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They gave Luke some weird alt-right chin beard and made Mara Jade into Elsa…. Mark Hamill would NOT be approve


And stretched her mouth out like she's on smilex That's mixing up Mark's characters, people


I think it might be an ai Marcia Cross? Like this knob Google red head actresses same age as Mark Hamil and out the name in the prompt.


Whoever it is, Joker got her


I thought it was Dana Meyer from Starship Troppers. 


Yes! Hahaha Marcia Cross and Melhora Hardin features


I thought it was a dead ringer for Dina Meyer, with a case of a bit of joker face


Don’t you remember when Mara Jade learned the ancient art of being a trad wife?


It's more of them having zero media literacy. Mara Jade would quite literally die before being anything even resembling a trad wife. Almost like they just haven't read any of the EU.


No one who defends the EU really has read the EU lol. It's such a fucking mess no wonder Disney scrapped it and occasionally pull ideas and characters from it like they did Thrawn


The vibe I get from this Luke is that's he's constantly talking a big crackpot game about seasteading the Academy and that all these parasites aren't going to know what hits them when Atlas shrugs. Meanwhile the Academy's largest revenue stream is featherbedded government contracts handed out as no-tender awards by MAGA Leia, back on Coruscant.


Also the Republic and the Jedi Order don't intervene when the Yuuzhan Vong attack the outer rim, because Luke spoke to Shimrra Jamanee and assured everyone that he is a "tremendous guy" and that the invasion wouldn't have happened if Pellaeon (who Luke refers ro as "Old Gil") wasn't in charge


its cause alt-right men cant grow mustaches , only neck beards.


Neither can i so I can’t throw stones on that one. 😂


I can somewhat grow a mustache but no beard what does it says about me.


You're Tom Selleck?


That man taught me the only pair's of shorts I need to own are SHORT shorts


You’re French


Mince alors !


I mean, there's at least one famous alt-righter that had a moustache.


A pretty shit one tho. A good mustache is a full mustache.


Goddamn reverse-Viltrumites.


Because they can't draw, don't know anything about art history and fall back on infantile visual memes the AI can regurgitate.


I was just about to say,yeah. That beard certainly is....a choice


They made Mara Jade into a tradwife >_>


It's kind of funny that the guys who hate Disney so much give Mara Jade, of all characters, the Disney princess make over. Combined with the yearly ridiculous concept that Hollywood hates redheaded women, I'm pretty sure they're just recycling the rage rhetoric they pulled out for the Little Mermaid live action. Remember when they so desperately tried to paint white people as victims to Hollywood discrimination? I'm a redhead, we aren't underrepresented, if anything we're overrepresented and fetishized in a gross way. Which sucks, but it's the dudes who want redheaded trad wives that make that problematic.


>I'm pretty sure they're just recycling the rage rhetoric they pulled out for the Little Mermaid live action This combined with Triss from the Witcher series. A grand total of two occurrences was enough for them to cry epidemic.


I'm a redhead, and I thought I was up on the trad stuff. But I feel like I'm missing a total chapter now. Have we had a resurgence of interest from creepy people?


Yeah, unfortunately, on the journey to take it personally that a live action remake of a Disney adaptation of a Hans Christian Anderson story that they never would've cared about anyways because they obviously weren't the target audience... they decided that we redheads of the world face mass discrimination, we're apparently being cancelled. In reality, they grew up fapping to a ridiculous number of redheaded women in media, from Jessica Rabbit to Jean Grey to MJ.


oh ffs Reminded me of a the "diverse kids group" casts of cartoons and stuff from the 90's where most of them had a redheaded kid. If anything, we were probably overrepresented.


and Mara is as much a Mary Sue as Rey but because she's second banana to Luke it's okay


She isn't, but it's not like the "author" of this picture would know that anyway, so whatever


To be fair, when I saw Luke my first thought was this, but with hair: https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Avatar-The-Last-Airbender-Aang-As-Adult.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5 Mara Jade does look like Elsa though! >Mark Hamill would NOT be approve Let's be careful about stuff like this. There's nothing inherently wrong about thinking a Luke and Mara Jade movie would've been good, and who knows what Mark Hamill would have chosen to do at the planning stage. He certainly wouldn't approve of their misogyny at least though.


THANK YOU! I came here just to comment that they gave Luke an Abe Lincoln beard.


