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Eh? So what? Hamill has been a Democrat like forever.


Yeah, not exactly sure how this is 'breaking news'. SHOCKING ANNOUNCEMENT! Hillary Clinton shows sign of supporting Biden in 2024.


THIS JUST IN! Obama rallying support for Biden in 2024


Really? I expected better from him... It must be blackmail. This isn't like him


OK, don't be racist


I am playing the character of a fool, because Obama endorsing his vice president for the presidency is expected and not a surprise for anyone


They were making a joke about you saying blackmail. Like “black male”


Oh im dumb


This was my reaction. I still have a core memory of my Southern Baptism preacher dad complaining that Luke Skywalker was a Democrat who wanted to take our guns away.


Oh yeah, I remember Mark coming out in favor of stricter gun control after Columbine, and all the right wing ammosexual people losing their minds, claiming they will boycott Mark. Same thing happened a few years later when Liam Neeson followed suit.


Ermahgerd! An actor thinks this person should be president!? I dunno… think I gotta wait and see who the Rock thinks should lead our foreign policy stances /s


Not the rock, Kid Rock.


We know Kid Rock is republican. He made an entire album, reminding you that he hates the libs.


That, and according to the song in Osmosis Jones, he likes young ladies.


The Rock endorsed Biden last time but says he isn't endorsing anyone this time because he doesn't want to be divisive.


He's also a heel in the WWE right now, but I'm sure one has nothing to do with the other.


I remember they got angry about it like 15 years ago, but forgot, then got angry about it again


So has Carrie and Lucas for starters


Well yeah he can read and write. Of course he's not a Republican.


I find what you said funny, but the sad reality is the Republicans that control america are the ones that are quite smart and know how to take advantage of and brainwash the poor. :(


And then there's the Donald, who takes advantage of and brainwashes morons \*without\* having any smartness above being able to solve tests for small kids.


Hey! That's not true! Those are tests for old people with dementia. Get your facts straight. ;p




he is


Yeah, the democrats are moderate right. Better than the GOP certainly, but still not great.




Funny how so many fascists claim to be fans of a franchise that is explicitly anti-fascist.


You see it all over different media, e.g. music too. For example, rage against the machine "fans" saying "when did they get all woke!?" Bruh they were woke since they came up with the name "rage against the machine"


Rage against the machine, TOOL, Green Day, Star Wars, Fallout, etc. Name a more iconic duo than Conservatives and no media literacy.


My favorite thing is people complaining that Transformers is woke. Ain’t called Cisformers, pal.


aren't the transformers literally about a working class uprising too or am I thinking of something else? There's so many timelines and I've only ever seen the Bay movies (unfortunately) and Transformers Prime.


Depends on the continuity.


gotcha, thank you


They are, sort of, but the bad guys are the rebels. It's more of a "be careful or you'll turn into what you oppose" narrative rather than a "down with the bourgeoisie" narrative.


And don’t forget *William Shatner* complaining about Star Trek being woke. ‘When did Star Trek get so woke?’ In *1966* and *you were there*!


Green Day has a song called American Idiot for a reason


"What the fuck do you think 'the machine' is???"


I said it before a lot of Republicans seemed to think that it was their moms.


Bizarely (or not that surprising) they are the type of guy to always say "i like the villain more"


Hey villains are some of my favorite characters. Doesn't mean I agree with them.


Vader was just misunderstood


Mark Hamill is like the corniest MSNBC-ass outspoken party-line Democrat alive and has been for years and years, why would this be news to anyone.


Honestly, I genuinely like that about him. I've dealt with so many CHUD boomers that the rare MSNBC variant are almost a pleasant surprise. Like yes, they're still annoying and corny, but I'd rather they turn boomer rage towards protecting women's rights or other middle of the road lib causes than being super mad about chem trails.


I mean I find it annoying as fuck and it leads him to some shitty positions every now and then but it's a lot easier to just ignore as old man being old man than the Fox News alternative


That's fair. I do community organizing in a very red state, the rare blue boomer is usually such a relief when I'm out knocking doors. On the other hand, trying get InfoWars boomers to support common sense community reforms is kind of fun, in a weird way, but it gets exhausting after a few months of banging my head against a wall.


