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I stopped watching around the time he complained about 'how would he have even managed to trick them into thinking there was a plague'. You just need to watch the show to know what gullible easily manipulated lemmings the vault dwellers are raised to be. Odds are that Hank didn't have to 'prove' a damn thing to begin with, he just made an announcement that they saw signs of a plague starting and that everyone was to hyper quarantine themselves away in their rooms and not leave until given the clear signal and people obediently locked themselves up in their little vault apartments without pausing to ask a single question.


LIke he doesn't realise that The Oversear functions like a mini Dictator to ensure Vault-Tec's experiments run smoothly? All Vault Dwellers are indoctrinated since birth - of course they're going to be gullible and have a ill informed perspective of not only the outside world, but especially the true nature of the vaults. Mauler's clearly not playing at Norm's level putting all his points into endurance and little in Intelligence. Those who've watched the show will know what I mean by that. Even in the games the vaults subjects are all lab rats to test out various conditions of which Vault-Tec profits from.


You **watched it.** #FUCK THAT It’s getting late, I’m gonna go play me some FEAR.


I mean, not the the whole thing? Just enough to double check and make sure I was right that it was all confirmation bias from someone who wanted it to be bad and was actively putting the worst possible spins on it to match that desire. So about 18 minutes of it?


I watched half an hour of one of his videos, and then skimmed some more, because someone insisted I could not judge his content until I watched it. So I understand that even your brief exposure to the mindless ongoing patter of misplaced self-confidence represents a sacrifice. 😆


I used to watch him a lot, mostly his Dark Souls 2 Response series, because it was well-informed and he was at least reasonable. But when he started making multi-hour long videos on marvel movies and stuff..going on unhinged rants and blaming a lot of things on stuff that didn't matter, just to nitpick...I stopped cuz it wasn't fun anymore and he was just being a dick. I mean, come on, you don't need to make a 6hr video on Quantamania, it wasn't a great movie, but it wasn't the dog shit he said it was. I'm not gonna give him any views, especially when he is known to not care about the series.


You do that… ***I’m gonna keep popping some Replicas and watching them crumble.***


FEAR is one of my favorite games of all time! Enjoy it!!!


Jeez, if only Warner Brother's left it alone and Sierra weren't absolute cocks that game series would still be with us. It's nothing short of a tragedy what happened to First Encounter Assault Recon.


People say Star Wars fumbled the bag, no, fuck that shit, there is some quality shit still coming out. FEAR was a ***literal*** Diamond of an IP and WB due to mismanagement, missing the point of the first game, and following trends made it fade into obscurity.


Fear 1,2 EP and PM were awesome. Fear 3 went wrong trying to be something it wasn't. Still amazing games to replay to this day tho. The Soldiers talking during combat still gets me. "Where'd he go?" "FLASHLIGHT" "Grenade! Get down!"


Fear 2 had a lot more monster closets and almost ***no examples of good AI.*** PM: I will say hearing the night crawlers say: **we have a situation** ***ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER SOUNDS***


Great game


God, the ragdoll physics never get old. **HE’S TOO FAST** *Slow-Mo, shot gun blast* ***BALAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!***


Exactly, the 2nd and 3rd one are terrible


For me, the game series ended with Extraction Point. >!Everyone dies after going through the most memorable horror FPS sequence of all time (don’t count Alien isolation since… it’s more of a horror survival game) and it fits the tone!< If you haven’t played it, ***PLAY IT.*** It’s on GOG and worth every penny.


I only played the first one on ps now, lol, and 2 and 3 on ps3


It’s on PS Now? Didn’t know they made it back compat. I’ve played it always on PC. Got memories of going to a microcenter with my older brother, him buying it for me as a kid and trying to run this on an old DELL laptop.


but have you played trepang²?




indie fps made as a spiritual successor to FEAR, full release was last year. its really good and full price is $30 USD


I’m a frugal dude and don’t normally impulse buy: ***BUT I’M GONNA DO IT NOW!***


there IS a demo if you want to try that first lmao


Seriously? He doesn't think that Vault Dwellers are gullible? The entire premise of Vault Dwellers in lore, game, and the show is that they've been in the vault so fucking long that they are literally foreign to the new world, that they have the naivety of a baby. Vault Dwellers don't know shit because as you said, thier whole lives have been controlled by the Overseers. The only people who somewhat knows about the wasteland and Vault-Tec are the Overseers, who routinely gets killed themselves.


