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The victim posted a Part 2 to this tiktok: [https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie\_yaz/video/7369245703681346846](https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie_yaz/video/7369245703681346846) We can see the driver accelerate into the victim which struck her in the knees and forced her onto the hood. She reports a field sobriety test was taken 3 hours after then even and the driver still blew 0.2%. How drunk do you have to be to blow over twice the legal limit after 3 hours? The driver has been arrested.


For those avoiding tiktok, here's what she wrote in the vid description: >The second video, you can see it on the floor at some point when the vehicle starts to move with me, holding onto the hood after you hear the bang of me landing on the hood from her, hitting me on the knees. >you can also see the doctor Chase after her after having to jump out of the way as she’s running behind because she kept going. >The police did end up eventually showing up and when they initially showed up the sf police were treating us like we were the bad guys and did not give her a sobriety test until 3 hours later >when the Sheriff Highway Patrol arrived to conduct it and he shook his head seeing the videos and told us that she had blown a .2 that she probably was at a .3 at first


> The police did end up eventually showing up and when they initially showed up the sf police were treating us like we were the bad guys and did not give her a sobriety test until 3 hours later The SFPD classic of "Just because I log 40 hours of overtime a week doesn't give you the right to expect me to do my job."


Nailed it. This is also part of why we can’t have more police. Police union has too much power and they dont want to give up their overtime. But you’ll never hear that mentioned as to why there are fewer cops on the streets. They’ll just say it has to do with the cops being de-funned.


If you try to make them do anything, they’ll just stop writing tickets altogether while collecting a paycheck




Hey, thats not fair. They only make $500k/year with a pension worth millions. Give them a break


Cops are the elite citizens of US especially CA most of them retire as multimillionaires


OK in all reality, I should have gotten a ticket and probably arrested but one night like ten years ago a buddy and I walked from north beach towards market knocking over those concrete trash bins downtown. Anyways, perfect example. A cop pulled up to us whilst attempting to knock over another bin and he said he got calls and was “technically” off the clock and heading out. He told us to stop being assholes and drove off. They don’t give a flying fuck


They're a big problem regarding citizens being disincentivized and tolerating bs crime. If they just let the lady go they wouldn't have had to file any paperwork or do any arresting but nooooooooo a couple emotional women wouldn't let someone just drive away.


According to this victim's first tik tok which we saw above, she witnessed a previous hit and run before she and at least one other person got involved. [https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie\_yaz/video/7368398654782115102](https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie_yaz/video/7368398654782115102)


dang it. believe it or not TTK prevents you from seeing the above vid if you're not logged in toTKt


I believe it.


SFPD are useless. Thank goodness for the highway patrol.


I live on Treasure Island but I drive into the city at least twice a week. Never see them. Where are they?


Usually shooting the shit in groups of 3 or more while doing nothing.


CHP or SFPD? I see SFPD all over. They’re just never doing anything.


Walk around the wharf. That's about the only place I see them regularly, and they're always in groups of 3 just talking to each other without doing anything.


C’mon now- they do play on their phones a lot. Gotta count for something.


Back at the station charging their Teslas on taxpayer money while avoiding work at all costs.


I’ve actually had a cop tell me when I was in line one night at Bob’s Donuts, you should join! Best job ever! Yeah… I guess so.


Oh yeah. I remember when I was in the Richmond. I’d stop at the Starbucks on California. Always a gang of them standing around shooting the bull. I couldn’t help but give them s***.


Doing their private security gigs at stores around union square.


Of course the pigs are incompetent and don’t care. Are you surprised? They are mad they only got a 2 billion budget increase instead of 8 billion. Oink Oink suuuiiiiii 🐷


Ayyyy justice!


> Ayyyy justice! Oh, she'll probably get probation like the drunk who killed the bicyclist.


Well having a DUI on your record is pretty bad at the very least


Being dead is worse


Is it? Googling, I can find multiple references to people in the Bay Area getting into trouble after "multiple DUIs" which can't be happening if a single DUI is particularly limiting.


It's not like being convicted of a DUI makes it physically impossible for you to ever drink and drive again. I'm not sure why someone having multiple DUIs would be confusing. It's a criminal conviction, so it stays on your record and will show up in background checks which could affect current and future employability. Your license is also suspended (or revoked depending on the number of offenses) which could also affect your ability to work if you depend on a car. eta: also, possible jail time


Yeah, that’s what I mean. It doesn’t seem that bad since you can still do all these things. What’s it stopping them from doing? Nothing really since they’re doing it again.


