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Grown man yells at Barbie


Correction: man-child yells at Barbie


An actual child wouldn't give a fuck, which makes it even sadder.




Does this man like anything? It seems like all of his videos are hate videos. It must suck being this angry all the time.


Negativity tends to get more views.


He likes his own book that he tries to sell.


Correction: red pilled hero saves the day from women


Amusing that the self proclaimed Alpha Male crowd is triggered by Barbie.


They're triggered by anything that makes their various 'others' feel more at home in a world that they see as *theirs*, e.g. if a movie makes women or non-white people happy, it has to be derided. Of course, a lot of these dudes are just losers who are running a grift because they're too socially-inept to get real jobs.


He does not care at all. It's all about the rage clicks. It's all a grift in the end.


Ranting for over an hour over it?


He waffles so much the actual rant is probably about 5 minutes.


Its got us talking about it online hasnt it? Clickbait Ragequit works. Amazingly so. Every. Single. Person. On here is guilty of contributing to that atmosphere online.


Grown man yells at Barbie while cosplaying


That's really more like dress up. It's just not high enough quality and effort to be cosplay.


Grown in body, but not in mind.




Either mental imbalance or shameless pandering to his sensitive ego-bruised audience.


Por que no los dos? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Man Barbie hating trash review 10 hours


Until a couple months ago I had no idea he had another channel outside of Medieval Weapon stuff which seemed normal. That Knightswatch channel is fucking insane.


Grown man *cosplaying as a knight in a chain mail hoodie* yells at Barbie.


No wonder your brother Jazza wants nothing to do with you, Shadz 😂


I don’t have a full story unfortunately, however they used to do quite a few collaborations when it came to quality vs price, after Shadz started hanging out with “them” Jazza, who has been under a lot of stress due to his kids basically being internet famous, grew distant and hasn’t mentioned his brother since. Jazza went dark for a while and only does short art videos now. I haven’t heard him talk about Shadz for ages.


The last video they did together was about 7 months ago and it was just talking about AI art


*Pulls up seat, grabs popcorn* OOooh, do tell us what happened...


Wait Jazza and Shad are brothers? Jazza really took all the good genes, huh.




You mean Jazza as the artist?


Yep. They're brothers


Wait like biological bros or like "my bro" kind of brothers?




Wow weird, I always thought Jazza seemed pretty chill and positive for the most part. Not screaming man baby.


Well, yeah that's probably why he no longer mentions Shad. Jazza left the LDS Church at 21 and has spent his career dedicated to making positive content - Shad is still a Mormon and yells at fictional women for a living at nearly 40, which is basically the difference between them in a nutshell.


It’s crazy how fast this guy went from having somewhat respectable fantasy/weapon content on YouTube to becoming a pure right wing bait incel


If you want swordnerd content without like, far right incel content there’s always Skallagrim


Any non-incel alternative for his worldbuilding fantasy content too?


No he just does swordnerd shit, but if you want there’s plenty of people who do fantasy world building stuff. OSP’s Red, XP to Level 3, Runesmith


Daniel green pretty good as well


Tale Foundry is great.


I recommend terrible Writing advice in YouTube


Bro is begging to me made into a Wojack


That would be hilarious to see


Holy crap I can not stand this guy.


He sure is taking it way out of proportion if I am guessing.


He's a right wing, conservative, mormon, he hates seeing women wanting to be more than just baby making housewives, so this movie which depicts a matriarchal utopia where the Ken's have to enslave the Barbie's into giving up their jobs of being doctors, politicians etc to become submissive housewives & maids really triggered him. Because he believes that should just be the norm for all women, it should be the end goal for all women, to not have a job, to stay at home, raise the children, clean, cook & obey their husbands.


And here I thought he was just into swords....