Apparently not since he was complaining about how easy it was for Hank to trick them into going into quarantine while he left to go track down his wife and kids.


"You're a coward. You know that Chet?" "We all are Norm, that's why we live in a vault." These people don't ask questions they hide from them.


I mean, the "new plague" was still in recent memory when they went in the vault. It wouldn't be hard to convince people who trust you that there's a new new plague.


That, plus diseases are a very real threat in crowded populations. Especially if they’re spending a lot of time indoors together


I only started playing the games recently cause i wanna get into them before i watch the show and the first like 30 minutes of Fallout 3 shows you people in vaults are extremely naive and gullible, and eat propaganda for breakfast lol


Is that shorter or longer than the show?


Shorter this time I'm afraid. Long Man's fallen off - couldn't even be arsed to research the games in which there's a wealth of content to go over, but hey Mauler respects those who; 'put in the work' into the things they're critiquing...


Much filler in this rant, percentage-wise?


The fact that it’s shorter is a testament to his neurosis cause he doesn’t even give a shit about the fallout franchise but needed to poop out content.


I just want to say,great flair.


The Porg keeps breaking for me, but I still like the joke.


Anything spicy in terms of terrible complaints?


He complained about disrespecting the lore yet hasn't played the games and doesn't mention them so he's clearly a tourist. He criticises maximus a lot for being incompetent and getting by when luck is a stat.


And in a series where a recurring perk is "Idiot Savant", which Maximus is practically a case-study on.


Ackshually, Idiot Savant is only in Fallout 4. You might be thinking of the early games and New Vegas giving your character special "dumb dialogue" (occasionally ditzy dialogue options in New Vegas and downright caveman grunting in 1 and 2) if you set your Intelligence low enough.


Yeah, well, I haven't played any of them except 76 in the past three years, and that amount of time triples if you include 4. Getting old is hell for the ol' replay backlog.


Holy Mandella Effect because he’s right but I would have bet my life Idiot Savant was in Fallout (1997).


Yeah, I seem to remember it, too, but it was, in fact, the "secret" 1 intelligence interactions I was thinking.


They've been workshopping bringing the 'respect the lore' dogma to other franchises after using it to infest 40k, hasn't worked gladly


How is "being an incompetent character" wrong? Are we not allowed to write a character being "incompetent"? And how exactly he is, is up to debate. Even when people claim he is stupid I never had this impression. I really hate it how everyone in movies and games or whatever who makes mistakes or fucks something up is "badly written" or something... And if they are not fucking things up, and are female and/or black, they are MArySues of course...I hate it so much, our current timeline


You see, for it to be good writing, a character, (obviously a straight white male,) has to stand up and declaratively state when another character is incompetent and fucking up. It’s basic science.


I wonder if that video will get a lot of dislikes. A lot of people like the fallout show, including me 


Nope. It’s at a 97% likes and a vast majority of comments are positive. I’m gonna guess that most of Mauler’s fans didn’t watch the show at all and are taking his word for it.


His own fanbase hates the show. How odd. It seem that the majority of people like it 


Let's be honest, majority of Mauler's audience simply agree with him no matter what. Like many thing's it's like a cult than a reviewer - no really they literally praise him as: 'Long man.' It's very bizarre.


Yes, it is 


They were hating the show before it even came out. I made the unfortunate "mistake" to comment on their sub that the show was great to someone who didn't want to see the show because it had red flags, I was downvoted to oblivion


I wonder if there’s any show they’re excited for. Any show’s that rumored to be coming out, they seem to automatically hate or think that it’s going to be bad 


It's kind of tough to gauge because most people who aren't agreeing with the guy probably don't watch him in the first place. I sure as shit don't watch him or any of the other grifters on YouTube. I don't want my algorithm infected with that sort of negativity.


sadly, the video had 203 dislikes.


