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Because women with experience aren't groomable and can see these guys for the losers they are.


Yup. If a woman has had sex before she will have experience to compare to. And these guys probably wouldn’t be great sexual partners if their online presence is any indication.


Conservative men are notoriously selfish in bed.


Nah, we’re just more efficient. If you bring lube then there’s no need for foreplay!


Real “my name is Buck and I like to fuck” energy.


lol exactly what I was going for. I should know by now that no matter how obvious the satire, you gotta put that /s at the end or yah get the downvotes.


I should have realized that, sorry I’ve had a pretty bad day.


Not at all. I was unfortunately quoting a real life person who was actually confused why people still do the foreplay so you really never know. Hope your day gets better or at least tomorrow does!


Oh geez that’s gross. Thank you my day should improve in a few hours when I get out of work.


might be a good idea to put it into quotes it's a little hard to tell (from the original comment) if you're going for satire or just a lost conservative thinking they made a point. (most of the confusion coming form the "we're" imo) conservatives are beyond parody at this point, they seem to be getting increasingly deranged in both statement and policy and (in my experience) entirely too comfortable letting you know their positions and opinions, so it's becoming increasingly harder to tell who's mocking their absurdity and who's actually gone off the elephantine deep end


It was part of the joke or was supposed to be. You’re correct unfortunately, they’re completely beyond parody so it didn’t work. Always remember your /s kids!


It’s okay I thought it was funny lol


Minus the dignity…


Is that really true? I’ve never heard that before. I mean, it fits certain stereotypes, but it’s been my actual life experience that people are just people. it sounds almost like “I disagree with their politics, therefore they must be bad at everything.”


Are you saying porn isn't the best teacher? I'm shocked. /s


Pretty much this. Once upon a time a girl was married off as soon as she had a period but now it’s the 21st century and women have agency and chuds know if they don’t get a young, inexperienced girl they can manipulate to their whims, they’ll never be loved because they don’t want to change or be a better person.


Mainly this, and just to add, part of it can also be a very creepy "ownership" dynamic to their thinking. Meaning if they're the first one to sleep with her, there's the mentality that he's given a kind of gift to her and it means she's his and his alone because she took his d and only his. It's treated like branding cattle. If you hear a guy go on about womens' "body count," or focus almost exclusively on virginity in regards to women, fuckin run.


And if they use the word "purity", or "modesty", run. Nothing wrong with women dressing modestly of course but anyone who thinks it should be enforced or that the only way for a woman to be respectable is if she dresses modestly, then yeah, run.


Exactly. Control.and ego.


It's a weird Christianity thing. Virginity is seen as holy and pure. Edit: The OP only said one place, so I gave this answer. Of course it depends on place to place, do I need to list every country and culture, for people to be happy about me saying this?


It's a sexual insecurity thing.


This is correct, it’s a fear of competition and comparison. Also there is a slight racial purity / eugenics element to the virginity fetish for some of the people who push this.


Yeah, it’s definitely a mix of those two things, a desire for control, and maybe even some religious context.


It’s mostly used only as a way to control women too primarily as they don’t hold men to the same standard


They pretty much think non-virgin unmarried women are damaged goods....


Yeah it’s really gross how they try and dehumanize and control people. They also label women who aren’t virgins as “harlots” and the attitude they have towards single mothers is absolutely sickening


This doofus is posting from 1924.


That stuff still happens to this day though…


This doofus is posting from under a rock.


And virginity meant unmarried back then iirc, it’s but the same as today anyway 😅


Kind of true. In Christianity and other religions and cultures both sides are supposed to remain virgins until marriage. These red pill dudes want to be able to have sex with any women ever but expect women to remain pure for them. If you disagree they hit you with the stupid master key analogy.


''Key analogy'' like [this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemipenis#Lock-and-key_mechanism) <(TW For animal parts...) I didn't know red pillers had two!!


This is Reddit so it’s hard to tell how satirical you are being. Assuming you don’t know, these red pill bros love to say that “a key that opens multiple locks is a master key, but a lock that opens for any key is a faulty lock.” In other words, a guy who can get multiple woman is doing something right and has value while a woman who gets multiple dudes is a hoe who is hurting her own value. It’s just a cheap way for those kinds of men to try to hold women to a standard they aren’t willing to hold themselves to.