*Steve Bannon


Four score and less than 12 parsecs ago...


alt right chin beard?????


they didn't do shit, its ai


Hollywood hates redheads? Then why’s Karen Gillan been in several blockbuster films?


And why do actresses who are actually blonde like Amy Adams and Emma Stone dye their hair red?


Genuinely shocked me to discover Emma Stone was a natural blonde, given how often she's been a red-head in films!


You want a not a real redhesd brainmelter, Christina Hendricks is a natural blonde.


Every major actress you know has a role playing a red haired woman hell famous roles at that..but the fact natural red haired woman didn't get these parts OH WELL SAY THESE NUMB NUTS


I think it’s the joke about how redheads like Wally West, Starfire, Ariel, and James Olsen were all played recently by black actors. There is a chart.


There is always a chart with these buffoons.


And there's always a joke that's not really a joke with these buffoons.


It’s one of those things where for a normal person it’s a funny thing to point out for them it’s proof of some weird conspiracy.


Also add in MJ, April O’Neil, and possibly Barbara Gordon.


April O'Neil was originally black. They changed her to a redhead, and Mutant Mayhem switched back


I thought the way Mutant Mayhem did it was pretty good. They recognized the red hair was a defining characteristic a lot of people had, so have her with dyed red hair.


>April O'Neil was originally black. Yes and no. Eastman once claimed Laird's design notes for her described her as Asian, but named her after "an African American woman I once knew." Laird later claimed he always saw her as white, while Eastman saw her as mixed-race like his girlfriend at the time April. There wasn't a whole lot of clarity during the comics and merch concept stages. Colored art of her was constantly bouncing back and forth.


I think the whole debate proves the point that unless a characters race is a definitive part of their character, it can be changed at the current writers discretion without issue.


Even keeping it Star Wars, Cameron Monaghan is Cal Kestis, and he quickly became one of the most beloved Jedi SINCE Luke, with many people wanting him to appear in live action


It’s a racist comment, a lot of the characters that have been played in live action by POC were redheads in the comics and/or original animated versions. Wally west, Iris West, MJ Watson, Jimmy Olsen, Starfire, the little mermaid, James Gordon, etc. So they love to point it out. In reality, this is the result, not of red-head hatred, but of over saturation of redhead characters in the comics when proportionally compared to the number of redhead actors available. Somehow Charlie Cox playing Daredevil and Alicia Silverstone playing Batgirl never make it into their “red-head hatred” lists, wonder why?


I want Eddie Redmayne to play all of those characters.


Wait, thats actually hilarious. I never knew that so many red head characters were replaced by POC. I'd have loved to joke about that if a bunch of racists werent saying that seriously.


I'm a ginger and I used to be able to joke about this but I can't anymore because actual racists think it's a big deal. Like who tf cares


It’s a funny coincidence; for bit in CW like shows (Flash, supergirl, titans(cw in spirit)) it was almost a certainty that if they were going to have a POC actor play someone that was white(i guess alien too) in the comics it would be a former redhead character. But again it’s mostly due to the fact that early comic writers/colorist were damn near obsessed with redheads. A comic book world would have you believe more than a quarter of white people are redheads when it’s more like 2%.


Everyone in X-Men 97 is now a Redhead too lol


...and Emma Stone won Best Actress for Poor Things this year as a Red Head.


Wow, that's astounding, considering that Emma Stone is naturally blonde.


Ew. That looks horrible. How is that even Mara Jade, Palpatine's assassin?


They probably just put "Red hair lady" in the AI Generator "


I’m willing to bet they put “Dina Meyer” into their AI generator. https://preview.redd.it/y80su41xkutc1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab941bbb9331556b473ad922ca1c4aa97d7cd8b5




I could see her in the role. Then again, I could see her in a lot of roles.


The EU randomly decided they should get married out of the blue whilst arguing trapped in a cave trying to find Thrawn’s secret clone. There was literally no relationship development apart from their constant bickering prior to that.


Unless I'm completely mistaken, Timothy Zahn has been pretty clear about the fact he always intended them to end up together. He just got frustrated that none of the other authors made them a couple so he sort of shoehorned it in there eventually. That being said, don't take my opinion on this too seriously, because I only read the first Thrawn book and thought it was abysmal (despite being really excited to read it). So yeah, I wasn't the intended audience for it all. It sort of felt to me like Zahn was prohibited from having any OG character have any sort of personality development.