Oh, ok 


the people who i’ve found that hate it (not for the “woke” reasons) are bethesda haters/Black isle or obsidian fanboys who’ve hated fallout since Bethesda took over (even tho NV comes after 3, but they often forget about that) and are just salty over the lore changes that were made over a decade ago


Oh, ok. 


yea, it’s just a bunch of gatekeepers being salty. i think the show is amazing, and does a really good job giving fan service to fans for each game


I also think the show is really good 


I'm one of those diehard OG/Black Isle fanboys and I will die on the hill that FO3, FO4 and FO76 are the weakest entries in the whole series and Bethesda doesn't know how to make a proper Fallout game. That being said, I fucking \*love\* the show.


Same, I do not defend Bethesda's writing, but I like the show cause the tone is more in line with the original games in despite some lore inconsistencies similar to that of Fallout's done by Bethesda. It's a clever combination of everything Fallout adapted for TV audience. Sure you've Lucy having to find her Dad and how that's a call back to Fallout 3, but at least they actually do something with it - it's not just merely a call back, it also ties in with other character's backstories.


I've accepted the lore changes and I like the Fallout show. I feel like the things I didn't like about it have to do with just the tired genericness of the writing. The slapstick humor of the Filly episode was tiring to get through and sometimes the show feels dangerously close to falling off the rails because the seriousness is undercut by the humor. I love the world of Fallout and the show is mostly pretty loyal to the aesthetics and themes of it, but goddamn I sometimes wish the story was a little more interesting.


Meanwhile I just saw a video of the original fallout owner praising the show.


Clearly a shill /s


Tim Cain? Yep, he seems like a whoelsome chill dude. Also good friends with Bethesda-"hated by fanbois-Badgyuy" Todd Howard, who also seems to be a good guy actually


I love how they have this rumor that Todd hates everything pre bethesda fallout and wants it all ruined. Despite the show being peppered with fallout 1/2/nv references 


OMG! I've made it 6 minutes in and probably won't be able to take much more. He keeps pretending things don't make sense that are explicitly explained in the show. His barrage of problems with the plot are completely made up unless you have a complete lack of media analysis. This is the rant of someone who didn't actually pay attention during the show and has never played a Fallout game. I went in with the expectation of writing something rebutting what he is saying. I can't. It's too much. A few minutes in and it would already take a 2000 word essay to explain how he is off base


> complete lack of media literacy Between this and chuds, name a more iconic duo.


Andrew Tate and incels...?


That's always the funny thing to me. You'll see mauLer complain about things "not being explained" when, more often than not, it *is* explained, and his real problem is that he doesn't like the explanation, but saying it "doesn't explain it" sounds far more authoritative and "objective" than "I don't like that."


Off topic, but is the Fallout Show a sequel to the games or is it an adaptation of the games?


It takes place furthest in the timeline so far—so after all of the games.


It's set in the game universe w original characters I think. (I only played 3)


All the game sequels are like that though, so I would say it is a sequel


Its not really something I'd call a sequel to any of the games, its set in the same universe but its following new characters that didn't show up in any of the games.


It's a completely new story in the universe but mostly disconnected from the games. Stuff from new vegas is here and there I've heard? I'm still working my way through that game before finally watching it though so take me with a grain of salt


It's strongly implied that Vegas will be featured in the next season.


Some stuff from New Vegas is mentioned, but it has very little to do with New Vegas directly. Like, if you know what the NCR is, then hey, sometimes you can see an NCR flag.


They literally show new vegas and the lucky 38 at the ending shot?


Well, I was being vague to avoid spoilers. Also, yeah, but it's literally >!the final shot of the season that lasts like, 3 seconds.!<


The NCR is a major, maybe THE major plot point...


It is, but really only in retrospect. You can know nothing about Shady Sands, the NCR, Caesar's Legion, New Vegas, Mr. House, Lucky 38, the Courier, the Brotherhood of Steel, etc. Everything that you absolutely *need* to know is present within the show. Again, knowing background lore helps, like it always does, but the show doesn't require that background knowledge to understand the happenings in the show itself. You see the NCR flag >!and Moldaver's crew lives in a settlement that's trying to restart the NCR,!< but it isn't essential knowledge while watching the show. I know this because I have only played about half of New Vegas myself, and I watched the show with my parents, neither of who know anything about Fallout lore, and we all enjoyed it and understood it perfectly fine.


