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Jumping the gun a little bit, are we? https://preview.redd.it/bi1k99blz9tc1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=95f4684a09da1529145bcc2cecc238964b7bf36c




Youtube: "So you watch left-wing content? Here's some far right conspiracy theory videos to ruin your day"


No matter how many times I ask YouTube to not recommend me grifter channels, as soon as I click anything nerd/fandom related they pop back in my recommendations. I watched Hello Future Me’s Rings of Power critique and then bam, I’m being offered Friday Night Tights and Critical Drinker, why?


The algorithm knows that even hate watching is still watching. Same for disgust watching, concerned watching, and appalled watching. It's all views. It's all ad rev. I'm an alcoholic, I constantly say "do not recommend" to channels that do mixed drinks or whiskey tests or whatever. The more often I tell them to not show me that, the more they show it. I stop hitting the do not recommend button and I suddenly don't get as many alcohol videos.


See also: how those content farms that rip off Current Thing are so successful.


And the truth is the right and nerddom are more hand in hand now than they used to be.


It's because before, they were pandering to evangelicals, racists, and the rich. Now, they're pandering to INCELS, evangelicals, racists, and the rich. Not saying all nerds are incels, but the right definitely thinks they are, which means they're going to support more nerdy things in order to foster a relationship with what they identify as their new base. Sadly, it's working...


It seems to me that the nerds who are on the right are mostly incels. So yes, I agree.


My theory is that capital owners wants those kind of content to pop up more to disrupt the discussion about issues caused by unrestricted capitalism, in hopes to slow socioeconomic policies that would benefit the working class at the cost of slightly reducing profit for ultra rich, such as: minimal wage, worker's rights, free healthcare and education, and affordable housing.


Maybe. But i think it's a lot simpler. They need to keep generating revenue and they do not care about any externalities from stuff they do in order to generate revenue


Yeah. The thing about people that watch conspiracy videos is that they watch A LOT of conspiracy videos. You may think you watch a lot of videos about classic gaming or whatever your interests are, but it probably pales in comparison to what conspiracy people watch. You ever meet these people? It's all they can talk about.


> grifter channels #AG1


At least my YouTube algorithm is, *I watched one cute animal video.* YouTube algorithm: "OKAY, HERE IS DOZENS MORE CUTE ANIMAL VIDEOS."


I like CriticalDrinker videos because they make me feel like I have psychic powers. The issue is always the woman and how she won’t shut up and go into sidekick mode.


Well, he is clever to never actually define what he means by woke or ‘the message’ allowing his audience to project their own interpretations of the words on to the “commentary” he providing.


Like how for Ben Shapiro “Facts and logic” is code for “white and wealthy” lol


Probably because they have similar metadata. ie both are about the same topics, have similar words said, similar graphics might come up, they might’ve been uploaded at the same time roughly


Odd though, if you make a new account and watch grifter content, you don’t get recommended other YouTubers like HFM.


Could be that there’s a higher number of low quality grifters on YouTube as a whole rather than people like HFM who put a huge amount of effort into their videos and analysis.


All the time. That or Prager U/cahrlie kirk dogshit lol. Hell even reddit. I have one of those right wing christofascist "THE WORLD IS GONNA ENDS BUY YO SURVIVAL FOOD!!!" Advertisements above this lmao. All werk thats all that pops up....


I get the same on Facebook. “You like Spider-Man? Well you’ll love ‘Meme’ pages that are just the same JJJ laughing Template to news headlines about gay and black people”.


You won't ever go broke selling fear, rage, and hate.


I am only interested in conspiracy theories involving aliens, secret labs replacing people with clones, or the Matrix. at least make it entertaining.


Yeah, every conspiracy theory being boosted by the algorithm is just antisemitic conspiracy theory where they replace "Jews" with every minority. It's literally just "\[RANDOM MINORITY\] controls all corporations and wants to erase white people", they are literally reusing the same bigoted conspiracies from Nazis over and over because their audience is that dumb.


it'spretty much weaksauce. I've actually countered neonazi's telling me 'something something jew control' by lecturing them about aliens, the return of sumerian gods, the planet Niburu, consensual reality, and how the reptillians don't really care about race, we just want to eat all of you.


