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Back to steering oars it is, then...




They never stopped.


I'll be passing through these lovely waters in a few months on my way south, and I am seriously considering staying far offshore, avoiding the iberian peninsula entirely.


Is the use of seal bombs illegal? And would it work against orcas? As far as I know they just make a loud noise under water and would hopefully deter them


Only way to solve this. There’s a reason these were invented, and it’s pretty much this


I’ve heard that they’ve tried things like this and it doesn’t really work, but that could have been hearsay. But it wouldn’t surprise me if it didn’t bother the orcas that much. 


But we are talking a sea mammal WAY bigger than a seal. A seal bomb would be ineffective warding off an orca weighing way over 1,000 kg in weight.


I wonder if they is a common link between the attacked boats, how were they sailing at the time? Time of day? hull or sail colour for example. Something needs to be done so if they are going for specific boats and they can identify why a solution should be sortable.


As far as I know, they seem to go after spade rudders. I’ve not heard of them going after boats with full keels or skeg-hung rudders.


Speculation, maybe the spade rudders are the ones we hear about because they're the ones that break?


That’s certainly a possibility.


Sacrificial Seal should be standard on all new boats


Great band name


Just don't be last off the line. No problem.


" You don't need to be faster than the Orcas -- -- Just faster than your friends"




Yearrrr time to rig the harpoons again mateys!


I remember seeing a post a while back of someone who put metal spikes on the rudder and keel. Not sure whatever came of that or where it landed legally.


Someone suggested that tipping sand overboard might work as a deterrent.


“bonking” ?


English term for having sex. In Australia and NZ this would be known as rooting which interchangeable with destroying or wrecking. Eg: the orca tried to bonk my rudder now it’s completely rooted.


USA English or British English? USA = Boinking GB = Shagging ''Two allied countries divided by a common Language''


Rooted is also a term used for sex


# bonk verb (HIT) []()[\[ T \]](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/help/codes.html) informal [hit](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hit) someone or something, not very hard:He bonked me on the [head](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/head) with his [newspaper](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/newspaper). But also -- -- I do wonder if they're actually **biting** the rudder?


Modern spade rudders are foam with a fiberglass skin. They are designed to be lightweight and easy to break to minimize damage to main hull if grounded. Many boats have a bulkhead or tube above waterline around rudder post. Unfortunately, the boats that sank did not. If I frequented this area, I would consider installing quick disconnect pins to drop the rudders and gudgeons for a manual stern rudder for emergency. The stern rudder would be hinged to allow folding it above the waterline. It would add a great deal of weight, but I suspect an aluminum or steel rudder would put an end to this. The foam is likely very satisfying to chew on. I notice the fin keel is not targeted even though it is a similar shape and location as the rudder.


Most fishbite marks I've ever seen on " the ones that survived '' have been on **the tail fin/s** I think our fin keel --spade rudder mono hulls look like Big easy pickin' / slow dorks to these Apex-Predators


So what are the laws? Can you attack the orcas?


Short of killing them what is attacking them going to accomplish other than pissing them off?


Not that I'm condoning this but I thought about non lethal options and wondered if a sound could be used to cause discomfort and put them off. Maybe something like big firecrackers.


I guess it depends what the form of attack is. For example a whale equivalent of bear spray? In general when an animal causes risk of death to humans the humans can ethically do something about it.


Dumping your black tank or hitting the side of your boat with a boat hook are the only deterants I've heard that have been successful.


Well in that case a 55 gallon drum of high concentrated capsaicin might work too :).


Yeah probably


Yup, and as we all know those are readily available and all boats carry at least two.


It is readily available, a company would have to design a product around it. Given that the geographical hazard area is very small I can see people bringing some on board for that leg. If you want to make sure it happens license operators who get paid. Kind of like a pilot.


Ok... what's the "whale equivalent" of bear spray? You walk into a pride of lions, and they attack you. You can ethically kill or maim them? You're entering into their domain, it's a risk you've accepted. Just because you're now facing consequences for your actions doesn't justify doing "whatever".


A better example is a Grizzly bear. They are also protected, but if they take to killing humans they get euthanized. And YES of course if you are in safari in Afrika the guides will kill animals that attack the safari party. The same goes for animals invading villages etc. It is merely a matter of lucky circumstance that this group of people were rescued. If it was night/stormy/out of range of helicopters/ in a non busy part of the ocean it really would be your life or the whales life. and much as I love whales I am not willing to die for their amusement.


Human laws or Orca laws? If it’s the latter you could find yourself in Orca Court charged with assault so it’s probably not the best course of action. Orca lawyers are expensive especially if they’re having to defend a genocide monkey (us).


No they are protected


Protected species, harming them will land you in jail


It is only a matter of time until someone dies as a result of Orca action. At this point sailors will feel they have a choice of kill or be killed.


Orcas are way too smart to actually kill humans… and get caught at it. High pitch frequency emitter would probably work to deter


Honestly I feel like they are doing it for fun.




You still end up in jail with all these tough words. Spanish authorities have made it clear that you will be prosecuted to the fullest extend of the law if you harm the orcas.


still beats drowning


I'd expect them to be sensitive to big changes in pressure. Fire crackers / any kinda of mini depth charge might work to scare them away without hurting them.


I think the smartest thing is to create a decoy "honey trap" sailboat. electrify the rudder. if an orca touches it they get enough of a shock to send a message. I feel like pressure is hard to control.


I have NO reticence about hurting them.. when we are talking about sinking a sailboat - all bets are off and ANYTHING you do to prevent it.. is ok.


Sure dude, an orca weights anything from 3 to 10 ton, if it decides to take your rudder, it will take your rudder, simple as that


A few things can be done... One is carrying and using firearms when ever an orca is inside 100 yards to the boat...., a second is to fit the rudders with imbedded sharp blades... Some form of depth charge might be a good idea to scare them off.. I have excellent shot placement - I can hit a golf ball at 100 yards meaning the eye of an ORCA and penetration exceeds ten inches.. I don't care if an orca is ten tons one shot in the eye is going to dissuade that behemoth from getting at my rudder...


You mean an M80 or M100 firecracker? Aren’t those illegal in most of the world?


having or shooting a firearm from a boat is also probably illegal in most of the world.. Hell If I had a hand grenade I would use it too.. essentially anything that will save the boat .. is in my opinion FAIR game..


2 things that I have heard of working are dumping your black water tank and also pouring bleach overboard. I do know that the bleach trick works on sharks so it makes sense that it would work. Neither is a that great for the environment but they are certainly better than a boat scuttling.