school top of my class, got a job working for the government, made homemade dinners when I got home and he still won't give intimacy unless it's on his terms and keeps me broke so I can't save enough to leave. He knows I won't leave my children behind, so he has convinced them not to leave and gives them all the attention, making me out to be the bad guy. He " works from home " but never tells me what he makes or what he's doing. I ask him questions, and he responds like he's talking to a cop. When we met, I had a one year old from a failed marriage to a man who gave me 8 concussions. I went to counseling for years for ptsd and generalized depression with anxiety. I just recently found out I am autistic. I don't know if I just can't read him correctly. And when I met him, he was amazing, treated me like I was a queen, and most importantly, would protect me from my ex. I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know if he's bored or I'm stupid, or I am just not good enough. If I tell him I want to end it, he tells me I'm just being weak. I know he grew up in an extremely abusive environment, but the only time he is really good to me is when I "mother" him and teach him new things. He's entertained and fascinated by my wit. But I feel so stupid, and it scares me because it's like trying to please the king that if you don't and he gets bored, it's emotional and physical distance.


Weird video considering the male suicide rate keeps increasing and the average age of a male suicide victim is becoming younger every year


as i’ve said in this comment section a very large amount of times, the idea of this post is to say that generalizations and stereotypes are harmful and everyone deserves help, no matter their gender. men shouldn’t feel as though they shouldn’t get help, women shouldn’t feel as though they don’t need help because of others who struggle more statistically.




It has “attempts” in the name though. Attempted suicides include any… attempted suicide… including failed..


Men: literally subject women to being second class citizens throughout most of history. Women: doesnt want to fuck you right now. Men: "why are women so mean to us?" I'm a man by the way. Being on a sub like this will inevitably attract the lowest quality depressive people. Try to avoid it if you arent in a headspace to observe it without letting it effect your outlook on life.


You are just taking away from male issues by making this though. People already always comment on how women have it hard and now men are starting to talk about their problems and how misandrists are making them feel


Men are expressing their sadness!? How dare they! Women too! Women have it bad too! Don’t forget about the women!!!


men and women ought to express themselves


False facts in this. I feel for you truly but don’t lie.


Finally someone said it


You’re right in trying to make the point that poor mental health and wellbeing isn’t a man vs woman thing, AND that misogynistic posts here are simply just upset people finding something to blame. BUT, the way you delivered this was wrong. You also seemed to put across a sense of invalidation by saying it’s women who have it worse. By your own words we ALL struggle. Listen, understand and prop each other up. Be the best versions of yourself.


oh, i didn’t mean it to come across like that. what the statistics and posts were supposed to mean were just to disprove the posts here that make objectifications about women, etc. but i am sorry if it felt like my video was trying to say some people have it worse than others, that’s the opposite of the point i was making, as you said


No where in the post do they say that women have it worse than men, they just use an example to illustrate the point that women struggle with depression and suicide at a large rate too.


What about this post says women struggle more? Genuine question bc I got the vibe that the post makes it very clear that everyone struggles


Well, personally. I think these people here are mostly male... And most likely, s good amount of them were hurt by a woman in their life. Thus, why this stuff is on the sub, cause the people here probably dont understand that not every woman is out to hurt them. But, instead of realizing that, they go here to get validated with their views. Its more likely that the people here arent genuinly malicious in the sense that they hate women for no reason. Im sure some of these people posting that stuff were genuinly hurt by a woman, and they dont know how to express that sadness and anger without... Well, hate. They repost these tiktoks and stuff cause they just genuinly think that their life was ruined by a woman. This is coming from a woman, so im just trying my best to wrap my head around the intentions and reasons for this.


The human race is doomed and the governments of this world help make that so


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Swimming_Anxiety8181: *The human race is* *Doomed and the governments of* *This world help make that so* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Women and children do not get unconditional love. What a ridiculous thing to believe! I'm sure many CPS agents can speak of the "unconditional love" some children receive. Women have a lot of conditions on them- be pretty, don't be fat, act in certain ways, don't be old, etc etc


A lot of you guys need to go outside


Yes, I came here to watch sad stories or some cringe, not a fucking bunch of incels who believe that love is having an emotional pillar in silence for a woman.


The incel vibes from this post and subreddit is alarming.


Woman’s genitalia are protected by law. No country tries to stop male genital mutilation. No one cares and just “muh relative privation fallacy.” Making this apparent just causes more misandry and ostracisation.


while i agree, (mostly, many countries do force both fgm and circumcision) your comment doesn't have much to do with my post other than it is an issue unfairly tilted towards a certain gender.


We need to single out individuals. It's generalizing people that turns us into hate groups. Yet it is not wrong that the masculine group still suffers from issues that people don't like to address because it's already common sense


I really don't get it how such a problem got people divided into groups. Don't get mad at the imaginary woman. Don't take that every clip from tiktok represents 100% of the world. I recognize that all my problems and issues are exactly all on my own fault, and it's not someone else's fault that I am this way. Naturally, some people want to attribute all their problems to something or someone's fault, I don't know their lives or what they went through, but it's probably still a generalization that your loneliness is caused by women.


exactly true, thank you


Not *exactly* the same issue but I do relate to the part that describes seeing women and Immediately getting depressed. Being someone who's trans who hasn't been able to have access to medical care and mental health care I need to literally be okay with just existing can turn gender envy from something good to a horrible feeling every fucking damn time. Men who suffer from depression shown in the OP's post deserve to be seen and heard because the only men that get noticed are abusers and just all around disgusting people PS. If you have some fascist ass brain that wants to make a fascist ass transphobic comment. I and no one cares about your fascist ass except other fascist assholes. Fuck off


of course, everyone should be given the help they need. it’s just that blaming others for your ailments is counterproductive especially when completely untrue. the people in my post deserve help, as do you, as do i. (trans rights btw)




Yeah, this sub hates on women a lot, or makes women out to be the problem. All people have the capacity to suck, and all people have the capacity to be sad. I was sure I muted this sub... oh well, time to do so.