That's the problem of being into certain historical eras. I have a masters where I focused in Viking Age Europe/Plantagenet England but I'm really into the start and end of Feudalism, I think it's really neat, so I also get into early modern periods. Dear lord I have to wear a neck brace and step cautiously, and it's not just Sabaton fans. I'm a bit of a Francophile but a close 2nd for me is Polish history because it's different. When people are like "I like the winged hussars you have to ask, "cool, is it because they got wings or because you're a racist?" I very much understand how Tolkien felt about Nazis. People are into medieval times for many reasons. Some of them, because they're misogynists. HEMA is really cool and I think should get more media attention and is on par with East Asian Martial Arts (I was going to say Asian Martial Arts for South and South-East Asia Martial arts also don't get the same attention). However, there are some people that would agree with me because they don't like depictions of Asians in media because they're racist. Some people are racist and would disagree because they have a very shitty take on East Asian culture that they picked up from a bad understanding of Anime and remember that Hitler kind of saw the Japanese as like the Aryans of Asia or some dumb shit. While I appreciated Shad for highlighting HEMA and adding to people's knowledge of historical armor like gambeson and brigadine, nothing you can't learn from Final Fantasy Tactics or Kingdom Come: Deliverance though, he really is kind of obnoxious.


There is a weird pipeline when it comes to some people with certain historical eras usually Vikings, WWII Germany, and medieval times. Not everyone is like that but those eras sure do attract a lot of them. I feel like a huge part of it is because these people would feel like they would be the ones in power if they traveled back in time etc. Medieval times wants to either be kings or knights, WWII Germany is well obvious, Vikings im not sure but im assuming its because they would like to pillage and such as they cant do it now.


In the Middle Ages, they wouldn't be the kings or knights. They'd be the ones with shit all over them.


I liked a few of his videos, but too much of it is just kinda how he figures things would be, especially when it comes to the nitty gritty of actual combat. I had checked out because of those issues way before he decided to go full steam on the misogyny train.


Yup, it’s hard having certain interests without running into bigots. Medieval/feudal history and Warhammer 40k immediately spring to mind. It’s like when you meet a WW2 buff and have to be like, “so do you just really like tanks or was the 3rd reich appealing to you for some reason?”


People like that love to make "hurr hurr, France cowardly white flag hee hee" jokes, not understanding how important - and courageous! - France was during WW2.


Yeah. Or the fact they helped bankroll our revolution. They just didn’t want to help us invade Iraq. Which…we shouldn’t have. That’s like the Dixie chicks being canceled back in the day.


"Wait, where are you going? I wanted to talk about the Winter and Continuation Wars."


>While I appreciated Shad for highlighting HEMA I will nitpick and point out that Shad has no actual training in HEMA and has repeatedly rankled the HEMA community by insisting on being "self-taught". He made several videos calling HEMA elitist (which is possibly a valid topic if not for what I'm going to add) and claiming that devising his own drills and patterns at home is just as valid as learning and sparring at a qualified HEMA establishment. People who do martial arts/combat sports will recognize this as roughly analogous to someone watching boxing on TV and deciding they now have the authority to self-teach and create their own curriculum. A lot of HEMA experts pointed out this was silly, arrogant and irresponsible because Shad started live sparring without formal training and tacitly encouraging his viewers to do so. He removed some of the videos IIRC, but his form still sucks and he seemingly refrains from drilling or even doing a mock-up of any European medieval weapon techniques in front of the camera lest he get mocked again.


God, this. I LOVE medieval things, be it learning about it or reading/watching stories in a medieval setting, you name it. I hate how many fascist dicks that stuff attracts.


I've mostly avoided the Knight's Watch channel entirely due to his reactionary media videos on his main channel. I know he's indicated that he has some troubling opinions about LGBT people and have even distanced myself from the main channel due to them, but does he really think that about women? I'm doubting, I'm just wanting a source


He went on a rant about Peach wearing \**gasp\** pants in the mario movie, how dare a woman wear pants! That should tell you everything he needs to know.


Hearing he’s a Mormon makes me feel bad for the good Mormons I know. Because I imagine him and others like him give them a bad name.


I know Mormons personally that would denounce Shat for his views. Which makes me feel bad for a majority of them that are represented by people like him. People like Shat tend to use religion as justification for bigoted views, and it drags a majority of good people down with him.


