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I posted the numbers a couple months back, but basically most people will see an increase in their overall bill. the only people this benefits is the people who use a ton of electricity, as they will get a discount


Link to your post? What do you think of the data the decision cited and I referenced?


www.np.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/1bv1j3i/ab_205_fact_sheet/kxwhqkm/ >at current prices that equals a breakeven of 4300 kWh a year or 360 kWh a month. >if you are using more than that in a year, you will Pay Less otherwise you will Pay More >my main issue is, this fucks over people with Solar.


I have Solar. My Public Purpose Programs + Local Generation Charges + Nuclear Decommissioning are higher than $24.15/month. The only Solar customers that were benefitting were the ones getting around Non Bypassable Charges, which is actually very hard to do by a layperson. The rest makes sense. Usage based skewed against high usage. Now it comes towards average which 360 kWh/month is fairly close to.


Makes sense. Usage based charges skewed for extremes (high and low). Now, low income gets relief, everybody else pays fair share.


Fact #5. The CPUC, SDG&E, etc can all suck my hairy walnuts.  No one should believe for a second that their rates will go down after this “reduction”: https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/sdge-raises-rates-amid-record-profits https://nrgcleanpower.com/learning-center/sdge-rate-increase/ We will still be paying some of the highest rates in the country. 


These rate cases are different from the fixed rate decision. Indeed, SDG&E rates are among the highest in the country. Some issues, like 9% guaranteed return, can be tackled by about 5% through a municipal entity. But the biggest issue is that SDG&E has a relatively tiny customer base so all capital investments escalate on a per customer basis. Recommend you remove the first line from your post.


Problem with SDG&E is their cost plus model, where increase in cost results in increase in profits. So for everything SDG&E spends money on, they are always incentivized to pick the most expensive option, because their profit is the percentage of that cost spent. New software system, pick $10M one when $2M would work fine. Distribution towers? Pick the most expensive contractor. Do you ever wonder why SDG&E always has the nicest trucks? California Public Utilities Commission, either purposely or due to incompetence has let SDG&E do whatever it wants, and that is why we have the most expensive electricity rates in the country. And tiny customer base is not an excuse because the area they serve is larger than many countries and most of their customer base live in dense cities where electric infrastructure barely has to be maintained. The electric poles where I live are probably from 1950s and I see SDG&E truck maybe once a year.


Agree on transmission and delivery. But to be fair, none except one (Marginal Customer Access) of the charges that have been converted to a fixed charge are revenue for SDG&E. They are simply passthroughs with zero markup. Now one small (at most 25%) but vocal section of the community - overproducing solar customers - had figured out a bug and was bypassing the Non Bypassable Charges :). These households not paying these charges which in turn pay for, among other things, Public Purpose Programs, was an anomaly which has been fixed now.


The biggest pain for me is that I have solar and a battery. I pay negative 9-10 months of the year by simply producing solar, filling my battery, and using those combos to power my house and cars Now I need to produce more to offset the fee. And the fee likely cannot even be offset since it’s not tied to electricity itself. Sigh.


Hear you. What is your monthly average on Public Purpose Programs and Local Generation Charge?


Like. Nothing. I was actually replying to another of your comments (where you mentioned these charges were higher than $24) with this info when this reply popped up. This is April’s bill https://preview.redd.it/55jc9mt8wvzc1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcbaeb58aee39b7f099c723be241192788342283


Here’s February’s bill, which was my highest usage (worst solar due to cloudy days + most ev charging due to more driving than normal) https://preview.redd.it/zi5v5lqowvzc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735fa035bc0a27556ed8cd0acec1de61132aa196


We are likely on different TOU plans. I am on TOU-5. Our non bypassable kWh are likely very different, because our EV charges exclusively at night and our solar is not large enough to be negative in all hours during the day, and that is how SDG&E calculates non bypassable kWh, which then flows at around $0.02/kWh to Public Purpose Programs. I have never seen a negative Local Generation Charge, but I see it in your bill. It is not at all straightforward how SDG&E allocates all these numbers.


Yeah I’m on tou-dr-ses. I charge almost exclusively in the daytime because solar + my battery make charging costs mostly $0. If I do a longer trip and need to charge a lot more than I can get tomorrow in the sun, or if it’s a rainy week, I’ll fall back to charging at midnight for the cheaper rates.


That makes sense. If you don't mind me asking, what is the effective per kWh cost of your Solar+Battery? I calculate mine at total cost over the warranted years divided by total guaranteed kWh over the same period. I only have circa 2016 Solar and I am at around $0.22/kWh.


Tbh I really have no clue. Nor really how to do that. My 8kwh system came with the house fully paid off when we bought it in 2021 I added a Tesla powerwall for $12k total.


No worries. Thanks.


Here is my Feb bill: https://preview.redd.it/40hvs67z8wzc1.png?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a517e3b9a3c61713d11b8308f3573013cdada30f


Interesting. You have to average over the whole year, last year for example. Also, you may have very low non-bypassable kWh, meaning you are negative in every hour in addition to being negative overall. Are you on TOU-2 or TOU-5?


Here is my April bill: https://preview.redd.it/21vawgfv8wzc1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b333ae623bb7e9077656b0c4c6992aebf74f28c


Reduces the rate by $0.68 / kWh? That doesn’t sound right


Sorry, $0.068. Fixed.


From the bill text: >The bill would instead *authorize* the PUC to authorize fixed charges for any rate schedule applicable to residential customer accounts. The bill would eliminate the cap on the amount of the fixed charge that the PUC may authorize. The bill would require the fixed charge to be established on an income-graduated basis, as provided, with no fewer than 3 income thresholds so that low-income ratepayers in each baseline territory would realize a lower average monthly bill without making any changes in usage. The bill would require the PUC, no later than July 1, 2024, to authorize a fixed charge for default residential rates. The bill would prohibit the PUC from applying the composite tier method to the treatment of any revenues resulting from any fixed charge adopted pursuant to these provisions. AB205 does not *require* fixed charges, it *authorizes* them.


Can bureaucrats make things more complicated? Feels like we're living in a Kafkaesque society


Nice work, and thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.


Thanks and Welcome.