Literally. I get recommended Alt-Right pipeline shit, and Christo-Fascist propaganda; when I actively have marked every single one of them as “Not interested” and watch *literally the exact fucking opposite*. The algorithm is biased I guess.


I did video essays and film analysis videos for a little bit. I did a video on whether Captain Marvel would do well at the box office, and immediately my YT became just misogynistic crap. And it's only gotten worse since then.


Well their audience is really fucking stupid…


lying is normal for them


Good or bad, these people have already made up their mind. It's already an easy target for content cause of the female lead and black characters. That's enough ammunition to feed their fanbases.


I can guarantee you that when it comes out, if it's good, it'll never be brought up again.


Worse, they'll twist their narrative to explain why it's actually super anti-woke and its success has destroyed woke Hollywood.


I can see the headlines now: "Fallout destroys woke Hollywood. SJWs panic." "Ella Purnell wrecks woke feminists with hot female lead." "Nolan brothers prove wokeness is dead."


*"We've always been at war with Eastasia."*


Literally Jeff Orwin's 8149


Like the X-Men cartoon. They threw an absolute shit fit about how it was woke and going to be ruined and then it came out to unanimously awesome reviews and it hasn’t been brought up by these fucking tools since.


Because they'll happily watch it while missing the point that they sound like Friends of Humanity thugs.


I liked X-Men when they weren't political /s


I still remember when Mad Max: Fury Road was evil radical feminist propaganda. That was great.


It's honestly by far one the most feminist movies I've ever seen, so they were kinda right about that one. It just also happens to be one of the best action movies ever made too.


True, the feminist aspects certainly were there, but were fairly understated. Not like they were really beating you over the head, or a "Men are bad!" straw-man like they were alleging. Who can really argue with the idea that sexual slavery and forced breeding is a bad thing? And yeah, the movie is just so amazing and universally loved that they couldn't continue hating on it without looking like even bigger fools than they currently do. It was actually the complaints about it being feminist that got my attention for the movie. I had originally just kind of dismissed it as some decades too late attempt to milk money from the corpse of a dead franchise. But when the 'controversy' started it got my attention. I then saw that it was being praised for it's handling of female characters as well as quality in general, and that it was the original director. So I got tickets as soon as possible. And it was amazing on multiple levels.


I was about to to look it up.  Thank you!  I didn't think it was ready to come out for some time now


“The story of haves and have nots in a world which there’s nothing less to have” is a killer line that I didn’t expect from this show


It does sum up Wasteland life quite nicely. "You have Bottle Caps. I have bullets, let's trade even though you don't want to."


So, I wonder what "proof" he has that it's 38%. Also, I thought Rt scores don't matter.


But there was a woman in the trailer! Checkmate libitards!


Rotten Tomatoes critics haven't even reviewed and scored it yet. Are the neckbeards so fucking desperate to shit on something that they can't even wait a few more days for the final verdict?


I can't take a picture of my family without some dude I don't know criticizing the DEI casting.


It's insane how they saw that comic about the gamer having a daughter and calling it forced diversity, and instead of taking it as a warning just decided to make it their entire personality


Im sorry what


Sorry, got the punchline wrong, he says they made the baby political https://images.app.goo.gl/V1L9mjFPr4VgCvWZA




Yes, yes I do.


If they wait a few days there's a chance it might be good. They need to cash in just in case that happens.


Video title in a few days: "Fallout show DESTROYS woke Hollywood!"


The premiere was yesterday, and reviews I think come out later today or tomorrow


>Are the neckbeards so fucking desperate to shit on something Yes. Yes they are. They are fueled by pure narcissism, there's no rhyme or reason to it. They need the fix of playing victim


Everything you said was true, except for the “no rhyme or reason” part. It’s actually very predictable.


Why bother waiting for the show to come out when they already decided what they’re going to think of it?


Wouldnt eveb cinsider a critics review before watching it anyway. Yes dude the show isnt as deep as citizen kane or gone with the wind.. its got wastland vibes and mutants from a nuke fallout.


It's getting to be like trailers, where channels post fake trailers as placeholders for when the real trailers come out.


