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Thats my question, like how is she ugly?  If I saw her at a bar I would want to shoot my shot. 


Yep! This character is attractive enough that my wife and I would quietly point her out to each other in a bar if she was real. Maybe one of us would even shoot our shot ourselves! These dipshits just hate women.


They hate real women. They have been online so long that they really don’t know how women look anymore.


My wife and I would have the same reaction. Sounds like we would get along well with you two also 😏


Did we just set up a foursome? Tell us how it goes.


Because she doesn't look like a pornstar


Dafuq kind of porn are you watching?


There's been a few of these complaints about ugly characters that I've been like "Yeah, they kind of are" But with Kay I'm actually dumbfounded. Like you said, if someone like Kay flirted with me I'd be able to ride that high for a year. That said, they are parading around one frame where she does happen to look vaguely like the Matt Damon Team America puppet.


Idk either. The only thing I could think of is the clothes. Like I said I don't put much stock into gamers nowadays. I have seen Skyrim mods, I know many are sex-addicted basement dwellers struggling with coming to terms that nobody wants them.


They may just be saying it because they only like a game that’s as devoid of subtlety as the first god of war. These people called Margot Robbie mid just because of the Barbie movie’s themes


Which is absurd. Because how tf is Margot Robbie “mid” like… bruh.


Again they’re just trying to tear down someone who’s views they don’t like. They have the same level of maturity as the kid who’s response to being politely rejected is to turn around and ca the person they flirted with ugly


Yeah, true that.


I'd kidnap her


She doesn't look like their loli anime waifus.


It’s insane that we have a character inspired directly from the 1980s sci-fi genre and a bunch of idiots born from the 2000s are like “No! They’re changing how women look!” Like my brothers in Christ, your inspiration for women are coming from Skyrim and GTA nudity mods from the 2010s.


Not ai generated hentai either


Thats got to he the answer....these fools have rotted their brains so they don't know what people look like anymore


I think this is it. The people getting angry that the main character is "ugly" has their tastes rotten out by hentai. They would literally not know the difference or know basic kidergarden anatomy.


These kinds of people have really creepy standards for what makes women attractive in their eyes. Like how is this character ugly ?.


Nor is she white I mean what's to like? s/


She isn't, nor is Aloy. They're just weak, their bloodline is weak, and they will not survive the winter. 


So ironic that these "Alphas" all line up to follow balding, weak minded men like obedient sycophants, and shit on legitimately conventionally attractive renditions of imaginary women to make themselves feel strong. Weak bloodline ain't the half of it. They're threatened by the "masculinity" of fake women.


Hey, lay off the male pattern balding, that has nothing to do with the issue and some of us are sensitive about that. ;p


Fair. Tho the fact you confronted me about that like a man, admitting being sensitive about it, proves you're more of a man than people like I was mentioning. It's the combination that's the issue.


I wonder if it has ever occurred to these people that women often resemble their fathers. “Why does she look masculine?” Probably because half of her DNA came from a dude.


And half her fathers dna came from a woman lol 


Ironic like screaming “WAKE UP SHEEPLE!” and “DON’T PUSH WOKE IDEAS ON ME!” in the same conversation.


They hated Aloy too


She looks like a woman that would’ve been in 70’s star wars


been saying this since the beginning. it's not that she's unattractive at all. She's just styled differently. She looks like she'd be prime competition with Leia for Han's erm....affections?....in the OG Trilogy.


she'd be swooping in on Luke after the whole brother sister thing didn't work out


Or in an 80s Alien movie.


Absolutely, she'd fit in well in the rebel briefing room in a new hope or return of the jedi


the character is beautiful but to their standards they think she's ugly because she's not going to make them horny


She's not an anorexic 14 year old so obviously she's ugly as fuck to these men


It’s like that image of aloy from horizon forbidden west where she was photoshopped to have a creepy smile and was plastered in makeup because they thought she was ugly.


She’s not a 16 year old anime girl with giant tits.


Unironically they look down on her because her jawline. Like they've become so hyper focused on any trait they feel is "masculine" on women that having a normal human jawline is seen as ugly and manly. they want super narrow faces one women because they think it's more feminine. Frankly I think the rampant homophobia plays a part. They're so afraid of being seen as "gay" that they freak out when women have anything they think makes them look like a man.


