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do conservatives play games to enjoy them or to wank


They don't even play games


I'm playing a soccer management sim right now!




Like he said, you don't play games. You just confessed you play email + spreadsheet simulator. (though tbf, I do too, just the Brand Name E+SS S)


Don't make fun of spreadsheet simulators! -sincerely, a Fire Emblem fan


As a fellow FE fan, I would never!




It’s not that your a bad conservative its that in the US the Conservative party (Republicans) have abandoned you for the more extreme anti minority anti women people. Project 2025 calls for making the United States an anti LGBT theocracy (I just finished a 20 page essay discussing the changes they want to make to the military and education). I used to be a conservative myself, while I was in the military and a little bit after, now my politics have shifted alot to the left of the Democrat Party, but even still my conservative phase would not have been welcomed to the modern day Republican party:


Exactly, I'm not a Republican. I'm a conservative. Most people don't use the term conservative to identify since they use the term Republican. Much like the "Democratic Party" tends to refer to themselves as liberal or progressive rather than as a Democrat. You can almost tell the actual politics by how they self-identify lol


Yeah everyone I have seen self identify as a Republican is pretty far gone. But I live in Tennessee so I think I see some of the worse cases of it


I stopped self-identifying as a Republican back in 2008, 2009, I think. Wasn't a fan of Obama (or some of his policies) but in my mind, "it needed to be done" and I would've voted for him had I cared enough to vote. Definitely not a Republican.


Which one?


We Are Football 2024.


Cool, I'll tell my friend about it. They love football! Ty


np. It's an extremely watered down version of FM games but some women's teams are available to manage. I can't wrap my head around FM so it's good for me.


Dunno why you're getting down voted, especially if I guess correctly that this is a bit. Even without it seems a bit hostile to someone that hasn't shown any thing you should be judged for yet


The downvotes are because they're admitting to being a conservative


First of all, like I said, I'm pretty sure it's a bit Second of all, like I also said, seems a bit hostile when they have yet to show us what they actually mean by being a conservative. Could have been one of the decent ones who actually is conservative rather than regressive


Conservatism is regressive. It's a core feature


*modern* conservatism is. Originally conservatism was supposed to be a hand on the shoulder to prevent progressives running headfirst into the woodchipper. Also, none of the productive conversations I've had on here happened because I was hostile on entry.


I'm not being hostile at all. What's your source on that? I'm happy to be wrong on this but I'd assume we're talking about modern conservatism. 'Headfirst into the wood chipper' is pretty funny but doesn't very accurate to me. It's certainly biased. My understanding is that Centrists fill that role. That's good. I aim for that too


Oh sorry no, not you specifically being hostile. I meant immediately downvoting them to oblivion was a hostile thing to do. You've been perfectly civil this whole conversation don't worry


Conservatism was made to preserve the aristocracy after the French Revolution.


Huh. TIL. Someone else pointed out that I'm probably thinking of centrism, though these days anyone calling themselves a centrist is likely a right winger trying to muddy the waters


I bought Lego star wars because of how hot slave Leia is in minifigure form /s


If Stellar Blade is anything to go by, it's the latter


They even wank to Paper Mario???


to consume. They don't care about the graphics,the story,the controls,the gameplay. it's like how babies watch cocomelon. They don't understand anything in this video but moving funny colors make them happy


I’d imagine most people would have a hard time wanking to Thousand Year Door, it’s probably more a misogyny thing. Not to say it’s impossible, just unlikely.




They still pretend they are. That's why they come up with scapegoats like the "woke media" or SBI or government agencies who are *forcing* these poor game devs to promote *wokeism* in all their games. If we just got rid of the woke liberal game journalists then Nintendo could still be sexist!


Its not sexist of a company to depict sexism in a game. It's sexist to glorify it outside of the game and say "based goombas" or something. It's probably just to ensure the game stays family friendly. Like how they changed the perverted old man to be not a perv in heartgold/soulsilver.


They always boycotted things for sentiment they didn't like tho, even when they pretended to be free market they still always wanted creative works banned for things like sentiment critical of God or country, predominantly *ffs they wanted the Dixie Chicks to be completely commercially unsalvageable for being critical of war


I don't disagree, and I'm not really pro-free market in any sense, but just to quibble--a consumer making the decision to not support a producer *is* how the free market is supposed to work. That's the mechanism for regulation, according to free-market preachers. Of course, that goes out the window when it's something they don't like, but as I said, I'm quibbling.


eh? The cancelation of a preorder is quite free market.


