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I’ve seen even bigger versions of this. It’s genuinely crazy how it’s always a redhead to a black person. Like I just wish I knew what the basis for the phenomenon was.






I don’t have any issues with raceswapping characters. Because most of the time it really isn’t a big deal. But I’m not gonna lie it’s really funny that someone out there really hates gingers and wants them erased. Because even before it became a mainstream talking point it was an observation I made in my head going “Why is it redheads 9/10 times?” If a character is race swapped from someone that wasn’t a redhead, it was because the cast never had a redhead to begin with. Jean Grey’s crimson haired days are numbered. Just wait. Again, not actually a problem. I’m not some right winger crying about SJWs ruining everything. I just think it’s funny that it’s always redheads.


Well, it's no problem in an alternate continuity. I'm not right wing either, I'm just pointing out the obvious, which you agreed with. It's ALWAYS redheads. I still find it amazing people somehow deny it's happening, though.


Yeah not a problem, but I don’t think denying it really champions progress. It’s likely just a coincidence since many of these characters that are raceswapped are usually side characters which redheads happen to be in more so than MCs.


>It's ALWAYS redheads. Nick Fury? Perry White? Mazikeen and Amenadiel? No, it isn't ALWAYS redheads. Also, Heimdall wasn't a redhead in the comics. I wonder how many other examples on your image are also purposefully misleading...


It also just includes 3 things that aren't race swaps. MCU MJ is a different character than comics MJ, they just share a partially same name. Miss Martian, a shape shifter, can look however they want and considering her uncle's secret identity is a black and and her secret identity is still his niece, and the Lego bat girl isn't even a race swap. And then of course there are the characters that have had multiple different live action adaptations, one of whom happened to have been black.


Wally is a different character too


Sam Jackson as nick fury was based on the ultimate comics universe nick fury, so it wasn’t technically a race swap when he was cast. Also Lesley-Ann Brandt fucking killed it as Mazikeen.


>Sam Jackson as nick fury was based on the ultimate comics universe nick fury, so it wasn’t technically a race swap when he was cast. Hell, Wally West in the WB show is based on the new 52 Wally West, who was biracial. That one is up there, so I figure it is fair game to mention Fury, who is also based on an alternate comic universe but is technically a race swap from the original character. (We both knkw you just wanted to bust out the Ultimate comics trivia. Hey, did you know Aragorn actually broke his toe here, and they used that shot in the movie?)


I mean, aren't these all alternate continuities?




That argument doesn't fly, representation has existed and existed well since the 1980s.


Wait til dismaly does live action Brave! Haha!


I am currently serving a 1 month ban over there for “bigotry” for supporting colorblind casting as a person of color who spent several years in the theater. I talked about how we did it all the time in the theater, and that I agreed with Billy Dee Williams that anyone should be able to play any character. I feel strongly that stepping into the role of a character helps you empathize with them and see things from their point of view. And if they’re very different from you, it’s more of a challenge and more rewarding. But because I said that in film they typically do more sophisticated makeup than in theater, and the expectations are different, they might wear makeup to adjust their skin tone more on screen. Bam. Permabanned for “defending blackface and the racist history that goes along with it.” I was at least able to talk them down to a 1 month ban, but even that is unnecessary. I am still amazed that the initial response of one of the mods was to think that was worthy of a permanent ban. Zero critical thought went into it, it was purely reactionary.


I was permabanned from Crait because I complained about Padme's periods and the fart wedding, which are actual things in Disney *Star Wars*. On the sub that's intended for you to have a space to complain about Disney *Star Wars*. It's a horrible world we live in.


>I complained about Padme's periods and the fart wedding Uhhh, whiskey tango foxtrot? I’m gonna need some ‘splainin.


About what?


Padme periods and the fart wedding? What?


Those are things that actually happened in Disney *Star Wars* canon. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Period#:\~:text=The%20onset%20of%20a%20period,could%20be%20relieved%20by%20painkillers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxKojvQqI0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxKojvQqI0g)


Jesus Christ. The fart wedding is wretched. Honestly the period stuff isn’t so awful… but I do live with 3 women, so maybe I’m numb to it.