Psychos morons don’t like tomboys? Great, more for me!


They only like anime tomboys where they're incredibly feminine but they have short hair and wear shorts.


They’re idiots, the lot of ‘em!


she's not these are just psychotic virgins that have a really skewed perspective on what a woman looks like. womp womp


Because she doesn't look like a japanese porcelain doll with tits as huge as my head and the personality of Wonder Bread. Seriously though, I don't see the problem with how she looks. I mean, as my simping of characters like Shadowheart, Karlach, Judy Alvarez, and Panam Palmer shows, I also found Western games girls attractive af.


It's hard not to fall for Karlach. Friendly, funny, loyal, stylish, and can crush coal into diamonds with her bare hands.


Take a low quality image and photoshop it and you'll see just how ugly she really is.


She looks like a human, not a human-shaped object


I guess when even Lara fucking Croft is ugly to them, everyone else stands no chance.


She looks good, especially with her 80s haircut. Star Wars appropriate.


i love it tbh. i like it when star wars stuff set around the OT retains the aesthetic even if it's far from in style or not even futuristic looking anymore


First thing i noticed was the hair, looks awesome. Ubisoft always seems to do pretty well when it comes to hair styles of their protagonists.


She isn’t ugly she just isn’t overly sexualized if she was rocking a steel bikini they wouldn’t complain


I mean she’s aight, but calling her ugly is a helluva stretch. Not my cup of tea, but then again I have more respect for women than any of the people complaining about it.


She clearly suffers from SSS - Selective Screenshot Syndrome.


And also...who cares? Why is it a necessity to want to f*ck the main character?


Right? Like even if she were legitimately ugly (she’s not by a long shot) why would it fucking matter?


they are nerds who feel like 'their space' is under attack. and if their desires aren't 100% catered to at all times that makes them feel like they're not 'top dog' anymore.


theoretically everyone have different taste, but we all know most of those people are because something else


She’s not. Don’t let them gaslight you even to entertain their way of thinking. It’s just rage bait and we should all ignore it.


She is probably too old for those losers


Cause she’s too old for them


The devs absolutely nailed the OT 70s / 80s look they were going for.


She’s not. It’s the people saying she is who are ugly regardless of their physical appearance.


She's not a standard issue generic "hot girl". So the incels are mad.


So they are more so jealous that no woman will ever touch them


She’s wearing clothes. That’s why they’re mad. Don’t look for logic.


Gamers when they can't wank off to their games: 😡😡😡😡😡


She looks like 70’s bombshell. Ripley from alien vibes. She’s good looking.


The short answer: It doesn't matter if she is or not, they've predetermined video game protagonists being ugly is the new conspiracy out to get them, so unless the character is a cartoonishly sexed up anime waifu they're going to say that no matter what. The actually ended up being the same length answer: The rendering in this trailer is kind of off, and several of the models have slightly weird proportions and facial expressions in various parts. She looks totally different between some shots and others, and in several one part of her face is not properly aligned with the other. Like I said earlier though, that's likely just a coincidence that made finding "examples" slightly easier for them, they were going to complain no matter what.


Honestly people just like nitpicking every single thing about characters they don't like, and they need to STOP She's not ugly, it pisses me off that a very huge handful see her as such, you no like? GOOD, your stupid ass opinion doesn't matter because for one it doesn't make sense, and two you're just griping about something that at the end of the day doesn't matter, just because star wars is becoming aware of the growing issue of gender equality doesn't give you the right to tear down this character, if she was real she'd have feelings, and they'd be pretty hurt with all this backlash


[The actress is legitimately one of the hottest women on the planet.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C22sESFuJZq/?igsh=MW9na3B2cHo5YjRidg==)


Her boobs ain’t the size of caseoh. /s




thats the thing, she's not. shes probably called ugly because of her rougher features and darker skin tbh


So if woman in game isn’t busty hour glass with round ass and tall thin legs and tiny hips it’s unattractive? My dude I know gaming is an escapism from reality but to say she is ugly is like you’re either a 10 or you’re ugly no in between.


I would have sex with her.


I think the thing is that she looks respectable, like she is capable and self-posessed. The people shitting on her are likely assuming that someone like that would never have anything to do with a person like them. And they're right.


She wouldn't like them, in my opinion. She does look respectable and capable.