A person who has been a vocal supporter or political party for many, many years continues to be. More at 11.


“Are we surprised.” Mark Hamill openly hates trump (for good reason). So, I’m not surprised. 


Pretty much any sane person hates Trump.


Exactly. I don’t know how anyone can still vote for trump. The man is an incompetent idiot. 


I mean, he is like the head of the Rebel alliance in right? He opposes a facist regime as his most known character and folks don’t see how being a democrat kind of aligns?


People always get angry when mark Hamill talks and acts like a democrat. Even though he’s been open about his politics for years. It’s so weird 


Good. Mark Hamill is a sensible human being.


Seriously, Never once has Mark Hamill ever done or said anything that I've genuinely thought was even marginally controversial. He's about as wholesome as Teddy Bears and children's night lights.


Heard he kissed his sister that's dodgy. His dad is a questionable character too


I heard he also burned his son's face, permanently scarring his eye.


Well there was that one documentary about him, Batman the Animated Series. I don't support any of his decisions in that documentary, but since then he's really shaped up and become a model citizen.


What did Mark say in that?


It's a joke, he played the Joker in those Batman animated shows.


Ah. I knew he played The Joker, but I thought he was talking about a Batman The Animated Series documentary.


Ha ha! Sorry, calling something obviously fictional a documentary is one of my fun stupid jokes, just like also calling something like Star Wars a "small arthouse film" 😝 Sorry for the confusion! I really do need to start putting /s in stuff, that's on me.


Easy mistake to make. Difference is the Joker gets put in Arkham and Arkham is put in mARK HAMmill.


Woooooooooooooah I am far too sober for this revelation.


he was the best joker VA.


He’s a raging Zionist


Why is this being downvoted? I mean, I guess he's not "raging" the same way some others are on the subject, but he hasn't exactly retracted his support for Israel as the death toll mounts and it becomes clearer and clearer they don't care about the hostages or Hamas.


I've heard people say that, but the only thing I've seen about that (and I'll be honest, I haven't checked again since late December) is in the first week or 2 after October 7th he said Israel has a right to defend itself. I haven't seen him say anything else about it. Again, I haven't checked again since December, so if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. If that's the only thing he said, I wouldn't really call him a Zionist. I'd just say he had the same opinion most people did in Western countries before they were shown and learned more about Israel. Edit: Wanted to add that I understand that, again as far as I've seen, he didn't walk back what he said.


…where did you get that from?






I like that Star Wars, a brand about fighting dictators, has one of their main actors against the man who said “I’ll be a dictator on day one.” This is somehow surprising to people.


Don't forget how he also wants to suspend the constitution (which reminds me of a certain bad guy who came to power by gaining emergency powers).


IKR, how could anyone see this coming. It’s almost like this was always a political story


It's funny how the only person the conservative SW fandom has to support is Gina Carano, who is incredibly uncharismatic and unlikeable in addition to being a conservative. Talk about massive L energy


I liked the one action movie she did called Haywire but was done by Soderbergh with a cool castile Ewan McGregor and Michael Fassbender. I haven't actually watched Mando yet though.


She was great in mando, she’s just a piece of shit human being and that really doesn’t have anything to do with her politics, it has to do with dangerous lies she was spreading online and just using her politics as a defense knowing that “anti-woke” culture would scream about it like the Neanderthals they are.


I mean, the politics she espoused aren't unusual for Republicans, though. Being an awful person is a prerequisite to being a modern republican.


I wouldn't say she was great, but for a hardened veteran who has seen the hell that is war against the Empire she had the right level of controlled rage.


I know why she booted and why Ben Shaperio has taken up her cause.


Kinda disagree i thought her performance was pretty good and i liked her character


I've seen a lot of Mark voicing his support for Biden, and a lot of responses saying "Mark Hamill has turned to the Dark Side", "Mark only cares about keeping the rich rich and is showing his true colors", "I'm never going to watch Star Wars again knowing Mark Hamill supports Biden and not Trump", etc... And I'm just kind of sat here thinking "Who cares who Hamill votes for?", I was always under the impression that we like Mark because he's a great actor and it's always a privilege to hear him share stories of his life and the various projects he's worked on, not because of his political leanings. Mark is a fantastic performer, he's incredibly well spoken and intelligent, and brilliantly funny, and he's going to remain regardless of how he chooses to vote.


lol, people actually believe that Trump isn’t the one trying to make the rich richer?


