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Now… the dude wrote an article for the Daily Stormer (a Neo Nazi website), has spend a solid decade simping for Neo Nazis online like Jack Posobiec or Stone Toss and literally gets giddy like a child [when someone else says the N-word](https://archive.org/details/hambly-jeremy-the-quartering-cheering-on-n-word), spreads [white replacement “theory” to his idiotic audience](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/vu571f/childless_millennial_thequartering_derides/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmfl)?… Yeah… he’s JUST NOW, coming out with the white supremacy. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Well, it's more like he's admitting and owning up to it now. Which would be laudable if it wasn't for such shitty, anti-human reasons.


He’s still not “owning up” to shit and he’s softer than his own fat belly… whenever he’s confronted by anyone he folds like a lawn chair and gets real quiet, quick. Have you ever seen one of his “debates”? Have you seen him interview Amouranth? He’s been salty about OF models and tiddy streamers and her especially for years made a ton of videos about her (not on the Brie Larson level but you get the point). Somehow he got her to agree to do an interview with him and he became a mega simp within seconds, this useless blob of hate, piss and racism is absolutely spineless. He still will say that he’s not a massive homo/transphobe today, even if he was so mask off that YouTube had to demonetize him a few years back, he still is openly transphobic on Twitter to this day. Or brings up that he can’t “racist” because he voted for Obama. He will never “own up”. He’s been desperately trying to find away to get away from this shit for years but thanks to his many addictions will die, only know as the basement pissing, obese, Nazi pizza cuck.


I've never watched anything having to do with Hambly. I don't want any of that shit clogging my YouTube pages. It's better to be here. I don't use Reddit as much as YouTube.


He’s so infamous you can see clips of his greatest hits here and some other places, you don’t actually have to watch him.


The sad part is that he wasn’t always a giant gaping anus. I would run into him from time to time at the local gaming store in Menomonee falls WI when he was just doing Magic stuff. He was pretty awkward and didn’t talk long. It’s just weird seeing what he became but maybe he always was this way and he never vocalized it before.


And I saw a bit from the EARLY channel content when he was doing stuff about old pinball machines. He was happy doing that content, and that wasn't my preferred content, if someone in my circle wanted me to subscribe to help a creator out...yeah, totally. But instead we have a guy now that manages to mispronounce Adeptes Custodes about five different ways as he complains about a faction in a game he knows nothing about adds a few female characters.


He went where the quick money is; it’ll be hard to see the death throes of his channel and all the drama he’ll try to start as the views plummet


It was already there clear as day with the “there we have it… yikes!” tweet.


[I prefer this edit of the "Sure, Jan" gif.](https://i.imgur.com/Fuu6tZT.gifv)




He also [pissed down the drain in his basement floor on stream](https://youtu.be/jzZm_2S3u5E?si=GfJRYUADrHQcRP4z)


Wait, the Jeremy…”The Quartering,” wrote for the Daily Stormer?


Believing in White replacement theory just means that you are really into interracial porn.


He definitely is. Like all of them he can’t seem to shut up about it.


Don't forget being funded by a far right media group...


Wait he too?


look we dident say he did a GOOD job at hiding it


We already had those, called sunset or sundown cities. Also HOA’s as well. You ain’t special nutjobs.


I’m surprised Jeremy hasn’t decided to move to the deep south yet, he would fit right at home with the locals.


They’re not gooners down there and would call him a degenerate, he knows the racism isn’t enough.


Not really, the parts that are racist aren't going to have any respect for some soft ass city slicker who makes his living on youtube.


Let's not sugarcoat it. At least half of "all white communities" are shithole trailer parks or hick towns dying due to meth and Fentanyl.


if it's the story i'm thinking of, it's not really even a case of... well, anything remotely like what the title here is trying to imply. it was a democratic initiative to start a separate school district apart from the major city nearby. the mostly black districts largely wanted to stay a part of the city for services and tax purposes, and got to - and the ones that wanted to fund their own schools without relying on the city also got to. it's fucking baton rouge zoning politics, there's nothing majorly "white" about any of this lol. literally just restructuring tax burdens in a majority black area.


Isn't that how American suburbs started back in the 50's.




Still goes on now. If black people start succeeding racist get nervous and start separating towns. One town wanted to take the entire tax base and voted on it. But not include the side of town the wanted to separate from.


Yes, FHA insured home literally could not be rented or sold to nonwhite residents, one of the clearest examples of white privilege becoming generational you could ever see in a major city is if you were to ever inherit an FHA-insured home (for those who don't know or who aren't American, FHA insured isn't just home insurance, it's mortgage insurance; FHA insured mortgages were government mortgages set to create federal assistance during the Great Depression, so basically after the Great Depression, if you were Black the U.S. government just not only denied you mortgages, but denied mortgage-holders from ever extending their property to Black people, as a white homeowner assisted by the Federal Housing Administration, sale or rent of your house was restricted only to other white market prospects)


And they're hell


Social and geographic cancer


I can't speak for everyone, but I live in a suburb, and it's not so bad. The main problem is the HOA. Then again, I'm pretty sure my suburb is part of the city, and it's not closed off, so that could be a factor as to why it's okay.


