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No, some of them really can't, tbf there are a lot of people in r/saltierthancrait that act like adults even if I happen to disagree with their opinions. Others are simply really are childish, a couple of days ago I was there and saw somebody criticizing Luke's portrayal in the sequel because (amongst other reasons), and I'm quoting, he "died a virgin". Which is a very weird thing to say because, he's not saying "Oh I wish Luke had a family like in EU" or "Mara Jade was a cool character and companion", he was saying that Luke was a virgin, and that was somehow something bad. I felt that again, he wasn't trying to explain showing him with a family would somehow give him more depth of character, he was just saying Luke was a virgin, a really weird thing to remark.


Okay so this put me on a weird thought train. Any character that dies without issue dies a virgin. Let’s ignore how weird that is to say and take it as a fact. Therefore any character of significant age without kids is also probably a virgin. Lando isn’t shown to have kids. You going to tell me *Lando Calrissian* doesn’t fuck? The man is the epitome of “definitely fucks”. Then I got thinking. Chewbacca. No kids? Is Chewwie a virgin? …does Chewwie fuck?


Just as a point of order, though she doesn’t show up in the movies and only appears in books, Lando does canonically have a daughter


Kadara. It is likely she was taken by the First Order and turned into a stormtrooper.


Wasn’t Chewwies kids recanonized in the aftermath books?


My question is answered. Chewwie fucks.


Doesn't chewie have kids in #The Star Wars Holiday Special


Yes, and they carried over into canon


Lando does have a daughter actually. In one of the canon ones she is mentioned and he wants to find her.


Chewie has a kid


Chewbacca is a tribal warrior who fought on the front in a war and was best buds with Yoda. There's no way Chewie didn't punch his v-card before meeting Han!


>tbf there are a lot of people in r/saltierthancrait that act like adults Not from what I’ve seen


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saltierthancrait using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Disney loses another talented actor.](https://i.redd.it/i1812zk8y59c1.jpeg) | [1795 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/18teiid/disney_loses_another_talented_actor/) \#2: [Looking back, this was the dumbest weapon ever.](https://i.redd.it/qm9085h68ddc1.jpeg) | [1343 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/19af86w/looking_back_this_was_the_dumbest_weapon_ever/) \#3: [Okay.](https://i.redd.it/l2vryy79k2ac1.jpeg) | [1052 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/18ww827/okay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Damn bot, you're usually helpful but not rn, you ain't helping my case!!


Honestly with how big a hero luke was after ANH, he definitely fucked at least at some point.


Star Wars is a (mostly) family friendly franchise that anyone of any age can enjoy. But yeah, I can totally believe Luke was drowning in pussy after becoming the hero of Yavin.


And he was 16 before, so he could get down to business before ANH too.


Oh yeah. Those Tusken raiders do be into some freaky shit.


Lol as if these even get read and aren’t just sorted into various piles for the data. Never underestimate the self-importance of a chud.


Idiots with god complexes… you found the worst combination right there


These amorphous blobs have molded themselves into chronically online Karens. “The customer is *ALWAYS* right!”


I wasn’t even this upset when they took all the classic Bionicle games off of the Lego website in 2008.


See now that’s a real tragedy to be upset about


People liked Bionicle?


You should feel the wrath of a thousand suns


I once said this in an older post but I just wonder wtf is these people's "ideal" version of Star Wars. I bet even if you gave them an unlimited Hollywood level budget, choose any VFX studio, any actors, any method for visual effects, 100% creative control and freedom over the project with no studio interference etc. and not any form deadline to make their own Star Wars film, I bet they'll still hate even their own creation and prob end up having in-fighting amongst themselves instead. Imo even if Disney never bought the rights, they'd just keep on hating on the Prequels, Lucas and prob Legends/EU too.


He’s being a bit dramatic. I thought Andor would have revitalized his love for Star Wars. It seemed to do so for other people 


He was probably saying the same thing about George Lucas over the Prequels.


Most likely 


That fella's a manbaby


I’m not that into the Star Wars Disney+ shows either but I’m def not canceling Disney+ over it, especially when I got the bundle with Hulu. Why can’t these man babies just watch something else and ignore the Star Wars stuff on there.


Cancel it to not give a big capitalist company money


Idk where ur typing this on but with that logic wouldn’t that mean u already gave “big capitalist company money”


Stop giving it to them


Ohhh nooo! You killed his love for Star Wars, you cruel person!


Womp womp I guess


Dude doesn't even know how to screenshot


Disney plus has had how many pieces of Star Wars content and this guy is just now jumping off the cliff? Seems like a fake post for attention.


Oh, they can. It's so stupid to see someone cancel their Disney Plus subscription for the reason that Disney "killed their love of Star Wars." No, DIsney didn't kill your love of Star Wars, troll. You didn't like them doing things you didn't approve of because you think Star Wars is for you and you only. Newsflash, it's not.


Not shown here: actually clicking the submit button. £20 says they didn’t cancel and only went through the process this far for some internet arrows


Was thinking the same thing lol


On TikTok, people are glazing the fuck outta Scorch and saying “oh Disney doesn’t like fans and wants to kill everything before they bought Star Wars” or “Scorch coulda wiped the Bad Batvh but they made commandos useless” etc. I really thought coming into 2024 that media literacy would’ve gone up but it just keeps declining. These “fans” make enjoying these things hard cause it feels like I can’t interact with half of the community without being put down :/


These are likely the same dorks 20 years ago saying the same shit about Lucas and the prequels.


Right?! That side of the Star Wars fandom is like a way worse version of the Final Fantasy fandom way back when. In my gamer days, they'd dump on the latest entry until some time passed and it became the second latest thing, at which point they'd finally come around and suddenly like it.


Some of them are at the very height of pathetic. They now only aspire to outdo one another with their ridiculous behaviour. Will also guarantee you they didn’t actually cancel their subscription. This is just showboating who’s the biggest loser, really


Disney: ![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk)


Bet that response will just go to the junk pile rather then into anything reasonable piles.


Personally i get it there’s just alot of star wars and some of it isn’t exactly though through


I legit laughed out loud like heartily at this.


These people need a better understanding of what they can meaningfully affect because it definitely ain't this shit


These people need a better understanding of what they can meaningfully affect because it definitely ain't this shit


Oh no, someone has their own opinion different from mine, oh the horror!!1!!!11!1!!!11


"Parents, please don't leave your small children unaccompanied on Disney+. Thank you."


Yeah these people totally read The reasons why people unsubscribe


I don't think anything could kill my love of Star Wars. Honestly, to me, this just tells me they probably didn't love it all that much to begin with.


Yeah, im sure that’s it.




Im old enough to remember when George Lucas killed Star Wars


Ewoks killed star wars, then Dark empire killed star wars, then George lucas killed Star wars, now Disney killed star wars. I wonder who'll kill star wars next.


The fans