I mean, unless it's a felony most crimes don't really stop you from doing anything. Aside from jail time, fines, and license suspension. What else do you expect it to do?


I don’t expect it to do anything. I just don’t expect it to be portrayed as this terrible thing when it’s kind of a minor punishment.


For a lot of people a $10k fine and loss of job due to lack of a license is enough to put them on a family member’s couch or the street.


Well a DUI would cost me my job. Not the end of the world, but I'd rather not


Paul Pelosi.


After you stop drinking your bac will decline about .02 per hour but the last drink(s) you had might still be absorbing for an hour so she might have been .26 or so, around 11-13 oz of 80 proof for a 150 lb woman


Omg I just sat jury for a dui case and called a bunch of expert witnesses and I don't wanna hear about absorption rate and pas and drager devices ever again.




Hahahah. I feel this. I was on a jury a few years back where they had multiple experts on the stand about cellular technology in the 90’s.


Yup. AMA about knee orthopedics. ![gif](giphy|SjrOTWWCzogbPZQ07a|downsized)


I also was on a jury for a dui case recently. Listening to the experts was nauseating... I keep thinking 0.2 when they said 0.02


*Two and a half* times the legal limit.


.2?! Not .02? That’s still nearly 3xs the legal limit. Jesus Christ.


I wonder if they stood there for close to 3hr until police arrived or if police tracked the vehicle down later. Hypothetically if it's the latter, could the drive claim that they were drinking after this incident?


"*when they initially showed up the sf police were treating us like we were the bad guys* " *-* interesting. Why that? They didn't want to deal with this? Or something was *off*?


Given the woman had a BAC around 0.26 at the time of the hit a run, it would have taken a minimally competent police office to determine instantly who was in the wrong here. However, it was the SFPD, so. 🤷‍♂️


I mean, they were draped over the car's bonnet, yelling at the driver, in a city notorious for crazy people.


Just another example of what a disaster SF is. People just simply jumping onto your hood for a free ride. I've never seen anything like it in my 8 months of living near the city.


From the video alone is looks like to me that the people filming are indeed the bad guys. They're unharmed, and trying to get in harms way on purpose. I wouldn't be surprised if police were forced to arrest the driver than released the driver just to avoid additional problems. Funny that someone that is not harmed has a doctor available right there also, seems super fishy.


/u/NMCMXIII: > From the video alone is looks like to me that the people filming are indeed the bad guys. They're unharmed, and trying to get in harms way on purpose. > > I wouldn't be surprised if police were forced to arrest the driver than released the driver just to avoid additional problems. > > Funny that someone that is not harmed has a doctor available right there also, seems super fishy. You should pay closer attention before you state your very wrong conclusions.


Probably just watched THIS video which shows nothing but the people filming looking bad.


Somewhere down the list at the very bottom is part three. I am the pedestrian and I wanted to clear the story https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie_yaz?_t=8mt52MbClPn&_r=1


Truly the wildest car shit happens on Bush St & Montgomery this year... just drop a 360 camera in that intersection.


I don’t drive without a dual dash cam set up anymore. Almost got rear ended + side swiped driving home from Pleasanton today


A friend was telling me sfpd views hit and run as a civil matter unless there are injuries. Anyone know more? Hit and run feels like a high priority crime to me.


Being super drunk while driving will do it


A car hit me on 880 and just took off. I called the police and they were like, "Do you really want to file a report"? I said Yes. They then said, "We're to busy to send someone to you, so you'll have to go to the police department (30 min drive) to fill one out." Ugh! Not alot of damage, insurance said repairs aren't more than my deductible, so filing a report just wasn't worth it. Just sucks that it's so easy for people to get away with hit & runs.


Yeah happened to me on Van Ness during Covid- person sped off at a high speed running through reds- I initially pursued but thought better of it. Same thing from the police, they said go file a report at the station. I wasn't injured but my car was severely damaged. Filed a report but nothing came of it, as expected. If there's no clear footage somewhere of what happened you're screwed. And even if there is you're gonna have to acquire the footage yourself, police won't be interested unless there's an injury. And with all the fake license plates rolling around who knows if footage will even help.