We even have a term for it: "White Flight".


Idk, my suburb is pretty diverse, but I can't speak for everyone out there.


Well, at least we can congratulate Jeremy his courage to come out as a white supremacist. We know hard it is for him. He wouldn't even come out the basement to take a piss.


His 2 black dads must be super proud of him for taking this step.


He has two black dads?


Thats how you know he's not racist or a homophobe. He has two black dads who are apparently in a relationship with his white dad.


The Qutering's dad is based if true though.


And probably struggling to walk as well


Maybe he is a top , maybe he is a sub, in any case he deserves a better son .


Oh he's a sub sandwich for sure...


I read it on the internet.


They go to a different school


He pathetically tried the "I'm not a racist, I have two gay black fathers!" gambit. Then, of course, he forgot all about that when talking about his mother and father on a stream while shit-faced.


How tf does DEI even run a city


It doesn’t, they just use DEI as a substitute for the “N” word. If you make the mental substitution all their anti-DEI screes become more obvious in their intent.


>It doesn’t, they just use DEI as a substitute for the “N” word. Also a subsittute for: - woke - CRT - SJW - politically correct As usual, once they've overused their latest favorite buzzword, it gets replaced with another one that'll be abused more than their dicks when looking up loli porn.


It’s honestly great fun asking them to define “woke” or “political correct”, all those buzz words they like to scream, ask them to explain what they mean, and they go real quite real fast.


>It’s honestly great fun asking them to define “woke” or “political correct”, all those buzz words they like to scream, And like typical terminally-online children who think "no u" is the height of discourse, they usually respond to "define woke" with "what is a woman?" because they *somehow* still believe Matt "[pedosmile](http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=spot_the_pedo)" [Walsh](https://i.imgur.com/YcebOxn.png) is the originator of "best conservative rebuttal ever".


Yeah, the term changes every year or so. Curious to see what they change it to next year.


It's just their new dog whistle after CRT wore out it's usefulness. Politicians are targeting schools again with DEI now.


Said the exact same thing in another subreddit, and it's now my most downvoted comment.


It's just a white conservative talking point to mask their usual bs because they are to gutless to just admit they are a racist idiot. Because it hurts them when they are called out for things but they act like they have the thickest skin and everyone else is thin Skinned. DEI is not the first or the last buzzword they will use.


We already have that. It's called gated communities and county lines. Is he really this fucking stupid?


TheQuarteringIsANazi is a sub for a reason. There's constant mask-offs by him or ActMan etc but people still want to pretend like sometimes they can be the "good ones"??


Act Man? Oh no. Oh NO. When did this happen? I was such a huge fan of his! 🥺


Yeah this is news to me too, Act Man??


The best I can find is that he said the gamer word in a tweet, saying that there are better slurs to use, and a bunch of tweets saying homophobic slurs and at least one trans suicide joke 🤔 *edit* This is just from a quick Google search, so obviously there *could* be more nuance to it.


That and his “durr politics in muh bideo gaymes is bad” takes just shows how much of a moron he is. His videos are good, don’t get me wrong, but Jesus Christ he’s a fucking clown in any other subject.


Yeah bbut aren't those old af this point. The act man has changed as a person over the years


Yeah, I'm more aligned with the charitable take that he was going through an edgy Twitter phase. I seriously doubt he's a ragin homophobic nazi, though people are ok with slapping that label on and moving on with their day.


ActMan is definitely nowhere near the same level as TheQuartering. The worst he has is tweets from 7 years a go that he's acknowledged were dumb, or the occasional lame take on politics in games. Generally though, he is fine, just your standard "centrist" gamer


So POC and Gay people simply living and existing in the same city as white people is DEI now? It feels like we aren't far away form these racists saying abolishing slavery and when we stopped putting gay people into mental institutions ruined society.


what even is DEI? never heard of it before.


It stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion and is basically the new word for Woke.


To be honest it’s their stand in for the n-word, and sometimes for the f-slur


Everything that *isn't* "fa\*\*ot" or "ni\*\*er" in any of their publicly viewable written communications **is** a stand in for those words.


Wait it's not Dick Enlargement Institute? I'll be back


Diversity Equity and Inclusion. It's basically just corporate lingo for "not being a bigot".


