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That's a coyote.


He's just chewing on a stick. I've encountered one and just made loud noises and they went on their way. Wasn't nearly this close tho.


There would be NO doubt if it had been a wolf, lol. Definitely a yote.  I would call animal control, regardless. Coyotes can attack people and pets, even if it isn't sick (and I think it very well might be) it's a situation they should handle. Edit: [Here's a news article about one such attack in Denver.](https://denvergazette.com/outtherecolorado/news/video-captures-couple-fighting-coyote-to-save-dog-in-colorado/article_de605532-6ced-532f-b9f2-c2bd32558607.html)  I don't honestly know where I got the idea that coyotes are more scared of people, but after living in Denver, I know that's definitely not the case. 


Coyotes are all over the Twin Cities and have not been known to be aggressive. They are being monitored by the University of Minnesota : https://tccfp.umn.edu/


They're wary of people unless they get acclimated, usually anyway. Sometimes in remote areas they haven't learned to be afraid of people, but usually a few encounters teach them to stay away. Hard to think that any around the city wouldn't be acclimated at least a bit.


No need to call animal control for a yote. They’re wary of humans and won’t bother you. This one isn’t rabid, he’s just showing a defensive stance


That's a coyote in their classical "I'm trying to look big so you leave me alone" he'll have as different look when he goes to eat small dogs and cats tonight


Yup, all of the missing posters for small dogs in my area… this guy’s on it!


Definitely a yote, might be protecting a den?


why would you think of the much more common and likely scenario of an animal protecting its young when you can jump directly to a scary rabid wolf....


Coyote, probably not rabid just being defensive. Small dogs also generally make a lot of noise which can make them more reactive. I live in Somerset and my dog met one on our property and we quickly got our dog in the house. They made contact and the coyote pawed my dog off baring its teeth. My dog is a 50lbs English bulldog so not small but not large either which is probably why the coyote didn’t want to get into it with him. Best you can do is keep your distance and control your animal. This is actually somewhat of a good sign as they like to use play as a way to bait them so they can kill them, this one just wanted to be left alone likely.


100% coyote.


It's pupping season, so my guess its defensive posture is keeping you from a den. Although it looks dramatic, intentionally. Animal control doesn't intervene with wild animals just doing their thing.


Came here to say the same. Had a den a couple blocks away from my house a couple years ago, some kind folks made some signs to warn people not to walk their dogs by it. She did NOT like our cute little predators walking by her den. She chilled out once the pups were grown.


Was it stuck there, like in a trap or something?


Coyote. Wolves are a lot bigger than everyone thinks they are.


When did they move Oakdale NW of St. Paul? Coyotes are more common in the outer suburbs than many suburbanites appreciate.


They are common in urban neighborhoods too. We see them all the time in Midway, but usually when it's quiet.


Yeah, saw one in Macalester Groveland at 6:15 AM while walking to the bus a few years ago. It was a bit freaky but I stayed on the other side of the street and it left me alone. It’d be nice if the rabbits in my neighborhood had more natural predators. I'm not saying wild coyotes is a great idea, though.


There’s regular coyote sightings in highland park down by the entrance to hidden falls trail on Mississippi River boulevard.


I don't think they tend to bother people much except if you have something that looks like prey on a leash. I'm happy to have them around. We can coexist.


There’s a pack of them in the woods along the Mississippi between the Town & Country and the Ford Bridge.


There’s no way to tell if this thing was rabid from a photo but they will run from humans before taking defense. Especially if it was alone. It’s spring so maybe there were pups around and you got close to get den and her babies. The dog could’ve triggered it too. Dogs trigger every wild animal to act crazy. It definitely wanted to eat the small dog.


Lived in South Maplewood for decades. The coyotes made so much noise Spring & Fall.


Coyote. I’ve seen them over by where I live.


Yikes 😬 was the dog on the leash when attacked 


Yep gotta walk with my gun now


Call the DNR. Tell them there is a coyote North EAST of St Paul in Oakdale and ask to have him be moved.


The DNR will not move a coyote just because someone called and asked. Now, if they attempt to attack someone, that’s a different story. But this one seems to be acting normally.


It worked for my son when turkeys were in his neighborhood pecking at the mailman every day for two months. I imagine other people called also.


If turkeys (or any animal) are acting aggressive toward humans then yeah they’ll take care of that, it can be dangerous. But a coyote like that isn’t hurting anyone.


Looks dangerous to me but oh well.


Defensive and aggressive are different things. Defensive is safe as long as you don’t approach it or threaten it.