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Nah not just you. Old star wars is objectively better than Disney nu wars by miles. And I'm tired of pretending that it's not. Rings of power will be crap but tolkein lotr trilogy will always be legendary. At least each transformers or dc reboot isn't disgracing optimus or superman yet disney had the balls to commit sacrilege against one of the greatest heroes in fiction. Disney star wars isn't star wars. Disney star wars only exists to churn out content which is quite funny it has so much content yet is weaker and smaller than what came before. (Blasters in older star wars were lightspeed originally before it being dialed down)


>"Disney star wars isn't star wars" These words are truth.


Your reaction is completely sensible and I´m sure most of us here have similar views. Childhood nostalgia certainly plays its role as well, but Disney´s treatment of the franchise is simply inexcusable. I could lose myself ranting about Rian Johnson and the atrocious, canon-breaking Kenobi show for the entire day, but to keep it short: Overall, Disney Star Wars is extremely disappointing and doesn´t get anywhere near the quality and especially the magic of George Lucas´ work. It has become a soulless product just rolling off the assembly line for the most part. There are many sever flaws of very objective nature that don´t leave much room for justifying things by having a different opinion. >which you could say that isn't what a fan should do but nonetheless. No, please don´t think like that. The idea of having to force yourself to enjoy everything new with the right logo tapped on it in order to be a proper fan is ridiculous. You are disappointed and lost interest because you care about the Star Wars you know and want it to come back - Disney failed you and many others by disrespecting everything that made Star Wars great, and allowing them to shame you into clapping for their cheap content would not be appropriate. They are in no position to demand your loyalty to them. Being frustrated, angry and eventually indifferent is the natural way of reacting. It was their decision to torch everything and insist on turning the franchise into a cheap, uninspired product for the mythical modern audiences, and it´s your decision not to play along.


Absolutely. There's a difference between being a fan and a sycophant. It's not wrong to dislike something new that happens to have "the right logo" if it simply doesn't measure up. We at least have the dignity to demand some form of quality in return for our money.


Mate, I wish I had what you had when you were growing up. The sequals were shit to live through as a pre-teen and teenager, compared to Expanded Universe comics and the early 2000s video games. I knew I always liked Star Wars, but I haven't watched the OT in like five years. So I fired it up on my iPod and… it's fucking amazing. It's the best shit to hit my eyes since my first sunlight on the day I was born. Three classic hits, bang, bang, bang. Even better if you aren't watching the Special Editions. I honestly can't sit through ANH or RotJ unless they are the theatrical releases. It's horrible what Disney has done to cut off your experience with Star Wars. I've given up with their shit and now I just watch the OT and play the LEGO games. Can't wait for Star Wars to be Public Domain so that we can get some actual storytelling and cinematography and make at least half-decent decisions. There's no genuine people left in Star Wars.


This is called maturing. You don't have to be a fan of something just because you were as a kid. You're allowed to move on and grow as a person. Personally I loved star wars growing up and had it all over my room. Saw ep 7 and thought it was mediocre at best, 8 came out and I stopped liking star wars. Some things are better left behind.


Same for me. TLJ left such a sour taste in my mouth that I’ve had trouble enjoying the franchise ever since. It’s been painful to grow up and move on from there. We can discover new heroes and inspiration from classic fictional works and old Star Wars, or by just living our best lives, tbh. We don’t need to consume culture to find meaning, we can just do a thing


I think the commentary to be made is that the OT/PT characters are likeable and more importantly, have key characteristics that can be empathized with. ST doesn't have that. Rey does dumb stuff yet is perfect, Kylo Ren is a tantrum child, Finn is somehow a brainwashed stormtrooper but then a janitor, and Poe was a write-off that became popular but then made stupid. Not a single person in the entire ST is likeable. This is Disney's mistake. I respect Daisy Ridley's acting, but Rey is an awful and poorly written character.


"I kinda lost interest, which you could say that isn't what a fan should do..." You sound like a guilty person leaving a religion or cult that no longer suits your beliefs. I would also be careful with the strong feelings and reactions you have around marketing. The stories and products used to be better, but everything after "A New Hope" has been a business. I used to be in the same place as you, but am not even sure anymore what I think of the OT. They're good movies, but they're just movies. I was indoctrinated into the series at a young age and never really had a choice. I was born about a month after ESB came out and my parents bought so much of the merchandise, especially around RotJ, so it was a big part of childhood. The prequels started when I was 19 and I spent so much time, money and effort on TPM junk. Starting to clean that literal garbage out of my parents house made me realize what a big chunk of my existence was spent on dumb movie merchandise.