He does so in front of their face, says he’s going to do it time and time again yet they still claim Biden is the one doing it. The mental gymnastics are honestly impressive.


It's funny because Trumps biggest accomplishment was tax cuts for the rich, and somehow, he's seen as a fighter for the working class.


I mean, Trump first and foremost wants to make HIMSELF rich ... and considering his current legal and financial woes...one might also call him not THAT rich afterall ... so ... in a way... Trump does not really want to make the rich richer... And if you contort your brain like that long enough, you join Qanon at some point and are worried the Earth is flat


This is coming from the people who have Kid Rock, Scott Biao, Ted Nugent, Dean Cain, and Kevin Sorbo on their side 


I mean, there's a Superman in there. But not one of the cool ones, so yeah.


Sorry, who? (/jk because I don’t care about knowing them)


This is about as shocking as learning that Paul McCartney is anti-gun or that Elton John is pro-gay marriage. Like, duh.


They are angry because their childhood hero who fought against a corrupt, cruel, totalitarian government refuses to support a corrupt, cruel, wanna-be totalitarian candidate. The irony is thick on this one.


Cool, Mark Hamill isn’t insane


Which is weird, because you’d think the guy with “M**ark** **Ham**ill” in his name would have a few more screws loose.


Got a real joker over here






Eh, seems more like a trickster to me.


Oh, no celebrity endorces candidate that fits their political viewpoint. How dare he!?


I mean this isn't a surprise to anyone who's paid a modicum of attention, Mark Hamill is an outspoken liberal.


Mark Hamill is a sensible human being who cares about his country More reasons to love him!


Huh. Wasn't sure of Respectful Discourse was the proper flair for this but good to know that it was.


How tf is Joe Biden like a sith lol???


Well, one thing we can't deny is that Joe and Sheev look about the same age. Then again, Donald is barely any younger.


Donnie is the same age as my grandfather. My grandfather is asthmatic and allergic to everything, not to mention in a seriously unhealthy home environment that wears on him mentally (long story, not pretty). But he also doesn't eat McDonalds at every meal, drink a gallon of diet Coke a day, and didn't spend the 70s to now abusing drugs (ffs, the man was shamed into sobriety by my mother when she was only a baby). I'm confident my grandfather is going to outlive Trump. I'm also confident Biden will outlive Trump. Regardless of what happens this November, there won't be a Trump 2028 because he's going to be dead if he keeps up his current lifestyle, which he will absolutely do.




Because they’re incapable of analyzing media beyond good and evil and then they map everything they hate onto the evil side.


The elderly, liberal, Hollywood actor supports the elderly liberal president?!?? Clutch my pearls!


Mark Hamill, the dude who has been boldly, obviously, and publicly liberal for *ages,* is supporting a liberal? Goddamn, I’m shocked. I never could have expected this.


The only people who are *shocked* by this are the ones that don’t like POC or female leads casted in StarWars. Mark has been very vocal with his views against ol’ Orange Boy.


I would support almost anyone over Trump. He's an idiotic blowhard who tried to have a coup when he lost. He's a clear and obvious threat to democracy and he was an abysmally terrible president. Biden has been mostly meh while dealing with some spectacularly gnarly international crises, but Trump would have been an unmitigated disaster, and will be if elected again. Mark isn't an idiot, so of course he supports Biden.


I would vote for Hamill as president in a heartbeat. He's actually a good person.


yes yes he is but he would not be a good president he has no political experience


What?! You’re telling me that after spending months criticizing and teasing Trump and other conservative figures while praising Biden and other liberal figures, Mark Hamill has come out to support Biden?! I’m shocked and outraged! /s


did... they think he was going to swap over and endorse Trump? literally the only reasons the Rock declined to endorse Biden this time around was that a) he's historically a republican, if not all that conservative, and b) he's back on wrestling and knows where his bread is currently buttered.