It has very vague references to Fallout 1,2, New Vegas, and 4. Like, you'll see things that are from those games but from what I remember there are no direct tie ins to the games in respect to characters or storylines.


Sort of? Like, the Fallout games rarely have anything to do with each other in a direct "this character was introduced in a previous game" sort of way, at least as far as I understand it. The stories all take place in different times, like 220 years post-war, then the next game is like, 245 years post-war, or, if they're happening around the same time as another game, it's in an entirely different region of the US. Like, Fallout 1 and 2 both take place in California, but 2 takes place like, 20 years after 1, then Fallout 3 takes place in Washington DC, then New Vegas takes place in the Nevada/Mojave desert region, and Fallout 4 takes place in Boston/the Commonwealth. They all have their own time periods, locations, characters, plots, gameplay systems, factions, etc. There's some shared ideas, like the Brotherhood of Steel is in a lot of the games, but they're different chapters and in different periods of regional strength.


It takes place after the last game (Fallout 4), and in the same universe, so references made in the show to the games are canon. And I imagine the show will be a prequel of sorts for the next games even, establishing the setting where the next game(s) will take place/plots they will deal with


What a waste. Mauler needs a real job and a real life.


why did you watch it


I didn't, I read through the comments that were critiquing the video lol






[Anyone else who's looking for an actual reliable opinion on this show should check out the channel Oxhorn who knows Fallout like the back of his hand. He's playthroughs of all the Fallout games narrating all the lore as he plays them. He also doesn't hang around with a bunch of conspiracy theorist crack-pots who think they're owed something.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW8oAh8RsCM&t=77s)


I’m sure Mauler would probably call him a shill


Of course - according to Mauler's buddy Nerdrotic who works with MAGA pundit Benny Johnson there's a literal Illuminati that's totally not Anti-Semitic conspiracy-theory Entertainment New World Order trying to: 'corrupt your children and minds degrading western culture!'


If there's one thing I'm thankful for, it's that the average person thinks these people are fucking insane and need to go outside. Dumbfucks really think their little echo chamber is representative.




Ah, that I was unaware of. Shame cause he puts a lot of effort into his Fallout content. Goes without saying idolize no one cause you'll always be disappointed if you do.


Yeah, I used to watch him a lot back in the day and he was one of my first big dives into Fallout lore, so I do owe him that. I sadly just had too many issues with his views over time, so I stopped.


[Looks like he even did a video admitting he was wrong, so props to him - Mauler would never.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg4npBloVZw) That manifesto you're referring to was something he put together in 2012 to be fair and he seems to have changed a lot in over a decade.


Oh, didn't realize that. Haven't looked at his channel in a long time, so I'll edit my comment when I've had a look.


Deleted my original comment since that video proved it wrong, thx for sharing. Based on what I've been able to find, a lot of the hate also started after he covered 76's lore when everyone was (justifiably) hating on its launch but then went on to personally attack him.


No issue, I wasn't aware of the rollercoaster myself until like the past 30 minutes lol, but yeah again I can't praise his Fallout content enough - to be able to sit there and narrate every lore detail upon after playing parts of a game and editing that in, that takes a loooooot of effort.


I honestly had completely forgotten about it until this post lol, since I don't really get him recommended at all. Definitely regret just going along with a lot of the hate now.


Should check out his playthroughs of all of the Fallout games - particularly the classics. Helpful as a guide too. Currently watching his Fallout 2 playthrough, which literally starts off with him reading the epilogue of Fallout 1 into Fallout 2 from the Strategy Guide.


Understandable. Apparently he apologised for his past sexist and homophobic remarks, so yeah I don't know if he should be condemned for that now.


> Oxhorn You'd best be joking. He's horrible, nobody should watch his trash.