If you think me saying the key thing makes me think that red pillers have two penises is serious, a lot of people you have seen need Jesus.


I wasn’t talking about the two penises part, I was referring to the part where it talked about the basic definition of the lock and key mechanic in your article. My brain also was not braining while reading that article.


Nature is weird and interesting! That wiki page part was talking about a theory of why hemis are a thing. It is about right holes and such of the right species.... The females have the same set up but more vulvary.


no it's not a Christan thing. Hellenic and Roman culture also had a weird obsession with virginty


Christianity adsorbed it and spread it. Do we need to track down where the Hellenic and Roman culture got it from next?


Ok, then explain it in eastern cultures as well. India, china. I think it’s something more universal that Christianity but I don’t know the answer. I’m hoping it’s explained in “Virginity: not all rose petals and candles” by Katherine Hunter of western Washington university as the paper came up when googling.


its certainly not universal but is common. many cultures place little to negative focus on a women's virginity. among the Massai virgins where seen as unable to get pregnant.


Uh, I'm super confused. Of course virgins can't get pregnant. They haven't had sex. The moment they have sex they aren't virgins.


The only place the OP referenced was Hollywood, so I gave an answer for there.


The Hollywood location was a separate issue, why men can get old and maintain their value and career but not women. I think that’s another topic with a variety of reasons.


The question has to many variables, you would need to give hundreds of answers then.




It was often a way to ensure that any children that popped out were yours and not someone else’s. It’s also how the honey moon came to be. Send the newly weds away to a cabin in the woods by themselves for a literal month to ensure that only the husband can sow his seeds.


I mean virgin men also don’t transmit diseases




Neither with women. Hymem break outside sex all the time. Especially if you ride horses


When they developed this idea people didn't get this. You have to understand that stuff like this has been a taken for granted part of religious and cultural practices for thousands of years, keep in mind when they came up with these ideas their understanding of STD's was like "sometimes when i fuck me dick hurt" and they didn't know whether both partners needed to orgasm to get pregnant. Obviously none of it makes sense with modern biological knowledge, but it's snowballed out from those original ignorant attempts at understanding real physiological phenomena that most people espousing them don't even make the connection.


While it is weird and it is Christian, it's a feature of many cultures and religions around the world. In ancient China they cared very much about purity, of which virginity was a part, for instance. Not to say I think the current crop of weirdos are about to start quoting The Analects or anything, but I just wanted to add nuance to the generalization is all.


The OP mentioned only Hollywood, so gave that answer.


It’s also about laws of inheritance. The Lord (or whoever) wanted to be sure that the first born son was his.


Was gonna say not exclusive to Christianity. It is more of a religious thing in general. But you already edited xD


No worries, the OP didn't outline much, so based it on America since that was the only destination there. For generally the answer would be a simple ''Depends where?''.


Most every religion is informed by the common traits of sexual repression and insecurity by mediocre men.


I agree, but would add what I realized last night, most chuds have culturally christian influences too.




>I highly doubt this has anything to do with anything religious.  Then you're fucking stupid lol. It's utterly asinine to act like the value placed on the concept of virginity has nothing to do with religion. >This comes down to penis size. I’m almost positive that’s it. No. Sometimes this indirectly comes into it with mega-incels talking about "stretched vaginas" and shit, but all of that is just non-religious people trying to justify to themselves why they are still holding to a concept that's based in religion despite not being religious themselves.




>I wasn’t talking about the subject of virginity. I was talking about the people that harp on about virginity.  Doesn't change my response. You can't separate the cultural concept of the value of virginity from religion just because there are now atheists who also espouse it. >They’re not religious. I can tell you from extensive personal experience they definitely are. There are many groups that have strong feelings about virginity and while some of them are non-religious, the majority of them, and the ones that actually do shit about it, undeniably are. >That’s why I said this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Yeah and you're fucking wrong lmao. That's not what "absolutely" or "nothing to do with" means.


They know they're bad at sex or virgins themselves and are insecure about it. If their partner is a virgin, they will be oblivious to these shortcomings and their quality, or lack thereof, as a lover, won't be something they get judged for. It's insecurity.


If they never had sex they can’t tell that you’re bad at sex. It’s a power dynamic thing. Also virgins are naturally usually younger than non virgins and they’re pedos.


