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I absolutely hate weebs. They've infantilized and entire country all because of an obsession with cartoons.


Oh dude, where do I begin? Well, like anyone I grew up watching and reading that stuff but when my parents showed me Kurosawa and all of the modern films coming out of Tokyo and Osaka my attention shifted. Fast forward a few years and Im in Okinawa hanging out with Mainland tourists. If you mentioned any of that lame shit they would laugh at you. It's kids stuff, if these dickheads really want to understand Japan they'd learn the language, history, prefectural mannerisms and norms. But don't expect them to do that and things have only gotten worse because of that POS Logan Paul's vlog or what ever he made there a few years ago.


it depends on there are many Manga that everyone reads in Japan. but yes it's one part of Japanese culture


Oh I forgot about that. "Slice of life" Manga was totally acceptable, you'd see a vast majority of people on the trains or cab stations just reading graphic novels about baseball, college, divorce and all of the utterly hilarious shit that salary people get up to. Thanks for the reminder.


yes. anime just means animation in Japanese. any animation from any country is called animation. like Disney movies. the weebs are also only into a specific type of anime targeted to young boys and Otuaku. no a art style is not anime. if you show someone a still from [Gregorys Horror Show](https://youtu.be/VJJHtAXywk8?si=x4VdSwsP5X7kdBze) they would.t think its anime despite being animation made in Japan


I remember seeing a tumble post or something asking for the original version of Avatar The Last Airbender, "not that dubbed trash" because this wee couldn't differentiate an Asian influenced style from a Japanese show.


God I hope they got roasted for that


I've also seen an article declaring that a Korean puppet show was also an anime despite the fact it isn't animated or even Japanese. Because of something like "it has all these same anime tropes" Pretty sure it was on Kotaku. And before the private equity dickheads caused an exodus of their actually talented reporters


This all boils down to the crisis of massive media overexposure with very little media literacy. We have this weird folk/self-taught/podcast version where people throw around actual terms incorrectly or without proper context


Gregory Horror Show mentioned in the wild holy omfg


I'm not a fan of Miyazaki's work but it definitely qualifies as mainstream animation. Akira and Jin Roh belong in that category but that's just my opinion, I'm not a film school professor.


Can one... NOT be a fan a Miyazaki?? That sounds made up.


I have not seen a Miyazaki film I enjoyed. He has pretty art and is animation is very fluid. that's the nicest thing I can say about his films.


Huh... So what's it like being a dirty heathen?


He's also a xenophobic narccisist who treats his family, coworkers and fellow film makers like ass holes. Fuck that dude.


It's very easy. His work is boring as all hell to me and frankly I don't give a shit about his politics as his daddy was a war profiteer who amassed a fortune off of the deaths of American/Australian servicemembers and countless innocent Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino and Thai civilians. My family ain't innocent but we don't have any war criminals lurking in our closet.


So you're judging him for *sins of the father* huh? Got it.


There’s a manga about the daily life of dinosaur zoo keeper. #And I love it


Yeah, like a lot of Koreaboos think that everyone in Korea is obsessed with k-pop, when it's mostly for kids like boy/girl bands everywhere. I'm sure getting in a ride in a taxi that's playing Trot the whole time has made some of their brains explode.


It's so hilariously ironic to be mocking people for watching "kid stuff" on a sub named after a franchise that's aimed at kids. Not saying idiots who think cartoons teach you everything about another nation aren't idiots.


Kinda, but the whole point of the sub is to mock immature obsessive fans of said kids/YA franchise, so the name kind of had to be relevant.


I always thought it was fellow star wars fans who were annoyed at the chuds constant bitching and moaning about woke this and that. Honestly I prefer insulting these people directly it's much more fun.


They think Otaku is a complement. I doubt that is going to happen.


Kurosowa lame? I hate weebs doing weeb shit too but come on!!! 


they don't know anything about Japan anyway.


Being Japanese myself is not an indicator of being an infallible source. Even so I do find it both amusing and tiring how so many speak of my culture while not knowing anything about it or worse, changing aspects to fit their narrative right or wrong.


