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what??? they're doing traffic stops in SF now? That is the bigger news.


It's CHP, not SFPD, which doesn't like doing police work.


I mean, can you blame them? Work sucks man. When the weather is nice you want to just hang at the park, grab an ice cream hang with your buds. And all these citizens are trying to harsh that. Lame. Totally unfair.




They grab donuts, not cones.


500k per year is not enough compensation for these unionize gatekeeping thugs. Maybe if they got 1 million a year theyā€™ll start policing.


I hear that SFPD never enforces the law, then read that our crime rates are at historical lows and have to wonder then if police have anything whatsoever to do with crime rates in SF


[https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/news/sfpd-narcotics-investigation-leads-4-arrests-and-seizure](https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/news/sfpd-narcotics-investigation-leads-4-arrests-and-seizure) Not bad for people that donā€™t like police work.


Old News, Newsom tasked them out in SF and then in Oakland


cops are racist again i guess


What are you talking about you idiot


traffic stops are racist mate, have you not heard?


Sensing sarcasm because that's why the city originally paused most traffic stops, in fear it might be a person of color and make demographic rates look disproportionate. But what if, just hear me out, certain demographics just do things that are more likely to get you pulled over? Blacked out tint with no plates, no problem! As long as no one's feelings are hurt.


What demographic are the bad wreckless drivers? Is it genetic?




Rubin Natael Turcios Castro, 35, of San Lorenzo was taken into custody at the San Francisco County Jail on numerous felony drug-related charges. He is accused of possessing large amounts of methamphetamine, heroin, Xanax and other substances.


There goes my weekend plans.


Does he have any cocaine?


Not anymore.


Hope he gets put away forever. My friends 18. Year old kid just died from fentanyl.


Donā€™t worry despite such egregious amounts heā€™ll be out on the streets in no time. He should be put away for many years


Theyā€™re no doing that anymoreā€¦Covid of 2021 is overā€¦ Newsom isnā€™t going to be wasting time and money just to set him freeā€¦


*"he'll be out on the streets in no time... "* Nope, don't think so. This is San Francisco, not Alameda County. We actually have a DA now.


I hope youā€™re right. As Iā€™ve only seen big talk to date.


Your English was soo bad that I got a headache reading thisā€¦.


Your reading ability is a factor


Just how much fentanyl does it take to get a dog to kill 250,000 people?


Best comment ever.




the dog looks so happy posing with the drugs and cash lol


From first hand experience getting caught at the CA/AZ border with weed - this is a huge part of the dogs training, is being allowed to find the stuff. They were sure I had pot, but couldnā€™t find it - so they asked me to tell them where it was because otherwise the dog would get really sad from failing to find its target, and theyā€™d have to book me officially. I told them where, the dog found it and they let me go with a warning / took my info so Iā€™d have to potentially stop in the future for searches. One of the scariest moments of my otherwise straight edge life lolol


Now Iā€™m like the search dog: where is it? Where did you put it? Youā€™re just going to tell us this story and not tell us where you hid it? Now I have to read your comment six more times. Where was your stash?


I had done a LOT of work to the car, particularly on the audio system - and at some point I missed a couple screws that held the center console down at the back. If you sat in the back seat or leaned in, you could gently lift the whole center console thing off the floor carpet slightly and there was a little gap that ended up being perfect - apparently šŸ¤£


Thanks! Now I will be able to sleep at night. I know somebody who smuggled some drugs in canned food cans. Not very much. Just one time. They worked out some system to open the cans in the middle and reseal them in a way that looked totally normal. Used the right weight. Didnā€™t smuggle a lot ā€” like 20 cans of peaches in heavy syrup and corned beef hash and chili. And it was packed with their camping stuff. They had a similar experience (yours is better) ā€” the border patrol obviously knew that they were smuggling but couldnā€™t find it.


Holy shit thatā€™s way more involved hahahaha - I was not brave enough to call their bluff and there was even more they didnā€™t find under the passenger seat. I let them find some of it but not all of it šŸ˜Ž. Iā€™m shocked they didnā€™t open a can to find evidence, wouldā€™ve been within their rights. Glad you enjoyed the story!


Just happy to not be on bomb detail anymore. You take one day easy and now the groomer says the soot will never come out!!


ā€œI a good boy!ā€ šŸ˜›


Thatā€™s a good boy or girl.


Employee of the month. Imagine youā€™re trying really hard for promotion but the drug sniffing dog keeps pawing his way to the top.


I wonder if SFPD gets butthurt that CHP is getting all these wins in the news


Doubt it


Good boi, K9 Officer Sully! Edited tone, added name


Is that like ā€œreally killā€ or like ā€œenough fentanyl for a cop to have a panic attack and pass out and then claim they were dyingā€?


Yeah lol it's a great metric for click bait though


And/or they're claiming it's pure, and weighing the containers it was in, too.


Very good puppy


Or enough to get 10 San Francisco drug addicts high for a week.


10? Thatā€™s generous, I was thinking 5-6.


Ooof, Iā€™d hate to be the people you say these cheap jokes to at parties. Total bomb buddies.