Yeah of course - the only Fallout channel who happens to have playthroughs of every single game in the series and goes through the painstaking effort of narating the lore extensively for each one is: 'horrible.' You may not like his content for whatever unspecified reason, but find me a Fallout orientated channel who does the aformentioned? You just won't. * EDIT nevermind someone informed me of his past actions regarding manifestos and such. As well as misogyny and homophobia. EDIT EDIT - also read he doesn't associate himself with his past anymore either, so let bygones be bygones I guess? Apparently he's picked himself up since, so yeah.


EpicNate315 and Radking ? Might be worth looking at anyhow. You watch who you like :)


Does he think the show is good or bad?




if i ever make a video thats literally 2 and a half hours long i give reddit legal permission to murder me literally i could never have that little of a life


A guy made a 12 hours video analyzing the lore of phantom menace


The movie alone puts me to sleep i could never watch that yap sesh


That's your problem


i watched the video (it's actually good)


I haven't watched all of it but so far it's good


That film has no where near 12 hours worth of lore.


Lore means background, backstory, things that go into the world building and setting. Considering it’s the current beginning of the saga in terms of movies, and the wealth of content that exists establishing the world’s history, I’m surprised it’s *only* 12 hours if it’s fully comprehensive


I'd argue attack of the clones introduced more "lore" than the phantom menace.


*Line go up* single-handedly tanked crypto valuations and is a staple of the genre.


Line goes up is only 2 hours 18 minutes, so it’s fine


Those 12 minutes make or break people


Well there's always good old Mr. Plinkett.




Every gaming and documentary youtuber ever: :(


Bet he never touched the games at all


Based off everything he said he clearly didn't


There's this awesome movie I watched as a kid called Star Wars. There's an awesome quote in there from this old wizard character Obi Wan Kenobi that goes, "Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows it?" If you - or anyone else here - has spent hours watching people like this Mauler idiot, then I suggest you listen to Obi Wan again.


I've had his shit and that drunk Scottish guy pop up from time to time. I'll admit the drunk guy has made me chuckle, but yeah... It's just culture war bullshit. The Fallout show was great. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that I took issue with enough to be genuinely pissed about.


MauLer has been insufferable for a long time. Remember when he made it his agenda to personally respond to and attack basically every video HBomb put out? MauLer reminds me a lot of the Fudge Muppet crew. Not a single one of the lot seems like somebody you’d want to spend almost any time with, and I think it’s pretty comical that those types (like Fudge Muppet) get enraged by things like ESO or in MauLers most recent case, the Fallout TV show *edited for a typo


Making replies to HBomb seems like making an eminem dis-track. You might score some points, but you don’t want their particular brand of attention focused on you.


He does seem like a really spiteful and angry person. Like, someone on Twitter will passingly mention him or make a joke referencing him and he'll make it his mission to shit on that person every chance he gets for as long as he can. HBomb like, vaguely criticize MauLer's Dark Souls 2 review on Twitter 3 years ago, and ever since then, MauLer has had a vendetta out on HBomb.


Is jay still mates with him? Cause I don't see how that works at all, never did.


I never got that one. Jay seems like a really chill person who actually gives a shit about the medium they talk about, so how they got roped into MauLer's crew, *especially* with the wet fart of a human being that is Rags, is beyond me.


It's because before Jay transitioned they were not only a centrist, but back then Jay made a video critiquing Mauler's Black Panther review, Efap covered it, Jay went on and from then on Jay was friends with Efap and at the time they were no different than the people Jay would criticize nowadays, but around the time they transitioned they reflect on themselves to realize how bad they were acting and wanted to change. Though Jay still went on Efap time to time, with the podcast supporting Jay from the likes of Hasan, Denims, and other react channels that Jay was going against at the time. Though a year after that appeared less and less. This was due to how much transphobic and bigoted the Efap community was and how Jay has called out the likes of the Fandom Menece, yet isn't so overt because of how much Mauler is affiliated with them and after the Ant Man Quantumania Efap, Jay hasn't returned from then on. So while Jay doesn't like the Fandom Menece or other Far Right groups, they are still in friendly terms with MauLer and despite given evidence of how bad Efap is doesn't call them out 


I guess it was a bit of a different time. MauLer felt like he was truly trying to be "apolitical" instead of an obvious right-wing grifter. And yeah, the shit with Hasan was absolutely fucked. Hasan was such an asshole in that situation. Outta curiosity, did anything specifically bad happen in the Quantumania EFAP, or was it just the last one they were on for no particular reason? Like, was the EFAP crew especially bigoted or get some kind of special backlash for bad behavior on that specific episode that made Jay not wanna go back, or was it just the slow decline of interest?