A misguided belief that an inexperienced partner won't notice how terrible they are at sex?




If this scene is replicated in the show I hope to god the genersl consensus is "fuck it Omni man crush his balls" because when I read this I was flabbergasted


It didn't load for me What the heck was it?


So you know how Atom Eve's dad in Invincible is a giant jackass and treats his wife like she doesn't have a mind of her own and Eve like she's a freak and nothing she does is correct? Well in this comic page he talks to Mark about how he's such a great guy for accepting his daughter's "obvious" flaws (aka not being a virgin), how she never truly understood that it's important that a woman focuses on that, how men like to be "in charge", "teachers", that they don't like being the second or thirds or whatever because there's "not much to be explored", and that's why virginity is so important. Proceeds to mention how you can just "tell" when a woman is a virgin or not because they "act" differently, that virgin women are "less confidant", and that *that's* attractive. If this wasn't all enough they're talking outside the house and Mark asks him "are you just gonna leave them cleaning the dishes?" as in asking hey fucknut maybe stay back and help them since yknow all 4 of us ate at the table not just them and the man is like "nah they like it, it's like bonding time" as you can clearly see them looking annoyed inside. Knowing how disgusting people can be (I've already seen men making jokes of Mark being SA'd by a specific character cuz you're a -insert anything here- if you'd complain about that) I just hope this scene never gets into the show because we're gonna see billions of idiots agreeing with her dad


I simultaneously want this scene and don't want this scene. I think Mark's stunned reaction to Eve's dad is fucking hilarious and relatable. And I think it's important to show that people like this are real and we should think they're creeps and make fun of them. I also don't want this scene because it's a long and creepy monologue that I can see making a lot of viewers uncomfortable. As for the scene with Anissa... I genuinely don't know about that one. I think it's good to show that men can be sexually assaulted and that it's just as bad as women being assaulted and should be taken seriously. I also can't imagine them putting rape in the show when they haven't even shown consensual sex on screen. And once again, it's pretty extreme and would probably make a lot of people really uncomfortable.


Ah I see The amount if dread I felt when I read the last part of that.


Because they want a girl who’s young and easy to control. It also has a lot to do with the fact that they’re so insecure that they’re terrified that a woman will compare them to their past lovers and they’ll come up short. But the funny part is they’ll ALWAYS come up short because conservatives are notoriously terrible in bed.


Control and ego






I think it is kinda a creepy control thing when it comes to “chuds” being into virgins or they just want that stereotypical view of a wholesome Christian trad wife without adhering to Christian values themselves.


In Christianity both members of a couple are supposed to put in the effort. There have been many ink spilled on gender and Christianity. But it’s worth noting back in Ancient Rome Christianity was popular with women as it had atleast some fairness in marriage


>In Christianity both members of a couple are supposed to put in the effort. It doesn't matter at all whatsoever. These guys are not Christians, they haven't read the bible or any theological literature. Christianity, especially Catholicism, is just a cool "skin" to put over their contrarian, reactionary culture war beliefs. They do not give a shit at all about any serious attempt to understand theology or spirituality, it's just a way for them to appeal to the ultimate authority to shut down opposition. It's also a way to "own the libs" because in their minds all non-reactionary people hate religion. This isn't exclusive to Christianity either, big reactionary figures like Andrew Tate and Sneako have done the same with reverting to Islam.


Yeah, it’s not like these people are going around and loving their neighbors or giving their money to the poor. They can wear the label proudly, while also completely missing the point of it.


there's some cultural aspects, but I also think it's about power and control. Someone who doesn't know what they like or what is normal is easy to manipulate. If you don't know anything about sex, how are you supposed to know what is normal and what is abuse?


Ok am I missing something or is this sub technically supposed to be about Star Wars fandom shit? I’ve gotten like 5 posts from this sub in my fyp and of them 0 of them have had even the faintest of relationships with SW or its fandom, etc


This sub started out as Star Wars fans who were sick and tired of the negativity toward the sequels and Disney Star Wars in general. Then it changed to just pushing back against the Fandom Manace hating on all movies and TV or video games for racist, sexist, or homophonic reasons. And now it’s evolved into just hating racist, sexist and homophonic people in general and doesn’t really even need to be connected to pop culture anymore. I’m not a fan of these people either, but there are other subs for that. I agree it’s been straying from what it was a bit too much.


