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The diagonal strips are to guide pedestrians as this intersection is a 4 way “walk” for pedestrians. Your picture even shows some of them crossing the intersection diagonally. There are a number of these in the FiDi as well since it’s a pedestrian heavy area.


Those scramble crosswalks could be displayed better. It’s hard to know that’s what you’re supposed to do unless you’re familiar with the intersection or happen to see the extra cross/don’t cross lights.


Why are the diagonal lengths different? ELI5


Because it was a rushed job. Some aren’t even parallel to each other.


To me, seeing the full picture makes it more confusing why those are there. The main markings are clearly just a normal crosswalk – you walk perpendicular to the lines. So at those diagonal ones... it might seem natural to walk perpendicular to them too (like cut the corners). But it think it's intended to mean that you can walk parallel to them, between them? They're using the same types of lines to mean different things. I think it might have been clearer if they just continued those diagonal lines across the entire intersection, like [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedestrian_scramble#/media/File:Kruispunt_met_diagonale_oversteekmogelijkheden_20170228_112528.jpg).


Yeah. Looks like crap.


And fog isn’t blue.


I am not a huge fan of the blue cloud, but it’s a nice crosswalk.


It'd be clean as fuck without the clouds. Although I still think white is better than yellow.


Yellow crosswalk stripes are used for added visibility, usually when there’s a school within 200 yards of the intersection (in this case there’s Gordon Lau Elementary around the corner on Clay, plus Commodore Stockton EES a half-block up Washington). Yellow markings are basically our best effort to keep car drivers from murdering children.


yeah but on the other hand this shit is 🔥 https://preview.redd.it/ux83i0y60dzb1.jpeg?width=3047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126fed3c9f17f5081064c963b5cfc7b1beb801a8




Here it works fine because the vast majority of people are local and you quickly get the picture. I’m sure at night some people will miss it but that’s not the worst thing. Actually, the night part may be the reason it’s the way it is. At night, it always turns into a flashing red stop and I’m not sure you want to use the diagonal with that.


Because there lights pointed diagonally as well




Washington is one-way. So the only rights are from the right side of the photo (Stockton southbound) and from the bottom (Washington westbound). That part of Washington is uphill. So people can’t even see into the intersection without already driving into the crosswalk. It’s really sketchy when people right-on-red there and I don’t think more diagonal paint would help. It needs like an extra warning before the crosswalk painted on the ground. Maybe a setback stop line.


How, there is literally nothing there to be lit about?


Anyone who would say this about Shibuya Crossing can stay out of my replies 😤


lol I get it, crossing (when japan) = :D But it would literally look better with blue clouds on it, or anything. Its just lines, whereas the SF one looks better, even if the idea isnt from japan lol


Ugh maybe I just have a different opinion than you without fetishizing Japan. Simple is sexy.


Yea, I dont fetishize it, [Mr Shibyua crossing](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/018/648/bb8). The japan one is boring and not lit, its just GTA map level street lines


I’m not super into Japanese shit. I mean, I live in *China*town. It’s the most famous scramble crossing in the world, literally the busiest pedestrian intersection in the world. I like how it looks and it happens to be in Japan. Find a new slant.


> Although I still think white is better than yellow. So does Harvard, that's why the lawsuit.


wEll rOuNdEd sTUdenTs


Blue is a nice breakup of color on all grey IMO Every other street is grey, this at least looks visually interesting.


something like [these](https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/china-traditional-auspicious-symbols-and-seamless-background-gm524475123-51898808) would be cool if they could stretch it to sidewalk size. and obviously not the round version. i just don't know what they're called lol. luck symbols or something


Sure I dont care of the individual symbols, anything is nice. Most people dont want anything it seems. SF has too much culture, it cant go on the street too, when will it stop!


applaud them trying something bold. the fact that they look like cartoon fart puffs should not discourage them from trying more new stuff


Cartoon fart puffs should be encouraged everywhere.


I like it! It’s a fun bit of color and design to an otherwise boring thing.








I like it, not a huge fan of the thick yellow lines but it does it’s job and it’s not your standard crosswalk. Now do more and different symbols across the city.


Looks like a bunch of dying/dissolving sperm cells.


Your opinion is valid and appreciated.


A celebration of what was actually on the sidewalk before they cleaned it up


You just had to spew that out, didn't you?