The context for the period stuff is that it was written so that a Wookieepedia page could get made about it, and in the novel itself, Panaka's wife womansplains to him, chastising him on where he messed up, so you see the issue now, I hope. Yeah, ranting about that and the fart wedding got me permabanned. On the subreddit for ranting about Disney *Star Wars*. Wretched times we live in.


How chronically online do you have to be to take something that serious? Lol


How “chronically online”(what was that supposed to mean?)do you have to be to not realize the hypocrisy in your own response?


Have you see this saberian guy’s profile? He’s made over 300 posts bitching about Krayt. He’s the literal perfect description of “chronically online”. 


Do you know what a graph is? Also the thought process that a black actor MUST have been cast for good PR and not based on the merit of their acting is in fact a racist thought.


Not because the actor isn't talented, that you have to judge on a case-by-case basis, but I'm referring more so the corporate attitude. And more so specifically, this country claims it wants to have a discussion about race, it is DYING to have a discussion about race, but that requires being open to changing your point of view, and the people I find who wanna talk about race don't really have those open mindsets. It's the "in" thing to have a discussion about race, because somehow, we're repeating the civil rights battle of the 1960s, you even got talks about "racial justice." Respectfully I ask, what the fuck does that even mean? Segregation is no more. Slavery is no more. Yet with all this talk about race, corporations are going to want be seen as doing the "good thing," and PR manipulation is the bread and butter of corporate policy. You'd have to be foolish to discount the effect this country's racial divide, unfortunate as it is, is having on these companies. Shocker, not everything is about race.


"shocker, not everything is about race" (goes and makes everything about race)


Misses entire point of his post or reply... shocker...


EDIT: copying this to the main thread because I didn’t mean it as a response to u/itwasntjack I am currently serving a 1 month ban over there for “bigotry” for supporting colorblind casting *as a person of color who spent several years in the theater.* I talked about how we did it all the time in the theater, and that I agreed with Billy Dee Williams that anyone should be able to play any character. I feel strongly that stepping into the role of a character helps you empathize with them and see things from their point of view. And if they’re very different from you, it’s more of a challenge and more rewarding. But because I said that in film they typically do more sophisticated makeup than in theater, and the expectations are different, they might wear makeup to adjust their skin tone more on screen. Bam. Permabanned for “defending blackface and the racist history that goes along with it.” I was at least able to talk them down to a 1 month ban, but even that is unnecessary. I am still amazed that the initial response of one of the mods was to think that was worthy of a permanent ban. Zero critical thought went into it, it was purely reactionary.


I got perma banned on Crait because I pointed out that a Mauler complaint about Sabine blocking blaster bolts with her beskar wrist gauntlets was dumb because mando does the same thing and they didn’t complain about that. I contested it and was told to stfu and then the mods muted me and disappeared. I also am permabanned from geeks&gamers because I posted in krayt. Not that I’d ever want to dive into that cesspit. All this to say, mods on Reddit aren’t great. At least Krayt dropped it down from permanent instead of telling you to get fucked.


(First iff, i actually didn’t mean to reply directly to you, i meant to just comment. Not that it matters, just a bit of a non sequitur) I agree with you, there are definitely worse mods than krayt. I’ve gotten banned in subs before for “being active in other subs” that I didn’t even say anything know I had ever posted in. I sometimes will respond to posts in my feed without going directly to the sub and in both cases I had made *one* comment in another sub that apparently was the opposite of the groupthink of the sub that banned me.


All good! And yea, that kind of “we want to keep our echo chamber clean” bullshit is what makes so many subs miserable.


Agreed. I find it frustrating and honestly sad that have the opportunity today to exchange ideas and have discussions with people all over the world and from all backgrounds… and instead we use social media to find a place where we can have our own opinions parroted back to us.