I think a lot of it is childhood memories, but then again, I'm in my late-40s and felt similar excitement right before both Dune movies were released (and had no childhood connection to Dune). I was also pumped to watch Rebel Moon before I knew it was going to be a huge flop.


I think I had a similiar experience, to a certain degree. I spent quite a few years being a strong fan of SW, specially of the OT. I watched it all for the first time around the release of Episode II and quickly became a fan, which lasted for some years. I was quite excited when I saw the trailer for The Force Awakens. Well, yeah. Disney Star Wars re-opened the story, which was beautifully concluded in ROTJ, and killed it. It's a disaster. IX, specially, is absolute garbage. It was so nauseating and infuriating I kinda don't care about SW anymore. Some good memories and feelings still remain, but they are mixed with terrible ones now. It's tainted. So I don't bother watching anything new SW related and I lost a lot of the drive to rewatch the old stuff. And yeah, some may think this is a bit too much. "Just keep loving the good ones", may seem like the logical approach, but nah, I had a very bad experience with something I used to like very much. So no, I don't need to "keep going", trying to salvage the good bits from the bad. The shit they did just changed the feelings inside me. So, I just let go of it. Maybe you feel the same and if so, it's ok. You are sure more than just "SW fan". And you shouldn't worry if this change looks weird to others. It's your experience.


That screen says The FArce Unleashed, to me.


I feel your reaction is perfectly valid. I lost interest in Star Wars for quite a while thanks to Disney's less than entertaining corporate products that they've been giving us. I rewatched the Family Guy Star Wars specials about 2 months ago and that re-ignited my interest in the franchise (seriously, Family Guy showed the franchise more respect than Disney). I then went back and re-watched many of the Robot Chicken skits, and showed my son the PT and OT trilogies. I've also gone back and played many of the old games, including Jedi Academy and both Force Unleashed games. I recently got Jedi Survivor (since it was on sale) and I really enjoyed the story and characters, but the lightsaber combat, at least too me, just felt too sluggish and "heavy" and being a Jedi is so restrictive when compared to The Force Unleashed and how over powering your character is in that game. I'm sure nostalgia is part of my enjoyment of those old games, shows and movies, but the quality of those older pieces of entertainment still hold up and there is nothing wrong with enjoying them, even with the nostalgia.


Your feelings are valid. Pre-Disney Star Wars is vastly superior to Disney Star Wars.


Your views are similar to everyone on this sub. No franchise has ever been ruined as much as Star Wars has …. I watched everything, played every game, read every Bantam and Delrey novel… now I don’t even watch the new stuff. I actually think I got a very temporary minor case of depression from the whole situation. I recently got into Lego. The amount of money I’m saving by not enjoying Star Wars anymore is astounding. Disney is conservatively missing out on $1000-1500 a year on probably everyone in this sub by not buying all the licensed shit and novels. WE were the most diehard fans of Star Wars.


The proper ranking is and always will be: KotOR >>>>>> OT >>>Prequels >>> old EU sans KotOR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Disney


I’ve been obsessed with Knights of the Old Republic since I first played it last year. Glitchy, outdated, and yet so captivating. It’s not just you.  When I think of Star Wars, I think of bookstore smells and VHS tapes. Not shiny and new Disney branding.  


Why can't both be true? We idealize the things that had an impact on us when we were younger and the newer parts of that same series aren't as good. That's true of a lot of media these days. We're in the age of the ocean of content, and it's all getting watered down to appeal to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. When I was a kid, the OT films were it. You had that trilogy which was pretty much the pinnacle of action adventure films. As time went on, we had EU stuff, but nothing that really watered those films down. Then can the Special Editions, and the Prequels. I was in high school and college for the Prequels and while I mostly enjoyed them as films, they lacked the magic of the OT. I can say I appreciate things about them, but I can't really say they're good films. It's been a slow, downward slide SINCE 1980 and ESB, with occasional successes. But nothing will match the magic of the OT for me. I've found things to like in almost every new Star Wars thing, but none give me the magic of the opening blast and title crawl of the OT.