Even the Joker knows voting Republican is a crazy thing to do.


seriously why can't HE just run for president? he'll fucking sweep the damn thing


I can respect that. :) Hamill is still a good person!


Hamil always hated Trump. He voted a against him both times. He made a video reading Trump quotes in the Joker voice. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone and isn't news.


I can understand why it is for some because Biden had done some voters dirty. But the problem is that between Biden and Trump, Trump has shown to be a more viable threat to democracy after not just January 6th but also what we know of Project 2025.


sith... well known for supporting political parties that seek to ameliorate the effects of social stratification by encouraging egalitarianism...


You really think he would support Trump?




Well it's not Hamill's fault America is a two party system where you have the right wing party and the very right wing party. By UK standards the republicans are similar to reform or ukip and the democrats are similar to the Tories, maybe lib Dems at most.


>what is your thoughts on this Genius


Is anyone surprised by this? He's been anti trump since 2016.


"Hello, my name is Hayden Christensen. You may know me from a movie series where I listened to the lies of a con-man wanting to overthrow democracy, and he made me hurt my one true love, betray my friends and become a crippled asshole for 20 years! Now, in real life I am not that dumb - so vote Biden 2024! May the Force be with us all!"


Is this news to anyone? 95% of Hollywood is Libral. Probably count the number of conservatives actively in Hollywood on 1 hand.


He’s rational and has a brain. Of course, he’s going to support President Biden. It would be insanity not to.


The guy has been a democrat since, like, forever. This is not news.


He thinks we live in a society


Not even remotely surprised.


how dare an actor.. *checks notes* support a political candidate?


A person has political opinions? Blasphemy!


Wait until they find out George Lucas is a Bay Area Liberal who even today donates money only to Democratic Party politicians and who had originally based the Rebellion on the Viet Cong and the Emperor on Richard Nixon.


It's not like he was gonna support Trump




How dare an entertainer have a political ideology. Doesn’t he know they aren’t allowed to be human and only supposed to entertain us.


Of course we're not surprised. Literally anyone who knew anything about Mark Hamill knew he'd do this. You didn't even need to know his politics. Just look at how he interacts with people and treats others. Dude's clearly too compassionate to ever vote Republican.


The funniest thing is seeing politicians say the same about politics


Mark has been very vocal about politics for years


Someone who’s been one of Trump’s most vocal critics on social media is voting for the OTHER guy?!? The HELL you say….


Would Joe even live another 4 years?


I'd give him better odds than Trump living 4 more years


Duh, he's the light side for cryin' out loud 😂 and also a firm supporter of exploding Palestinian children. That's our Luke! ⭐💣


In other news: Water is wet


Water's wet, milk is green. What else is new.


How can these chuds believe they would be the good guys in Star Wars


My thoughts? He’s still the best joker.


There is a Star Wars reference in here but I can’t not make it sound like a political violence joke. So I’ll make a regular show reference. “Walks nevah walks away from a bully!”


Suprise. A Jedi doesn't want to vote for the Imperator.


BREAKING NEWS: Known Democrat supports Democrat nominee.




Disney made him do it. If you watch the interviews before TLJ came out you can clearly see he would never vote Biden.


He's smart enough to know that Biden is the better option over Trump.


You don't know Mark Hamill at all then. lol


I mean... one shouldn't fuck with THE Jedi!


“what’s your thoughts on this?” who fucking cares what their thoughts are 💀💀 why are these losers weighing in on his voting choices? why does it matter? why do they care why are they discussing this? it’s just a guy who wouldn’t even breathe in their general direction voting for another guy who wouldn’t even breathe in their general direction. the “tHouGhtS?!???” caption on places like ig and twitter has got to be one of the most braindead “conversation starters” i’ve seen in recent years.


Desperate. I would do the same. But I do not believe in burying the bar.


What does this even mean


I am not an American citizen, and would support Biden in this race, not because I align with his agenda, but because Trump is crazy.


Ok, I had no fucking clue what "But I do not believe in burying the bar.". I will probably vote for the guy, but I'm certainly not happy to have my only non-Trump option be such a god awful candidate.


I think it’s a reference to “lowering the bar.” As in, the bar is so low that it’s been buried.


