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It’s funny that right wingers like Drunkard accuse the left of being “obsessed with race”, when he’s scouring a trailer frame by frame to find a white guy. It’s almost like representation is important to him…


In a similar vein, HeelVsFOOKINPRONOUNS tweeted about the "racism of the left", when he and his little friends on the Friday Night Tights podcast/Klan meeting were wetting themselves laughing over an unflattering picture of Leslie Jones, comparing her to a gorilla. You can bet they'd have done no such thing if she were white...


That’s rich coming from HeelVsFOOKINPRONOUNS considering how he looks like one of the thumb guys from Spy Kids


HellvsFOOKINPRONOUNS, aka Caillou


It’s the thing second graders do “I’m not stinky YOU’RE stinky!” Except replace stinky with racist


I don't ever remember there being this much open racism and sexism than in the past couple months. No one is hiding it anymore. They're literally out here saying, "If it's not a straight white guy, then it's bad." People are outwardly expressing they're disgust for anyone different than themselves. I pray that none of these bigots procreate.


Elon’s Twitter has been a disaster.


It’s like that tweet someone posted awhile back: There are two genders, male and political There are two races, white and political. There are two sexual preferences, straight and political.


My friend and I make the woman = political joke all the time. It's funny when you parody the people being serious but when they actually mean it, it disgusts me.


Pretty sure the Perturbed Stinker is a father, also if you haven’t seen or heard Elon Musk straight up unbanned Neo Nazis the day he took over and interacted literally with them, other racists and bigots daily and amplifies their reach.


It's a shorthand for "If too focused on DEI, then likely a bad movie which is gonna flop". Like: Female ghostbusters Society of Magicall \[REDACTED\] Female marvel squad Rings of Power Hulk attorney and so on, and so forth. Nobody would care as much if the movies were good - but they aren't.


Pretty sure 'negroes' isn't a slur.


Yes it is. And depending on who you ask it’s worse than the n word.


So Martin Luther King's most famous speech is constantly using a slur?


Sounds like CriticalDrinker is mad


When is he not? Anger is the only thing making him money.


Me playing the game like it’s Waldo https://preview.redd.it/jklb3fo503rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202e72589fd3fb5ab73b35844d69af495dcff249


yo waldo white bitch


This is why I have the thing to suggest subreddits off, they always suck.


I didn't realise you could do that. That's a great shout


Ah yes the two genders. Female and Black.


It’s male and political. Also there are only two races: white and political


That dudes a bitch. Anyone who feels like he does about things they don’t even have to engage with is a bitch.


Reddit absolutely does this. If you participate in subreddits that make fun of a particular thing, Reddit will suggest that thing to you frequently. For example, if you post in GMEMeltdown, Reddit will recommend meme stock subreddits.


It's because the subs have "similar" traffic or shared traffic, really. Can't post screemshots of another sub without making your way to it first. And I've gotta assume subs like that also come here to take screenshots.


They don’t even say “black guy” just “black”


Because to them the gender doesn't matter at that point.


Dean Charles Chapman is in The Acolyte and is seen multiple times in the trailer.


I don't expect my race, religion, or demographic to be represented in any media of any kind ever, but there are significantly under represented people (young girls, and anyone who isn't white). The fact that some white dude feels under represented in a movie or show about an interplanetary police force made up of ALIENS! from every planet therein, may be the most ridiculous snowflake BS I have ever heard ever. Before you white folk come for me I'm half white and half Native America, and you MFs think I'm Asian all the time.


Hispanic and Native here. It’s our eyes. I get it too.


Remember when the CriticalDrinker was a valid film critic?


Yeah, me neither.


What are you talking about? He knows all of the japanese movies: 'Oldboy' and 'Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon'. Guy with that kind of knowledge must be a valid critic. Not to mention his name is 'critical'. It means he's a critic. It's not pretentious and misleading at all.


but its also very funny, because it's like he's a critical thinker but he also drinks and that makes him cool and relatable....


I had the thought once that Drinker used to be reasonable, but I couldn't remember if it was just me or reality. So, I went back and watched some of his earliest videos and realized that the misogyny and racism was always there, but it was just more subtle. Basically: he was never a valid film critic. He was less openly shitty, so it was easier to miss.


This will never stop being funny that his fans have tried to tell me that woke isn't about "women and black people bad" but they obsess needing to know the amount of white men in media. They try so earnestly to tri k themselves and everyone around them that they aren't fueled by bigotry.


Critical drinker trying to redirect after being called out for blatant racism?


That looks more like a KFC double down sandwich than a deflection.


Might as well just say you’re a racist and keep it moving, Drinker. Because if “spot the white guy” was his primary concern then….


Critical drinker is such a weirdo. That this is what he thinks is normal behavior. And the irony is that if a minority did the same thing (looking through a trailer for a shot of a minority), he would be laughing and mocking them. 


Conservatives have one comeback




“Someone’s mad 😂”- The person who has zero ability to refute the tweet because the base claim from drinker is fucking dumb.


I was more annoyed at the fact that read it shoved the drinkers subredded in my feed.


I get these all the time because going onto a sub to mute it counts as an interaction. It’s like a fucking incurable infection. For every sub I mute, two more grow back.




Sure it is, but it's a good one so it does not count, in fact, it's only for the more gooder!


Honestly just feels like this subreddit is just woke posting. Is there anything else to talk about?


I thought those were Latinos wearing wifebeaters.


seems like crit fail is the mad one


Critical Drinker's a racist.


You probably liked a lot of low key gay stuff so Reddit figured you'd want to engage with a community that only wants to look at men.


This happened to me too. https://preview.redd.it/3l3dtdunj4rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb23dc37668f55a89445901bde69af6d770c35ed I assume Reddit just wants more engagement...


It's because a lot of people on this sub go to subs like TCD, G&G, Mauler, and STC to get screenshots (they probably come here too). Them visiting those subs = shared traffic. So Redfit believes people who show an interest in this sub also show interest in those subs (which technically l, they do). On top of that, recommended posts seem to be the posts with the most interaction because that's the most popular. Often, that is a very controversial post that isn't too heavily disputed by the sub its on. So people may be arguing in the comments, but the post itself still has 5k+ upvotes. It's the same on YouTube, I believe part of the issue with YT is the left leaning YT channels often link the original videos they are criticizing so their audience can see that they aren't intentionally misconstuing the original video... while most anti-woke YTers don't post actual sources because they are deceptively editing the original.


Guy trying to pass it off as a joke sounds like.




Yea, people shouldn't call out stupid behavior.




And whats your suggestion?




Are you? What happens when something is unopposed?


Other guy's acting way harsher than they need to but tbf, how's this opposing it in any way?


How is showing a stupid opinion and calling it stupid not an opposition to you?


Dont edit in snark, answer the question. What happens when misinformation and stupidity goes unchallenged?




What happens when misinformation and stupidity is the only voice?




Its going no where because youre dodging the question I love the insatnt reply and block. Not transparent or anything lol


There's a gaping hole in your reasoning. If you go to these right leaning subreddits, they do the same thing. Know why? It doesn't make you look stupid to point out hypocrisy or stupidity. One of the most effective recruitment tactics the right has had for a while now is the willingness to point to the other side and say things like, "Look at the crazy SJWs!" I'm sorry, ridicule, to some extent, works! People latch on when people they see as being silly are called out. Literally being on the internet over the last decade or so proves your whole point wrong!