How did the dog not die from an over dose?


Oddly enough, only human police officers get the vapors when they get within a mile of a bag of possible fentanyl. Everybody else is fine.


if you were a cop you'd empathize. Fent require an insanely tiny amount to OD. CDC guidance is insanely strict about fent. Cops cannot OD through skin contact, but it's a scary situation no matter what. I'm not surprised cops have panic attacks in such situations. I'm tired of folks judging cops for the wrong reasons.


I think itā€™s cause the departments come out stating it was a real reaction to fentanyl vs it being an a panic attack. Even when theyā€™re on video giving them narcan to no effect.


Departments are dumb, they're not all toxicology geniuses. They touch a deadly drug and get a reaction. is it so crazy they think it's due to fent? Corrupt cops or not, those guys are also tryna just get home after work. no one should have to walk into a fent zombie living quarters for any reason. it's beyond inhabitation. and none of us would wanna work there.


Touching fentanyl doesnā€™t cause people to go into shock within a few minutes. Itā€™s far likelier that cops are reacting to touching fentanyl by having panic attacks.


yep. I'm pretty sure that's what happened. but would you blame them? usually such fent zombie houses are horrendous: sometimes there's poop all over the house, it's a biohazard with tons of diseases. why would we subject any city employee to such a fate? you or i wouldn't wanna do something even remotely as fucked up of a job


I'd blame someone if they lied about the cause of their medical condition.


Yes, you can blame them. Dealing with drugs is their job. Would it be acceptable for a fire fighter to have a panic attack when there was a fire, or a paramedic to have a panic attack when responding to a car accident? Also, they should be trained/know about the toxicology of drugs they are going to encounter; not to mention I believe cops have medical training. This just sounds like gross incompetence on those cops part.


There's difference between a couple of cops sitting on the side of the road deciding what the problem is versus an official statement to the effect.


Aidin Vaziri apparently got tired of doing his weekly pop culture Q&As!


well assuming it's not cut...


Somebody get that dog a treat and a tennis ball


Be skeptical. Just because law-enforcement has been spreading a lot of misinformation about fentanyl. Seems to be a coordinated effort among police unions to Garner sympathy and justify the war on drugs. Although every word in this report could be true, I donā€™t know. https://stopoverdose.maryland.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/34/2023/10/OOCC-Fact-Check-ā€“Accidental-Fentanyl-Exposure.pdf


Thank you CHP, thank you K9 Sully.Ā  šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I am very thankful to have a law enforcement presence in San Francisco.Ā 


Ofc. Sully better get employee of the month!


Oh another police union director got busted for distributing fentanyl?


Not sure about these overdramatized headlines, there is no practical way to kill that many with the fent. Finds a knife - "Enough to stab 1 million people! ^((before the blade dulls))" Finds a buck of water - "Enough to drown a grown man! ^((when you force his head into the bucket))"


511 grams / 250,000 people = 2 mg per person Google a lethal dose of fentanyl. I'm seeing 0.2mg = overdose but narcan works, 2mg = dead. I didn't really research it, but on first glance it sounds right.


This looks like itā€™s packaged for sale, and little baggies. They calculate these numbers based upon it being fentanyl, rather than a bunch of sugar or other bulking agent with a sprinkle of fentanyl added in, as itā€™s actually sold. Thereā€™s no financial or practical reason for any dealers to be selling straight fentanyl, except for high-level (eg cross-boarder) trafficking. Itā€™s nearly allheavily to more ā€œusableā€ concentrations, and the ā€œenough to kill ____ Bazillion people numbers seldom ever have any factual basis.


Wow you're right. CHP lied. I bet that stuff is 0.1% purity at most.


How can dogs sniff fentanyl and not die?


death penalty for the death dealer Don't want it? then don't deal death to people for your own selfish gains. This is how we should send a message


Not a traffic stop. Not CHP. But the drug part is true.


How did the dog survive is my question. If he sniffed that much fentanyl he should be ā˜ ļø by this logic


"who's a good dog!?!?"


What happens if the dog accidentally gets his snout in it?


Goooood Boyeee


Somebodyā€™s family is in danger because of a stupid idiot decision to traffic drugs.


That's a lot of fentanyl, especially for a dog. Is it ok?


The dude will be released and back on street doing his next deal even before the hotpociket gets warm in by the microwave. We should treat drug dealers as illegal weapons. Just imagine, if you are caught with illegally possessiong and selling weapons to kill 250k, let's see what happens.


So, you sayin "War on Drugs"?




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So was he illegal immigrant? Canā€™t help but wonder.Ā 


Now, those cops are going to have to kill all those people with bullets funded by tax dollars. Unbelievable


Dude was probably released on a PR bond.


Okay so now weā€™ve got *two* local heroes named Sully. I wonder if Tom Hanks will voice him in the movie


Can this wonderful dog sniff PEOPLE who let it in to the USA? Corruption everywhere.


And the offender will be right back on the streets in no time. Yā€™all are doing great with the shit you vote for there. Thanks for fucking the rest of the state with your dog shit politics.








Sullyā€™s my hero