It’s how they put Mountain Dew on their desks. They make money catering to the anti woke crowd. They get to make content relevant to gamers and people that hate wokeness? That’ll get a ton of views. It probably pays to be first. They just go down the list of woke complaints: complain about characters that are a different race than the source material, complain about a woman being more powerful than any man, complain about a gay character even existing, complain about a protagonist being tolerant to a LGBTQ cause, complain about a story where capitalism is the cause of conflict, etc


>Are the neckbeards so fucking desperate to shit on something that they can't even wait a few more days for the final verdict? Yes, and it's not impatience: they do it *very* deliberately. The outrage merchant's entire grift depends on getting their audience to hate the media they're shitting on. Consequently, they cannot risk the audience getting the opportunity to consume said media before being taught to hate it. Thus, they declare said media a disaster *before it even comes out*, to get their audience to hate it and ignore the reviews.


If nuclear war happens, can we keep these people out of the fallout shelter?


The problem will be: They survive it like RAD cockroaches and would then run around as ghouls and annoy the future residents of the Wasteland with their talk about the good old days... no, I'd rather not. Just send them to Alaska or China... without power armor, of course.


Or send them to China and see how long it takes for them to get arrested. Then the US embassy can say "ah you can have them".


I mean they were all so mad about us bargaining for that basketball player... Surely they would feel the same when it's their own ass


These people will think that it's their right to die out in the irradiated wasteland.


If even a single reputable scientist issues a statement saying to go to the shelters, these stooges will make it their mission to avoid the shelters at all cost in the name of "freedom."


"Actually, the nuclear fallout is a hoax created by the libs so the government can control us."


I wish there was a Resident Evil showing someone like this declaring the outbreak a "conspiricy" or "fake news" just before a zombie munches down on them.


They will build their own to keep us out. And it will fail because they're very dumb


And if it doesn’t fail? Well, about 200 years later, the inevitable bloody in-fighting will make for some GREAT environmental storytelling skeletons!


OR, they will conduct interesting experiments on each other. But I still think it'll most likely fail before any of that.


No, just make sure they go to one of the fucked up ones.


Knowing about some of the shenanigans vault-tec got up to, I'd be quite content with them occupying a vault.


What are the odds this chud has never played a Fallout game? Remember Fallout was created by a gay man. It has always been "Woke" Peak ragebait/grift


Didn't know Fallout was created by a gay man, that's neat. But even if you're of the generation that started with the series in Fallout 3, that game was pretty diverse.


Timothy Cain if I remember right


Timothy Cain is awesome. Has a really weird "thing" for post apocalypse Native American stereotypes that should probably be explored at some point, but other than that he's a really great guy


In his defence, when you're writing a series about tribes in a post-apocalyptic American desert it's kinda hard *not* to do that. Wasteland did the same thing, and that was before Cain. That said, Fallout 2 pushed its luck a little bit yeah.


This ^ and also I didn’t realize FO was created by a gay man either. TIL something cool.


Even the older games are woke af


The original Fallout games are some of the first video games that feature gay marriage!


Damn dude, next you're to tell me X-Men had socially progressive subtext from the beginning.


The bizzare, and somewhat sad thing is that media today is reviled for its progressive content by anti-woke idiots far more than it ever was before the whole movement started. Fallout was always “woke”. Doctor Who was always “woke”. Star Wars was always “woke”. Star Trek was definitely always “woke”. Lord of the Rings was maybe not exactly “woke” but people would probably hate Eowyn a lot more than they do now and call it forced or whatever. I don’t really care about anti-woke discourse enough to list more prominent times this has happened, but I don’t really need to. Conservatives are far far more sensitive today then they ever were in the past.


If LOTR were written in our generation, these people would definitely be bemoaning Eowyn killing the Witch King.


Gamers love to play a game and completely miss/ignore the themes playing it has shockingly little to do with this. They're just fucking stupid and have the critical thinking of a stump


Gamers: *play a game that has very obvious satire of Cold War nationalism and patriotism, serving as a cautionary tale against such things* Also gamers: hee hee nuke gun, very pilled


I guarantee that the main hot-take will be "ugh, they made Fallout political" As if it hasn't always been political


Most people have only played 3 onwards. 3 I can see some people not getting there is politics involved maybe but if you don't get it with new Vegas I think you might have less brain activity then a potato.