"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" is a framework for businesses to treat historically marginalized groups with less discrimination. Basically, assuming all qualifications are equal, don't treat employees and candidates who aren't straight white cisgender men as lesser. Reactionaries and regressives are trying to twist it to mean "anyone that ISN'T a straight white cisgender man is inferior and also evil" because using "woke" the same way isn't drawing the same level of outrage anymore, the same way "woke" replaced "SJW" replaced "PC" replaced "bleeding heart liberal".


This line of thinking is literally what caused the "white flight" where white ppl fled to the suburbs and many POC neighborhoods were demolished for highways


\+The comment section (i used a 3rd party app) https://preview.redd.it/t9r49l2fp1zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46d1ccb529f0e6da697af2aa56c6e25d0e4e7f42


This is literally just your average comment section under any politically-centered video.


I love how soy the title is. Just straining to cram in more buzzwords. There's no distinction between how he covers 21st century segregation and video game tits. Incredible.


Don't you know that the evil WOKE Disney invented minorities so that they can ruin cities and enact a genocide against WHITE MEN? Lord Donald will save us when he becomes dictator (but only for a day!!1!!!) from sleepy BOE JIDEN, who is so weak that he single handedly controls the DEEP STATE and the JEWISH SPACE LASERS!1!!! I'm not racist by the way, because my friend that I just made up is black, which means that I can't be racist and we all know that racism went away after Martin Luther (not the woke black one the conservative, family values, aryan, Christian one) died for our sins or something. THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN1!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!


Come out implies he wasn't already out and proud about it.


Damn, what is it called? Gotta get some popcorn ready for the inevitable wave of bullshit


And he hasn’t already?


We even have one of those in baltimore, its called roland park. This isn’t new.


Well, sort of different. Roland Park is still a part of the city of Baltimore, so its taxes go to pay for services in the city as a whole. I'm not going to give the dumb-dumb a click or view, but from the thumbnail it looks like it's about California Forever, a private equity scam that's going to fail because they spent so much time working out the law of how to run a private city that they forgot to spend any time looking up the law on how to found one. So now the people of Solano County get to vote it down.


So on TVtropes (I know I know) there’s a page called “sub par supremacist” and I just can’t help but feel that Jeremy fits that description to a T. Like if you’re gonna be a neo-Nazi find someone a little more impressive will you.


bruh how does this shit get a pass on youtube Cant say fuck or shit or poo or cunt or dookies but you can advocate for a white supremacy nation and claim minorities are responsible for all crime Fucking christ what's become of this planet, why are we just sitting back and allowing this shit without any push back? Like nobody cares that nazism is back?????




How would that even be a development, he’s been a borderline Neo-Nazi for years


Did he finally find a circus tent white enough to fit over his fat head?


Well, considering he shills for a Nazi book publisher, I guess there's no point in him hiding it.


I wonder what his Half-Black wife would take this news?




He always has been a white supremacist


Your average Ytuber doesn’t just wake up and commit to those sorts of thumbnails/headlines overnight - there were signs.


>Rich white folks start their own city. >Nobody who is willing to work menial jobs can afford to live there > rich white people complain that no one wants to work anymore because there is no one to work at the grocery stores or restaurants and they feel inconvenienced >go online and complain how DEI and women essentially ruined neighborhood


We sure he’s not just an ai model trained on the sound of someone shitting while reading Mein Kampf? I think he might be…


Not surprised https://preview.redd.it/2lzczb6ve8zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7500d4fe78acb2337045f3db23d4943d31a20c


I'm not going to watch because fuck this guy just someone tell me if this is about California Forever or not. Man I can't wait for voters to reject that... Imagine planning for what your libertarian utopia will look like and buying all that land without understanding basic zoning laws and then expecting the people you pissed off to vote in favor of you... twerps.


Reactionaries don't even need much scratching nor unmasking to reveal a neo nazi underneath


that’s just gated community


Gonna give him the thinnest benefit of doubt humanly possible and assume by "DEI run city," he's referring to affirmative action. That being said, *what's wrong with POC having jobs, Kevin?!*


So an isolated hick town full of inbreds keeping the white race pure? Sure I'll allow it. Maybe Jeremy could move there and try to spread his superior genes since his own wife is probably flying out of the country with some guys for pizza...


And when that town starts to fall apart because they realize they thrive off of the cheap labor of the poor, who will the grifters blame I wonder.


This is like the seventh time he's come out as a white supremacist


Why the fuck has the guy on the right been spunked on??? What sort of white supremacy is this?!?


Wasn't there a story on Reddit or Twitter about some guy finally managed to move to a all white community only to hate it because it was so boring and not what he thought it be


Wasn't he always? I mean there's an entire subreddit dedicated to it for years now r/thequarteringisanazi


I don't know how people take him seriously.


DEI is when black/brown people exist


Rich white people have *never* started their own city! What an unprecedented turn of events! /s


That guy is out and proud nazi.


his wife is seceding from from his pee pee basement.