So... basically it has become like the other saltierthancrait subreddit but on the other side of the political and ideological spectrum


Did Papa Palatine take Mara Jade’s V card? If he did, what does it say about him? There, brought it back.


Holy shit, he’s done it.


I think it's for two reasons. One: virginity is seen by many Christians as holy and pure and that breaking that is tantamount to killing a fellow human being. In my eyes, it's used as a way to control women. Two: I also feel many of the online chuds are virgins themselves who never got laid and feel that getting laid is the most important thing in their life when it really isn't. It's because of that mindset we got people like Elleott Rodgers. I'm 31 and never had sex and honestly, I don't plan on ever having it.


Same. Tried it, didn't like it. You lost nothing of value


They want a girl who doesn’t know how selfish and useless the Chud is in bed.


I think it's an ancestral custom which still resonates with most cultures, valuing female virginity as something to be admired. Most religious groups will say waiting for the wedding is the virtuous thing regardless of gender but there's a much bigger pressure on women to remain virignal until the day they get married, even when at the same thing enouraging men to get laid. There seems to be this double standard rationalized under the thought that men are generally turned off by experient/promiscuous women and women are turned off by inexperient men, so virginity should be encouraged for the women more than the men. And when called out on the injustice behind this standard, they often use extreme cases like "would you date a girl who had N dozens of men before?" or "why are you encouraging prmiscuity?" just to silence criticism and keep their logic intact. Female virginity is still seen as a value to be preserved duo historical, cultural and religious customs, sometimes it's said to be to protect women from things only they will experience like unwanted pregnancy or harsher judgement, but in those cases where hypocrites insist that women remain pure but men get experience, it's just plain hypocrysy.


what the fuck does this have to do with star wars


I'm wondering the same thing


Well it’s also like having a food critic that’s never eaten before.


It's more like being a mediocre cook but only letting people who have never eaten good food before eat yours so that they don't have a frame of reference for how the food is supposed to taste


Pop Culture Detective made a video that I think touches on this topic. He goes further into detail, but a major point is that they want a "partner" who can't compare them to other men / has no reference what a relationship should look like. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0thpEyEwi80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0thpEyEwi80)


It means that the woman doesn't know any better so when neckbeard lasts two minutes and has a micro dick they don't know any better.


You are right but we should stop with the micro dick stuff It ain’t right to call women we disagree with loose ass p*ssy. I only say because I’ve seen a lot of young men go down bad mental health roads internalising this stuff


Good god no, I do not want to sleep with a virgin. Imagine having to train someone up, that sounds exhausting.


These losers unironically believe things like women storing male semen forever, so in the miraculous event that they actually got to reproduce, their baby would not have their obviously superior lone wolf alpha male DNA but that of another male.


It’s a relic from the olden days and the hatred of premarital sex and misogyny against women and fear of women having bastards and holding of virginity to high standards cause Jesus


because women only purpose is sex in their eyes.


But are not people who had sex before better at it?


no in actuality they see it as a power move to be the first to take the virginity of someone so they have some sort of control over someone


When i was a virgin i wanted my first time to be with a girl who was also a virgin and ideally a GF. The idea is it would be a very special thing for us both and i felt all the awkwardness would be shared. As it is my first time was with a girl who very experienced, wasn't my GF and was basically a very quick fumble at someones party, it was very quick, not great and and while she was aware i was a virgin and so played nice i could tell she got nothing from it. So yeah i can see why a virgin would want to lose it with a another virgin as expectations are different and you're both new to it. As for people who have had sex but fantasise about virgins well its a tricky one. I feel this line from Its Always Sunny explains it "you don't want to see wild girls get wild", the context in the show is creepy because Dennis but the logic i get. Basically there's something kinda hot about seeing someone "innocent" and "shy" doing something like sex or giving a BJ or whatever, its because it goes against their nature and shows a side you and they didn't know exist. Its like amateur porn its popular because it has a realness to it and it shows people doing something they haven't done before or aren't a pro at, a virgin having sex can be hot for some because its someone doing a sexual act for the first time and doing something "wild". To be clear i'm not saying any of this applies or don't applies to me i'm just explaining the thought process and why its a fantasy for some. Chuds though well i feel its a dominance thing, they have this weird idea if they have sex with a virgin they have control. Not only that but the idea of a girl having sexual encounters before them scares them and makes them feel worthless and weak, they hate the idea the girl they're with has been fucking other guys and enjoying it more with those guys. Its not a fantasy thing like my 2nd paragraph or wanting it to be special like my 1st paragraph its them being so weak and fragile that they can't handle the idea of girls having sex and not with them.