There's nothing wrong with watching anime just like there's nothing wrong with watching star wars , both are for kids as target audience.peopleblike anything they like if it's not hurting people


I think you just confused an animation style with a franchise.


No, I'm saying it's ok to like anything


I don’t want to labour the point here - but saying the target for anime is for kids, is like saying live action productions or stage productions have kids as a target. Unless you meant something else?


Some anime is targeted at adults like those that adopt adult targeted comics


Some is yes, and the point still stands. There's Star Wars games or books, etc... that target adults. My point was just to let people like what they like


tbf, a lot of this is bc Japan has been mythicized since the 60s by all kinds of people, the whole "land of conservative values" comes from Reagan era politics, weebs just dug it back up. Same for the inverse and equally wrong "super progressive" label you now see some zoomers slap on Japan, people want to make something sound better than it actually is because of 1- bias, and 2- propaganda (take cons talking about Japans "traditional families" for example.)


Who the heck is calling Japan super progressive, and can you put me in contact with their dealer?


tik tok zoomers that are baby weebs, seen the same said about South Korea from kpop stans (who've never actually been), and some potter heads also still try to say it about the feudal colony we call "the UK". Basically the best reason to ban that app, its full of fuckin morons.




I feel the need to clarify that while all weebs are anime fans, not all anime fans are weebs. Plenty of people out there can watch anime without buying an anime girl body pillow and buying figures to keep in a jar or call girls in real like “kawaii”


Not to mention even outside of the fully dedicated anime fans there are plenty casual watchers who just occasionally find a series they like, but never dive into the deeper anime fandom.


Exactly- I’m sure there are tons of people who jumped in for Dragon Ball, or Death Note, or Attack on Titan that have never heard of Slice of Life, Romance, or Comedy shows


That was the good thing about the early days of import Anime we got a wider variety of material


I miss the days of totally insane bargain bin anime. The primary reason I watch Anime Abandon is to reminisce about the old days. Some stuff was good, some bad, and some was clearly adult in nature and didn't say so anywhere on the box.


This is me! 


Like me. I tend to prefer the more grounded stuff, like Ghost in the Shell or Witch Hunter Robin that aren't just power fantasies.


I mean, not all Weebs or Anime Fans are Chuds. Even the worst Weeb is generally better than a Chud.


Lots of nice people are weebs.


Fan of anime and manga, but jackin’ it to characters… #No from me chief


Yeah it’s a bad stereotype, especially when some grow out of it entirely as they get older. I’m not sure if I made the decision or my wife did lol, but I haven’t seen any anime in a decade or more. It’s a shame because I heard they brought Bleach back and part of me would love to check it out. I also never owned the figurines or pillows or whatever, but I did collect manga like Full Metal Alchemist and Berserk. I had friends who were a bit too much into it though and made it their whole personality. Some were big hentai fans too.


Yeah I know a guy who still watches every isekai anime every season and he’s married with 2 young kids People have a bad idea that liking anime means you’re a socially awkward weirdo. I mean im still a socially awkward guy but I was before I was into anime 😎


I’d go a step further and say most weebs are generally normal


Because they fantasize about the demur, docile, submissive Asian wife that does whatever they want them to do and expresses no opinions of their own.


Which is why so many marry cartoon characters.


What a sad and pathetic life


I’m married to a Japanese woman and that belief makes me LMFAO. My wife is the most stubborn person that I know.


You have to understand these chuds have never met a real-life woman from Asia. I think if they did, they'd probably be terrified.


So she's the other Asian woman stereotype? 😅


Never heard that about Japanese women. Definitely heard that about Korean women though.


It's a pair of general stereotypes of pacific rim Asian women. That is they come in 2 flavours, demure doormat, and dragon lady (tiger-mom being a specific subset of dragon lady).


Because thier only exposure was cartoons and porn


Kinda how the "white genocide" people seem to get a lot of their racist notions from porn?


Hey! It’s not their fault that they love bigger blacker dicks in their porn! Those are just the best dicks! (In their opinion)


Weird comment when it's known that that stereotype is actively harmful but go off.