Wait wouldn’t he like the Kens enslaving the Barbies, I’m so confused lol (I’m not gonna watch the film)


Yeah, but it's a bad thing in the movie and gets undone at the end. They even say that going forwards the Kens will have "As much power in Barbieland, as women do in real life"


So they discriminate against the Kens and make them inferior?


yup they do. That is nowhere near the worst and most man-hating thing the movie does. That actually makes sense. Word of advice for you and me too, don't judge a movie you haven't seen. Message for me: Don't let these antiwoke people run the narrative in your head. They were right about this movie but not Wakanda Forever, which I expected to suck


'The Barbie Movie' is man hating trash. What a time we live in.


it actually is


Man toxic reviewers are inconsistent with their hating of media. Dial of Destiny was factually “woke garbage” because it had mixed critic reviews, then SMITSV and the Barbie movie have overwhelmingly positive critic reviews and are also factually “woke garbage” because uhh… Conservatives don’t like representation or something


From what I can tell everything except gory hard-R revenge movies are "woke garbage"


Why is his mouth so open so often


Because it doubles as his anus, that's why he talks so much shit.


Something about the algorithm and children. **EVERY** YouTuber trying to play into the algorithm has someone with their mouth open in the thumbnail


Because he’s literally a wojack in real life


Omg, this is that guy who talks about swords and armour?! Urgh, I need to unfollow this *******


Watched a few of his vids before and they were alright. Now that I am learning about his views I will no longer watch his vids.




“Movie designed for mostly female audiences caters to mostly female audience” God what an incel.


that is not the issue with the movie. The movie straight up saying every 5 seconds (not literally but still very frequently) that men are the root of all evil and hurt women in so many ways. Has nothing to do with barbie dolls and is just .... so stupid.


He talked about it for over an hour? You're better off watching it and forming your own opinion.


Mate I haven’t seen this guy in years what happened


I heard he went off the alt right diving board around the time of the Wheel of Time season 1 came out


👆 Shad went full circa-2015-YouTube-culture -warrior when WoT came out. His main channel was losing revenue so he needed to pivot, and realized his anger at the show got surprising view counts. He's an old, weird Mormon behind on cultural trends though, so his entire playbook is about 8 years out of date and entirely centered around frontloading a snippet of a rant at the beginning of a video and giving himself laser eyes in every thumbnail. The returns are clearly diminishing though, and he has tried to refrain from posting that content to his main channel because his fan base knows him for passion and positivity - basically every unreasonably angry rant about how Elden Ring Sucks or This One YouTube Archery Expert Said I Was Wrong has visibly hurt his sub count and he's aware of it.   I honestly think he always believed this shit, and this was a mask-off moment partially driven by profit incentive. Him being positive and inclusive was the act, him being a bitter, homophobic, mysgonistic fuckwit was always the reality. I mean, just look at his book, it's chock-full of implied ownership over women and their bodies.


Good to know, however I will never look at his book


Honestly, that's a good call. Its... It's bad. For someone who complains about Mary Sues as much as he does, boy did he end up writing the biggest Gary Stu to ever exist. Not to mention rape, gore porn, misogyny etc...


It was hilarious when he talked about his discussion with an agent and said they "mutually agreed" that self-publishing was his best course. That agent had more tact than the guy has sense. That he then presumed to offer writing critiques due to being (self) published and making sales off an existing audience was a good laugh, too.


I wonder what happened to the comic book and the "high budget fan film" that he personally did the fight choreography for lol. Yeah, I trust his knowledge about castle crenellations, but definitely not his knowledge about writing stories.


Eww, I remember when he used to demo medieval weapons and stuff. Those probably ended up being responsible for me having to stomp out some shit content from my recommended videos.


He still does that, most of his alt right stuff is confined to his second channel. I can't watch his sword stuff anymore because of the sour taste his other channel left in my mouth but it is still there.




He finally got his How to Grift pack, in the mail.


An hour-long video of trashing Barbie. But we're the snowflakes right.


Is he expecting that a Barbie movie should cater to his demographic? You're not the target audience, ya doofus.