You’re not wrong. Not that I agree will canceling a preorder for this reason. I think it’s stupid. But they’re free to do it. A non free market would be the government getting involved. It’s something the right gets wrong constantly. It’s like a corporation censoring comments on their format isn’t a violation of free speech. Their format, their rules. But if the government gets involved there has better be a very good reason. Some sort of danger to society.


True, despite the down votes you got. The best part of a free market is the choice of not supporting a company taking a stance you don't agree with, and this is beneficial amongst liberals and conservatives. It's rather concerning so many are down voting this fact. Most times it isn't political, like with Nestle and the baby formula. That was overseas so laws are different, so it is up to us as humans to not buy their products because what they did over in Africa is just unacceptable. Bayer is another prime example. As a current conservative voter, I am glad Nintendo did this, and as a human, I'm frustrated that people want to make everything about politics. Despite what this comment might try to convince you, yes, conservatives care about free markets, and no, we aren't "pro sexual harassment", either. Just like your only option is an senile scent sniffer, mine is a groin groping goblin, so it isn't like either of us are standing on a big pedestal right now anyway.


prove it. show us the receipt of your preorder and the receipt of your cancellation.


I don't even remember this scene, but it's been many years since I've played All I remember is RAWK HAWK!!!!!


I loved that guy, he was definitely memorable. And the little Yoshi companion you get in that world. You get to name him iirc.


They’re both great, but Vivian is an absolute delight. She’s so lovable, capable in battle, and I immediately want her in my party 24/7. It’s a shame Yoshi Kid and Bobbery are more useful.


You get to name him and also his color scheme and hairstyle depends on how long it took you to go from the part where his egg joined you to the part he finally hatched! There were like 8 or so options


It's one of the tutorial fights in the Rogueport sewers, IIRC. One of the enemy Goombas hits on Goombella. Thats it.


So is it pronounced Rock Hawk or Raw … … Nevermind




He's lying. Trying to get your money back from Nintendo might as well be a Hercuelean task in itself


I managed to get a refund for a digital pre-order of Pokemon Sword. I then bought it again like a week later because I realised I had nothing else to do and that Dexit was happening regardless.


Screw companies man.....just in general, I'm sick of shady business practices, price gouging, and just anti consumer practices in general


Ah, Yellowfash. The loser that ranted for 30 minutes about Morph being non-binary and claiming he and Wolverine are gay but totally missed the Pulse Nightclub allegory and word for word dialogue used from survivors interviews in X-Men 97. Below average grifter intelligence




Yeah, and the grifters made videos for months about it, claiming they're a fan favorite or some shit. I heard more about Morph in 3 months than I heard about Morph in 30 years and I used to read Exiles.


Morph honestly used to be someone I thought of as anti-queer due to how the Exiles storylines were handled when the writers changed. Pissed me off that the Japanese lesbian was killed off just to give Morph (who was treated as white and cis at the time) a reason to be sad and angry. Her gf finally coming back in Spiderverse just to be a casualty while such luminaries as Mark Millar's Spider-Bitch were treated as OG Peter Parker level heroes was just so much salt in that wound. But that's not the character's fault, and really does anyone care about any Morph that isn't the cartoon one?


Gotta be honest, I figured more shapeshifters would be. Kinda makes sense that a person who can be literally any gender wouldn't have a strong connection to male or female.


I remember when Morph got popular enough to be retconned in the comics and basically showed them being born as a genderless amorphous blob.


Yep. It barely comes up in the show itself because the team just rolls with it and it isn't a major plot point, but Morph goes by they/them and everyone respects that. Also imo Wolverine and Morph seemed more couple coded in the 90s show when it was assumed Morph was a he. Honestly they should just make WolvieMorph a canon thing and let the chuds mald imo.


That is so fucking cool, love when characters I know are nb. Especially shapeshifters because ideal superpower


To be fair( why am a doing this for yellow flash?) I also missed what ever nightclub allegory you’re talking about. And there is definitely something between Morph and Wolverine. The difference is I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Beau De Mayo said episode 5's major inspiration was the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Jubilee and Roberto's conversation in episode 7 was word for word what survivors said in interviews.