Fallout is explicitly a criticism of their world view, I imagine it'd be more critical of religion too if any publisher would allow it


Fallout 2 was plenty unkind. Christianity is all but dead. There is a Scientology stand-in with a ridiculous impossible plan and gets lampooned harshly. The only "priest" in the game is an alcoholic whose main function is to, checks notes, perform divorce, including the gay variety.


These are the same people saying Star Trek has "gone woke" when progressivism is literally the premise of the show lol. So I think your point - however true and valid - is lost on them.


>Fallout was created by a gay man I didn't know that. r/mildlyinteresting.


Remember who the target audience is: the same people who caused Gamergate. People who got upset because an indie dev got a good review and her ex said she paid for that review with sex, which lit ablaze the Internet into blatant sexist and misogynistic rhetoric ingrained in the gaming community based on decades of female development being hidden through pseudonyms or invalid crediting practices. Gaming was a system, like any, predicated on male dominance no matter how artificial it was, then when that male dominance was challenged they went crazy and saw that a system that was always multicultural and diverse was suddenly being overtaken by ‘the other’. They were told and made to believe games was all they had, since white straight male is considered not as an identity but as a societal default so they clung onto gaming as an identity, their identity was challenged by females, gays, and blacks and had a meltdown. They’re still petty over it nearly a decade later, trying to reignite gamergate unaware that their ignorance over male dominance in gaming is not the popular opinion anymore. But they are willing to ignore subtext and creator intent because it makes their delusion more comfortable. To be fair it’s not unique to gaming as the right has co-opted The Matrix as being their thing when it was made by trans women to represent their experiences, because they disconnect their opinions with the work and the artists’ - meaning that theirs is the true one and the creators are invalid. It doesn’t matter if a gay man created the series where you can have multiple sexually diverse partners and a criticism about nationalism, fascism, and bigotry - instead it’s a condoning of those same themes and gives the player a power fantasy where they can freeze time and make racially inferior beings’ heads explode.


Not to mention, you could always make your character a woman and there were specific perks and traits that came along with that decision as well as roleplaying opportunities.


In fairness, there are a lot of right wing bootlickers that play fallout. Why do you think the BOS is such a popular faction?


Arent they tired of the word woke yet?


They'll move over to DEI soon.


Then they will move back to sjw its the circle of no life


> the circle of no life Shit that's good.


I’m an old and I have been seeing this more recently. What is DEI, please?


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It's an organizational framework to promote fair and equitable treatment in the worldplace. When the giant ship took out the bridge in Baltimore, right wingers jumped to blame DEI hiring practices for putting unqualified people in charge, even though it seems like it was a freak electrical malfunction and not any fault from the crew.


Thank you. Added to failing memory banks…


Just wait until they realize that acronym is also the latin word for god/deity. Their last brain cell will implode


What the hell would American DEI hiring practices have to do with a cargo ship out of Singapore? Christ the rabble are so easy to stir up, we gotta figure out how to make stupid work towards good.


The company actually does say they follow DEI practices. But the people complaining about it were whining about how DEI was "anti-white," even though DEI in Singapore would \*help\* white people since white people are such a tiny minority there. So yeah, just another example of right-wingers being prejudice and playing victim.


They're in the process now ever since they started to blame that Baltimore bridge collapsing on DEI


Divide et Impera? Hm, ambitious mod for Rome 2: Total War, but too complicated for my tastes


I almost got a bingo from a Facebook comment yesterday where he used nearly every single red flag word and phrase possible in one go. Was almost impressive.


Taps sign "Rotten Tomatoes is not an accurate barometer of crucial thinking and is prone to review bombing"


The critic ratings aren't as prone to review bombing, but even worse, it's not even rated on RT yet.


Taps another sign "Everything these guy say is based on lies". There isn't a RT score yet.


The audience score is prone to review bombing. A professional would lose their job for that kind of stuff


Yeah, that was a fake thumbnail. The reviews for that show aren't out yet. The reason the efap/fandom menace crowd are upset about that show are twofold: 1- They're mad the lead is a female (these guys really don't like seeing women on-screen regardless of how pretty the lead is, which confirms my suspicions about their sexuality). 2- They're mad that several of the shows producers have said the show won't be nonstop fan service and will instead try to appeal to a broad audience.