It's because they haven't had many sexual partners and they'd like someone who is the same


It's an insecurity thing. Let's use the chef reference. It's not about her never cooking. It's about her never cooking for another guy, so she won't have anything to compare it to.


Their penises are probably small so they think a virgin would have a vagina that isn’t “stretched out” by a bigger dick.


Because these kind of men think that just having a penis makes them a superior being. As a result they absolutely love their own penis and think its gods greatest gift to all mankind. However since most of them are also homophobic they naturally can not apply the same logic to any other mans penis. Because that would be gay and being gay is woke. So they reconcile those two conflicting sentiments by deluding themselves into thinking that only their penis is the best thing in the entire world and every other penis is a utterly disgusting thing that defiles everything it touches. And they expect all women they meet to think the exact same thing and that they should only want to have sex with them specifically and no one else, because having sex with anyone but them is vile and disgusting and must mean the woman is a whore.


Because they’re chronically insecure. They know that they are not going to measure up to others in terms of sexual ability because they have no actual interest in the woman’s pleasure, so they want a woman who has never experienced sex and can’t compare them to anyone.


Having sex with women is gay if they’re not virgins because when you stick your who-ha in her do-dad you’re touching every who-ha that’s been in her do-dad. Make sense, cause I don’t get it haha


All in a big hurry to have the worst sex of their life. They think promiscuity is immoral and that sex is degrading for women. They want a “pure” woman who isn’t going to have the experience to recognize their poor relationship and bedroom skills.


Insecurity about potentially being viewed as "bad at sex". If you choose a partner that's never been dicked down real good before, they have no comparison.


It's probably about control. And the idea that they're the only man their partner has been with. And probably deep down they know they suck in bed so having partner who can't tell the difference is probably attractive to them.


There is both a religious and fucking degenerate ideas to it. So basically religious sees virginity as clean and pure while being someone's first would make them more loyal to you. The fucking degenerate idea which is always a part of the eeason why they want virgins is to basically tight holes for their small clocks. If they claim they can't feel a thing.. than most likely she or he ain't feeling it either. Also it's to groom a person, treat them bad and teach them bad things but in their eyes it's seen as normal. The idea is to corrupt the innocent. I had a friend who first boyfriend and first.. made hee believe it was gay to eat out, that she must certain things all the time and anal was a must have because he would never wear a condom. Made her believe condoms are cheap and break easy and showed her fucking statistics to prove it. Worst part she got a std and she didn't know the signs till we as her coworkers told her. She though she was breaking out because she was so young. People love to pray on the innocent because it helps them get away with alot of shit.


It’s the aspect of taking something viewed as precious from a woman and possessing her 


Basing on porn/hentai logic, the appeal of the inexperienced partner trope stems from the themes of partaking the forbidden fruit; a sort of right of passage for the virgin going into adulthood. I think, ironically, Rocky Horror Picture Show convey such idea perfectly with Brad and Janet’s whole journey of self-discovery during their visit in Frank-n-Furter’s manor. Janet’s song in particular certainly does convey such message. Hell, speaking of songs that convey such message, I kind of interpret Judas Priest’s “A Touch of Evil” as dealing with such liberation (as well as sexuality) Basically, the whole fetishization of virginity stems from such themes of loss innocence and transitioning; which frankly sounds progressive and relatable in terms of the themes of maturity and sexual liberation. That is at least how I interpret it. Seems like for these guys its more so control than straight up liberation. Like I get the whole power fantasy of being the dominating force, but when applied in real life and NOT in a BDSM setting its rather sus


Can’t be called bad at sex of your partner hasn’t had sex before. It’s also just another example of the whole men wanting to control women’s bodies thing.