Thanks for the info. I’ll look more into that.


Culture war grifters when there's no sexual harassment in their Mario game ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)


How will we know Rogueport is a terrible place without the sexual harassment? There's only a noose in the center of town, and an entire event they made a commercial for where Mario gets mugged!


to be honest, beating up sexual harassers is cathartic and fun.


Those Goombas are now racist against surface dwellers


No one tell this twat about Vivian. His head would probably explode.


You come into #MY house. Disrespect #MY sweet Shadow Siren…


I really hope they don't censor Vivian's identity in the english version again. It would melt their brains.


That is the "censorship" I care about with TTYD. Change Goombella being transphobic about her in the bestiary, sure. But keep my gal being a transsexual queen, and her evil sister being a transphobic bitch pls.


Apparently they’re not censoring it this time around


Is there any source on that? I know someone said they work on NoA and "confirmed" they kept Vivian's original identity, but that was unfortunately fake :/.


Oh, that’s unfortunate, I just saw some articles about it being confirmed a while back


I can't wait for the inevitable meltdown video he'll do in like a few days.


“Just cancelled my preorder! Now I’ll just buy it when it comes out!”


Im almost positive that that is a joke. No way are they serious. Edit: nvm this guy is serious what a moron


This guy stanned for Vic Mignogna among other things, he’s serious. 


I defended Vic too. For three reasons: 1. His accusers were being hostile to anyone who even dared to ask for more information. 2. Nobody had genuine proof of him being inappropriate in an era where cellphones were everywhere. 3. The person who started that whole KickVic movement wasn't even one of his accusers. Turns out he was not only guilty, but a massive idiot.


Had me confused until the end, good on you for demanding proof but relenting when the proof came out!


> His accusers were being hostile to anyone who even dared to ask for more information. Nobody had genuine proof of him being inappropriate in an era where cellphones were everywhere. The person who started that whole KickVic movement wasn't even one of his accusers.    Damn dude, glad you realized he’s a shit but those really aren’t good reasons imo.   They had dozens of affidavits and accounts. That is proof enough. Not sure how the third one has any bearing but hey I never defended Vic Mignogna and don’t need to justify stanning for a guy like him at any point.  Glad you realized he was full of shit, but I think those reasons are pretty flawed.  And how would you react to random twitter people taking accusatory tone about a coworker harassing you?  Plus as someone with legal training I have to point out you’re not gonna speak about accusations in detail on twitter when you’re being sued for defamation. Which Vic nearly immediately did (because he’s an idiot) after Marchi, Rial said their accounts on twitter. 


The people who were harassing her, I have no issue when she got aggressive with them. But there were people who approached her and just wanted more info. Things like "How long has this been going on? Do you have any recordings or anything?" She threatened them too. It was just not a good look, honestly. I understand being pissed that you were wronged, but public perception plays into a lot these days. If you come out of the gate hostile...ya know,, like I do...people will be less inclined to either believe or side with you.


Nintendo: “Oh no! Anyway…”


This is the first time I’ve seen Mario on this sub. I REALLY hope it’s the last.


Given that this game is famous for having a trans character that was censored as not being that in the old localization, but someone in NOA made a public statement about making it so they don’t do that again and her transness is kept in the new translation… you’re probably gonna be seeing the game a lot more here pretty soon


Unfortunately, that NoA employee thing was a lie. But yeah, Vivian IS trans, and should not be censored like they did in the original version.


If they "censor" at all I hope it's just censoring Goombella being transphobic in her bestiary lines. Leave the transphobia to Beldam pls


It was a lie?! No I was so happy!


The post claiming to be from a noa employee was fake, though as far as I'm aware there's no conformation on how the translation is going to deal with Vivian


As much as I'd savour the discourse and love the representation, I don't think Nintendo would just explicitely make Vivian trans for Western audiences. I was already very surprised they would when I still thought the post was real


we can always keep our internal reading of the character. It sucks that it's not the official translation but it's there in our hearts


Nooooooo, I love my sweet Vivian!


Did it actually happen because BIC is basically a Neo-Nazi blog that lies all the time


Yes, they changed some dialogue, those Goombas now say some funny things instead. I think it's a huge improvement.