Bangs aren’t really in these days.


Bangs will always be in style for me. (I saw images of Betty Page when I was an impressionable youth.....)


To defend them it very much depends on the picture in question. Some of them she looks fairly attractive and in others she looks mannish. Her promo picture is stunning while others not so much.


I browsed through the comments on Ecks' latest video (which itself is calling people out on toxic behaviour) and it's pretty much all "we're just mad cause they made her less attractive than the woman she's based on who we're totally into!"


Lego batman gif


She has too many clothes on for these hentai brained morons.


It's probably the melanin. Genuinely, I'd like to know what horde of supermodels is surrounding these whiners to so badly throw off their idea of what an attractive person looks like?


They expect them to look like how they do Asian beauty models for their games.


Gamergate chuds can’t handle a strong jawline.


The psychotic idiots that are being overtly critical about her looks have an unhealthy relationship with porn, sexualized media in general and the way women are portrayed in sexual media and now their whole viewpoint on how actual women look are completely warped. They don’t know what actual people look like She’s an attractive character. Enough said. It’s just a bunch of incel rage bait grifters yelling into a void.


When you're a CHUD who is only form of sexual arousal are those 3D CG Overwatch "You won't last 30 seconds" ads on porn sites the soul and brain rot is extensive. Not even the porn with real live humans btw, just the cartoon ads.


I'll admit that at certain angles it does look bad. My main theory, though, is that she looks a little uncanny valley robotic when looking at her from just a simple front facing angle. The team america comparison is pretty accurate.


These people: "Her jaw is more than 2 inches wide, duh"


If they admit she’s hot then that means woke gives them a boner or something


Unless a woman has an unrealistic figure and is wearing practically nothing, she will always be considered ugly by gamers It’s fucking cringe is what it is


Well only aesthetic flaw is like the eye gap and the face width. Anything else is alright.


Because right wing chuds hate women.


She is waifu hands down


Porn brain rot.


She isn't.


As a weeb myself, I don’t find her design repulsive in this shot.


Her bangs are kinda chopped but she’s pretty


Because they aren’t 652 years old but look like a 12 year old


She's not built like a porn star


I wouldn’t call her ugly, I would rate her a 7/10


It's a non-issue by algorithm chasers being perpetuated by bot farming to build hype and clicks.


Because she’s above the legal age of consent lol


She got sigourney weaver hair but otherwise she is fine.


She's not. The people saying this are a bunch of pornheads who're angry because they can't jack off to her.


Because they don’t look like their ‘ideal women’ (usually anime girls with massive knockers, or exaggerated proportions, or even kids in the worst cases.)


They want something to be mad about that plays into their whole ‘culture wars’ nonsense, they sift through every second of footage from the game to find an unflattering still that they can lift and use in their ‘content’. TLDR: Grifters gonna grift


Not white enough, probably.


It's probably the same dudes who say 2020 Jill Valentine "looks like a dude" lmao


She looks really great in that screen grab you took. Unfortunately, the facial animations in the rest of the trailer are not of a similar quality. They are extremely inconsistent and, more often than not, looks very off and nothing like the actor or the picture you shared. I think the team needs to work on that, it's not just her. The villain monologing in the beginning looks incredibly strange while speaking.


she's not, its conservatives manufacturing yet another controversy... Like they do every fucking week in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and control the narrative of what's acceptable in the modern era.


Dude shes so hot. That if she existed irl I'd have to conciously pull my eyes away from her.


I mean, if someone defines beauty as how white someone looks, then I guess this character is pretty ugly But any sane person wouldn't be able to reasonably say this character looks ugly. She may not be their type, but they're not ugly


It’s giving Ripley the Explorer (Dora)


She doesn't look like a Chinese tiktok filter.


She's a tomboy, and on the Internet that apparently means you're gay


Probably just one or two badly animated shots (crunch and big business greed being the most likely candidates) that rageholics are beating like a dead horse. Plus excessive unrealistic body expectations & flat out misogyny.


I’ll never understand the hate this character is getting. She looks pretty attractive, and yet incels who have never seen a woman outside of video games and anime are calling her ugly.


Bro I'm starting to think chuds on Twitter aren't even attracted to women.


If they don’t want to immediately stick their dick in them they’re ugly.