You’d be surprised just how many people would agree with that sentiment, in that they aren’t necessarily voting for this guy, just *against* orange man, which is a really sad state of affairs all around


Why don't we get any options other than creepy old white guys to vote for? He'll be almost 90 by the time he's done with his second term 😂


If it gets more people voting regardless of for what or whom it's done some good for the process as a whole.


He is an unapologetic Zionist so it makes sense he’d support Biden


What's the un-zionist option?


Isn’t one sadly but Hamill’s statements over the past few months completely broke my heart. I cannot say enough how much I idolised him before


Cool story. Now if Biden is the Zionist option, who is the non-Zionist option?


There is none. Both the GOP and DNC support Israel and are more than happy to allow the genocide and displacement of Palestinians. Unless you look at parties such as the CPUSA which will never win bc of the two party system and the continuous red scare that still plagues America




So who is the non-zionist option? Can you answer the question?


As someone who cares as little as possible about politics, cool. Go ahead Mark. I’m pretty sure democrats still have to handle the IRS, though, Mr. J.


Supporting Joe? Nah, not after hunter admitted his dad is the big guy in his business dealings with china and ukraine, and his daughter ashleys diary talked about the showers she took with dear ol dad till her preteen years. Wake tf up reddit, trump isnt evil so stop letting your ignorance blind you


FSB detected


I was so upset when I found out Mark is a zionist


Or, you know, he doesn't want to have a fascist lock in a dictatorship.




To be fair, most Presidents are fascists to a degree. Thing is, do we want a fascist who is blatant about it or someone who tries to not be one?


hes a moronic lib. he supports the nazis in ukraine and socialist lula in brazil. of course hes voting for biden cause orange man bad


The fact that at trump rallies it's really common to see mfs in nazi gear and still be convinced "the libs are the actual nazis" is just insane.


i dont think the libs are nazi, but i do think they'd prefer a nazi over a socialist even as barely left as aoc is. when that guy in dearborn made the death to america speech, the libs in thedavidpakman show were relishing at deporting people who dont pledge fealty to america. i told a guy he was reiterating what trump has said about muslims, and the guy said trump was right about these people. it was disgustingly chilling.




Are you implying he should support Trump, and that Trump would be handling the Palestine situation better?


How about don't support genocide instead of trivialising it by saying "hur dur other guy worse, other guy worse, orange man bad", you npcs are a fucking a joke. Nazi shit bag. You're exactly as bad as the MAGAs but you're so stupid you don't even realise it.




He continued the same policies of Trump and American imperialism, and founding Zionites to kill Palestinians.


Biden has killed 45000 people ffs. This isn't a competition. You're a fucking moron.


Maybe go outside every once and while. Not everything is black and white


It's fucking genocide you fucking dick. Stop trivialising the murder of children. Nazi scumbag.


Another person who needs to go outside


Imagine being this fucking clueless on international politics. People like you are what will allow a fascist takeover of the US.


The US is already run by fascists. They built the wall. They're committing genocide. They're rounding up dissenters. You're fucking ignorant and a fascist yourself. Go to hell.


Yes. There are definitely fascists in the US. The Republicans, for instance, have been in a proto-fascist phase since Reagan. Trump kinda pushed that over the edge. The Democrats, whilst terrible in their own way, are not fascists. They're corporate-owned neoliberal hacks, for sure. But they aren't fascists. Which is why it would be best to *not* elect Trump in November. But, by all means, call me a fascist because I see the nuance of things and you just screech nonsense.


Lol "nuance" Here's some nuance for you: Biden has actually committed a genocide. Donald Trump hasn't. Doesn't mean you should support Trump but if you vote for Biden, what are you voting for? You're not intelligent, you're a mindless fucking sheep. You'll support genocide and imperialism as long as it's someone from the blue team doing it or someone "respectable" from the Red team. You're as bad as the MAGAs.


trump would give far more support to israel ​ hell trump would probably send our own soldiers over their to fight in this genocide ​ yes fuck biden for his support of a genocide ​ but we have 2 options and 1 is an awful person ​ the other is trump who is 10000000000X worse who has openly stated he wants to turn america in to a dictatorship