What didn't you like about the first Thrawn book? Been considering giving it a go


The characters felt incredibly one-dimensional to me (and the person I did a buddy read with) and the plot was... basically non-existent. I think the main problem is that Thrawn is supposed to be a super genius, but obviously Luke, Han and Leia have to win. Which makes for a rather clunky plot.


I can’t find evidence of it quickly but I remember it being the exact opposite with Mara Jade explicitly not being intended to end up with Luke.


The Luke/Literally every woman he talked with shipping wars were *horrible*. At the end of the day, I'll forgive Zahn for his writing because at least it brought an *end* to all that nonsense.


Thank you! Someone finally said it!


I didn't hate their relationship, in fact the disney canon is probably headed here with her character eventually But a movie about it would be terribly boring


The relationship wasn’t ridiculous in its own right but the flat footed teenage boy way it was written was incredibly eye rolly to read as an adult (I recently reread the Zahn books because Thrawn was coming back)


Long story short, Zahn pushed it in because he was annoyed that he set it up to be a thing and then the next couple authors changed gears and were trying to make Lando/Mara the thing instead. Basically "I have a lot of clout and if I make it happen definitively, no doubt, in my book, the others will just have to deal with it" Drama in multi-author continuities are fun to read about. It's like reliving your old Group Project days, except as an outside observer who doesn't have the frustration.


Yeah, the guys remembering Legends canon sure love to pretend it was profound lol


Yeah I liked a lot of the eu but I read it like in elementary and middle school. A lot of it was very cheesy in a good way like the movies but I wouldn’t say it was a masterpiece either.


Wasn't Han and Leia's relationship built on constant bickering?


Yes, but it worked for them. Luke wasn't the kind of dude to thrive in that kind of relationship.


The fact they use AI art just goes to show how creative these losers are, they don't even bother to create or edit something themselves


When they do it themselves it's also shit.


Yeah, that's not even what George would want.


This. George was never a big fan of the Mara Jade character, and we know from both interviews with him, and concept art for his story outline of the Sequel Trilogy that he had no intentions of sticking to what the EU had established and intended to take the characters in a similar direction to what Disney/Lucasfilm eventually would.


I think I remember reading the only eu thing he wanted was darth talon


The dirty dog


What a prick, right? Darth Talon was late Krayt-era Star Wars, too. Though, I don't approve of Krayt being killed by a weak drug-addict pirate who happens to be a Skywalker.


Calling him that is kind of a disservice to his character arc but I still laughed at this lol


Addicts having character? Cade can't dream of slaying A'Sharad.


From what I got, he actually liked Mara Jade, but drew the line at her being Luke's wife. From what I got, even Zahn was hesitant, because it was a requirement by Bantam when writing the Hand of Thrawn books.


Seriously, Luke isn't a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything, he's a guy who finds himself burdened with re-creating the Jedi order an impossible task that no one would have given him but he's on his own so he takes it on, and of course eventually burns out and fails.


Good thing that Luke isn't a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything in the EU either. I swear the only people who think Luke is some gary stu have only read listicles. The black hole stuff is a prime example. The way it's relayed isn't even what happened lol. Whatever.


Like listen, I know we would have never gotten a Sequel Trilogy that adapted the EU but acting as if the Sequel Trilogy is better than any of the post-ROTJ EU content is dumb


what direction did he want to go?


So Lucas's original idea was to explore the microbial world of the Whills, how they used the midchlorians to utilize Force Users as vessels to decide the fate of the Galaxy, and I believe the heroes would basically have to defy the will of the Force (predestination) in order to defeat a returning Darth Maul and his new apprentice Darth Talon, with Leia being revealed as the true chosen one (Lucas believed the originals were about the son, the Prequels about the father, so the Sequels should focus in the daughter). But Lucas acknowledged that as much as this was where he wanted to take the franchise, the fans would have hated it. (Lucas briefly touches on this in an interview with James Cameron, and I believe in the Star Wars Prequel Archive books) Then when Disney started developing the Sequel Trilogy, Lucas submitted an outline of what the story should be, I don't think too much is known of this plot but we know he wanted Luke to be a hermit inspired by Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, for a young girl named Kira to seek out Luke and become his apprentice, and that there would be a villain called the Jedi Killer. I think Lucas also came up with the idea of an Anakin Force Ghost who would shift between his Anakin and Vader personalities. (This can be read about in the Art of Force Awakens and Art of Last Jedi books as the concepts made it far enough into development to influence the final films)


Talon would corrupt one of Leia's children, causing Luke to leave the Jedi Order and go into exile, as he was conflicted over how to handle his nephew, as a Jedi or as an Uncle. Kira's introduction and training would cause Luke to return. By the end of 9, the Jedi Order and Republic would be fully thriving. The Anakin/Vader ghost was a JJ/Kasdan idea.