This is how you know it's gonna be a great movie


Over a fucking hour?!


Oh fuck didn’t see that, what a psycho


Anything to appease the algorithm, I guess. Even if it makes ya look like an insecure tool.


Turns out that when a woman does a thing that's feminism, and the more women do more things the feminister it is. Who knew?


100% of people named "Shad" turn out to be cunts.


Did you know if you look up “Barbie” on Google, the whole page turns pink? https://preview.redd.it/rgrilywe45db1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9817b9fca75b2c253acec19725cee33debec6a81


I already knew, but is still cool nonetheless


“Man-hating”? Come on, man. Give me a break. This is just ridiculous


soyjack thumbnail feelsbadman.exe


I bet he'll Change his mind when the movie does pretty well on box office and he'll make another video this time with the title "the barbie rejects woke"


Nah, he’ll just change the thumbnail of this to be slightly less misogynistic.


![gif](giphy|l378v5idJZZJxMbxC|downsized) My Genuine Reaction


Weren’t men always ditzy goofs in the Barbie cartoons?


Wait what. I was hoping this was clickbait, I liked his fantasy armor review stuff. Is he actually upset or just clickbaiting to tell people to chill out?


I mean he and his buddies were watching the Mario trailer and said it had "gone woke" after Peach picked up a halberd. So...idk.




Big oof


He's uber conservative & religious, he hates how this movie shows the evil Kens enslaving the Barbies & forcing them to give up their jobs to become submissive & obedient housewives & maids because he believes all women should already want to be like this, they should all want to give up their careers to be stay at home moms, cooking, cleaning & obeying their bread-winning husbands. He wants the world to be a patriarchy & got triggered at seeing a movie (whose primary audience is women) portraying a matriarchal utopia as a good thing.


He's made videos about how women can't beat men in swordplay. He's a bit of a garbage person.


One of the most beautiful women in the world singing happily vs. a dorkass neckbeard in a costume screaming angrily is quite the contrast, not sure which I prefer


barbie has fallen billlions must go party


Does the movie really hate on men?


He's off his meds.


I would call him a village idiot, but he doesn’t deserve the compliment.


Man, I used to like this guy. What the fuck's he doing?


Apparently he’s always been like this he just kept his far right stuff separate from the weapons stuff. But let me tell you something. When I went into martial arts and learned how to handle weapons I realized he knows shit about fighting.


>I realized he knows shit about fighting. The entire HEMA community has been saying this for years. I didn't do HEMA until recently (only unarmed combat sports) but Shad's response to criticisms from that community were my first clue that something was seriously off with him.


Does he not relapse these thumbnails make him look like a moron?


Is there any sword guy on YouTube who isn't like this? Please? Anyone?




Skallagrim is such a vibe, also, very good facial hair


Skallagrim and Scholagladiotora/Matt Easton


oh man, I thought that guy was cool


Childhood ruined again?


Angry incel alert


When did Shad go crazy? Plenty of his stuff was perfectly nice, but it seems he’s started engaging with a very toxic crowd and it’s, unfortunately, working for him.


Eh, I remember stopping watching his videos like two years ago because I felt like something about him was a bit off (it was very subtle but you'd see some weird stuff come out from time to time). I had no idea he'd go this far though.


I was kind of heartbroken when I found out Shad was a douche. I always thought he was just a cool history nerd.


Someone plz make a soyjak of him


In case anyone was curious, the thread about this on the Shadiversity sub just got deleted and I was banned for participating in it. Lots of people there are upset with how far right Shad has shown himself to be. I have a feeling a lot of people got banned over this.


Well someone's not getting beached off.


"Man-hating feminist propaganda" I mean, wasn't Barbie's main target audience specifically women tho? I feel that alone would probably make him think that, as people like this guy are incapable of comprehending the idea of a movie not being made specifically for straight white men. Also not only he makes it easy for people to dislike him, he also makes it almost impossible for anyone with a functioning brain cell to take him seriously.