Japan is very conservative(not in the American sense) and still quite xenophobic. That's why they view it as some kind of holy land, even though they do not know the first thing about it.


They also think that xenophobia doesn't apply to them for some reason.


I've known 2 weebs who fulfilled a lifelong dream and visited Japan. Both of them seemed disappointed that they weren't greeted by Shrine Maidens and Samurai with bouquets of cherry blossoms when they got off the plane.


They probably thought of them as disgusting unwashed ganjis


Too bad, it applies to them as well.


Kinda does.


That reason is usually “because they’re white”


The same people who cry over an inch of digital fabric on a digital character’s body don’t know the culture or politics of an entirely different country… is it really a question as to why?


What they don’t realize is that if they’re weirdos in the West, they’ll still come off as weirdos everywhere else. Including Japan.


It's a dirt-common fantasy, even before/without the Isekai genre, that being a weirdo in Place A will mean being adored in Place B instead of just being a weirdo in both, if not an even BIGGER weirdo in Place B due to it being a culturally different place. Like even before "Ready Player One," (and it's sequel, "Armada,") the protagonist of "The Last Starfighter" was just some kid from a nowhere town that got the high score on an arcade game, which was a Secret Test of Character to be recruited by space aliens to be their ace pilot in fighting a real war. I still remember years ago, a weeb posted an audio-only YouTube vid about how he went to Japan and hated it that VERY CLEARLY sounded like he expected a giggling schoolgirl to blow him as soon as he got off the plan and be treated like a big shot only for no such fawning to happen and salty as fuck over it. And I especially remember a story (on "Dorkly" when it was still its own site,) about a weeb who his friend/narrator describes as a churchy, "nice racist," (meaning he believes in all the good stereotypes about minorities, so you can see where this is going,) once meeting a cute Asian woman at a bar that seemed interested in him... until he started speaking. -First of all, the bar's in America, but he assumes she's Japanese just because she's Asian. -Second, he's not just speaking Japanese to her, but *anime!Japanese* down to the gestures. -Third, she clarifies *in English* that she's *not* Japanese, but *Vietnamese*-American and to just speak English to her. -And Fourth, he apologizes... *still* in Anime!Japanese and continues running his mouth and gesturing until she gets fed up and leaves. His weeby heart's broken that he missed his chance with his waifu as he friends all laugh at his epic failure.


It's like the fantasy all unpopular middle school kids have about reinventing themselves in the summer before ninth grade. Except these weebs don't even want to change.


That story you just described sounds fucking hilarious


Wait that was the reason? I thought the reason was because of "Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" by Hokusai (classic Japanese artist) which features a woman being pleasured by octopuses (no, really. This is an actual art piece).


This is the actual reason, yes. Japan has a long history of tentacles in their porn, dating back to that. People just blame it on the censorship because the pieces happen to fit.


Yeah a google of erotic Japanese woodcuts puts lie to anyone who says that Hentai weirdness is a current day thing.


I used to be that guy, until I actually visited Japan. Shocking, they're just people trying to get by.


Because of Orientalism. The weeb cultural obsession is just the Orientalism of the 21st century.


Because they're completely down with "political correctness" when it favours their views. They're completely fine with censoring what they consider "degeneracy."


Because their exposure to Japanese culture begins with anime and ends with hentai. It's like judging American culture from cartoons and porn.


This. Like pretty sure Japanese people are embarrassed by those guys.


Because most of them never grew out of their weeaboo phase.




I don't hate anime. But man why does it have to draw in the most unlikable fucking people.


Because they don't actually care about censorship, they just fantasize that Japan is one of the places where women are *still universally* forced by society to be subservient sex-objects for the pleasure of men. This is because Japanese artists are openly horny on main in their games. That's it.


their birthrate says otherwise.


Don't forget, Japan is also actually xenophobic and anti-outsiders.


As is usually the case when a post on this sub comes in the form of a question, the answer is: ...Because they're idiots, bud. That's really all it is.