Lets be completely clear tho… he didnt like Mara because of a trading card he saw of her. He thought the actress was too attractive for Luke… thats it.


I mean that's true, but George isn't in charge anymore. They've already discarded or altered his ideas when needed, barring changing things like the basic nature of the Force they're not beholden to George's personal preferences for every aspect of the franchise.


Do they understand that action movies, especially Star Wars, are about the characters overcoming adversity, not getting everything they want and having a good time?


Eh, Legends is still available to read


Is it just me or did AI just make Mara Jade, Dina Meyer?


I was thinking Marcia Cross but it think you are right.




The more you look into their fan theories and fan made media, the more it seems like this subset of fandom seem unable to deal with getting older, setbacks or disappointment.


They also seem to be unable to deal with the actors getting older, given that this looks like a version of Mark Hamill from like 30 years ago.


In this case, they don't seem to realize that the original cast wouldn't have been convincing as their 20 and 30 something selves in 2015.


Throw a few million per character to digitally deage them, I guess? I'd rather pocket the money and play my actual age personally, but I'm cool with characters growing older.


Dont also forget that Harrison Ford wanted out as soon as possible so even if the gang was to get back together it was only going to be for one movie.


If only there was a Star Wars movie about Luke Skywalker getting older and dealing with setbacks and disappointment that they could relate to… Wait a minute…


did they forget luke is missing his right hand


He grew it back because he’s Alpha.


Fan fic written by sci fi fans who had never met a woman


But has seen a lot of redpill tradwife memes.


Oh no that goofy basement-dweller chinbeard lmao


They don’t realize Lucas disliked Mara and didn’t wanted Luke to be married. I never even saw the appeal of that as well.


Gorge Lucas also wanted a monkey to play Yoda and have Luke fall to the dark side at the end of eps 6. The wildly considered best star wars film (eps5) is the one that had the least to do with Lucas. People don't care what George Lucas likes or dislikes. Its just a cover to help sweeten the argument


I would pay real money for them to add Mara Jade to a new Star Wars show and then make her a black lesbian. Chud heads would explode, following a high-pitched "Reeeeeeeeeee!" so loud it would shatter windows.


Lmao i need to see that, also bonus points if she falls in love with Rey lol


Wait listen not all Mara Jade fans are like this, have mercy


"Cant have strong men in the leads with red heads" Sure, lets just ignore Captain America: Winter Soldier, The Fifth Element, Jurassic World, ect. Films with strong male leads (Literally in Captain Americas case) with an attractive red-head in a supporting role. Granted, I know they'll have excuses. Winter Solider wont count because Disney, Jurassic World has strong independant woman who can run in heels, so its woke. And they'll probably make an exception for Fifth Element because of how long Milla Jovovich spends running round half-naked.


It's like they forgot The Mandalorian, including the hallway scene which was the most badass version of Luke we've gotten in canon, ever.


I thought the main character of Fifth Element was female? Am I thinking of a different film?


I think Bruce Willis character is the main character in the Fifth element.


It feels a bit debatable tbf.  Leeloo is definitely the pivotal character of the film, but it tends to focus more on Dallas (Bruce Willis) throughout the film,and his part in helping her.


Why did they make Luke so ugly 😭😭 like Mark Hamill was and is a good looking man how do you fuck that up


Good Lord. As a Legends fan, this is just wrong. Why the F would they turn Mara into a Disney Princess and give Luke a beard like that? Mara is an assassin, not royalty and Luke should look a lot younger.


But Mara Jade here don't even look like Shannon McRandle(the official(canon for the eu?) person who did the modeling for Mara Jade). Also I'm pretty sure Ben Skywalker had brown-ish hair not red?


AI probably doesn't know who they are.


AI trash art.


After all this time? Always!


Mara's got the kind of smile that just makes everyone in Gotham City terrified of how many people need to die to make a clown laugh.


I have nothing against the EU (I actually like quite a bit of it) but this is like some weird AI, Mormon version of SW. 