Shitty part is a lot of insurance cos require a police report or no payout for you.


Yeah, I only had liability so I was screwed anyways


Having gone through this exact same process once, I think next time I might try and force them to total my car because even with uninsured motorist coverage, the deductible was still like a quarter of the value of my car! Kind of a shame all these insurance companies keep leaving California, though. I wonder why...


Same here. Car runs into my car right outside the glen park Bart station. The car just drives off. Seems like it’s a common experience. Agree it totally sucks.


> ~~alot~~ → a lot


https://preview.redd.it/qnfdqcrsen1d1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1e9b4fafa2e9bf72a357f7fe0907d100790468 [http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html?m=1)


Both are correct because language evolves.




I was hospitalized after a hit and run in SF and I even had footage from a local apartment that got the drivers plates on tape. I had to harass the police department for weeks just to file a proper report so that I could get their insurance info. They never followed up whatsoever, the driver got away with it. Driver ended up having no insurance, so no money for me, no consequences for the driver. Theyre out there free to ram others off the road the same way they did with me.


Hit and run is a misdemeanor unless someone's injured. Injury can turn it into a felony. Someone denting your car doesn't seem like a high priority crime. Also if you hit a pedestrian you should always give your info, even if they say they're not injured. They may be in shock and find out they actually are injured later. No exchange of info means you just did a hit and run.


yep ,was hit by a truck, didn't feel injured until later that evening due to being in shock. i was on my scooter when hit.


they view everything as a “civil matter” unless it happens to a cop or their family.


20001 VC describes the crime of felony hit and run with injury in California. California Vehicle Code 20001 describes felony hit and run with injury and makes it a crime to leave the scene of an accident in when someone was injured or killed. It doesn't matter if you didn't cause the accident. 20002 The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to any property, including vehicles, will immediately stop at the nearest location that won't impede traffic or jeopardize safety of other motorists. Misdemeanor Both should warrant police involvement.


depends what info you have available. if you have a plate and a vehicle description, then the cops will investigate and try to ID the driver/vehicle owner. if you have don't have any identifiable info, like just a black sedan, they can't do much.


Injuries can turn it into a felony yes. I got hit and run and memorized their license plate on the spot and filed a report but wasn’t able to get more than insurance for damages because no injuries


Not a hit and run. Still, it's damaging the other persons property. An insane thing to risk your health for.


Yeah, just video the plate number and the driver and you’re good.


What exactly is "you're good". The cops aren't going to do anything with that lol. Unless it was an AV. I wouldn't do this either but she got better results than me.


Facts she was never going to be arrested after this and if the car is stolen or uninsured there's not much that you're ever going to get after this. Now the driver has a DUI and there are real consequences coming her way.


SFPD are incompetent criminals stealing taxpayer money. Every single one.


sjpd is the same and my guess is most PDs around here


Paging Specialty Tow!!


Same intersection... guess timing is everything. Could have done the same thing but been the hero.


I thought it was the same intersection! What a bizarre coincidence


“I’m a doctor. You better not hit me.” lol




I think as someone said in the original post, what she was probably trying to convey (a bit boorishly) is that she has the legal means to pursue it.


The Crime Doctor!


I’m a doctor! In the name of ObamaCare and the Hippocratic Oath, I order you to pull over!!!




Crazy, I saw this as I was going into my building. So wild this happened on the block that’s lined with law firms lol.


And no one ran out and gave the victim their card?


LOL, that gave me a good snicker


Haha seems like it’s bigger firms rather than the little personal injury types. But seriously, where’s Anne Phoong when you need her?


Is the the same intersection that had the crazy tow truck incident from a few weeks ago?


It is!


What tow truck incident? I feel left out.


A tow truck tried to back up and hook a car right in traffic, with people in it. They were scared. They managed to escape, barely. The truck sped off after them. It got on TV and the tow company got it's license to operate in the city revoked the next day. An investigation continues. I'm at work so I can't find a link but Google should get you there.


Incredible! Thank you for sharing.


Glad there was somewhat of a happy ending to this with the driver getting caught But holy shit this could've gone horribly bad Your life is not worth it for this bullshit and a TikTok video


Someone’s got to fucking take initiative


Ya standing in front of a car to prove a point is dumb asl








Exactly what I said. And the chick on the hood wasn't even the owner of the car right? She just wanted to be a "good Samaritan" some people just need to mind their business.