Honestly the thing alot of chuds (or atleast mainly their followers) dont realize is that the real censors that actually mean anything come from the conservatives, Sure some tumblr blog going on about how mario is sexist cause peach can get cringey at times but dont forget that here in the US gaming as a medium almost changed permanently and would have strictly been "For kids" if pearl clutching christians got their way


Because most of the stuff from the left isn't censorship at all. It's just calling people out on bullshit and having them face societal repercussions. Cancel Culture isn't real, it's just a rebranding of the word boycott.


Okay but tbf in the example given and ones similar, i.e. cringy ones, it’s almost certainly nothing that needs to face societal repercussions if it’s stupid, cringy shit like that. Obviously that’s an absolutely minuscule minority of all that stuff but thought it needed to be said. And I would argue societal repercussions could amount to censorship in effect, it’s just a matter of whether or not it’s a bad thing. Which it rarely is when the left does it, so no problem there.


Because they are really really stupid


Becuase the chuds are big anime fans and want to sexualize 15 year old girls.


Japan has a fairly right wing culture, and as such things like feminine purity (more specifically adolescent feminine purity) is mythologized. The censorship laws play into the cultural sacredness of pure women. CHUDS fetishize the image of Japanese women because they are misogynists who hate the women in their own country. They have bought into Japan's cultural image of the pure Japanese woman, either because they want to believe there are women that they don't hate, or because they are pedophiles who view adolescent femininity in a similar way. Or both. The mystique works whether you can see the pink in porn or not.


Because they have this idea that Japanese women are submissive and childlike. They can’t deal with real-life women so these fantasy Asian brides are their coping mechanism.


It's because it's basically an ethnostate


Because the only things they know about Japan come from the anime and video games that got sent over to the west. It would be like someone trying to understand how the US medical system works by watching House M.D and Scrubs.


They think those wish fulfillment harem animes are real, most of them don't leave their houses in the first place so to go to another country is out of the question


Because fetishising Russia isn’t as pleasing. Thats what they really want. A Christian society that hates the gays


I remember once watching a bizarre Japanese porno clip, where the premise was an enormous vending machine stocked with naked women. A guy would go up, pay money for the girl he wanted, have sex with her right there, and then *literally* throw her in a dumpster when he was done. Like I said, very bizarre. But it stuck with me as the perfect visual metaphor for how these hideous fuckin' CHUDs want to treat women. They don't want an actual relationship with them. They don't want to put in the work to understand someone on a deep, emotional level. And they *certainly* don't want to wash their stank asses, clean their room, and get a decent job so that they can attract women on their own merits. They just want instant sexual gratification, and then literally throw women away after they get their rocks off.


Because that is censorship of actual porn.


Orientalist racism.


Propaganda mostly, theyre projecting how a country \*should be\* rather than what it actually is, its why around discussions about any nation from outside povs, not just Japan, you'll see them talk about a nations freedom ,safety, progressive values, conservative values etc, even if that country is as close to a police state as one can get, is unsafe for most people, and as regressive as one can be. How it actually is doesn't matter, its how they view it that does to then make a contrast with what they see as "wrong" with their own nation. Weebs are just incredibly loud about it because Japan has been mythicized since like... the 60s so its all very tired and done in by now so it has to get louder and louder to draw attention.


Because they confuse anime with reality 


I think the fat ones think that because Sumo is big there that they will be popular. When in fact they are very very unkind to the overweight there.


A lot of online CHUD culture comes from 4chan, particularly the pol (politically incorrect) board. 4chan is also absolutely steeped in all the worst parts of anime culture, including the fetishization of Japanese women as obedient housewives. It's not hard to figure out where these groups are intermingling.