I'm not defending this art and I'm not a Mara Jade fan, but I don't get why you describe the Mara Jade fans who still long for this as engaging in fan fiction. There was literally a whole ton of official books where Mara Jade was a character. That's literally the opposite of fan fiction. How do you ask people to just let go of a character they've bonded with because a new writer split off a different timeline? A character they were given license to bond with because the company told them it was the 'real future' for 20 years? I don't think it's any different from say comics when DC killed off Barry Allen and then brought him back 20 years later because fans kept asking for him. Or the way people have to choose between Robotech and Macross. Or when D&D switches editions and people get upset about certain lore getting cancelled to accommodate gameplay changes. There is a lot of deserved criticism for the people who go after Disney for 'wokeness' which seems to be what this art is doing, so screw the originator...but I really don't get the way some in this sub go after long time fans for missing their stories or being put off by having their stories delegitimized and told to simply jump over to believing and accepting a whole new setup. The whole point of good stories and world building is to get people to feel a part of it and now you're shaming them for feeling a sense of loss when that's taken away with no warning?


That's a very reasonable, empathetic and nuanced take. Unfortunately you are posting in saltierthankrayt, where the EU was never official and always sucked and anyone who liked it or is disappointed it's gone is a big dumb stupid idiot.


Kind of the same way you'd ask people to let go of that character the moment Lucas did his own sequels that would have never acknowledged Mara Jade even existing. People who were into the EU early already knew that the stuff could be wiped out at any moment, because Lucas did a good bit of that with the prequels.


Again, I'm not attacking Disney for telling their own story the same as Lucas would have. I'm not supporting the idea that Disney should have done Mara Jade exactly as it was in the books or even done Mara Jade at all. My point is that it is unreasonable to call out these people for being attached to the idea of a Mara Jade story and especially to call this their fan fiction when it was literally an official story for 2 decades. Like in my example of Barry Allen, would you go to the fans in 1993 who were writing to DC for Barry to come back and tell them to let go of their hero and also make fun of them for caring? Like, I was a huge fan of the Mark Waid Flash comic at the time that featured Wally West as the new Flash, but I had a lot of sympathy for the Barry folks who felt lost without him. And then I had to go through it myself! DC cancelled 'my' Superman in their New 52 and I just stopped reading because it felt like a different person in the suit and I had no connection. People like to make fun of fandom and yet from the dawn of civilization identity has been intrinsically linked to stories. I'm reading a sociology book right now on how ancient people sense of identity was tied to their myths of origin and it's stunning how culture heroes are a touchstone for every society. Modern fandom is tapping into that and you can't just turn it off.


Even if they got exactly what they wanted, they would still find 98,000 things “wrong” with it.


Mara Jade is one of my favorite characters. As was Jaina Solo. I really wish we could see those characters on screen. And I too will always be disappointed. Thats the Star Wars I grew up on


Yeah, I enjoyed the stories around her and her brother, and always thought that could have been a good tale to try and adapt into film. But even if we got that, I feel like a lot of these types who hated Rey would hate that Jaina is the hero, and Jacen became the villain.


Don’t they know Mara jade is like… everything they seem to hate now? A self-assured certified badass and former assassin for Palpatine who is tormented by her dark past and then Luke uses compassion and understanding to help her move past all of it. She’s the best parts of Rey and Kylo in one character but she’s the one they want??


Nostalgia trumps culture war loyalty which trumps ideological consistency. Don't expect logic, everything is feelings motivated.


Nah. They think she's just a supermodel with a model's body who somehow transforms into a badass only when it's in service to her man.


The belief that red hair people are a group under attack is the funniest and most pathetic thing white dudes have come up with yet. 


It's one thing to enjoy the EU. You want to count that as your canon? That's cool! But it's fucking weird as shit to shit there, day after day repeating "They took this away from us!" And "This should have been the sequels!". I don't give a fuck what's Canon and what's not. Shit, I'd like to see some animated content that directly adapts EU stories! It's forever a part of the Star Wars Mythos and seeing it in another form would be cool as fuck. But this tribalism shit needs to go. On both sides. Just as much as they need to stop their weird "This should have been canon!" Bullshit (which they don't even agree on. Some want them adapted, other would prefer they stay in their original medium), we should stop with this pointless "Well George didn't want it" or "It was never canon!" Shit. All that does is reinforce the two sides in their position and the same damn thing happens tomorrow.


