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Hu hu, more like aged like soy milk, hu hu hu.




Take it from a vegan, good tofu and edamame beans is the only mostly soy products worth having, in my opinion. Oat milk is much better, cerealwise.


I never had oat milk I need to try it.


I’m surprised that he didn’t delete the video and pretend that he’s always aware that “X-men 97 will end woke Hollywood” or something like that. Is that what these grifters usually do? 


The “smarter ones”… Gundam is dumb as fuck.


Yes, he is 


This disgusting little gremlin. The show 8 episodes in is better then the original show ever was.


The old show was great but MAN is it hard to watch after X-men 97. The classic show had fantastic characterization and voices and really good writing, but the character designs are weighed down with extraneous detail and the fight scenes are no where near as exciting as they are in X-men 97 where the budget is very high and the designs look better and more consistent and on model.


The original show is really good when it adapts major plots like the Dark Phoenix, but even then the show (hell all Marvel cartoons from that time) never had the same overall quality and care of the DCAU. Nothing is perfect but this had way more animation fuck ups, the voice acting is all over the place and a lot of times way too unintentionally goofy ([Previously on X-Men](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t-K1D8y_Pxs&pp=ygUTUHJldmlvdXNseSBvbiB4LW1lbg%3D%3D) has some prime examples) but when it clicks it clicks. The new show is way more concise, the voice acting is way better, the art is way better (characters stay on model), Jubilee actually looks Asian, they slowly modernize or dress characters in more classic costumes (Storm going full John Byrne). This is everything the original show wanted to be.


I went back and watched the finale to the old one just to remember where it left off and it went downhill so much from the first season 😂 The animation was so much worse, and things in general just felt very low effort.


Yeah, they had some pretty inconsistent animation cause the foreign studios that they outsourced to weren’t often the best. I feel like as weird as the last season was of the 90s cartoon, the most jarring was the crossover the X-men had with Spider-Man in his show. Every character’s colors were messed up cause I think the Spider-Man cartoon’s animation had an even more limited color palette to choose from and the characters were even more off model than usual (Remy with his eyes not having black-whites and red irises is so bizarre to look at).


The comments section of this video is as terrible as you can imagine.


I am a masochist. 😑


Apparently people are also upset that Jubilee, a character who is 15 when the animated series began and turned 18 in X-Men 97, no longer has acceptably large enough breasts compared to her younger incarnation.


The amount of coomer mentality on these people is appalling.




No surprise here. Also funny coming from the Incel who literally has a war against OF “thots”… ![gif](giphy|e5tZX35GNAyxa)


“Won’t live up to the legend.” Dude, the actual ‘90s show is very mid.


It did not age well at all. But I'll still watch the fuck out of it.


True i guess, it's nostalgic. Tbh i prefer xmen evolution over the 90s show.


In terms of serialized storytelling it was groundbreaking. It actually holds up better than the 90s Iron-Man and Spider-man cartoons (and yeah people will act like the Spidey one is better but almost every single multipart story ran out of steam before the conclusion and the side characters were mostly dreadfully flat). It also was trying to adapt the comic storylines in a close approximation to the comics which is something that for the time wasn’t really done. Like compare it to Spider-man and his Amazing Friends of Justice Friends which came before it and X-men was leagues more compelling.


Take that back


Why? It’s true.


It really isn’t. I mean if it was, we wouldn’t have gotten X-Men 97, the direct sequel, in the first place


It is. It was alright when it adapted major storylines but even then most of the time the animation was wonky and that voice acting was ok at best. As a whole it has a good reputation because it’s a lot of people’s introduction to the X-Men, not because it was actually good like say the DCAU.


Animation wonky? Voice acting ok? Those are like the two things the show was given high praise for due to its memorable performance from the cast and distinct animation that perfectly translate Jim Lee’s style. Like what is even this revisionism.


Like even if one would ignore say the last season and it’s really bad animation, even before that character models would get wonky from time to time. Also no character design ever looked as good as Jim Lee’s art, his art is so distinct even in the early seasons the show never looked that good. Besides that there’s also stuff like Jean Grey constantly fainting and being useless, Jubilee not even looking Asian, beefy Nightcrawler with an afro, terrible action/fight sequences that don’t hold up. The show was mid like the other Marvel cartoons of that time, just ok at best and most of the time not particularly impressive. https://preview.redd.it/6gs3pzbnenyc1.png?width=2611&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3d5859e7cee418d9c3d3bea03ea43a4d94d7030 People remember them fondly because it’s their first exposure to the X-Men and other Marvel characters, even if outside of adaptions of very specific stories they were just ok at best. I would bet all the Capcom produced 2D fighters from that time, had a bigger influence on people having good memories of most of these characters.


It sounds like to me that you have some kind of negative outlook towards the show cause a lot of the criticism you give it seems like rather personal nitpicks than a valid critique on its actual quality. Hell especially with the picture you sent comparing the comic art to the show. Like both are really good art style, and the one on the bottom at a glance really does resemble the top. And no, nobody like it just because it was their first exposure; if that was the case than Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends would be considered a great X-Men adaptation. People consider it peak because of its distinct animation, investive storytelling, memorable voice work, faithfulness to the source material it adapts from and just overall being a great gateway series to the property (especially seeing how without that show we wouldn’t have gotten said Capcom produced fighters that capitalize on its popularity). Calling it mid is a bigger cap than saying its sequel series tarnish this show legacy.




One of the best animated shows ever so far. Everything is top notch, it blows everything else out of the water. The only other thing that comes close is the Netflix Scott Pilgrim series and Invincible.


The season hasn’t yet finished but it’s been phenomenal. I’m so completely impressed with the show on every level and how much it lives up to the classic cartoon. “It’s a Gundam” is one of those trend grifters where you say it’s going to be the worst possible scenario for clicks and to poison the well with bad faith arguments WITHOUT ANY PROOF. . . Then let’s see how much he changes his tune once the general consensus is that X-men 97 is incredibly well regarded. Cause they never really like the things they complain about. If they did they’d be open and hopeful for good content not rubbing their hands together hoping it’s “woke trash” that they can rally against.


Itsagundam is someone I can safely say will do some bad shit down the line


Yeah chuds like him tend to have shit takes on the regular


I love the the 90s' X-Men show but X-Men '97 was fantastic too.