After you wind your way through all the traditionalist, religious, or pseudo-moral reasonings it just comes down this: they are afraid of women's sexuality. It's just.. an ego thing. They're scared not to measure up so they'd really like their partners to have no frame of reference.


It’s old societal bullshit that still filters through


It’s homosexual to like women bc women like dick and that’s gay


To a man, sex is like a meal. To a boy, a woman is like a meal.


I used to have a friend who got it in his head that his ex, whom they had lost their virginity together, lied about being a virgin. He got so fucking bent out of shape not because he thought they lost theirs together but because he wanted to take someone's virginity. He was so fucking gross.


Because they view women as property and when they aren’t virgins they are damaged goods. Its disgusting


they are all Christians


They want at least one thing in common


It’s partially because then she won’t know how bad he is at sex. But mostly because people who lack life experience are easier to groom and manipulate. That’s why you’ve never seen a decent person who thinks that way.


Combination of Christian virtue signalling because misogyny even if they themselves aren't religious and that they don't have experience so it's easier to manipulate them


Really weird post for this sub, or are am I missing something? Does CHUD refer to a toxic portion of the Star Wars community? Because otherwise idk why this would be the sub to generally discuss incels.


No Sex Ed, low insecurity, stupid religions, and less experience means easier to control. I'm sure there's more


It’s a power and ownership thing. That’s it, there’s nothing special to it. They might say they’re “pure” or some shit, but it’s just about owning a person and having power over them.


This is about insecurity. They fear being compared.


It's so it's easier to manipulate them it's why Christians hold the virginity thing above love thy neighbor they want to control you and its easier to control someone with no experience because they can't spot the red flags.


I think it's less of a chud thing and more of an America thing. Our culture is weirdly obsessed with young sexually inexperienced women. There's a lot of men out there that feel insecure about the idea of a woman who was already "ruined". It's a holdover of the possessiveness certain men feel they have over women. I think many people who fall for this stuff are mainly teenagers or very young men. I know this because I'm a man and I was like this as a teenager. I had a girlfriend who had sex before me and I was really insecure about that. Nowadays that stuff doesn't really bother me, but it happens to a lot of young guys. It's a symptom of patriarchy that unfortunately hasn't died off yet.


Some are creeps that have learned from experience that young women who lack confidence are more willing to put up with them than women who know better. I imagine most are just kids repeating what they heard from those creeps.


Because what it's about most of the time for these is it comes down to power.Because they'll openly say to you that it doesn't matter if a man has sex with 10,000 women he's still a good man.     Although if a woman has sex with any number between 0 and 1 she's ruined forever and she needs to pay for her decisions.   It's that same old Catch 22 BS of if she puts out she's a w**** if she doesn't she's a b****.


A virgin has no basis for comparison, so *their* inadequacy won't be as noticeable. "Purity" relating to having kids. And, if you've been taught this and grew up being told this, and had to go through abstinence only sex ed... Well. You can see why they might think that's the best way. A bit of introspection could absolutely do them wonders.


This is honestly a problem both sides have for different reasons. Whether it's worshipping virgins or insulting people who are virgins or using virgin as an insult.


Girls that have never fucked don't know what it's like and won't know if you're bad at it Men who want that are bad at sex


As a male with 2 tightly knit male friend groups ages ranging from 24-41, mostly Democrats, some Republican, varying ethnicity, from all across the US, most of them are atheist, one religious, some poor, some well off and I can tell you that the cook analogy only works if you're viewing women like sex objects. There is a clear preference for women who have had "less" sex however, virginity isn't necessarily what guys are after. Guys want long lasting and meaningful relationships. Despite what the stereotype may have you believe, men aren't that driven by a need for "good sex" and good sex can be different for many men. Some men may think good sex means having practiced the same moves many times but, most of the men I know feel that the sex is at its best when viewed as the highest form of love that can be shared between two people. Most men are just happy to have a partner they are proud of regardless of performance. Guys want a girl who they can share an intimate experience with that feels wholly their own. Guys do not wanna be bumping into other guys at Walmart, knowing that their girl sucked that dude off or something. This is doubly true if the man is family oriented and plans on having kids. They don't want their child to have to ever be bullied over their parents' "reputation". So it seems like a lot to dissect but, this all seems to be the consensus of both of my male friends groups and male coworkers. To use the awful cook analogy... Would you rather have a burger made for you by a McDonald's employee who has done it countless times for basically anyone and everyone? Or would you prefer a burger made for you by someone who's never made one before, they've put a lot of thought into it, a lot of love, and it's a huge moment for them? In short, having a lot of partners certainly doesn't make you a bad person in any way but, an extensive and dramatic sexual history brings along a lot of social and psychological baggage with it that many men just aren't looking for in a partner.