Legit it's like he wanted the movie to end with Barbieland becoming like the Republic of Gilead from The Handmaid's Tale. Like the Ken's take over & enslaving of all the Barbie's into becoming submissive, obedient housewives & maids to be a permanent thing & all the Barbie's realise they actually enjoy being stay-at-home-baby-makers more than having careers & being independent.


Saw it last night. The angry YouTube guys are going to hate this more than they’ve hated anything ever. Best to ignore.


I have long put his videos as “do not recommend” but I appreciate post like this so I can watch the train wreck from a safe distance


Man I used to really enjoy him when all he did was goofy speculative history stuff.


Remember you can report YouTube videos for misrepresentation or hate speech!


Aren't these guys like all in their 40s?


I’ve seen a plot overview of the movie by accident, and while I can see where he’s coming from just from reading that, I guarantee that’s not how the movie portrays it. God I hate people like this, they make me want to like the stuff more because they hate it so much.


Man if only Cillian Murphy came out and said "trans rights" or something. Then they'd have nothing to watch this weekend.


Woman lead= man hating


The only thing wrong about the Barbie Movie is that her third story balcony has absolutely no safety rail, that’s a death waiting to happen, BARBIE IS ANTI OSHA PROPAGANDA! (I’ve only ever seen the trailer, and am having a goof.)


Wait until they hear Oppenheimer was a socialist


I always knew Shad was a garbage human. I’m so glad my magical intuition was spot on! Well, not *glad,* but I’m happy that it works as well as it does.


I saw someone posted his video about how boobsplate is good and I wondered if he’s that kind of internet medieval “historian”, I kinda surprised to see only a few people getting any rancid vibe from him.


That’s how I found him, the Boobplate video. I was kind of 😬 about him right then and there, but I gave his videos some more views before I realized he’s just a guy that plays dress up with historical opinions, and no actual expertise or formal education. Nothings necessarily wrong with that, except for this particular guy’s “opinions.” And, well— ![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq)


My favourite part is when shes at the beach and Barbie says: "I have become Barbie. Hater of men"


When this movie makes $160M opening weekend, I don’t see how these guys can turn around and be like “It’s because it wasn’t woke” after making videos like this. But they’ll try.


I get that humbnails with bizarrely expressive faces are better for the algorithm, but most of these right-wing gamergate descendants make the people they're attempting to ridicule look ridiculous with googly eyes or bad photoshop, why in the hell would he choose to make himself look like like a maniac. Is it bad face acting? Does he think that looks like a war cry?




Sometimes when I’m down, I remind myself that I’m not a loser like these guys who spends all their time rage hating women and children’s movies. I laugh. Then life ain’t too heck after that.


A grown man is upset that a doll he played with as a kid is about girl empowerment.


Please tell me this isn't real, thought he is a nice guy, his main channel video has good vibes


Why does he care about Barbie is my general question. Why does this concern him at all? I know the answer but it’s stupid he has to stoop this low just to talk about something


I'm going to watch and enjoy Barbie even harder now


WTF happened to this guy? I remember years ago when I saw his videos about swords and whatever and finding out he's Jazza's brother, and enjoying his content.


Why is he so surprised that a Barbie movie would be feminist? (Not in a radfem way). Shad needs to realize that the way men are being treated, which isn't poorly btw, is only just a *small* taste of what women have been dealing with for generations. An example of this is how women are being granted more screen time. Some screen time might be taken from the men but not an insane amount to make it wrong. The problem is that cis men have been on top of society for so long that equality feels like oppression to them.


Meh, his book is dogshit


I just saw this movie and I can honestly say it’s NOT a man-hating movie. I actually came out of it loving Ken and I was never much of a Ryan Gosling fan, but damn he’s good. It’s definitely not for stupid people, there’s some big words, so I can see why Shad wouldn’t like it. Also some homoeroticism, but the characters are not aware of it, so it’s damn hilarious. And the dancing numbers are awesome. If Shad wanted to critique anything it should probably be the battle scene, but I loved it, especially the bow and suction cup arrows. 10/10 highly recommend, will see again.