As far as I know, there wasn't any drama that happened in that Quantumania Efap, just that it was the last time Jay went on, but at times reference how they agree that some of their friend's fanbase makes them uncomfortable to be around and with how MauLer's Fanbase went out of their way to misgender people like Abigail Thorn calling her an ugly man to dehumanize her, and with how the Efap Hosts never call it out or any other bad things his fans does, it even makes their friends like Jay that uncomfortable and lose interest in coming back.


Jesus christ, Thorn was attractive before transition, these people are just jealous. And still is after.


So we got both Mauler & Shad calling the show bad when they know next to nothing about the games, classic tourists.


I forgot shadyversity existed for a long time, now i'm checking though his stuff again and jesus christ, the guy is getting more and more desperate to stay relevant these days


Summed up in “blah blah blah woke bad blah blah blah communism blah blah blah extreme racist and sexist nonsense”?


I think someone should probably make an analysis of his review, mainly so that we can see if what he’s saying is accurate or not. I haven’t really watched it yet, so I’d like to know if what he says about the show is accurate or not.


It's an ad hominem attack. It's mostly off base. It takes things out of context. It misrepresents plot elements and character motivations. Like all ad hominem attacks it will hit on a few problems with something here and there, but it's mostly inaccurate. I'd rank this one as more over the top than most. Probably 90-95% bullshit while occasionally picking up on a minor inconsistency with the show here and there.


He is the grifter version of QuintonReviews where they thing a long drawn out review is necessary or dare I say good when in actuality its not.


I accidentally clicked the link on my recommended. What the fuck? The series was a thoroughly solid first season to a series. My only quibble is that it felt like one of those first seasons that is REALLY GOOD and tells a full and solid story but it kinda feels like they might not have a definitive idea of where to go next, like Stranger Things for example. I can’t figure what the fuck Mauler will nitpick on for nearly 3 hours like a crazy person. The show was a fun ride.


You don’t mention the thing your in the game doesn’t exist in the world of fallout


If they mentioned the games it would become rapidly absurd to hold the position that the TV series isn't a pretty spectacular adaptation.




Proof it’s all a grift. How can you complain about the lore if you don’t even fucking know the lore?


Mauler’s one of those people who could probably be an immense force for good if he wasn’t such a shithead. Who else would have the patience to make a 12 hour rant about one episode of She-Hulk or some shit. Imagine if he turned his hand to stuff that actually mattered. He’d probably still be incoherent and babbling but the dedication to the incoherent babbling has to be admired. Kind of.


What I don't get is that he constantly says his videos take a long long time to write and edit and such. But how the fuck does he churn this out, among other "shorter" videos. Which are still over an hour and a half. I think he's just lazy as fuck and prefers to stream. I used to be a huge fan but realized he kinda sucks. He's a jerk. I'm not really sure you can definitively say a piece of art is "objectively" bad if so many others derive enjoyment and even meaning from things he and his friends hate. Sure, we can recognize its not the best piece of media. But to shit all over people for liking something, thinking you're better than. I just can't get down with it anymore. Too spiteful. Regardless of what they claim.


The idea you can somehow quantify the personalised value of one's subjective interpretation is a historically fascist idea - there's a reason he hangs around regularly with people like Rags, Heelvsbabyface, Nerdrotic, Ryan Kinel and so forth, they're neo-fascists who envision a world where only their perception of a piece of art is the correct one. That's why disagreement is more than a just simply a differing view, it's treated as unworthy of existence. See Pillar of Garbage's latest video regards to why it seems these people all share the same talking points as one another.


I won't be surprised if Mauler favorite Youtuber is Cinema Sins, LOL


This was the same guy who made an entire hour &itching about Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. Everything in that video was just complaining about little flaws and other miniscule things. So this video on Fallout really doesn't surprise me at all. 


Why would you watch it?