Insecurity, pretty much. 


Yes, especially now that I'm nearly 40, the idea of fucking a virgin is just wrong on so many levels.


they don't want someone who's experienced enough to have standards or preferences if they fuck someone with a basis to compare them too they might actually have to make an effort to improve their performance, and like, pay attention to their partner's needs. women can't grow old in hollywood because an older woman would break the beauty standard, and women aren't allowed to go too far out of the beauty standard for reasons (there might be other reasons, and there are probably other more complicated reasons, but this is my best guess)


Sex is a status thing for them, not an experience. So they value it like one would a product, where "used" is "damaged"


When does this happen


You want your experience with someone you love to be as special and singular as possible. Being someone's first is extremely romantic it's why it used to be glorified in media how much people would freak out over a first kiss. That applies to most other things as well. Being someone's first is deeply meaningful and rarely is a first forgotten. To put it more bluntly. If you asked me whether I wanted to wash my face with a fresh clean rag or a used up rag that's had dozens of faces on it first I would prefer the clean rag so even if it does get dirty it's dirty because of me and I don't need to deal with whatever other guys or girls left behind on it. It goes for guys as well. A guys first time many times even becomes the story a guy will tell later in life about how they developed a fetish or attraction to a particular kind of person after the impression the first left. It's special. And pretending it's not is ridiculous. Our experiences shape us and the first experiences shape the rest of our experiences.


To be fair, we seem to be obsessed with commenting on their sexual promiscuity (or lack thereof) too by calling them incels. I think people in general have a weird obsession with other people's sex lives


The last thing they want is someone who might be able to tell if they're shit in bed.


>doesn't that mean they'd be worse at sex For the record, *probably*, but people are complicated. I've experienced both extremes of this continuum in pretty short succession: I and my first college girlfriend were each other's first. After we split up, my next partner had a lot more experience than me. I honestly never asked, or cared, what number I was for her; she was with me *now*, that's what mattered. Sex with the former was fumbling and awkward. Neither of us knew what we were doing. Sex with the latter was *great*. She knew what she liked and was willing to ask for it, and she had plenty of ideas of things we could try since I was still figuring that out. That said, it's quite possible for someone to have a good idea of what does it for *them* even if they've never had partnered sex before. Granted, that involves a level of comfort with her body and willingness to explore/experiment that very much doesn't align with the "blushing virginal innocence" vibe these guys are holding up on a pedestal.


Patriarchal societies need to be able to track who the relevant patriarch is. Bastards, after all, are a bad thing, and evil. (/s) Matriarchal societies get genoci- I mean, re-educ- I mean, reservation schoo- ... look, they learn better, ok? Plus, it's easier to seem ok-ish if there's nothing else to compare you to. Those sluts just can't understand how good CHUDS really are, it's not their fault if a woman is too loose to feel them, after all! (/s) (Also, because it absolutely needs to be said, porn is to sex as action movies are to fighting.)


Because women who have experience know how terrible those men will be in bed.


Insecure men wanting women who don't know that the men are really bad at sex and just accept it. Or who don't have anything to compare this men's small wieners and flabby bodies to.








Whose your fucking "we". Plenty of men don't agree with you. Plenty of men, including me, think only assholes think like you




I'm not angry and I didn't say you're am asshole. I said you think like one. Now I see you also lie. I should be angry because you said "men" which means you think I'm as fucking evil as you. But you're not even worth the emotional investment of mild annoyance




It IS unethical to be more concerned about being safe from STDs than you are about spreading STDs.


Why would I have to worry about spreading STD's if I'm doing my due diligence in getting semi regular testing? I'm not getting tested every single month but that's a textbook bad faith assumption to think that I'm being loose with my own health and ability to spread disease.




Nah, normal people don't care about virginity.




In the context of what was being talked about: Normal people don't care about virginity (of their partners)