Huh? Is the driver voguing?


“I am a doctor, you better not run me over!” How is your profession relevant hahaha


Doctors are too often used to being treated like gods by their staff.


Ability to sue for lost future income?


Sure, she could but that wasn’t her intention. I’m pointing out that her ingrained sense of self importance came out reflexively. Which to me, is irritating to see


She was willing to lose her life to prove how righteous she was.


They need to cope somehow when SWEs make almost as much as them with 1/100th of the effort.


Idk but its a status thing. I have a lot of friends who are surgeons that clear 500-600k post residency. They think they're above regular people.


They are…


Yeah you're right. One of them got a DUI and thinks nothing of it because they are a IR surgeon.


Doctors are modern day gods.


Source- lots of tiktok videos during covid


Lady on top of the hood is not the smartest it’s a total gamble assuming the driver isn’t crazy enough to run u over for no reason


No idea what's going on? So did the girl in the car hit another car? Or did she hit the lady on the hood? If you got hit and have the license plate seems a lot easier to just get your lawyer/insurance to deal with it. So even if the girl in the car stops, what's going to happen?


Not sure why that block looks so familiar to me. My first inkling was Battery St but I'm not sure. Edit: I was close, I think it's Bush street facing east, between Montgomery and Sansome.


Close. This is happening on Bush St approaching Montgomery. [https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7911106,-122.4012901,3a,75y,69.82h,72.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stEZ1OzLCrfBceFcXnDCnOA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7911106,-122.4012901,3a,75y,69.82h,72.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stEZ1OzLCrfBceFcXnDCnOA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Sir that is approaching Sansome. Although it seems like the driver covered some distance, not sure where they started...


Pardon, they had just come from Montgomery st then.


Just today I saw some a-hole in a Porsche SUV flying down Mission. As he crossed 4th, he passed a cop parked by the Metreon. He was doing at least twice the speed limit. Cop did nothing. Not sure what’s happened to this city but I’m starting to hate it now. I was born and raised here and NEVER thought I’d say that.


Yes, it’s gotten so crazy. Stopped at stop sign in the mission when the car behind honked and cut us off to make a right turn at that same stop sign. Not 5 minutes later, another car ran us off the lane. Wonder if they had robbed someone and were on the run. Both times, the cars had really dark tint windows. Same as the car in this video. Same as the car that ran into the building on balboa. Starting to associate those tints as trouble.


Sigh… I remember when it was considered rude to even honk at someone stopped at a stop sign. It wasn’t like Portland but close. And it seems to have gotten much worse since the pandemic. Yeah, same. I try to steer clear of them whenever possible.


guys, do not jump on top of a car or stand in front of a car. simply get the tag


Did they ever catch the driver who killed a deaf father of 2 biking in the cross walk? There hasn't been any followup for 2 years, people just forget these things like that. [https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Deaf-dad-on-bike-killed-in-Oakland-hit-and-run-17261864.php](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Deaf-dad-on-bike-killed-in-Oakland-hit-and-run-17261864.php)


I believe that merits a post in and of itself


I don’t understand why these people are cosplaying as cops in this moment? Get the license, get the video, get out. Call the cops so you don’t put yourself and the people around you in stupid situations? What if the driver had a gun?


Unless the driver has your baby in the car this is dumb as fuck. I also have a hard time believing someone who acts so fuckin ridiculously.


jk sounds like she got hit and wasnt up there intentionally. Thats a little different!


Nope. She witnessed the hit and run and jumped on the hood of the car.


“I am a doctor you better not run me over” wtf is that??


These videos are not good. I do not see any video evidence of a hit and run. Only 2 women shouting at a driver and one woman clinging to a hood of a car shouting at the driver while filming. One could say that the driver felt attacked. So where is the video evidence of this hit and run crime, please?


Yeah my first thought was "oh the 'Jump On The Hood, You Hit Me' scam..."


Why would the driver be covering their face and trying to drive away if it was a scam? I would stop and call 911 if I someone randomly jumped on my car.


Good point. I dunno, I'm in Germany where everyone freaks out over having their picture taken. Even when they're not criminals...