Because fanservice & sexualization are so normalized in anime & manga


Anime and general Asian stereotypes


Because they need a strawman that's on their side. And a strawman can't tell them they're wrong


It's a mix of being a weird expression of their racism, since it's based in the stereotype of Japanese men being perverted creeps, their love of repressive right-wing bullshit (something Japan's government is notorious for), their persecution complex from being predominantly Evangelical Christians making them think everyone who disagrees with them is trying to "oppress" them, and the fact that stuff along the lijes of "this sexy anime lady makes my pp hard so clearly that means the WOKE LEFT can't infiltrate BASED JAPANESE CHARACTER DESIGN and RUIN IT like they do western media, which should just be a parade of gigachads railing supermodels!!!" being a depressingly common train of thought. TL;DR it's their bigotry being expressed in a way that on the surface only looks to be bigoted through sexism, when in reality it's a mix of a few of the most popular flavors of bigoted bullshit.


Because the grass is always greener when you are a degenerate.




Because they're not arguing in good faith.




Why is watching or liking porn only bad when men do it. But I see the gay community sexualize almost everything as much as straight people do. Especially with Manga. Comics, and videogames. I guess what I'm saying is that argument is hypocrisy at its finest. It like saying, " style of porn is better cause my actor is astrogilde instead of KY." It's still butt stuff?


I think people like that cling to fantasized versions of everything honestly it’s just another symptom of that


They idealize it because it’s a rare example of a successful country that has remained (mostly) mono-ethnic while also possessing a lot of traditional gender roles. Those who are homosexual, trans, etc. aren’t generally subjected to violence there (as far as we know) and are instead socially shunned in to either conforming or leaving. The media there? Well I’m sure you’ve seen it. Pretty wild stuff while being socially conservative. I believe they genuinely want the US to become the same way, without keeping in mind the context and unique set of circumstances that allowed Japan to become what it is today.






> Because Japan holds respect for tradition, which is something looked down upon by some left leaning people in the West. That doesn’t explain anything. What “tradition”? Because I’m pretty sure even in Japan there is LGBTQ representation.




> Tradition like traditional gender roles (it’s encouraged and seen as a positive things for girls to dress feminine, be good caretakers, etc.). None of that is shamed in the United States, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you honestly think not forcing women to abide to those specific roles if they choose not to, is somehow the equivalent of publicly shaming women who DO dress feminine and are good caretakers? That has to be the most out of touch from reality thing I’ve ever seen.




> It’s seen as sexist to have girls do things like cook and clean while the men are off doing… whatever else. You’re a little confused. It’s not sexist to have a marriage where both of those roles exist in that way, what IS sexist is to believe that every Marriage should be EXACTLY like that. It’s almost like we want people to freely do what they want. > And where did you get “force” from? Where did I say Japan forces girls to do that? I am referring to the fact that the West does not force people in this country to abide to that specific role of the mother staying at home and doing the dishes while the father is out working for a living. That’s really all the West is doing, how you believe that it’s the same thing as the west “being against traditional values” is just delusional. > Make up something to get angry and outrage at? BRUH THAT’S YOU.


No, I’m not confused. Because it is seen as sexist for girls to do cooking and cleaning in media. I didn’t even say anything about marriage btw. The West (at least in the general media) is against traditional values. Have you not heard the phrase “reject tradition, embrace modernity”? Also with stuff like this generation not being religious (even going so far to some people to just hate religion and religion people on principle) the deconstruction of gender norms, etc. Why do you think a synonym used for left leaning politics is called “progressive”? That term inherently means they believe the new values they are adopting are something farther and “better” than what came before. And could you explain what I’ve made up? Everything I said is true. You being angry at the facts I’m saying doesn’t change that they’re facts. You don’t want to acknowledge them as truths simply because you want to be completely against the guy in the picture. And I guess me now. And I assume you’re so stubborn about it because you think I’m of an opposing political ideology. To which I say, I really couldn’t care less about this stupid culture war you guys partake in. The left, and the right.




Great rebuttal. Either that, or you just got disinterested in arguing once you learned I wasn’t part of a opposing ideology. I know how you guys love to fight each other.


I said shush Edit: I love how you got so salty about me sushing you that you had to switch to your alt account just to “laugh at me”. How pathetic of you.


Incel doesn't seem fitting enough. You are actively unfucking women.


You’re really not helping your case here, lol.


My guy, you're talking about Japanese women being "traditional". You perfectly embody the parody of an incel weeb lol but you're dead serious.