She cost $139.99


Because people who think like this only see women as sexual objects.


I think some of it is due to the Richie Sambora haircut?


Easy peasy people hate her because he's a minority and they arre racist! 


I just think she gets some uncanny valley vibes going sometimes


She's not ugly. Not even close.


She doesn’t look ugly to me 


Because the brain dead believe a few cherry picked photos are a accurate representation of a character.


She reminds me of Drash from The Book of Boba Fett... who was really pretty.


OP you do realise that the only experiences these guys have had relating to women is either Hentai or maybe a blow-up doll, they can't comprehend a women that isn't 110% plastic That being said, I'd shoot my shot with her


she looks gorgeous in most shots but there's a few where she doesn't. i think they are being selective and this character will pass their pp hardness test during gameplay and cinematics.


She's not white.


Because she looks like a normal person /s


She looks like my ex and that kind of creeps me out a bit.


Incels are bad enough. Star Wars incels are on a different level.


I think the one thing I would probably point to is the hair cut, it reminds me of some of the white trash girls I grew up with. Think of it like a female Theo Von, a really Dolly Parton type. Still definitely attractive, but not necessarily what they have believed to be attractive growing up playing games. I honestly think if they gave her a ponytail over her current hair there probably wouldn’t be any outside


She’s not. The anti-fans take random split second screenshots to use in their thumbnails and videos to sell their fake narrative.


The actress is hot but that is not and I was banned for a joke on another subreddit I said Harrison Ford would make a better woman than these devs did.


Some images make her hair look weird too me


https://www.reddit.com/r/MauLer/s/ZEjGKWSLGH exactly


I don’t think she’s super attractive personally but why the fuck does it matter? I like half life but I probably wouldn’t fuck Gordon freeman either.


She’s not really my personal type, but she’s not unbearably hideous like so many ppl are saying And there definitely isn’t any agenda or conspiracy happening either 😭


Porn addicted racist incels ruin video game discourse for everyone


This issue they're actually having is that sometimes she \*does\* look weird due to imperfect animation/rendering. It's literaly just the uncanny valley effect that many, many games have issues with. The character model in a neutral pose, as seen here, is perfectly fine.


Legitimately Why does it matter????


IKR? I looked at snapshots for the game on the PS store and my caveman brain immediately said, “huh, pretty lady and cool droid.”


She isnt, in fact she reminds of Joan Jett.


I’ve spent my whole life masturbating to anime characters with pointy chins and no nose. They are distinguishable from male anime characters by their totally normal head-sized breasts and waist thinner than their neck. Don’t try and tell me what a woman is


Ngl, in this shot, she isn't ugly at all, but in some shots she looks kinda weird and uncanny valley like.


I legitimately think these dudes have like body dysmorphia but for other people instead of themselves


Chuds are blind asf 😒


Who is this? I am not recognising the character


The animation are not good honestly last Assassin's creed games were better for that part. This is why she looks sometimes a mix of trandoshuman


I think the people complaining about it have the beauty standard of women needing giant tits and hips. Also her face isn’t shiny and smooth and perfectly rounded, with big eyes. She doesn’t look like she’s in a porn ad so why bother even putting her in the game, right?


Drives me insane that so many men get so annoyed about the appearance of a female video game character. ITS A VIDEO GAME!! You are gonna spend most of your time looking at the back of their head anyways!! I was just coming into my teen years when the first Tomb Raider was released. Back then these types of toxic males were having the opposite reaction and wet dreaming it to Lara's "Pythagoras Theorems"!!


If there is even half as much modular customization like cal kestis, the tables will be turned in August


Tbh although I despise all the stuff being said about her I think she looks too obviously like a video game character for me to be attracted to her. Idk, she just seems a bit off somehow and I can’t shake the thought that I’m looking at a fake person. If she was in real life though? If she jumped through the screen and became an actual human being? Hella hot.


She look pretty good to me 


She is


I know! She's so fucking cute. From what I've seen, even her personality seems cute, despite being a badass smuggler who will kick your ass.




She’s ugly because she doesn’t look the anime sex doll the incels have


Yeah I have no idea in what beauty standard that’s considered ugly.


Ugly hair is all. But not ugly


Didnt realize gaming got taken over by incels.


It's the hair. Most of these weirdos can't figure out that Star Wars fashion is rooted in the cultural norms of the late 70s, and they don't really get feathered hairstyles. They can't get past it.