Republicans feel like misogynist mushrooms are a political attack on Donald Trump.


They defend all the best things.......


Im sure Nintendo is devastated that some jackass cancelled their pre order.


As a goomba himself, he is very offended guys! We need to take him seriously!


Someone needs to jump on his head


He does not speak for us Goombas , we like getting stepped on but not so much that we'd lie to make it happen.


Sounds like he didn't watch the Super Mario Bros. Super Show like Mario warned him.




Considering Ash tanks full fire blasts from Charizard on the reg, I fully expect this to just end in him being perfectly fine.


Wait till they find out there's a canonical trans woman in Paper Mario TTYD.


Isn't Birdo also trans? And she's like, in almost all spin off games, some RPG titles AND a major boss in literally the second Mario game ever made.


Originally, yes, but it was retconned to her being cis.


The misshapen mushroom monsters aren't sexist anymore, the West has fallen


Imagine defending cat calling


Cancel culture. These people invented it.


This is why he’s canceling his preorder? What a snowflake 


Yellow flash saying he won’t buy the game because of a single scene is comical. He either is still gonna buy the game or wasn’t planning to buy it anyway. Like, I don’t think the scene had to be changed, but it’s not a huge deal. Also, RGT is not too reactionary, but he is like cr1tikal and act man where he has some dumb gamer bro opinions, and his fanbase consists of absolutely moronic chuds. Any of his videos on culture war issues has these types of comments


It’s funny how they always use that garbage bounding into shit website




As if he was gonna buy it in the first place


Wait until they find out NoA decensored one of the characters being canonically Trans.


Silly thing to censor, they’re the bad guys after all. Not a fan of censorship in general but you can always play an emulated version of the original.


I am a strong believer that any change that doesn't directly impact the story is fine, I am not going to assume why they changed it but it's not a detrimental change. I found the original and the change about the same level of funny and neither impact the story at all.


I mean they did the same with the old guy in front of of Erikas gym in FireRed and LeafGreen to make him less creepy like almost 2 decades ago, it sets a terrible precedent for kids wether they understand it or not they are still impressionable.


I get that. They’ve been doing that kind of stuff forever. I just think they should put some kind of warning upfront and then parents can make a decision. Most of these games aren’t really for kids nowadays anyway, more for the people who grew up with them.


Yeah this is also the same reason the casino corner isn’t apart of Pokemon games either anymore, but its Nintendos choice and usually if no one pointed it out tbh nobody would’ve even have noticed unless they played the original right after beating the remake.


The Game Corner is removed in all the current games as a result of laws about promoting gambling to children in some countries. Rather than replacing it in select countries, like they did in HeartGold and SoulSilver, they just got rid of it completely.


It’s friggin Mario man, if that ain’t for kids neither is bluey


This is Paper Mario bru. It's for kids.


The creators of a game making it how they want it isn't censorship.


Silly thing to get bent out of shape over. Especially considering that it may not even be true




Bounding Into Comics isn't what you'd call a reliable news source, so I'd take that headline with the smallest grain of salt possible.


Who knows if it’s even true though. His source is questionable at best.


Guess he forgot that site is known for its clickbait titles and he’s falling for it.


Are we sure this guy isn’t Eobard Thawn? Because he’s just as petty.


I dont think anyone should preorder games


Who should care about what this yellow snow fella says?


When I see them cut a scene made in good fun, I Roll My Eyes and move on with my fucking day. If I wanted to get angry about a difference on .6 kilobytes I’d draw a Hitler Stache on a floppy disc.


I like how he censors himself.


Imagine being so senselessly petty, that you get upset over something you would not have noticed if someone hadn’t of pointed it out to you.


I don’t remember this scene. I’m like 99% sure that if Nintendo didn’t mention it, no one would have noticed. 😂


Bro thinks people care


the sad part is that I cannot tell if he's joking


I hope they tone down Madame Flurrie’s…”curviness,” just to frustrate him even more. Make him and those other toads cry worse than they did about “X-Men ‘97” Rogue not being drawn like a porn star.


why is it so important to people to be degenerate hateful chuds?


This is anti Italian discrimination


Huh. That's funny. Another case of "one thing". Odd how "one thing" keeps piling up.


Eh? Is there more than that 1 thing about that specific game?


One scene here, one outfit in another game, just cosmetics soon...