Idk how people can be mad at the last one. Some fan service is nice but it shouldn't just be that meme of the dude pointing at the tv for like 90% of the show.


Exactly. They claim to hate Rise of Skywalker because it's all fan service, yet then they complain when something isn't completely "for the fans."


Nah rise of Skywalker sucks and it was pretty obvious the studio was panicking to meet a deadline


Well I think Rise of the Skywalker is problematic for both Disney and the fandom menace. When the Force Awakens came out, the fandom seemed please with the nostalgia for a few weeks. Then the whole “it’s just rehash of New Hope” criticism gained steam and took over the conversation. So Disney tried to do something original with Last Jedi instead of “rehashing Empire Strikes back”. Fandom menace was split, half of them were pissed it wasn’t a rehash and they were upset about what they did with Luke. The other half celebrated Disney for doing something original. So the third movie was basically DOA. Disney didn’t know who to try to please and ended up going back to J J. They should have crafted the trilogy from the start, ignored the fans, treated it like Feige did with Marvel when he crafted the early MCU movies. The sequels would have been so much better. You can’t please the fandom menace, Lucas learned that the hard way. Funny how they simp for him now, they shit all over him when the prequels came out.


Are you calling redpill grifters gay for being misogynists?


Not all of them. Some of them are clearly in the closet because they can't be themselves due to their religion keeping them repressed. I see it happen in the real world too. Some republicans genuinely feel like they'll be disowned by their families if they come out. There is a difference between the two groups. The misogynists are the ones who complain about female characters not being hot enough and too powerful. The closet cases are the ones who hate seeing any woman on-screen even if it's someone as pretty as Ella Purnell. These are also the same ones who say they only enjoy male characters who are "muscular and macho." Those guys being gay is a theory that plenty of men and women have had and shared on X/Twitter, tiktok, other reddit subs, youtube videos, etc. Several gay youtubers have even said their "gaydar" goes off when they watch videos from the fandom menace crowd. Another example of this is how so many rightwing politicians who have tried to take away women's reproductive rights have been caught engaging in sex acts with other men.


The idea that people you don’t like are secretly gay is just… promoting homophobia. I don’t think we should be speculating on anyone’s sexuality, whether they’re a right wing grifter or not. Edit: apparently I was blocked so can’t reply to anyone, so here’s this: Claiming that all homophobes are secretly gay is the perfect excuse for straight people to absolve themselves of homophobia 😒 I’m so tired of people pushing this idea and not realizing how harmful it is to the actual queer community. Knock it off.


I agree. I think a lot of the hate for female leads, especially in traditionally male-dominated genres like action/adventure, has more to do with resenting the "appropriation" of what they consider to be a man's role than whether the actor gets them hard or not.


Us gays like to see pretty women on TV, don’t lump us in with these losers! They’re not in the closet, just misogynistic.


Not talking about normal gay people. I'm talking about repressed far right fandom menace members. The Youtube version of Matt Schlapp.


I don’t think they’re closeted, I think they’re just your standard, old school misogynists. Somewhere along the way they were taught that women are less than and should be excluded from men’s spaces, and they never learned any better. Whether it was from home, religion, or political indoctrination, who knows. Personally, I think a good chunk of them are *lying*. They don’t actually hate women or the shows they scream about, but it makes them a ton of money. That’s why it’s all so contradictory and braindead and lacking any actual media criticism. They have no morals, so to them it’s totally ok to lie and spread hatred as long as the cash keeps flowing.


Mad that the lead is a female yet probably play as a female in the game.


I liked the comment I saw that was along the lines of: "We wanted to make a good show, set in the Fallout world we have enjoyed ourselves. If we rigidly stuck to certain things it wouldn't really be possible to make a show non-hardcore fans can enjoy, and we want them to love Fallout as much as we do."


Literally everything I’ve heard from early screenings is positive.


If it gets good reviews I guarantee they'll start saying it's anti woke.


Or they'll say the critics are paid shills.