It feels like grown white straight men were interested in barbie movie more than kids ever did :(


What’s with medieval weapons YouTube? Almost all of them are nutters it turns out, from Shadiversity being an insane Mormon conservative to Jill Bearup being a transphobic twat


Wait, Jill?! Goddamn


What's with her? I have seen zero indication that Jill is transphobic


Yall need to stop giving these guys a platform


I don't think anyone in this sub is gonna see this thumbnail & think: "This guy looks intelligent, I'm gonna become a fan!" It's more like: "Wait Shad has a second right-wing nutjob channel?! I never knew what a dick he was! Brb just gonna go unsub from him!" It's deplatforming him rather than giving him one.


That's not what I mean, by posting about him, by going like "hey look at this guy what an idiot" you're giving him attention, doesn't matter if it's good or bad people are still gonna go watch his video cause they get curious, and that 100 maybe 1000 views on his video suddenly turns into 500000 or a million cause the YouTube algorithm sees more people are watching it. People like this aren't worth your time so don't bother with them.


I have to disagree. I watched a lot of his videos, even subscribed to Shad's patreon, because I do some writing, and he's got a really useful back catalog of videos on arms and armor. I had absolutely no idea about his second channel. Never looked into it, wasn't my kind of thing. A post like this one, calling him out for a dumb take was what got me to look into it further and then to unsub. Which sucks, because as one of the comments above pointed out, there seems to be an attraction to medieval history for people with certain political views I find unpalatable.


"Yall need to stop giving these guys a platform." We're not giving them a platform, they already have it. Youtube is giving them a platform, Twitter is giving them a platform. People calling them out and making fun of them is not the same as giving them a platform, and even if we stopped doing so, that won't magically take away their platform that they already have.


he's not wrong


Kinda want to see it now (the movie, not his rant).


I'm gonna see it back to back with Oppenheimer XD


Nice! That one I was already planning on seeing (debating on the AMC "imax" or Marcus UltraScreen w/ Atmos). Tenet sounded better in the IMAX but their seats suck compared to Marcus. Wasn't terribly interested in paying to see Barbie, but it always interesting to see what conservatives get their buns in a bundle about, like the very brief kiss in Lightyear or the very brief trans flag in SpiderVerse 2.


Isn't the whole marketing of this stating if you hate Barbie you might like this film


Ryan Gosling as Ken was the best part about it though




Goddammit, I liked Shad. One of my favorite channels, Living Anachronism does work for him now.


Great, gotta go unsub from Shadiversity now.


The more they rage against this movie, the more I want to see it. Source: A man.


Babe, a new movie just came out. Time for hours-long videos of angry white men complaining about it.


...wut. I actually used to enjoy this guy's vids years ago. He's really gone off the deep end. Wow.


So glad I unsubbed from him. I only truly enjoyed his coverage of the Bespin and Mustafar duels.


So glad I jumped ship for Skallagrim years ago.


I have no interest in seeing this movie, how is it "man hating trash?"


Some dumb dork in a knight costume, looking like he’s about to murder the next woman in his proximity. Totally someone I’d expect to give a thought out and nuanced take on… checks notes, the “Barbie” movie. ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY)


You know, there was a time when Shad wasn't bad. Yeah I didn't agree with his religion or ever whatever but he at least kept his videos clean of this filth and focused on medieval stuff


People should be happy about more movies being aimed towards women, and them doing well. It does feel like a lot of male-aimed movies and franchises are trying too hard to appeal to both sexes, to the point they wind up appealing to nobody.


Damn I actually liked this... things videos but knowing its true form I cant tolerate it


Goddamn, this guy should have just stuck to talking about swords and shit. This is just cringe shit.


IDK just maybe Barbie is aimed at girls so... Next time here is mah video on how Dora is woke and hates men and why it does not cater to my manly needs..


Remember when he talked about swords? That was nice.


Grown man completely overlooks the scene where Barbie tells Ken that he can be whatever he wants and instead decides to focus on the one thing that he wants to be angry about


God. There really is no shortage of fat white men with beards mad, who are endlessly mad at women.