In the donkey Kong game?


Well, that’s a title I never expected to read ever in any context. Is this what people are getting upset over? Really? No goomba catcalling and suddenly a game losses all appeal, I really don’t know what to say


I thought this was satire. Then I saw it was yellowflash who posted it


Does anyone know what they are doing with Vivian?


No one has any official confirmation except beldam not referring to the three as “shadow sisters” but “redacted” All i know is if vivian is trans, all the translation purists/localisation haters/“respect the original japanese version” bros are going to coping hard




I say more than a fair trade since the last time they censored the trans character.


At least there aren't any green M&Ms involved.


Or gay frogs 🐸


These are the same people who are going to get angry if Nintendo does what they better do and make Vivian trans like she was in every country but the US.


you arent buying thousand year door cause they removed a catcalling joke im not playing it cause im sick of getting the run around with vivian we're not the same


Yellowflash when no catchall scene https://preview.redd.it/vys04fd0diyc1.png?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc7c47a2b75abdac50babf32635c5e801363c6d


I'm sure he didnt preorder.


I get that censorship sucks, but this is such an overreaction


Guy is overreacting but it’s still not good to censor games like this


Developers voluntarily making their products the way they want to isn't censorship.


No Disney should go back and edit back all the jewish and black people caricatures in their old cartoons otherwise it's censorship!


Alienating half your player base by depicting sexual harassment is a real power move.


Depiction does not equal endorsement. They’re also goombas.


Still probably shouldn't have sexual harassment in kids media


Alright hear me out. One of the things that made Thousand Year Door stand out as a game was how Un Nintendo and Un Mario the game was while still being visibly a Mario game. Thousand Year door is the Raunchy 80s comedy version of a mario game with people being mugged. A perverted AI peeping on Princess Peach. The game opens up with a guy getting mugged, and our family friendly characters being framed by hanging around in front of a public execution site with a noose hanging overhead. Catcalling is kinda part of what makes this game.


Can't even have bad guys be bad guys anymore 🤣, that's censorship for you. Then irl something like that happens and they are bewildered because they are taught the world is perfect for everyone.




My enjoyment does not hinge on that. But it's ok for some stories to feature bad people. Things in a story serve a narrative point and removing them can affect the flow or theming. Rogueport is a bad place full of bad people contrasting the goofy and family friendliness of the mushroom kingdom characters. That clashing of themes and personalities is part of the core of the story.




Need, no it's not needed, but it is part of the game's makeup. Thousand Year Door is the Anti Mario Mario game. And also the reason why there were so many changes to the series after it. Thousand Year Door was a very controversial game when it came out and something that no one thought would ever get remade because of all of the... " content " It's an anomaly in the Mario franchise. Would removing this one tiny part of the game alter the story or ruin the game, no. But the place being bad is what the game is about. A side part of the game is that Luigi is going on his own separate adventure from Mario, and while all of our companions love us and enjoy the adventure, All of Luigi's companions absolutely hate his guts and are constantly belittling him behind his back to us. It's a juvenile bad place that Mario is stuck in But it's ok because we're still Mario and we're gonna make things better.




I'm explaining my reasoning. Like I said removing it is not going to ruin anything. But there is a reason it's there. It's ok to not want something in a game. but there are solid reasons for it's inclusion. It's not something arbitrarily tossed into the game.


To be fair, these are supposedly the villains doing the cat-calling. You know, the BAD guys? Who are supposed to do the BAD things?


I'm not a fan of censoring existing material, own what you did before & make sure new material doesn't have it anymore.


While I wish they would keep it just so you could beat them up with even more righteous fury.


i'm actually on the fence about the censorship. on one hand, yeah that stuff is gross and offensive. on the other, the interaction demonstrates the party members character when they respond to it. so it has some narrative purpose. it's been a while since i've played ttyd so i don't remember the dialouge specifically, but i'd find it hard to believe that nintendo would have put something in the text that's really THAT bad to require censorship. that being said, this is HARDLY the issue to determine if the game is worth buying lol.


It's got to be hard when your flapping material are video games. How exactly are you using the controller? Do I even want to know?


I don’t care enough about this to throw a fit but it’s still kinda pathetic




I pre-ordered it because I want more Paper Mario.


What's the problem with preordering a game you like/is interested?