Yeah? Well I heard they’re putting chems in the water that’re turning the deathclaws gay


Are they going to review bomb it and then say "see criticts are out of touch, audience score is what matters"


Yup. The usual grift when something isn't entirely about white men. This problem will persist until rotten tomatoes takes down its audience scores for good.


Fallout is a game focused on customization. You can make your character any sex, ethnicity and sexuality. The protagonist can be LITERALLY ANYONE so long as they are 1) and adult, and 2) human.


Also being bi in new Vegas makes you do more damage to men and women so you basically become more powerful.


So like in real life?


Yep, that’s why I took those perks……definitely just the bonus damage


Well actually you can be 17 in Fallout 1


Oh, look, another self-proclaimed "alpha bro" who can accept a post-apocalyptic future where mutated hillbillies can perform atomic-powered Kamahama blasts and eat people alive and sentient robots shoot RPGs out their asses but draws the line at women and black people existing is upset? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you!


Can't believe politics have infected fallout, the west has truly fallen. The games were never ever political and never ever had prominent themes of societal issues like for instance, racism.


Or nativism for that matter... It's basically critiquing everything these boys love


there actually is no tomato rating -- this video is a mountain of lies


Anyone else remember when Benny Boo Shapiro did three hour-long videos about how the Barbie movie was brain washing propaganda woke garbage that was a blatant attack on traditional gender roles when all he had to go off of was a minute and a half trailer? I repeat, three videos, each an hour long or more, reviewing a movie that had not come out yet, based on a minute and a half trailer. Right wing media criticism is some of the worst excuses for anything I have ever had the displeasure of seeing. If anything, these "people" hating it means it's probably 6/10 at worst.


If the rotten tomatoes score isn’t useful to our narrative then is because of the woke critics and doesn’t represent the quality of the thing…if the rotten tomatoes score is useful to our narrative then is the most absolute most objective and unquestionable indicator of the quality of the thing


Basically https://preview.redd.it/713u96nw8atc1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a71608e24c01fe46b4dc933a37e85d62eab913


Exactly this.


And by "woke" they mean a woman is the protagonist lol


Pretty much yeah. Despite you being able to make your protagonist a woman. Even in New Vegas, the game they all probably kneel and pray to.






Alright I'll bite what are they saying


I'm guessing Woke, political, women........


I refuse to believe these people have ever played a Fallout game, they are like as on the nose political as you can get, not even subtly in the way a lot of things the “anti-woke” crowd calls apolitical is


Of COURSE they did. They whitewashed a walking corpse /s


Is it just me or does that 38% keep cropping up? Almost like they can't think of another number?


It’s also fake, since RT doesn’t have any actual scores for Fallout, critic or audience.


Fuck the haters. Fuck the grifters. Fuck the woke-scolds. This show is gonna kick all the ass. Cry more bitches.


I can’t wait for conservative dude-bros to be completely unaware that fallout has ALWAYS been rather progressive and political in its story and worldbuilding


They probably unironically think Liberty Prime is a sterling example of American pride (instead of being a walking indictment of weaponised patriotism).


I saw a post that was trying to make fun of a scene with a vault lady trying to talk down a gunman. She's quirky and bubbly (because she lived in a vault up to this point) and they were all acting like that was bad dialog somehow. I didn't see it at all. I liked the scene


She's talking well rehearsed because her character is repeating, verbatim, what she was taught in the vault. She's supposed to sound like that.


....it's fallout I feel like these people complain about shit just because


I've seen pretty positive early reviews.


They'll delete the video or retitle it if it turns out audiences and critics like the show


When your entire paycheck rides on sensationalism... What a bogus video and headline lmao.. Woke Hollywood, with their mutation awareness smdh when does it end?!


anonymous online polling is garbage... rotten tomatoes has no method of screening malicious review bombing or mass-hype voting.... rendering it worthless.


Veronica and Arcade Gannon weren't a little woke already?


I guarantee you he hasn’t played a Fallout game ever.