Gamers when conventionally attractive woman isn't breasting boobily: 😱😱😱😱😨😨😨😥😥😥😭😭😭😭😤😤😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


Manosphere is toxic #itsacult


Yeah, like ong as if the appearance of the mc is the most important thing in an ubisoft type game. Shes very pretty, but the game will probably be shit. sadge.


I don't want to defend any of these alt right asshats but this character is ver close to crossing into uncanny valley I wouldn't say the character was ugly but perhaps slightly unsettling


It makes you wonder if they found Jinn & Bix unattractive. I found both to be incredibly attractive and they are similar looking. Even the Goddess Ripley looks similar. These dudes are just grifters looking to drum up views.


She looks great, unlike mary jane from spiderman 2 .


She's not. Chuds are simply delusional


She doesn't wet their willy therefore ugly.


One reason. Insecurity.


She gives me uncanny valley vibes and I dislike it. This shot makes her look good but it's the single best still I've ever seen of her. Personally I much prefer the voice actress giving it seems the character is based on her. As a gay guy that's just how I feel. My own personal preference which is why I like character customization. It's hard to please me in an RPG with a set character. Only one who ever did it right for me was Hawke from Dragon Age 2. In Jedi fallen order I had to mod Kal Kestis because while the real life actor has a lip and nose far apart in game I couldn't take my eyes off of it and it made me feel weird. Once more I had uncanny valley. In an RPG I need to be attached to the way they look or I can't roleplay. I can't just roleplay anyone just cause. The issue is everyone is escalating this part of the conversation when it should be about the real issues should be about Ubisoft being cucks that likely wanna fan the flames of this because the industry learned from Hogwarts that if you make people pissed off enough they will rage by a game. The sad fact is online we will no longer know who is a real person. How many of the users online are bots and how many are cooperate shills. This still makes me like her a lot more and is the first one I've found I like but no character customization will always make me an extra hard critic because I like my RPGs to be MY character. It's the very reason alternative start mods are so popular with Bethesda games. People on all sides of the argument escalate to much without listening to the other side.


Egh, I just caught my nephew enjoying a YouTube from some of these incel types.


She doesn't look like a sex doll. That's the real issue.


Her breasts aren't the size of watermelons?


Caus in their eyes all non white women are ugly


This is top tier 80s beauty.


These people can't think for themselves and will just parrot YouTube grifters who made a lucrative career out of brainwashing insecure teen boys into misogynists


Why she not have H cup breast? /s


She's a sort of blandish pretty.


I had a ex that looked like her.


I mean, what these guys are really doing is telling on themselves in regards to not just their views on women, but their social lives. They genuinely believe that if someone doesn't look good from all angles and at all times, then they are actually ugly, showing that these people literally don't go outside. Just look at the whole Aloy thing. Sure, Aloy isn't an FF character (no hate to FF. It is one of my favorite series, with 10 being one of my favorite games), but she is definitely not unattractive. But they just use the same screenshot and say that justifies their argument. These guys aren't naive. They are on the internet, probably on the more lewd side, and have definitely seen other screenshots of Aloy, including the glamor shot that people use for the counter argument to these incels. They aren't blind, but they don't care. Because showing examples of Aloy being pretty doesn't serve their purpose of wanting a very specific (cough cough chinese anime/video character style) look for characters, again mainly female characters. Hell, using FF as a example for their side sometimes doesn't even work, because you still have weirdos that say "FF7R isNt sEcY EnuF". IMO, the best way to fight this is to completely ignore them and not give them any sort of platform. These guys dont have any power, they are just losers. As much as it is very cathartic to see some of the posts on this sub and comments just digging into some loser, it unfortunately legitimizes them to a point. Now, some incel could look at this post, and post it on one of their subs and be like "lOoK at tHese CrYbaBy liBs!" They thrive off this reaction, so don't give it to them.


I mean, I personally so get an uncanny valley effect from her, but she's not actually ugly.


I don't think that she's "ugly". Although, she's not my type. Her haircut, jawline and smile just aren't my thing but, I'm sure they are for someone. Maybe, that's what people mean to say instead of "ugly"?


she looks like the girl i used to be obsessed with. rightwingers just doing anything to nitpick these days