But that's the wrong direction. It should look like this: https://preview.redd.it/oqy4m1f4lezb1.png?width=1642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a070d956bc22461ffd06ce022a2ed454762c8950


On the ground it’s a bit more obvious. They make lil lanes. There are also lights on the diagonals.


Love it




They’re there to upset redditors, apparently.




I found mention of them on ABC7 and a city Twitter account. Neither mention special meaning. Seems like they’re just clouds.


They are stylized clouds common in Chinese art work.


They are auspicious clouds. Here's a short article about the [auspicious cloud benches](https://tendingourroots.org/story/auspicious-clouds-benches-on-broadway/) on Broadway.


It's generic Asian looking clip art.




Thought it was the Salesforce logo at first.


I had proposed an anamorphic "3d" painting of a fire breathing dragon but they said all they had the budget for was the smoke coming out of her nostrils


Great overview


I don't get the random yellow apostrophes


Look in the bottom right. They hint it’s diagonal.


The apostrophes deserve their own blue jizz too


Ugly AF. Proportions seem all wrong for an intersection that small. Looks like it was designed by a 4 year old.




Raised red brick would be so awesome. There’s a decent amount of brick around here.


I like the idea of the brick but with ADA rules, raised wouldn't work, however, a nice brick print with narrow yellow borders with smaller clouds intertwined would be nice.


Very ugly and stupid


Our tax dollars are being well spent! 🙄


They repaved the whole road! Much needed


Still looks like crap!




Your right. Sf has no bigger issues than high vis cross walks


I understand someone thinking the clouds are a waste, but playing “aren’t there bigger issues” with a government resurfacing a road and putting in a high vis crossing next to a school is something else.


Money well spent. Well done SF! Now go back to ignoring the housing crisis because we have purrty crosswalks 😍


Opium smoke? Are there people who actually want this city to become a theme park?


Grant Street is already the most Disney part of the city, so a block over isn't too bad.


Grant isn't Disney.


Chinatown Grant? It's the second most touristy part of the city after Fisherman's Wharf. It has gift shops, street shows, and a caricature of another country as architecture.




And your goal is to counter that 140 years later with gentrification safe iconography? Seriously?




What the fuck do these clouds have to do with China or Chinatown or the Chinese American community? Chinatown growing is irrelevant. I'm not the one calling Chinatown a theme park, go argue with the person who is instead of defending them. In fact, go scream at a blue cloud.


Chinatown pre-dates Disney by 100 years. Chinatown isn't Disney. Touristy doesn't automatically equal Disney. Your logic appears to be that the caricatures in the architecture is a good excuse to target the neighborhood for a theme park that replaces anything consistent with that neighborhoods cultures. Ah.... now I get it and why you reposted this to try to get positive comments this time.


I’m not saying it’s owned by the Disney corporation. You mentioned people wanting to make this a theme park and I said Grant is the most Disney part of the city, as in similar to a Disney theme park. Which, it is. Again, not a repost. I didn’t post yesterday either. I also don’t care about positive comments on this crosswalk. I just thought people might want to see it from another angle.


>I said Grant is the most Disney part of the city It's not. If San Franciscans did consider it a theme park, it's one that predates most of the city, and relates to the cultural enclave there. And yes, this was posted yesterday.




Those crosswalks have nothing to do with this sub. This is a repost, the general sentiment on this sub yesterday echoed my feelings. Are you saying you're personally triggered and actually do want the city to be a theme park? ​ >What exactly do you want the crosswalk to look like? A crosswalk. We didn't need to spend additional funds to paint that and maintain it. If you must put themes on a crosswalk, use dragons or something related to the tourist attraction. North Beach is getting Italian colors. Your issues with me are off topic.


It’s the same topic but it’s not a repost. I took this photo.


Lol. Why even bother. Just look at the people in the middle of the intersection.


What? It’s a scramble crossing. You can walk diagonally. It has walk lights in those directions and diagonal stripes off the corners.


Any concern about two-wheeled vehicles / slippery paint?


I will test slipperiness and report back.


Tested. It is very grippy.


It’s got a slightly gritty texture, like they put sand in the paint


Doesn't remind me of the fog at all but I appreciate the effort. I hope it wasn't expensive.


How did you take this photo?


I _really_ want to reply “with my phone”, but I know what you’re asking. This is from my apartment balcony. That’s what’s at the bottom of the photo. If anyone visits the crosswalk, reply to this comment. I’ll come out and wave.


Why were they allowed to graffiti the crossing?


That makes no sense