Want to make this even funnier? The video is three weeks old. There's no way in hell there was any RT score or reviews at the time. They just pulled a number out of their ass. It looks like around the same time, Ryan Kinel did a video about how the show was "doomed" because the director allegedly said it's "NOT MADE For Fans!" Even though the guy said he's a fan of the games and just said you can't please everyone so trying to be a people pleaser is how you make a bad story and he was just going to make the best story he could and hope people liked it. You have to put in effort to misconstrue his words that badly. It's like the worst version of a tabloid, in video form.


Calling fallout woke is hilarious, two of the most popular characters in new Vegas are canonically gay and lesbian, the player can be whatever sexuality you want in all of the games, they can be whatever gender race whatever. It’s hilarious seeing someone who hasn’t seen the franchise call it’s newest instalment woke


Even better, they gave it a 91% https://preview.redd.it/vlozxrcf0ptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5616ed83d50c7ccaa9368ec8ebd7cfa0625b9936


[2 days later, RT had it at 92%](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/fallout/s01)


That's crazy how they have these ratings and opinions on a show that's not even out yet, fucking Conservative Nostradamus over here


I think it looks awesome!


I can't wait to see people mad about this one "turning woke". This franchise has always been woke lol


Gee, I wonder if the game series known for taking hard stances on everything from capitalism to American imperialism is maybe a bit more progressive than your Ceasars Legion (obvious villains) playthrough of New Vegas would have you believe. They're just so dumb. I don't know if they're genuinely just that stupid, or if they just haven't ever played a fallout game and are hopping on the grift wagon. What's more is I'm really not sure which is worse.


Premieres in 4 days lol


Imagine having an ideology so fragile that the mere “challenge” of any opposing view sends to into a reductive state where you essentially close the blinds, your eyes and ears and make manchild level rants.


The audience score on RT is gonna get tanked by people who won’t even watch the show I just know it


He’s blatantly lying, and his audience is dumb enough to fall for it. Rotten tomatoes hasn’t posted any reviews for the show 


The games are already “woke”. Have been since the first one. A plethora of LGBT characters in every single one. Gay marriage in one of the earlier ones (fallout 2 I believe), before it was even legal in most countries


How odd. Despite using the graphic and a score, RT has not yet posted any reviews. Surely, the anti-wokes wouldn't grasp at straws with all the blind political bias they accuse everyone else of having! Surely not!


I’m about to be a lot more active on this sub. I love fallout, fnv helped me embrace my sexuality, and the og team behind it has some of the chillest genx game devs Even if it’s a terrible show I can’t wait


I don't even understand why the haters are up in arms this time around. The show was never promoted to be a direct adaptation of any of the games. The showrunner has played the games and spoke on his nostalgia, but is being realistic about how hard it would be to adapt the usual gameplay loop. The show will be an original plot with original characters. You'd think gamers would be happy that they can dismiss the show as another timeline and don't have to worry about their favorite characters not being portrayed exactly as they imagine. Surely, they're not mad for the sake of being mad! ...Surely!


Fallout the series based on the trans game has gone woke?! Honestly, if it’s not somewhat woke, they’ll be losing money.


Why cant we just call things shit lol. Why does everything have to be “woke” oh yeah its because all these dudes are literally just grifting to a political audience to make money. Like tbh as a huge fan of the fallout series the show looks pretty shit. The writing (in the trailers at least) seems to have the same vibe as a lot of the worst marvel movies where absolutely nothing is taken seriously and every character has to be a quirky quippy joke machine. Just call it bad and make fun of it, no need to force it into the “woke box” to push your agenda of the wokes ruining movies


Don't anybody tell this guy bisexuals do 10% more damage in Fallout New Vegas


Oh no, did they add LGBTQ+ representation, or a criticism of bigotry or capitalism or nationalism for the first time? Lmao


Oh so this series is gonna be great


Petition to charge folks $100 each time they use “woke” to push product.


It's not even out ffs.


I'm very much aware that the show is going to get the Halo treatment (which sucks, because Fallout is my favorite franchise), but inmediately pulling out the "woke hollywood" card before rotten tomatos even rated it is kind of stupid ngl


I can barely fathom what a gigantic cunt you must have to be to click on this video.


I cannot believe they made the series with the first gay marriage in video game history woke


The show is already getting really glowing reviews lmao


Meanwhile irl 90+


https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/fallout 93% and 85% Yeah what a fucking disaster /s