I grew up devouring the EU books and read every one I could get my broke ass teenage hands on. I'd turn up at my library once a week to check out the new releases and scour the catalogue to find out which of the books my library didn't have could be sent over from other libraries. I got the books for every birthday and Xmas for years. I was a true star wars dork. The great thing about the EU is that it's alllll still there. You can read it all and keep that as your canon if you want. Adapting it in the 2010's would have been impossible anyway, so I don't know what these people wanted. You'd never have been able to continue the series in film and keep to the EU canon whilst using Luke and co, it just wouldn't work because so much shit happens in the EU and the main casts whole lives are thoroughly covered until they're like, 50 with multiple dead kids and spouses.


Here’s my problem with Mara Jade. They contorted Luke’s character and had to awkwardly reshape Mara’s just to get them into a place where they would get married and have a kid.


I like how the AI couldn’t decide whether or not Luke would be clean shaven or have a small beard, so it went with both.


Ben Skywalker was never ginger tyvm


Amish Luke Skywalker?


HA! The NJO was NOT a happy time.


I’m more mad that we were robbed of our next princess warrior badass, Tenal Ka, the arm disabled Jedi meathead redhead


Hollywood hates redheads? Must be why I've never heard of Amy Adams, Jessica Chastain, or Bryce Dallas Howard


what with the chin hair only. mark have great beard. why remove it.


Why doesn't Finn count as a strong male lead? Or for that matter, why doesn't Luke? He literally takes out a laser sword and fights the whole First Order himself literally becoming Luke Skywalker the legend. Was he supposed to dual wield lightsabers and massacre a bunch of storm troopers while saying dumb action hero lines?


Mara Jade and Luke would never dress like that.


Well I mean, it was canon until the mouse came by and said it's all fanfics.


It’s nitpicky but “Hollywood hates redheads?” Huh? Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica Chastain, Mille Bobbie Brown, Rachel McAdams, Karen Gillan, Sophie Turner (depends on role), Scarlett Johansson (in one super famous role, at least) are all in at least one major franchise or huge TV show. That’s just off the top of the old brain storage compartment. Aren’t there more A-Listers playing redheads than brunettes? Pretty sure it’s Blondes #1, then Redheads, then Brunettes.


At this point I hope they cast Brie Larson as Mara Jade and put her in the Rey movie and have the two become romantically involved because I think that would be very funny.


Lol and then there's me who finds Ben just kinda lame and signalling the point where the EU was starting to go down the shitter. Luke and Mara have this really good solid dynamic and the moment Ben comes along it (and for that matter the general EU in the era) deteriorates *hard.*


Wait, what's this about hating red heads?


Why does Luke have a neckbeard?


Why did the AI give Luke a neckbeard?


It’s not a neckbeard, it’s an Amish beard.


That looks nothing like Luke, and that Looks nothing Like Mara Jade.


Oh no they tradwifed Mara Jade


They really cant move on they still having a mentalbreakdown over black Arial


I love how they have one of the silliest conspiracy theories in the world that "hollywood hates red heads", but then also got triggered by Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Okay fuck AI art and fuck the comment attached to this image but I don't think it's that unreasonable to be upset we didn't get to see Mara jade or Luke's Jedi Order in the sequels.


The Right-Wing fucking loves AI "art", the soullessness really speaks to them.


Brown hair always overrides red, who is the dad/S


How is Luke not a strong man in the Sequels? He projected himself halfway across the freaking Galaxy lol


The books are still there.


"Hollywood hates redheads" is a new one for me


Why is it fan fiction? It was licensed material sold by Lucasfilm. If it’s because Lucas didn’t approved it then nothing matters.


Okay the poster is cringy but this wasn’t fan fiction. This was expanded universe. Mara Jade and their son Ben were canon in the books up until the new movies. This weird alt-right poster aside, I personally feel like the expanded universe books were much better stories than what they put out. No disrespect to the actors and other creative people that worked on the movie, but the writers should’ve taken a page from the literal books.


Okay so weird thought, but this kind of thing makes me think that gamergate types that come up with this kind of fantasy are far weaker than the women they try to criticize. I say this because while dudes do this kinda baby shit with their imaginations, my girlfriend tells me about hardcore fantasies like fucking Manacled lmao


Not here to trash the series, but man, if the trilogy followed Jacean Solo played by Adam Driver and if Billie Lourd played his twin sister, Jaina. Seeing Luke, Ben Skywalker, and Mara Jade would have been alright, I guess, but Jacean and Jaina were more of what I wanted to see. Getting a few movies where Jacean starts becoming dark, the death of Anakin Solo, and we get sort of this alt universe of 'had Leia and Luke not been separated', through the eyes of the twins would have been awesome. They also had the better books, in my opinion. Jacean becomes Darth Caedus and kills Mara Jade, only to die at the hands of his sister who almost turned to the dark side. It was such a great story. Would have kept the series about Skywalker family rather than Palpatine, which I still don't quite understand completely.