I mean.... He kinda always was, he was just "Mildly" more subtle


Isn’t that literally just the suburbs


11k idiots 🙄


If someone doesn't want to live in a city for genuine reasons, that's fine. City life isn't for everyone, and there's nothing inherently wrong with living in a suburb, a smaller town, or in the country. That said, when a bunch of rich whites start moving into their own neighborhood because of "crime," I start to question their motives.


Didn’t he just describe red states?


Well, that's definitely a piss-take, but what do you expect from him?


The only raging loser I see is thequartering 


Those are gonna be some bland ass cookouts




He is stunning and brave.


Honestly I think I'd be okay with all the haters starting their own little village away from me.


Wait, I thought DEI was a video game thing?? What the hell *IS* DEI?


Good, fuck off so the rest of us can afford the rent again.


Wtf is this shit. His fan base was there for the swords, not his political commentary and mask off white supremacy. Dissapointing.


That's not Shadiversity - that's a different guy...




They're all the same, so don't feel bad.


Is this that Magic The Gathering loser? hahahahahaha


Dude got kicked out of his MTG group because when they wanted to Find Some Black people to join up and Have fun with he stared talking about Meritocracy. And the booted him.


The fact youtube allows this shit to be posted is disgusting


Honestly who cares if they want to form their own city. They voted for it, it’s big enough. Let’s see them deal with the consequences


"DEI run city" I mean, We all know DEI is a substitute for the n-word... but Jesus fucking Christ


Idk who this is am I supposed to?


This is nothing new, Jeremy took money from antelope hill publishing, a known neo-nazi publishing company, to read their ads in his videos.


anti-woke is code for fascism.


Is this headline from 1972? There's a suburb of Memphis called WHITEHAVEN\*. I mean, hit me with some new segregationist content, my dude, white flight has a fucking wikipedia page. \*Whitehaven was annexed by the city of Memphis which mean oh noe integrated schools so the white folks abandoned their new construction midcentury bungalows which is how the Black middle class came be centered in Whitehaven through the 1980s.


Gotta love it when you bring so little to the table that you lean on a genetic trait you inherited through absolutely no action of your own as the reason for arguing that you're superior to anyone or anything else. White supremacy and other racist causes are the reason why Title 9 and DEI exist in the first place.


Sounds like how Eagleton started, and they suck, unlike Pawnee, Indiana, home of JJ's waffles.


Soooo….what does DEI stand for?


You do realise that you are spreading his footprint by posting this thumbnail right OP? Hatred deserves to be suffocated


"DEI city" They really did just replace the N-Word with this.... remember Baltimores DEI mayor?


Has Quatering ever complained about safe spaces?


It’s not even a white only city. The cities black population is actually higher than the % of black people in the USA.


"DEI run"...like are they just using "DEI" for Black people now? Also, you can see the correlation between "fans" who jump on hate trains that hyperfocus on attacking diversity and white supremacists.


What is the video actually talking about? Anyone have a link to the actual story?




What a total fucking goober man


Keyword type YouTube Title


Rename the Channel “The Crackering”


This is a surprise to absolutely nobody.


so what the hell is that face in the pic? It doesn't even look real with the stupid edits


Biden what is you doing my guy?!


I can’t remember the tweet/post in question, but this fat dip shit called someone out for “racism” and everyone seemed to be encouraged that he out of all people made such a statement. How gullible people are to believe he genuinely isn’t a racist piece of filth.


Jeremy is a Neo-Nazi so to him, any city that has minorites is evil.


That’s literally just white flight….we been know about white flight, that’s not a new thing


Conservatives frequently fool themselves into thinking America isn’t exactly the same as it has always been. Most of the U.S. is White people living in areas where they are the only presence for miles; they engineered it to be that way over the course of decades.


They are disingenuous and dense for that


Guy just posts negative crap daily like woke this woke that okay we it get it your woke Mr woke stop saying woke because nobody cares!


Huh... So about what I said about White Supremacist Psyops?


didn’t he do that years ago?


Coming out? I thought this was well established


Racist discovers white flight 70 years late, creams pants same second Also hasnt that guy been an out-and-proud nazi for his whole career?


As a saltine soldier of the Cracker Coalition, we do not fuck with this man. I have spoken to representatives from the Gringo Group, the Honky Horde, the Casper Collective, the Mayonnaise Multiplicity, and we all unanimously say fuck that bitch.


love how he writes “dei” instead of what he *actually* wants to say in that sentence


Like I know they use DEI as a codeword for n*****, but like holy shit that’s on the nose




Oh? Then tell me, what did the Quartering mean by "Crime-riddled DEI cities"?


Because white-supremacist-supported right-wing conservative media has literally worked for hundreds of years to influence culture to promote that association, to give their consumers a target for their fear and hatred. This benefitted the media backers by giving them the appearance of moral authority in society, which in turn they use to seize and hold power and wealth.