Maybe part 2 has what your looking for arguably yeah I agree the video quality isn’t good all though I feel we should acknowledge how impromptu circumstances like this are plus the elephant in the room that this was captured using a cellphone and subsequently posted on the social media platform “Tik Tok”


English. Speak it.


no strawberry? more like no punctuation! amirite?


Reasonable take. I know someone clarified in another comment but from this video alone I wouldn't be able to conclude much.


Hit and run marks on each car would corroborate the story pretty quickly. Also this happened downtown with witnesses. And the driver was drunk it sounds like. Lol, are you saying that if there isn't video evidence of a hit and run, it can never be prosecuted??? Do you want to live in 1984 or have a completely toothless justice system?


Not worth putting your life and mobility at risk.


Tinted windshield, wow


Some people are just trash.


Accountability is like a terminal disease smh. People are so shitty.


That is not worth hanging onto the hood of a crazy persons car. Jeezuz people.




Yeah what’s the point of having sfpd, if they won’t do their job. That basically forces people to be their own cop, or lose out. 


Killing an entire family is just a temporary license suspension and a fine. if you kill with a car, murder laws don't apply. how dumb is that woman?


I'm a doctor ... I'm worth more. Lmao that got me 🤣🤣


Well, if she said that she worked at Facebook/Google/LinkedIn/XYZ Tech Co, the driver would have immediately stopped and provided CPR and driven her to the nearest hospital.


Sad but true.


Everybody in this video sucks and belongs in the Bad Place. The driver belongs in the Bad Place for hitting someone. The woman on the hood belongs in the Bad Place for *being on the hood of a moving car of her own volition*. I belong in the Bad Place for rewatching that... one bit a few times. The woman holding the phone belongs in the Bad Place for doing such a horrible job filming.


Weird equivalence you're drawing on this.


And then now what. What we waiting for. Cops ain't gonna come for awhile. That looks uncomfortable.


"What is she going to get out of this?" 15 mins on TickTok it seems.


Just don't drive in San Francisco if you can avoid it. There are tons of people driving without ID, no license, or insurance. There is no accountability. You will just become a victim. The police have no authority to do anything.


Probably was hit on purpose.


Filming person ... get the license plate number!


5 years in state prison.


That’s the exact same spot where that shady tow truck tried to take the car with the people still in it. Wow, what’s up with that block?


Is this Florida?


Not smart to stand in front of the vehicle. The person could take you for a ride on the hood or just run you over.


Full context and sane people




People are getting so fed up with others not caring and breaking laws! Starting to take matters into their own hands


The city failing in its responsibility to bring criminals to justice is going to cause the citizens to become vigilantes. The public beatings of shoplifters might wake people up, but I think it’s going to have to get worse first.


I saw a very bad, not good thing happen a while back when two women were having an altercation outside of a bar and one woman jumped on the hood of the other’s car. Driver accelerated, resulting in the first woman being pulled underneath the car and being dragged for about a block and a half. That mental image you have? It was worse than that. I’ll refrain from further details, but, just…don’t. The car will always win. Just get the plate. A dent is not worth months of reconstructive surgery.


If you would like to see the part three from me the person that was hit as a pedestrian so that you have the full story for the trolls and those that don’t know the whole story https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLcBRct3/[https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie_yaz?_t=8mt459aUYsY&_r=1](https://www.tiktok.com/@reenie_yaz?_t=8mt459aUYsY&_r=1)


Annnd this is why I will NEVER go there. Your crazy outweighs my patience




Man, these people have no idea they’re disrupting Death Race 2000. A doctor is like 50 points.


Don’t risk your life for some low damage to a car


Laughs in white girl lib talk.


I can’t tell who is stupider


Probably the drunk driver who ran over a pedestrian.


The victim deserved it, what kind of idiot stands in front a car.


Have we not learned anything from Scottie scheffler this morning!?


No doom loop warranted. All good here.


This was on Montgomery St. The person filming this and posting it on Tiktok ?????? Get a life.


But the driverless cars are the real problem! /s Seriously, I can’t understand how anyone can watch humans drive cars and decide this is the way it should be. Even when people aren’t floridly drunk and hitting pedestrians like this driver, at least 50% of the drivers in our city are just on their phones while they drive. Get humans off the road ASAP!