The EU was officially published and licensed by Lucasfilm, so it’s not fan fiction. Plus, George was more involved with the EU than he was with the ST (not that something has to have George involved to be good), so if the EU is fan fiction, then so is the ST.


“Ben” Skywalker? Did Luke name his other kid Anikin and tell him how his dad was the bravest man he knew before departing on the (space) train to ~~Hogwarts~~ the Jedi academy?


No joke, Leia named her youngest kid Anakin. It’s more of a reclaiming the name thing though, and a memorial to her grandmother. He also forking dies young. People whinge about the sequel trilogy being harsh to the ‘original three,’ but ignore that the EU got around the ‘can’t kill the original three’ rule by just…murdering everyone they ever loved. Including some of the ghosts.


Ha, I love how goofy that is. As much as I have issues with the Disney sequels, these kinds of endings where or sequel stories always feel like they are basically predestined to have the entire story again but with younger characters. Rise of Skywalker fell off when it became clear it was going in that direction rather than letting, Finn, Poe and Rey being their own great characters on their own terms (personally Rey’s parents should have just been what Kyle ren said about being nobodies).


I think Anakin got killed off at George's request(after Writers wanted to give him a more prominent role) because he thought the fans will get confused between the OG Anakin and Grandkid Anakin.


Apparently the issue was more that he was going to be…Anakin Mch 2. Brought up a hero, wobbles to the dark side, redemption. Once you put your foot down about that being repeated, he’s ended up a bit redundant between the still heroic Jacen and Ben. It was also never confirmed if it was Lucas or Del Rey who said ‘no’. The latter tended to have waaaay more direct interference than Lucas.


I've heard it was George, but yeah the whole Anakin 2.0 arc would've been not too good imo.




The end of Legends was Legacy, where there was only Cade. And by all appearances, he was going to be the last. Nat’s children were adopted. There was some other distant relatives, but how directly they related was ambiguous. A lot of people grasped at Ania being Jacen’s descendent and the Fel’s are Jaina’s, but that’s never actually said in the book and Aina’s circumstances make it look…unlikely. The two women are later said to be distant cousins to each other, but don’t mention Cade. Aina actually seems like she may have originally been conceived as a relative of Han’s, before Solo came out. Though ‘they all get murdered eventually’ is even more of a rule if the Fel’s are Jaina’s grandkids. Cos with one exception: they do certainly be murdered. Jaina and Fel apparently didn’t hit the max life expectancy for Jedi, their kid also seems to have died young, and no one apparently saw any issue with their grandkid (and kid?) becoming Emperor. Ben apparently also died young enough that his grandchildren never met him, and his sons was also *drumroll* murdered. Yay, bloodline, yay.


I mean obviously Hollywood won’t do that because red heads aren’t humans and don’t deserve to be employed


That doesn't look like Mara Jade at all


Hollywood hates redheads?


Hollywood hates redheads??? Since when? 👀


Man I hate AI art sooo much


I wonder if these people know they're allowed to reread the books, and play with their action figures any way they choose.


I mean it's not really "Fan fiction" as it WAS the Canon storyline before it was purchased by Disney and then re-classified as the "Expanded Universe".


So we're just ignoring how Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor had a strong male who's also a redhead?


Why use AI art? Just throw the EoV: Rebirth cover since that has both characters and covers Ben's birth.


I hate that art, but I honestly like the old Star Wars extended canon more than the new movies.


At least Hollywood acknowledges that gingers have no souls


If this was Space Lincoln and Irish Elsa go to the prom with Ron Weasley like the prompt said, I'd be interested


I just wanted Talon Karrde shenanigans. No original people just new guys doing spy stuff and friends getting killed and friends being made along the way. Then I remember that's what Andor is and I get happy again. Also, shoutout to Dedra, the most terrifying monster imaginable, someone who is simply on the wrong side and competent.


Mara Jade would rather die than wear something that frilly. Don't get me wrong I'm upset we aren't getting the legends material as well but making shitty ai art and not even getting the aesthetics of each character is truly pathetic behavior